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    Panduit Corp UCCAD-C130

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey UCCAD-C130 Bulk 749 1
    • 1 $0.93
    • 10 $0.866
    • 100 $0.8055
    • 1000 $0.74924
    • 10000 $0.72791
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    Avnet Americas UCCAD-C130 8 Weeks 1,000
    • 1 $0.49
    • 10 $0.49
    • 100 $0.49
    • 1000 $0.49
    • 10000 $0.49
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    Mouser Electronics UCCAD-C130
    • 1 $0.84
    • 10 $0.78
    • 100 $0.72
    • 1000 $0.614
    • 10000 $0.568
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    Newark UCCAD-C130 Pack 9 1
    • 1 $88.61
    • 10 $79.28
    • 100 $72.17
    • 1000 $72.17
    • 10000 $72.17
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    Master Electronics UCCAD-C130
    • 1 $0.627
    • 10 $0.627
    • 100 $0.627
    • 1000 $0.57
    • 10000 $0.49
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    Sager UCCAD-C130 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.49
    • 10000 $0.4356
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    TestEquity LLC UCCAD-C130
    • 1 $70
    • 10 $70
    • 100 $70
    • 1000 $70
    • 10000 $70
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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADC-13.5600

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 13.56MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD Bulk - Bulk (Alt: AMPMADC-13.5600)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas AMPMADC-13.5600 Bulk 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADC-13.5600
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $1.38
    • 10000 $1.26
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADC-13.5600 113 Weeks 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADC-13.5600T

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 13.56MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: AMPMADC-13.5600T)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas AMPMADC-13.5600T Reel 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADC-13.5600T
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $1.31
    • 10000 $1.26
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADC-13.5600T 113 Weeks 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Abracon Corporation AMPMADC-13.5600T3

    MEMS Crystal Oscillator 13.56MHz ?25ppm 4-Pin SMD T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: AMPMADC-13.5600T3)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas AMPMADC-13.5600T3 Reel 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Mouser Electronics AMPMADC-13.5600T3
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $1.24
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    Avnet Abacus AMPMADC-13.5600T3 113 Weeks 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    MikroElektronika ADC 13 CLICK

    Click board; prototype board; Comp: ADS1262; A/D converter
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME ADC 13 CLICK 1
    • 1 $61
    • 10 $61
    • 100 $61
    • 1000 $61
    • 10000 $61
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    ADC13 Datasheets (16)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ADC1336X Samsung Electronics ADC, 8-Bit 500K ADC Original PDF
    ADC1341X Samsung Electronics ADC, 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC Original PDF
    ADC1341X Samsung Electronics 0.13 um 10 Bit 500 ksps ADC Original PDF
    ADC1341X_PC Samsung Electronics ADC, 8-Channel 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC Original PDF
    ADC1341X-PC Samsung Electronics 0.13 um 8-Channel 10 Bit 500 ksps ADC Original PDF
    ADC1342X Samsung Electronics ADC, 10-Bit 30MSPS ADC Original PDF
    ADC1342X Samsung Electronics 0.13 um 10 Bit 30 Msps ADC Original PDF
    ADC1358X Samsung Electronics 3-Ch 10 Bit 3 Msps ADC Original PDF
    ADC1390x Samsung Electronics ADC, 8-Bit 125MSPS ADC Original PDF
    ADC1393X Samsung Electronics 0.18 um 10 Bit 150 Msps ADC Original PDF
    ADC1394X Samsung Electronics 0.13mm 8-BIT 20MSPS ADC Original PDF
    ADC1394X Samsung Electronics 0.13 um 8 Bit 20 Msps ADC Original PDF
    ADC1395X Samsung Electronics ADC, 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC Original PDF
    ADC1395X Samsung Electronics 0.13 um 10 Bit 500 ksps ADC Original PDF
    ADC1395X_PC Samsung Electronics 0.13mm 8-CHANNEL 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC Original PDF
    ADC1395X-PC Samsung Electronics 0.13 um 8-Channel 10 Bit 500 ksps ADC Original PDF

    ADC13 Datasheets Context Search

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    load cell interface WITH ADC

    Abstract: ADC1395X
    Text: 0.13µ µm 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1395X GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1395x is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to- digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 12-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1395X adc1395x 12-bit 10-bit 500KSPS 54dBsipation load cell interface WITH ADC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC1394X 0.13µ µm 8-BIT 20MSPS ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1394x is a CMOS 8-bit low_power and high-speed A/D converter ADC for WLAN(Wireless LAN) and other applications. This ADC has three-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier,

    ADC1394X 20MSPS adc1394x 20MSPS PDF


    Abstract: RN1B 10k ncp1117st50t3g RN3D TS42031
    Text: PL7 PL6 PL5 PL4 PL3 PL2 PL1 PL0 8x1F-H8.5 +5V XIO pwm pwm pwm ADCH 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ADC15 ADC14 ADC13 ADC12 ADC11 ADC10 ADC9 ADC8 +5V+3V3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VIN GND TXD3 RXD3 POWER 8x1F-H8.5 pwm pwm pwm pwm PH6 PH5 PH4 PH3 TXD2 RXD2 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 PL7

    ADC15 ADC14 ADC13 ADC12 ADC11 ADC10 PCINT15) PCINT14) PCINT13) PCINT12) icsp1 RN1B 10k ncp1117st50t3g RN3D TS42031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THE DEFINITIVE 7-12V Depending on current drawn ARDUINO USB JACK TYPE B GND VIN SCK2 MISO2 RESET2 2.1mm GND MEGA 5V MOSI2 ATMEGA8U2/ATMEGA16U2 ICSP PINOUT DIAGRAM Cut to disable the auto-reset Not Connected R3 Only IOREF ADC8 ADC9 ADC10 ADC11 ADC12 ADC13 ADC14


    samsung dvd power supply circuit diagram

    Abstract: ADC1342X digital clock circuit diagram
    Text: 10BIT 30MSPS ADC 10BIT 30MSPS ADC ADC1342X ADC1342X GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC1342X is a CMOS 10-bit low-voltage and high-speed A/D converter ADC for video and other applications. It has a four-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier, multiplying

    10BIT 30MSPS 30MSPS ADC1342X ADC1342X 10-bit samsung dvd power supply circuit diagram digital clock circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC1342X 0.13µ µm 10-BIT 30MSPS ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1342x is a CMOS 10-bit low-voltage and high-speed A/D converter ADC for video and other applications. It has a four-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier, multiplying D/A

    ADC1342X 10-BIT 30MSPS adc1342x 10-bit 30MSPS PDF


    Abstract: AVDD12
    Text: 8-Channel 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC1341X_PC is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1341X 10-bit 500KSPS AVDD12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.13µm 8-BIT 20MSPS ADC ADC1394X GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1394x is a CMOS 8-bit low_power and high-speed A/D converter ADC for WLAN(Wireless LAN) and other applications. This ADC has three-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier, multiplying

    20MSPS ADC1394X adc1394x 20MSPS 20MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.13µm 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1395X GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1395x is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock. The device is a recycling type monolithic ADC with an on-chip sample-and-hold function. The ADC has power down

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1395X adc1395x AVDD33A1 PDF

    ap ag

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.13µm 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1341X GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1341x is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock. The device is a recycling type monolithic ADC with an on-chip sample-and-hold function. The ADC has power down

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1341X adc1341x AVDD33A1 ap ag PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC1341X_PC 0.13µ µm 8-CHANNEL 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1341x_pc is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    ADC1341X 10-BIT 500KSPS 10-bit 500KSPS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC1341X 0.13µ µm 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1341x_pc is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    ADC1341X 10-BIT 500KSPS adc1341x 10-bit 500KSPS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1341X GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC1341X_PC is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1341X ADC1341X 10-bit 500KSPS PDF


    Abstract: AVDD33
    Text: 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1395X GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC1395X is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock. The device is a recycling type monolithic ADC with

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1395X ADC1395X 10-bit 500KSPS AVDD33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.13µm 10-BIT 30MSPS ADC ADC1342X GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1342x is a CMOS 10-bit low-voltage and high-speed A/D converter ADC for video and other applications. It has a four-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier, multiplying D/A

    10-BIT 30MSPS ADC1342X adc1342x 10-bit 100mW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.13µM 10-BIT 30MSPS ADC ADC1342X GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1342x is a CMOS 10-bit low-voltage and high-speed A/D converter ADC for video and other applications. It has a four-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier, multiplying D/A converters (DACs),

    10-BIT 30MSPS ADC1342X adc1342x 100mW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC1393X 0.18µ µ m 10-BIT 150MSPS ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1393x is a CMOS 10-bit low-voltage and high-speed A/D converter ADC for video and other applications. It has a four-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier, multiplying D/A converters (DACs),

    ADC1393X 10-BIT 150MSPS adc1393x 10Bit 150MSPS 144mW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s a mephy s i c a l pi ns noonboa r dpul l ups PD0( OC0B/ S CL / I NT 0)( 18) PD1( S DA/ I NT 1)( 19) ARE F( 42) GND( 15) PC7( I CP3/ CL K0/ OC4A)( 32) PD6( T 1/ # OC4D/ ADC9)( 26) PB7( PCI NT 7/ OCA0/ OC1C/ # RT S )( 12) PB6( PCI NT 6/ OC1B/ OC4B/ ADC13)(



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8bit 500K adc adc1336x FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1336x is a CMOS 8bit A/D converter which combines an auto offset calibration comparator, high resolution R-string DAC, clock generator, 8bit successive approximation register SAR , output register, and AINC

    adc1336x adc1336x 500KSPS, 25MHz. PDF


    Abstract: ADC1395X
    Text: 0.13µm 8-CHANNEL 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1395X_PC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1395x_pc is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1395X 10-bit 500KSPS AVDD33A2 AVDD12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3-Ch 10-BIT 3MSPS ADC ADC1358X ADC1358X 3-Ch 10-BIT 3MSPS ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC1358X is a CMOS 3-Channel 10-bit analog- • • • • • • to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10bit binary digital codes at a

    10-BIT ADC1358X ADC1358X 10bit 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.13µ µm 8-CHANNEL 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1395X_PC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1395x_pc is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1395X 10-bit 500KSPS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0.13µm 8-CHANNEL 10-BIT 500KSPS ADC ADC1341X_PC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The adc1341x_pc is a CMOS 3.3V 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC . It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at a maximum conversion rate of 500KSPS with 2.5MHz clock.

    10-BIT 500KSPS ADC1341X AVBB33A1 PDF

    "read channel" hdd lsi

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12BIT 40MSPS Nyquist ADC GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADC1387X FEATURES The ADC1387X is a CMOS 12-bit low-voltage and high-speed A/D converter ADC for Wireless Communication applications. It has a five-step pipelined architecture, which consists of sample & hold amplifier,

    12BIT 40MSPS ADC1387X 12-bit ADC1387X "read channel" hdd lsi PDF