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    AF320 AF190 MARKING Search Results

    AF320 AF190 MARKING Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: AF320 AH202 AN213 AT224 AF320 af190 marking AB204
    Text: CASE STYLES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS inch mm case no. AB185 AB186 AB204 AF190 AF320 AG191 AH202 AN213 AR214 AT224 AT577 AV243 AW254 AW256 AW257 AX255 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T wt. grams. NOTES* 4.76 3.00 .53 120.90 76.20 13.46 .150 4.610 1.500 3.81 117.09 38.10

    AB185 AB186 AB204 AF190 AF320 AG191 AH202 AN213 AR214 AT224 AF190 AF320 AH202 AN213 AT224 AF320 af190 marking AB204 PDF


    Abstract: T0-15 T011A BK377 KKK155 RRR137 TT100 WW107 YY101 YY161
    Text: tape and reel packaging for surface mount devices Design-For-Assembly DFA and Design-For-Manufacture (DFM) stand tall alongside CAD/CAM in the quest to optimize profitability, production efficiency and equipment operating usage. Automation of surface-mount assembly by the use of pick-andplace equipment to handle tiny components has been enhanced by

    13-inch T-001 T-002 T-003 T-004 T-005 T-006 T-007 T-008 T-009 XX112 T0-15 T011A BK377 KKK155 RRR137 TT100 WW107 YY101 YY161 PDF

    Mini-circuits marking code

    Abstract: AH1415 OF MINICIRCUITS AVA-24 Mini-circuits marking code MBA-12 Mini-circuits date code MC1631
    Text: Tape & Reel Packaging For Surface Mount Devices A utomation of surface-mount assembly by the use of pick-and-place equipment to handle tiny components has been enhanced by evolutionary improvements in tape-and-reel systems which can accommodate as many as 4000 parts on a 13-inch

    13-inch D4-D041 M151620 D4D041 Mini-circuits marking code AH1415 OF MINICIRCUITS AVA-24 Mini-circuits marking code MBA-12 Mini-circuits date code MC1631 PDF

    ITE 8572

    Abstract: 73X BLACK MARKING bu 3150 af SMAD16 SMA marking code LG sno 357 fl29 ll87 ad t004 uu215
    Text: tape and reel packaging for surface mount devices Design-For-Assembly DFA a nd Design-ForM anufacture (DFM) stand tall alongside CAD /C AM in the quest to optimize profitĀ­ ability, production e fficie n cy a nd equipm ent operating usage. A utom ation of surface-m ount assembly

    OCR Scan
    13-inch ITE 8572 73X BLACK MARKING bu 3150 af SMAD16 SMA marking code LG sno 357 fl29 ll87 ad t004 uu215 PDF