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    AK 280 REGULATOR Search Results

    AK 280 REGULATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCR5RG28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, WCSP4F Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3EM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3LM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3UF50A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 5 V, 300 mA, SOT-25 (SMV) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR5BM28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, DFN5B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    AK 280 REGULATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ◆Input Voltage Range : 2.5V ~20V ◆Output Voltage Range : 1.2V ~ 16V ◆Oscillation Frequency Range : 100kHz ~ 600kHz ◆Output Current : Up To 3.0A ◆Ceramic Capacitor Compatible ◆MSOP-8A Package •APPLICATIONS ■GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■FEATURES The XC9201 series are step-up multiple current and voltage feedback

    100kHz 600kHz XC9201 100mV XC9201D09AKR XC9201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ◆Input Voltage Range : 2.5V ~ 20V ◆Output Voltage Range : 2.5V ~ 16V Fixed Voltage Type : 30V + (Adjustable Type) ◆Oscillation Frequency Range : 100kHz ~ 600kHz ◆Output Current : Up to 1.5A ◆Ceramic Capacitor Compatible ◆MSOP-8A Package •APPLICATIONS

    100kHz 600kHz XC9101 100mV 220pF XC9101 XC9101D09AKR PDF


    Abstract: XC9201 XP132A11A1SR 40uF 40V capacitor
    Text: Series PWM Controlled Step-Down DC/DC Converters ◆Input Voltage Range : 2.5V ~20V •Applications ◆Output Voltage Range : 1.2V ~ 16V ●Mobile, Cordless phones ◆Oscillation Frequency Range : 100kHz ~ 600kHz : up to 3.0A ◆Output Current ◆Ceramic Capacitor Compatible

    100kHz 600kHz XC9201 U3FWJ44N 470pF XP162A11C0PR U3FWJ44N XP132A11A1SR 40uF 40V capacitor PDF


    Abstract: U3FWJ44N XC9101 U5FWJ44N ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 220uF 25V pin assignment
    Text: Series PWM Controlled Step-Up DC/DC Controllers ◆Input Voltage Range : 2.5V ~ 20V ◆Output Voltage Range : 2.5V ~ 16V Fixed Voltage Type : 30V + (Adjustable Type) ◆Oscillation Frequency Range : 100kHz ~ 600kHz ◆Output Current : up to 1.5A ◆Ceramic Capacitor Compatible

    100kHz 600kHz XC9101 U3FWJ44N 470pF XP161A1355PR XP161A1355PR U5FWJ44N ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 220uF 25V pin assignment PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CAT6220 300 mA Adjustable Voltage LDO Regulator Description The CAT6220 is a 300 mA CMOS low dropout regulator whose output voltage is user adjustable that provides fast response time during load current and line voltage changes. With 1 mA of shutdown current, an internal no−load operating

    CAT6220 CAT6220 CAT6220/D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CAT6220 300 mA Adjustable Voltage LDO Regulator Description The CAT6220 is a 300 mA CMOS low dropout regulator whose output voltage is user adjustable that provides fast response time during load current and line voltage changes. With 1 mA of shutdown current, an internal no−load operating

    CAT6220 CAT6220/D PDF


    Abstract: MELCHER psa bm 3000 melcher Melcher LK 2320-7R Melcher LK 1601-7R Melcher BM 1001-7R NSR 122.5-7 Melcher 1301-7R bs 1872
    Text: 3 Product Overview 3.1 Switching Regulators 3.2 3.3 Rugged Environment 3-2 Industrial Environment 3-4 Benign Environment 3-6 DC-DC Converters Rugged Environment 3-9 Industrial Environment 3 - 16 Benign Environment 3 - 20 AC-DC Converters Rugged Environment


    video mixer

    Abstract: MIXER EMA ATR10 RV1 1M AT15 CLC110 GB4551 GT4122 GT4124 5k potentiometer 270 deg
    Text: Using the GT4122 & GT4124 Video Mixer ICs APPLICATION NOTE by Ian Ridpath, Senior Applications Engineer, Video & Broadcast Group INTRODUCTION and DEVICE TOPOLOGY The GT4122 and GT4124 are broadcast quality monolithic integrated circuits specifically designed to linearly mix two

    GT4122 GT4124 GT4122 GT4124 video mixer MIXER EMA ATR10 RV1 1M AT15 CLC110 GB4551 5k potentiometer 270 deg PDF

    Car FM tuner

    Abstract: sony car stereo philips semiconductor data handbook
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    d88-6130 Car FM tuner sony car stereo philips semiconductor data handbook PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RP104x SERIES 150mA ULTRA LOW SUPPLY CURRENT LDO REGULATOR NO.EA-150-131016 OUTLINE The RP104x Series are CMOS-based voltage regulator ICs with high output voltage accuracy, extremely low supply current and low ON-resistance. Each of these ICs consists of a voltage reference unit, an error amplifier,

    RP104x 150mA EA-150-131016 OT-23-5 SC-82AB Room403, Room109, 10F-1, PDF

    AM FM TUNER module car

    Abstract: HF 8311 sony car stereo philips semiconductor data handbook 11 ak 30 a4 bc 339 chip dmd ims 287
    Text: User’s Manual µPD178024 Subseries 8-bit Single-chip Microcontroller µPD178022 µPD178023 µPD178024 µPD178F124 Document No. U13915EJ2V0UM00 2nd edition Date Published June 1999 N CP(K) Printed in Japan 1999 [MEMO] 2 User’s Manual U13915EJ2V0UM00

    PD178024 PD178022 PD178023 PD178024 PD178F124 U13915EJ2V0UM00 us88-6130 AM FM TUNER module car HF 8311 sony car stereo philips semiconductor data handbook 11 ak 30 a4 bc 339 chip dmd ims 287 PDF


    Abstract: FET MARKING CODE NIS5101 NIS5101B1T1 NIS5101B2T1 NIS5101E1T1 NUD3048 AK 1031
    Text: NIS5101 Advance Information Smart Hot Plug The Smart Hot Plug is a controller/FET IC that saves design time and reduces the number of components required for a complete hot swap application. It is designed to allow safe insertion and removal of electronic equipment to -48 volt backplanes. This chip features

    NIS5101 NIS5101/D NIS5101E2T1 FET MARKING CODE NIS5101 NIS5101B1T1 NIS5101B2T1 NIS5101E1T1 NUD3048 AK 1031 PDF


    Abstract: IRLR3303 IRLU3303
    Text: 2002-03-06 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 71-186-98 IRLR3303 HEXFET D-Pak PD - 91316F IRLR/U3303 HEXFET Power MOSFET l l l l l l l Logic-Level Gate Drive

    IRLR3303 91316F IRLR/U3303 IRLR3303) IRLU3303) AN-994 IRLU3303 PDF

    RC s 72

    Abstract: AN-994 IRL3303 IRLR3303 IRLU3303 IRLRU3303 250a12
    Text: PD- 9.1316D IRLR/U3303 PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET l l l l l l l Logic-Level Gate Drive Ultra Low On-Resistance Surface Mount IRLR3303 Straight Lead (IRLU3303) Advanced Process Technology Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated D VDSS = 30V RDS(on) = 0.031Ω

    1316D IRLR/U3303 IRLR3303) IRLU3303) RC s 72 AN-994 IRL3303 IRLR3303 IRLU3303 IRLRU3303 250a12 PDF


    Abstract: F-51852AK F-51852GNBJ-LW-AKN F51852GNBJ-LW-AKN
    Text: First Edition LCD Module Technical Specification Oct 12, 2006 Final R evision * TypeNo. F-51852G N BJ-LW-AKN OPTREX CORPORATION Apprroved : Minoru Akatsuka Q UALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Checked : Toshiyuki Okamoto MOBILE,CONSUM ER&INDUSTRY DESIGN DIV, Prepared :

    OCR Scan
    F-51852G F-51852GNBJ-LW-AKN NJU6676 F-51852AK F-51852GNBJ-LW-AKN F51852GNBJ-LW-AKN PDF


    Abstract: in5346b in5347b 5346B 5350B
    Text: 1N5354B THRU 1N5388B 5.0 WATT PLASTIC AXIAL LEAD SILICON ZENER DIODES D0-2Q1AD !N 0 M IN A L '1 ! TYPE I ZENER TEST VO LTAG E CUR R ENT FOR A & B SUFFIXONLY Vz at Izt Z zt at Izt Z z k at Izk Izk ;V mA 1Q 4 ~ ? f l 1N5345B IN 5346B VJ : 10 1N5348B 1N5349B

    OCR Scan
    1N5354B 1N5388B 1N5345B 5346B 5347B 1N5348B 1N5349B 5350B 1N5351B 1N5352B IN5350B in5346b in5347b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Optical disc ICs 4-channel BTL driver for CD players BA6790FP/BA6791FP T h e B A 6790FP and BA6791 FP are 4-channel BTL drivers for C D player actuators and motors. These ICs have inter­ nal 5 V regulators and general purpose operational amplifiers, and a re m ounted to a 28-p in H S O P package, allow­

    OCR Scan
    BA6790FP/BA6791FP 6790FP BA6791 28-pin PDF


    Abstract: 2SK384L 2SK384S Hitachi Scans-001 2SK38
    Text: 44Tb2D5 0013DM3 311 B H i m blE D 2SK384L,2SK384S HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS SILICON N -C H A N N E L M O S FET r n 11 Type <D Type H IG H SPEED POW ER S W IT C H IN G . H IG H FR E Q U E N C Y POWER A M PLIFIER Q • FEATURES • S m a ll Package. • High Sp ee d S w itch in g .

    OCR Scan
    44Tb2D5 0013DM3 2SK384L 2SK384S 2SK384 2SK384S Hitachi Scans-001 2SK38 PDF


    Abstract: PC79L12 PC79L12J ltpu
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUII ¿iPC79L00 SERIEi THREE TERMINAL NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS DESCRIPTION T h e //P C 79L 0 0 series are m o n o lith ic th re e te rm in a l n eg ative v o ltag e reg u lato rs fixe d o u tp u t v o lta g e s o f - 5 V, - 8

    OCR Scan
    uPC79L00 assoc205 iPC79L00J IC-1944 PC79L12 PC79L12J ltpu PDF


    Abstract: 2501a IRFD120R IRFD121R IRFD122R IRFD123R IRF012
    Text: Rugged Pow er M O S F E T s_ File Number 2036 IRFD120R, IRFD121R, IRFD122R, IRFD123R Avalanche Energy Rated N-Channel Power MOSFETs 1.3A and 1.1A, 60V-100V ros on = 0.300 and 0.400 N -C H A N N E L E N H A N C E M E N T M O D E Features:

    OCR Scan
    IRFD120R, IRFD121R, IRFD122R, IRFD123R 0V-100V IRFD122R IRFD123R irfd123 2501a IRFD120R IRFD121R IRF012 PDF


    Abstract: PC78N15 upc78n05
    Text: BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUI ,uPC78N00 SERIES THREE TERMINAL POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION ^P C 7 8 N 0 0 series are m o n o lith ic th re e te rm in a l p o s itiv e re g u lato rs w h ic h e m p lo y in te rn a lly cu rre n t lim itin g , th e rm a l sh u t d o w n , o u tp u t tra n s is to r safe o p e ra tin g area p ro tectio n m ake th e m ess en tially in d estru ctib le.

    OCR Scan
    uPC78N00 juPC78N00 c78n08 PC78N15 upc78n05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M5204P ANALOG OUTPUT AMPLIFIER WITH MUTE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION The M 5204P is an IC developed for analog voice signal processing for CD player applications. It has a built-in headphone amplifier and mute circuit. Its applications cover miniature unit audio systems and tape decks, as well as CD players.

    OCR Scan
    M5204P 5204P 20P4B 100mA) b24Tfl2b PDF

    DIODE T25 4 Jo

    Abstract: DIODE T25 4 do 2SK384L-2SK384S 2SK384 DIODE T25 4
    Text: blE D 44Tb2D5 0013DM3 311 IHim 2SK384L,2SK384S HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS S ILIC O N N -C H A N N E L M O S FET r n 11 ÏM H IG H S P E E D P O W E R S W IT C H IN G . H IG H F R E Q U E N C Y P O W E R A M P L IF IE R H Type <DType • FEATUR ES • Sm all Package.

    OCR Scan
    44TbED5 0013DM3 2SK384L-2SK384S DIODE T25 4 Jo DIODE T25 4 do 2SK384 DIODE T25 4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M5204P ANALOG OUTPUT AMPLIFIER WITH MUTE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION The M5204P is an 1C developed fo r analog voice signal processing for CD player applications. It has a built-in headphone amplifier and mute circuit. Its applications cover miniature unit audio systems and tape decks, as well as CD players.

    OCR Scan
    M5204P 20P4B 100mA) m5204p PDF