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    ALTERA MARKING ADVISORY Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ADC1213D080WO-DB Renesas Electronics Corporation ADC1213D080WO demoboard; compliant with Lattice, Altera, Xilinx FPGA boards through specific connectors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ADC1413D065WO-DB Renesas Electronics Corporation ADC1413D065W0 demoboard; compliant with Lattice, Altera, Xilinx FPGA boards through specific connectors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ADC1443D200WO-DB Renesas Electronics Corporation ADC1443D200W0 demo board; compliant with Altera, Xilinx FPGA boards through specific connectors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ADC1443D125WO-DB Renesas Electronics Corporation ADC1443D125W0 demo board; compliant with Altera, Xilinx FPGA boards through specific connectors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ADC1453D250WO-DB Renesas Electronics Corporation ADC1453D250WO demo board; compliant with Altera, Xilinx FPGA boards through specific connectors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    ALTERA MARKING ADVISORY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ADV0217 altera Date Code Formats ALTERA BGA packages PART MARKING altera date code format altera marking
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0217 FULL LASER MARKING INTRODUCTION Change Description: Beginning January 2003, Altera will introduce a full topside laser mark on all Altera plastic body packages. Currently, the Altera device logo, part number, and date code are ink marked, while the Altera lot number and traceability code

    ADV0217 ALTERA PART MARKING ADV0217 altera Date Code Formats ALTERA BGA packages PART MARKING altera date code format altera marking PDF


    Abstract: ALTERA PART MARKING altera top marking altera date code format BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK altera marking "lot Code" altera ALTERA BGA packages PART MARKING altera lot code format topmark
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK ENHANCEMENT Altera will begin marking a one-line internal traceability code on all BGA packages beginning January 2001. The Altera lot number, country of origin, and new internal marking code will be laser marked, or ink marked, on the top of all BGA packages for

    ADV0012 ADV0012 ALTERA PART MARKING altera top marking altera date code format BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK altera marking "lot Code" altera ALTERA BGA packages PART MARKING altera lot code format topmark PDF


    Abstract: altera Date Code Formats lot Code Formats altera ALTERA PART MARKING Date Code Formats Date Code Formats Altera altera top marking altera "date code format" Identification Traceability ALTERA die identifier
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY TOP MARK TRACEABILITY ENHANCEMENTS As Altera adds additional sources of supply and in order for customers to maintain product traceability via device top mark, Altera will enhance its top marking scheme. In order to facilitate die identification, Altera will expand its current six character top mark date code and

    ADV9707 ADV9707 altera Date Code Formats lot Code Formats altera ALTERA PART MARKING Date Code Formats Date Code Formats Altera altera top marking altera "date code format" Identification Traceability ALTERA die identifier PDF


    Abstract: ALTERA PART MARKING JESD46C JESD46-C altera date code format ALTERA BGA packages PART MARKING marking RY altera marking altera Date Code Formats FULL LASER MARKING
    Text: Revision: 1.1.0 CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0217 UPDATE FULL LASER MARKING INTRODUCTION Change Description This is an update to ADV0217. See the revision history table for information specific to this update. In January 2003, Altera introduced a full topside laser mark on all Altera plastic body packages.

    ADV0217 ADV0217. ADV0217 JESD46-C, 20X20 ALTERA PART MARKING JESD46C JESD46-C altera date code format ALTERA BGA packages PART MARKING marking RY altera marking altera Date Code Formats FULL LASER MARKING PDF


    Abstract: JESD97 JESD-97 marking tm altera marking advisory E2- marking marking code e3 marking code E4 JEDEC Code e3 MARKING CODE E2
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0501 Implementing Pb-Free Marking Codes and Indication on Labels Change Description: Altera will implement the RoHS compliant Pb-free eN category code device marking and revise the moisture-barrier bag and shipping-box label to contain eN category codes and

    ADV0501 JESD-97. JESD-97, EBE9B00741 301LA4B0G ADV0501 JESD97 JESD-97 marking tm altera marking advisory E2- marking marking code e3 marking code E4 JEDEC Code e3 MARKING CODE E2 PDF


    Abstract: ALTERA PART MARKING altera top marking "lot Code" altera altera lot code format altera date code format altera "date code format" trace code altera marking Altera pdip top mark
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0201 NON-BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK ENHANCEMENT Change Description: Altera will begin marking the assembly lot number and a one-line internal traceability code on all non-BGA packages beginning March 2002. Reason For Change: The assembly lot number and new internal traceability marking code will be laser or ink

    ADV0201 ADV0201 ALTERA PART MARKING altera top marking "lot Code" altera altera lot code format altera date code format altera "date code format" trace code altera marking Altera pdip top mark PDF


    Abstract: EPM3128ATI100-10 EPM3032A EPM3128ATC100-7 altera marking advisory altera marking EPM3064A EPM3128A EPM3256A EPM3128A ALTERA
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0306 INTRODUCTION OF DUAL MARKING ON MAX 3000A DEVICES Change Description: Effective July 28, 2003, Altera will transition from a single mark to a dual mark on its MAX 3000A products. Figure 1 is an example of the new mark that will be used on packages with pin

    ADV0306 EPM3032AL C44-7/I44-10 AFD320137A EPM3128ATC100-7 EPM3128ATI100-10 EPM3032A, EPM3064A, EPM3128A, ADV0306 EPM3128ATI100-10 EPM3032A EPM3128ATC100-7 altera marking advisory altera marking EPM3064A EPM3128A EPM3256A EPM3128A ALTERA PDF


    Abstract: EP2AGX45DF29C6N rh 115-2 EP2AGX95EF35I5N EP2AGX45DF29I5N EP2AGX65DF29I5N EP2AGX125EF29I3N EP2AGX65 EP2AGX45DF25C6N EP2AGX260FF35C4N
    Text: Revision: 1.0.0 CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV1005 ADDITIONAL ASSEMBLY SITE FOR THE ARRIA A II GX FBGA PACKAGE Change Description Altera will be introducing Amkor, Korea ATK as an additional assembly source for the Arria® II GX FBGA packagess. The Arria II GX family is currently manufactured out of Amkor,

    ADV1005 ADV1005 EP2AGX45DF29C6N rh 115-2 EP2AGX95EF35I5N EP2AGX45DF29I5N EP2AGX65DF29I5N EP2AGX125EF29I3N EP2AGX65 EP2AGX45DF25C6N EP2AGX260FF35C4N PDF


    Abstract: ALTERA PART MARKING EP3SE110F1152C4N altera top marking DEVICE MARKING CODE table EP3SL110F1152C4N EP3SE260F1152C4N altera date code format XZ-082 EP3SE110F
    Text: Revision: 1.0.0 CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0812 ADDITIONAL PACKAGE OPTION FOR SELECTED STRATIX III FPGA DEVICES Description Altera will be introducing the Fine-Line BGA F1152 non-OPD on package decoupling 8-layer substrate design as an additional package option. The Stratix® III FBGA F1152 package is

    ADV0812 F1152 10-layer XZ0825T JESD46-C, ADV0812 ALTERA PART MARKING EP3SE110F1152C4N altera top marking DEVICE MARKING CODE table EP3SL110F1152C4N EP3SE260F1152C4N altera date code format XZ-082 EP3SE110F PDF


    Abstract: ALTERA PART MARKING EP3C16M164C7N EPM240ZM68I8N EPM570ZM100I8N EP3C16M164I7N altera epm570 Date Code Formats EP3C16M164C8N epm1270 fpga EP3C10M164I7N
    Text: Revision: 1.0.0 CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0907 ADDITIONAL ASSEMBLY PLANT FOR MBGA PACKAGES Change Description Altera will be introducing Amkor, Philippines as an additional assembly source for Altera Micro FineLine BGA MBGA packages. This change does not affect the form, fit, or function of the

    ADV0907 ADV0907 ALTERA PART MARKING EP3C16M164C7N EPM240ZM68I8N EPM570ZM100I8N EP3C16M164I7N altera epm570 Date Code Formats EP3C16M164C8N epm1270 fpga EP3C10M164I7N PDF


    Abstract: XZ-070 altera Date Code Formats Date Code Formats altera date code format ALTERA PART MARKING EP2C35 EP2C50 date code marking altera top marking
    Text: Revision 0: Initial Release CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0607 UFBGA 484 Package Coplanarity Enhancement Change Description Altera will enhance the coplanarity of its Ultra FineLine BGA UFBGA 484 packages as part of the company’s continuous product-quality improvement process. This enhancement

    ADV0607 ratin2C35 EP2C50 XZ0701T JESD46-B, 21-Nov-06 ADV0607 XZ-070 altera Date Code Formats Date Code Formats altera date code format ALTERA PART MARKING EP2C35 EP2C50 date code marking altera top marking PDF


    Abstract: altera top marking EP1K100 altera marking Code epf10k30a altera EPM7032B PCL 27 EP1C12 EP1K10 EP20K30E EP20K60E
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0601 Rev01 ADDITION OF ASSEMBLY PLANT FOR FBGA PACKAGES Change Description: Amkor, Philippines, will be added as an additional assembly source for Altera FineLine BGA® FBGA and Ultra FineLine BGA (UBGA) packages using BT-based substrates. This will not affect the current moisture rating for these packages. The current

    ADV0601 Rev01 EP20K60E EP1C12 EP1K10 EP1K100 EPF10K100E EPF10K10A EPF10K30A EP1K30 altera top marking EP1K100 altera marking Code epf10k30a altera EPM7032B PCL 27 EP1C12 EP1K10 EP20K30E EP20K60E PDF


    Abstract: EPCS64
    Text: CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0502 Serial Configuration Device Plating Standardization Change Description: Altera will be transitioning the plating finish of its EPCS64 serial configuration devices in the 16-pin SOIC outline package from the current Matte Sn plating to

    ADV0502 EPCS64 16-pin ADV0502 PDF


    Abstract: marking A3 Taiwan semiconductor ALTERA PART MARKING EP3SE50 EP3SL110 MARKed A7 marking a7 altera marking JESD46-C 1/USB/EP3SE110
    Text: Revision: 1.0.0 CUSTOMER ADVISORY ADV0804 TSMC WAFER FABRICATION SITES FOR THE STRATIX III FPGA FAMILY Description Altera will begin shipping Stratix III FPGAs out of two Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company TSMC wafer fabrication sites: FAB 12, located in Hsinchu, Taiwan, and FAB 14,

    ADV0804 65-nm JESD46-C, ADV0804 marking A3 Taiwan semiconductor ALTERA PART MARKING EP3SE50 EP3SL110 MARKed A7 marking a7 altera marking JESD46-C 1/USB/EP3SE110 PDF


    Abstract: EP3C40F780 vhdl code for ddr3 2007A EP3C40Q240 EP3C16F484 alt_iobuf EP3C16U256 altera marking Code Formats Cyclone 2 altddio_out
    Text: Quartus II Software Release Notes February 2008 Quartus II software version 7.2 Service Pack 2 This document provides late-breaking information about the following areas of this version of the Altera Quartus® II software. For information about memory, disk space, and system requirements, refer to the readme.txt file in your

    RN-01033-1 EP3C40F484 EP3C40F780 vhdl code for ddr3 2007A EP3C40Q240 EP3C16F484 alt_iobuf EP3C16U256 altera marking Code Formats Cyclone 2 altddio_out PDF


    Abstract: EP3SE50F780 EP3C40Q240 EP3SL70F780 10621 error, cyclone 2 EP3C40F484 EP3SE80F1152 EPC3C16 dffeas EP3C5M164
    Text: Quartus II Software Release Notes March 2008 Quartus II software version 7.2 Service Pack 3 This document provides late-breaking information about the following areas of this version of the Altera Quartus® II software. For information about memory, disk space, and system requirements, refer to the readme.txt file in your

    RN-01035-1 EP3SL110F1152 EP3SE50F780 EP3C40Q240 EP3SL70F780 10621 error, cyclone 2 EP3C40F484 EP3SE80F1152 EPC3C16 dffeas EP3C5M164 PDF


    Abstract: CRC-32 LFSR vhdl code for crc16 using lfsr link management protocol CRC-16 CRC-32 PD10 0xC704DD7B vhdl code 8 bit LFSR S/BIP/SCB345100/B/30/ProtoMat D104
    Text: SerialLite II Protocol Reference Manual 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 408 544-7000 Document Version: Document Date: 1.0 October 2005 Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and


    sdc 7500

    Abstract: st 9548 GT 1081 TI-XIO1100 PX1011A switch mode power supply handbook 8600 gt avalon vhdl byteenable design of dma controller using vhdl marking 2188
    Text: PCI Express Compiler User Guide 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Compiler Version: Document Date: 10.0 July 2010 Copyright 2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other


    LED Dot Matrix vhdl code

    Abstract: m4k9 TLP 527 cdma code source .vhd
    Text: IP Compiler for PCI Express User Guide IP Compiler for PCI Express User Guide 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 UG-PCI10605-3.0 Document last updated for Altera Complete Design Suite version: Document publication date: 11.0 May 2011 2011 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX are Reg. U.S. Pat.

    UG-PCI10605-3 LED Dot Matrix vhdl code m4k9 TLP 527 cdma code source .vhd PDF

    spi slave ethercat

    Abstract: ET1100 ET1100 Sample Schematic ET1200 ET1810 Sample Schematic UC 3245 ET1810 DE102005009224 canopen object dictionary intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram
    Text: Hardware Data Sheet ET1810 / ET1812 Slave Controller IP Core for Altera FPGAs IP Core Release 2.2.1 Section I – EtherCAT Slave Controller Technology Section II – EtherCAT Slave Controller Register Description Section III – EtherCAT IP Core Description: Installation, Configuration,

    ET1810 ET1812 III-102 spi slave ethercat ET1100 ET1100 Sample Schematic ET1200 ET1810 Sample Schematic UC 3245 DE102005009224 canopen object dictionary intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram PDF

    ET1100 Sample Schematic

    Abstract: ET1100 ET1200 ET1200 Sample Schematic ESC20 ET1100-000X MARKING l7 ET1100 schematic et1100 design guide ESC10
    Text: Hardware Data Sheet ESC20 Slave Controller Section I – EtherCAT Slave Controller Technology Section II – EtherCAT Slave Controller Register Description Section III – ESC20 Hardware Description: Pinout, Interface description, electrical and mechanical specification, ESC20 register

    ESC20 ESC20 III-46 ET1100 Sample Schematic ET1100 ET1200 ET1200 Sample Schematic ET1100-000X MARKING l7 ET1100 schematic et1100 design guide ESC10 PDF


    Abstract: ET1100 Sample Schematic 0x0907 Beckhoff Ek1100 ET1200 ET1100 Schematic ET1100-000X EK1100 format .rbf beckhoff twincat
    Text: Hardware Data Sheet ESC20 Slave Controller Section I – EtherCAT Slave Controller Technology Section II – EtherCAT Slave Controller Register Description Section III – ESC20 Hardware Description: Pinout, Interface description, electrical and mechanical specification, ESC20 register

    ESC20 ESC20 III-46 Et1100 ET1100 Sample Schematic 0x0907 Beckhoff Ek1100 ET1200 ET1100 Schematic ET1100-000X EK1100 format .rbf beckhoff twincat PDF

    ET1100 Sample Schematic

    Abstract: ET1200 ET1100 ET1200 Sample Schematic ET1100-0002 ET1100-0000 ET1200-0000 0x88A4 spi slave ethercat ethercat et1100
    Text: Hardware Data Sheet ET1200 Slave Controller Section I – EtherCAT Slave Controller Technology Section II – EtherCAT Slave Controller Register Description Section III – ET1200 Hardware Description: Pinout, Interface description, electrical and mechanical specification,

    ET1200 ET1200 III-59 ET1100 Sample Schematic ET1100 ET1200 Sample Schematic ET1100-0002 ET1100-0000 ET1200-0000 0x88A4 spi slave ethercat ethercat et1100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS August 17, 2001 TIME: 9:00 A.M. Arizona Time PLACE: Microchip Auditorium Offices of Microchip Technology Incorporated 2355 West Chandler Boulevard Chandler, Arizona ITEMS OF BUSINESS:
