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    ALU 74F382 Search Results

    ALU 74F382 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    7383L20J Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-BIT ALU Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7383L20J8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-BIT ALU Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7381L20J8/5571 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16 BIT CASCADABLE ALU Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7381L40J Renesas Electronics Corporation 16 BIT CASCADABLE ALU Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7381L20J Renesas Electronics Corporation 16 BIT CASCADABLE ALU Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    ALU 74F382 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74F382 N74F382D N74F382N alu 74F382
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 74F382 Arithmetic Logic Unit Product specification IC15 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1990 Jul 12 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Arithmetic logic unit 74F382 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION • Performs six arithmetic and logic functions

    74F382 74F382 74F381 N74F382D N74F382N alu 74F382 PDF


    Abstract: 74F381 74F382 N74F381D N74F381N alu 74F382
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Arithmetic Logic Unit 74F381 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION • Low-input loading minimizes drive requirements • Performs six arithmetic and logic functions • Selectable Low clear and High (preset) functions • Carry Generate and Propagate outputs for use with Carry

    74F381 74F381 74F182 500ns SF00006 74F182 74F382 N74F381D N74F381N alu 74F382 PDF

    74LS08 fan-in

    Abstract: 74LS398 74LS273 74LS14 Hex Inverter definition MC74F579 74LS181 74ls795 74LS299 Decade Up/Down counter 3 State ttl buffer 74LS245
    Text: Selection Information FAST/LS TTL 1 Circuit Characteristics 2 Design Considerations, Testing and Applications Assistance Form 3 FAST Data Sheets 4 LS Data Sheets 5 Reliability Data 6 Package Information Including Surface Mount 7 FAST AND LS TTL DATA CLASSIFICATION

    81LS96) 81LS97) 81LS98) 74LS08 fan-in 74LS398 74LS273 74LS14 Hex Inverter definition MC74F579 74LS181 74ls795 74LS299 Decade Up/Down counter 3 State ttl buffer 74LS245 PDF


    Abstract: 74F381PC 74F381SC 74F381SJ 74F382 M20D MS-013 74F182
    Text: Revised August 1999 74F381 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The 74F381 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional select input codes force the function outputs LOW or HIGH. Carry

    74F381 74F381 74F182 74F382 74F381PC 74F381SC 74F381SJ M20D MS-013 PDF


    Abstract: 74F381 74F381PC 74F381SC 74F381SJ 74F382 M20D MS-013
    Text: Revised October 2000 74F381 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The 74F381 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional select input codes force the function outputs LOW or HIGH. Carry

    74F381 74F381 74F182 74F382 74F381PC 74F381SC 74F381SJ M20D MS-013 PDF

    alu 74F382

    Abstract: F381 F382 MC74F382 MC74FXXXDW
    Text: For:char Printed on:Mon, Feb 6, 1995 09:49:57 From book:DL121CH4 5 VIEW Document:MC74F382 (5) VIEW Last saved on:Fri, Feb 3, 1995 16:07:09 MC54/74F382 4-BIT ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT The MC54/74F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function

    DL121CH4 MC74F382 MC54/74F382 MC54/74F382 alu 74F382 F381 F382 MC74F382 MC74FXXXDW PDF


    Abstract: 74F382 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ M20D MS-001 MS-013 S2LB
    Text: Revised August 1999 74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The 74F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An Overflow output is provided for convenience in twos complement arithmetic. A Carry output is provided for ripple

    74F382 74F382 74F381 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ M20D MS-001 MS-013 S2LB PDF


    Abstract: 74F381 74F382 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ M20D MS-001 MS-013
    Text: Revised October 2000 74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The 74F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An Overflow output is provided for convenience in twos complement arithmetic. A Carry output is provided for ripple

    74F382 74F382 74F381 74*382 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ M20D MS-001 MS-013 PDF


    Abstract: 74F382 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ M20D MS-001 MS-013
    Text: Revised January 2004 74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The 74F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An Overflow output is provided for convenience in twos complement arithmetic. A Carry output is provided for ripple

    74F382 74F382 74F381 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ M20D MS-001 MS-013 PDF


    Abstract: 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ F381 F382 M20D
    Text: 74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The ’F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An Overflow output is provided for convenience in twos complement arithmetic. A Carry output is provided for ripple expansion. For

    74F382 74F382 74F382PC 74F382SC 74F382SJ F381 F382 M20D PDF

    "alu 4 bit"

    Abstract: 74F382 F381 F382 N74F382D N74F382N ALU 4-bit ALU 74
    Text: FAST 74F382 Arithmetic Logic Unit ALU 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit Product Specification FAST Products FEATURES • Performs six arithmetic logic functions • Selectable Low (clear) and High (preset) functions • Low input loading minimizes drive requirements

    OCR Scan
    WP06450S 500ns "alu 4 bit" 74F382 F381 F382 N74F382D N74F382N ALU 4-bit ALU 74 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <N 00 CO National Semiconductor 74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The ’F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic opera­ tions on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An

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    74F382 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 382 EH National m A , Semiconductor 54F/74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The ’F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic opera­ tions on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F382 IS220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATIONAL SEHICON» -CLOGIO 10E D | b 5 D H S 2 00b7B3T 1 | w 09 to National Semiconductor 54F/74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The ’F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic opera­ tions on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select

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    00b7B3T 54F/74F382 1W09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 382 54F/74F382 Connection Diagrams 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit A, Bi Description A0 The ’F382 performs three arithm etic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An Overflow output is provided for

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F382 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A I R C H I L D “ ay. 19 ,8 . 1 R e v is e d A u g u s t 1 9 9 9 EMICONDUCTGRTM 74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features T h e 7 4 F 3 8 2 p e rfo rm s th re e a rith m e tic a n d th re e lo g ic o p e r­ • P e rfo rm s s ix a rith m e tic a n d lo g ic fu n c tio n s

    OCR Scan
    74F382 PDF

    ns 4249

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 382 54F/74F382 Connection Diagrams 4-Bit A rithm etic Logic Unit a, Description The 'F382 perform s three a rith m e tic and three lo gic op era tions on tw o 4-bit w ords, A and B. Two a d ditiona l Select in pu t codes force the F unctio n o u tp u ts LOW o r HIGH. An O verflow o u tp u t is provided fo r

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F382 ns 4249 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A . MC54/74F382 4-BIT ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT The MC54/74F382 performs three arithm etic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An Overflow output is provided for convenience in twos

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    MC54/74F382 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ä M O T O R O L A MC54F/74F382 A dva nce Information 4-BIT ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT 4-BTT A R IT H M ET IC LO G IC U N IT FAST “ SCHOTTKY TTL DESCRIPTION — The MC54/74F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic operations on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional

    OCR Scan
    MC54F/74F382 MC54/74F382 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National Semiconductor 74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features The ’F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic opera­ tions on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An

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    74F382 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips S0mlconductorc-Slgn«tfc$ Document No. 853-0419 ECN No. 99900 Dale of issue July 12,1990 Status Product Specification FAST 74F382 Arithmetic Logic Unit FAST Products TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY 74F382 TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 7.0 ns 54mA ORDERING INFORMATION

    OCR Scan
    74F382 74F382 20-Pin N74F382N N74F382D 500ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2^3 National jufl Semiconductor 54F/74F382 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit General Description Features T h e 'F382 perform s th re e a rithm etic and th re e logic ope ra ­ tio n s o n tw o 4-bit w ords, A and B. T w o additional S elect input codes fo rce th e Function outputs LO W o r HIGH. An

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F382 outpu21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics FAST 74F382 Arithmetic Logic Unit Product Specification FAST Products TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY 74F382 FEATURES • Performs six arithmetic logic functions • Selectable Low clear and High (preset) functions • Low-Input loading minimizes drive

    OCR Scan
    74F382 74F382 20-Pin N74F382N N74F382D 500ns CN4A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semi co n d u August 1995 t o r 74F382 4-Bit A rith m etic Logic Unit General Description Features The ’F382 performs three arithmetic and three logic opera­ tions on two 4-bit words, A and B. Two additional Select input codes force the Function outputs LOW or HIGH. An

    OCR Scan
    74F382 PDF