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    AM2960 APPLICATIONS NOTE Search Results

    AM2960 APPLICATIONS NOTE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    P8800-001NDGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDG Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDGI Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RNA52A10MMEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Application Specified Reset IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    AM2960 APPLICATIONS NOTE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Error Correction

    Abstract: Bus Buffers AM2960
    Text: Am2961 Am2962 4-Bit Error Correction Multiple Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • Quad high-speed LSI bus-transceiver • Provides complete data path interface between the Am2960 Error Detection and Correction Unit, the system data bus and

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    Am2961 Am2962 Am2960 Am2961 Am2962 24-pin MIL-STD-883 16-bit Error Correction Bus Buffers PDF


    Abstract: AM2960
    Text: Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A Advanced Micro Devices Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double and some triple-bit errors. Very High Speed Perfect or MOS microprocessor, minicomputer, and

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    Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A 16-Bit Am2960 F021210 Am2960/Am2960-1/Am2960A KS000010 WF001521 MAX2852 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A Advanced Micro Devices Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double and some triple-bit errors. Very High Speed Perfect for MOS microprocessor, minicomputer, and

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    Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A 16-Bit Am2960 Am2960 KS000010 Am2960/Am2960-1/Am2960A WF001521 IC000883 PDF


    Abstract: "hamming code"
    Text: Am2960 Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit ADVANCED DATA DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Modified Hamming Code Detects multiple errors and corrects single bit errors in a parallel data word. Ideal for use in dynam ic memory

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    Am2960 16-Bit Am2960s 32-bit 64-bit Z8000 "hamming code" PDF


    Abstract: AM2960-1 AM2960A SC06 Packages Am29366 pg2s T-55 SOCO carrier wiring diagram
    Text: Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A Advanced Micro Devices Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS B oosts M em ory Reliability C orrects all single-bit errors. D etects all double and som e trip le -b it errors. Very High Speed

    OCR Scan
    Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A 16-Bit Am2960 ksoooo10 WF001521 Am2960/Am2960-1/Am2960A AM2960-1 AM2960A SC06 Packages Am29366 pg2s T-55 SOCO carrier wiring diagram PDF

    dmo 365 rn

    Abstract: Am2960 applications note AM2960 AM2960-1 AM2960A pg2s edc 16 cp
    Text: Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A Advanced Micro Devices Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS B oosts M em ory Reliability C orrects all single-bit errors. D etects all double and som e trip le -b it errors. Very High Speed

    OCR Scan
    Am2960/Am2960-1 /Am2960A 16-Bit Am2960 ksoooo10 WF001521 Am2960/Am2960-1/Am2960A dmo 365 rn Am2960 applications note AM2960-1 AM2960A pg2s edc 16 cp PDF

    dmo 365 rn

    Abstract: AM2960DC T-55 SOCO
    Text: Am2960/Am2960A 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit ADVANCED INFORMATION DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double and some triple-bit errors. Reliability of dynamic RAM systems is increased more than 60-fold.

    OCR Scan
    Am2960/Am2960A 16-Bit 60-fold. Am2960 DATAo-15 DATAq-15 WF001520 dmo 365 rn AM2960DC T-55 SOCO PDF


    Abstract: Am2961/2962
    Text: 396 Z U IV /1 96 Z U IV Am2961/Am2962 4-Bit Error Correction Multiple Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Provides complete data path interface between the Am2960 Error Detection and Correction Unit, the sys­ tem data bus and dynamic RAM memory Three-state 24mA output to data bus

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    Am2961/Am2962 Am2960 Am2961 Am2962 24-pin 03534B m2961 Am2961/2962 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2961/Am2962 Am2961 / Am2962 4-Bit Error Correction Multiple Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Inverting data bus for Am2961 and noninverting for Am2962 Data bus latches allow operation with multiplexed buses Space saving 24-pin 0.3* package Provides complete data path interface between the

    OCR Scan
    Am2961/Am2962 Am2961 Am2962 Am2960 Am2962 24-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2961/Am2962 A m 2961/A m 2962 4-B it Error Correction M ultiple Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Provides complete data path interface between the Am2960 Error Detection and Correction Unit, the sys­ tem data bus and dynamic RAM memory Three-state 24mA output to data bus

    OCR Scan
    Am2961/Am2962 Am2960 Am2961 Am2962 24-pin Am2962 680S2 PDF

    pinout AM2 AMD processor

    Abstract: spf 9001 IC 4558 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AM2969 4558 diagram application data sheet ic 4558 80386 microprocessor pin out diagram amd am2 pinout ic 4558 pin diagram pin diagram of amd am2 processor
    Text: Am2969 S Memory Timing Controller with EDC Timing Control PRELIMINARY > 3 ro D IS T IN C T IV E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S Refresh control: internal or external On-chip interval timer for automatic refresh Synchronous or asynchronous arbitration of memory cycles

    OCR Scan
    Am2969 16-bit 32-bit TWxf10 TD-WCP-20M-10/87-0 pinout AM2 AMD processor spf 9001 IC 4558 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AM2969 4558 diagram application data sheet ic 4558 80386 microprocessor pin out diagram amd am2 pinout ic 4558 pin diagram pin diagram of amd am2 processor PDF

    Am2960 applications note

    Abstract: RAM circuit diagram
    Text: Am2961/Am2962 A m 2961/A m 2962 4-B it Error Correction M ultiple Bus Buffers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Provides complete data path interface between the Am2960 Error Detection and Correction Unit, the sys­ tem data bus and dynamic RAM memory Three-state 24mA output to data bus

    OCR Scan
    Am2961/Am2962 Am2960 Am2961 Am2962 24-pin Am2962 680S2 Am2960 applications note RAM circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: 9016dpc AM2960DC
    Text: a ? P # >* V>?V Ä ^ -0 ° ' \G ° h P r# O <g> -s O r ,o O A <$• K 0< ^ P - rO N * J§ > . <<& '" * ^ & ^ *ä *w nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn CIil nn nei nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn

    OCR Scan
    Am2960 P-40-1 P-20-1 P-40-1 MPR-502 9016dpc AM2960DC PDF


    Abstract: max2852 Am29C60
    Text: Am29C60/Am29C60-1 /Am29C60 A Advanced Micro Devices CMOS Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double- and some triple-bit errors. Reliability of dynamic RAM

    OCR Scan
    Am29C60/Am29C60-1 /Am29C60 16-Bit Am29C60 ouAm29C60-1/Am29C60A KS000010 WF001521 Am29C60A 29C60 max2852 PDF


    Abstract: CD0018
    Text: Am8127 AmZ8000 Clock Generator DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High-drlve high-level clock output Special output provides clock signal matched to re­ quirements of AmZBOOO* CPU 4MHz and some 6 MHz applications , MMU and DMA devices. Synchronized WAIT state and time-out controls

    OCR Scan
    Am8127 AmZ8000 16MHz, Am8127 03432C CD0018 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am8127 AmZ8000 Clock Generator DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Hlgh-drive high-level clock output Four TTL-level clocks Special output provides clock signal matched to re­ quirements of AmZSOOO* CPU 4MHz and some 6 MHz applications , MMU and DMA devices. Generates synchronized TTL compatible clocks at

    OCR Scan
    Am8127 AmZ8000 16MHz, Am81N 03432C Am8127 F002010 PDF

    LM 8002

    Abstract: z8000 AMZ8000
    Text: Am8127 Am 8127 AmZ8000 D ock Generator DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Four TTL-tevel clocks Hlgh-drive high-level clock output Special output provides clock signal matched to re­ quirements of AmZ8000* CPU 4MHz and some 6MHz applcations . MMU and DMA devices.

    OCR Scan
    Am8127 AmZ8000 16MHz. Am8127 03432C WF002010 LM 8002 z8000 PDF


    Abstract: DF000380 AmZ8001/AmZ8002
    Text: Am8127 Am8127 Am Z8000 C lo c k G e n e ra to r DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High-drlve high-level clock output Special output provides clock signal matched to re­ quirements of AmZ8000* CPU 4MHz and some 6MHz applications , M MU and DMA devices. Synchronized WAIT state and time-out controls

    OCR Scan
    Am8127 Z8000 AmZ8000 16MHz, Am8127 WF002020 AmS127 WF002030 03432C DF000380 AmZ8001/AmZ8002 PDF


    Abstract: am2971
    Text: Am 2971 Programmable Event Generator PEG PRELIM INARY Distinctive Characteristics • • • • Twelve programmable, registered output waveforms Programmable event Intervals down to 10 ns Multiplying phase-locked-loop (PLL) oscillator for im­ proved timing accuracy

    OCR Scan
    Am2971 WF022530 PF001081 IC000881 TS21C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Am29C60A Advanced Micro Devices CMOS Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double- and some triple-bit errors. Reliability of dynamic RAM systems is increased more than sixty-fold.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C60A 16-Bit Am29C60 KS000010 WF001521 PF002830 29C60 PDF


    Abstract: 0b54
    Text: Am29C60A A dvanced Micro D evices CMOS Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double- and some triple-bit errors. Reliability of dynamic RAM

    OCR Scan
    Am29C60A 16-Bit Am29C60 ks000010 WF001521 PF002830 0b54 PDF


    Abstract: AM29C60A
    Text: Am29C60A A dvanced Micro D evices CMOS Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double- and some triple-bit errors. Reliability of dynamic RAM

    OCR Scan
    Am29C60A 16-Bit Am29C60 ks000010 WF001521 PF002830 0b54 PDF


    Abstract: AM9064-15PC am9064 AM9064-10 R/Detector/"Detector IC"/"CD"/Am2964B/Am9064-15
    Text: Am9064 65,536 x 1 Dynamic RAM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High speed RAS access of 100 and 120ns Single +5V ±10% power supply Low power 22mW standby - 330mW active — 220ns cycle time - 385mW active — 190ns cycle time Read, Write, Read-Modify-Write, Page-Mode and RASOnly refresh capability

    OCR Scan
    Am9064 120ns 330mW 220ns 385mW 190ns 220ns Am9064 03759B AM9064-15 AM9064-15PC AM9064-10 R/Detector/"Detector IC"/"CD"/Am2964B/Am9064-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C60A A d v a n ce d M icro D e v ice s CM OS Cascadable 16-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Boosts Memory Reliability Corrects all single-bit errors. Detects all double- and some triple-bit errors. Reliability of dynamic RAM

    OCR Scan
    Am29C60A 16-Bit Am29C60 29C60A F021210 29C60A PF002830 29C60 PDF