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    AMPLIFIER SANYO DC 303 Search Results

    AMPLIFIER SANYO DC 303 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    P206 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, Mag Amp toroids, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    JA4224-AL Coilcraft Inc DC-DC Booster Module, 1 Output, 100W, Hybrid, ROHS COMPLIANT PACKAGE-12 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    AMPLIFIER SANYO DC 303 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 3031B-SIP-5H LA4425A 3031B JASO EN3309C
    Text: Ordering number: EN3309C Monolithic Linear IC LA4425A 5 W Power Amplifier with Very Few External Parts for Car Radio and Car Stereo . 3031B-SIP-5H [LA4425A] 2.0 2.0 3.2 12.0max 0.8 4.3 0.8 1.1 1.5 0.6 15.5 . . unit : mm 4.0 . parts. The smallest package in the industry

    EN3309C LA4425A 3031B-SIP-5H LA4425A] O-126 LA4425 3031B-SIP-5H LA4425A 3031B JASO EN3309C PDF


    Abstract: DIP20H
    Text: Ordering number:EN3294 Monolithic Digital IC LB1690 3-Phase Motor Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LB1690 is a driver IC for 3-phase brushless motors. It is ideally suited for DC fan motors of air-conditioner, hotwater system. unit:mm 3037A-DIP20H [LB1690]

    EN3294 LB1690 LB1690 037A-DIP20H LB1690] DIP20H DIP20H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0388 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NMM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NMM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0388 LA6358NMM LA6358NMM A0388-6/6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0195 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NJM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NJM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0195 LA6358NJM LA6358NJM A0195-6/6 PDF


    Abstract: LA6358NM LA6358NMJM
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0276 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NMJM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NMJM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0276 LA6358NMJM LA6358NMJM A0276-6/6 svr-12 LA6358NM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0195 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NJM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NJM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0195 LA6358NJM LA6358NJM A0195-6/6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0195A Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NJM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NJM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0195A LA6358NJM LA6358NJM A0195-6/6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0276 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NMJM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NMJM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0276 LA6358NMJM LA6358NMJM A0276-6/6 PDF


    Abstract: LA6358NMM
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0388 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NMM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NMM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0388 LA6358NMM LA6358NMM A0388-6/6 LA6358NM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0388 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NMM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NMM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0388 LA6358NMM LA6358NMM A0388-6/6 PDF

    tape head preamplifier

    Abstract: LA4571MB MFP20 tape head pre amplifier 3271TS la4571m
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3534 Monolithic Linear IC LA4571MB Low-voltage Headphone Amplifier for Stereo Audio Overview Package Dimensions The LA4571MB is a low-voltage, stereo headphone amplifier incorporating both tape head preamplifiers and headphone power amplifiers in a single chip, making it ideal for

    ENN3534 LA4571MB LA4571MB tape head preamplifier MFP20 tape head pre amplifier 3271TS la4571m PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0195 Monolithic Linear IC LA6358NJM High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6358NJM is a high-performance dual operational amplifier that can operate from a single voltage power supply. It features a built-in phase correction circuit. It can also operate from a dual power supply with both positive and negative

    ENA0195 LA6358NJM LA6358NJM A0195-6/6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENN8213 Monolithic Linear IC LA4810M Stereo/Monaural BTL Power Amplifier Overview The LA4810M stereo/monaural BTL power amplifier is an IC that has been developed for portable radios and compact radio cassette players/recorders containing a preamplifier, a power amplifier, and an electronic volume

    ENN8213 LA4810M LA4810M 125mW 280mW PDF


    Abstract: LA6358NT LA6358 LA6358N 6358NS LA6358NS LA6358NM 5234 Sanyo DIP-8 LIST
    Text: Ordering number: ENN5234A Monolithic Linear IC LA6358N, 6358NS, 6358NM, 6358NT High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifiers Overview Package Dimensions The LA6358 is an IC integrating two high-performance operational amplifiers in a single package. This operational amplifier contains an internal phase

    ENN5234A LA6358N, 6358NS, 6358NM, 6358NT LA6358 3001C LA6358N] 6358N LA6358NT LA6358N 6358NS LA6358NS LA6358NM 5234 Sanyo DIP-8 LIST PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1492 Bi-CMOS IC LV4991M For Portable Audio Equipment Monaural BTL Power Amplifier Overview LV4991M incorporates the power amplifier circuit operable at low voltage 2.7V or more and has additionally the standby function to reduce the current drain. This is the best IC for speaker drive for the audio of low-power range system and home

    ENA1492 LV4991M LV4991M LV4991TT: 150mil) LV4991TH: 450mW 1000mW A1492-11/11 PDF


    Abstract: transistor A1492 ENA1492 60N70 LV4991TH LV4991TT lv4991m lv4991
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1492 Bi-CMOS IC LV4991M For Portable Audio Equipment Monaural BTL Power Amplifier Overview LV4991M incorporates the power amplifier circuit operable at low voltage 2.7V or more and has additionally the standby function to reduce the current drain. This is the best IC for speaker drive for the audio of low-power range system and home

    ENA1492 LV4991M LV4991M LV4991TT: 150mil) LV4991TH: 450mW 1000mW A1492-11/11 a1492 transistor A1492 ENA1492 60N70 LV4991TH LV4991TT lv4991 PDF


    Abstract: 6324N LA6324 MFP14 LA6324NM
    Text: Ordering number: EN2704B Monolithic Linear IC LA6324N, 6324NM High-Performance Quad Operational Amplifier Package Dimensions unit : mm 3003A-DIP14 [LA6324N] 14 0.25 7.62 6.4 8 1 7 . No phase compensation required . Wide operating voltage range: 1.98 2.54 0.48

    EN2704B LA6324N, 6324NM 003A-DIP14 LA6324N] DIP14 034A-MFP14 LA6324NM] 65max 51min LA6324N 6324N LA6324 MFP14 LA6324NM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1492 Bi-CMOS IC LV4991M For Portable Audio Equipment Monaural BTL Power Amplifier Overview LV4991M incorporates the power amplifier circuit operable at low voltage 2.7V or more and has additionally the standby function to reduce the current drain. This is the best IC for speaker drive for the audio of low-power range system and home

    ENA1492 LV4991M LV4991M LV4991TT: 150mil) LV4991TH: 450mW 1000mW A1492-11/11 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD400 20 led VU meter transistor 2SD400 equivalent 3035B LB1409M transistor 2sd400
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0880 Monolithic Digital IC LB1409M Level Meter Driver for 9 LEDs Applications • AC level meters such as VU meters. • DC level meters such as signal meters. Functions • Display • Input amplifier • Comparator level • Supply voltage

    ENA0880 LB1409M -18dB, -15dB, -12dB, A0880-4/4 2SD325 2SD400 20 led VU meter transistor 2SD400 equivalent 3035B LB1409M transistor 2sd400 PDF

    2sd400 transistor

    Abstract: LB1409M LED VU METER 20 led VU meter LED LEVEL METER DRIVER TRANSISTOR 2SD400 10 LED VU meter 20 led VU meter transistor 3v LED VU meter 50 led VU meter
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0880 Monolithic Digital IC LB1409M Level Meter Driver for 9 LEDs Applications • AC level meters such as VU meters. • DC level meters such as signal meters. Functions • Display • Input amplifier • Comparator level • Supply voltage

    ENA0880 LB1409M -18dB, -15dB, -12dB, A0880-4/4 2sd400 transistor LB1409M LED VU METER 20 led VU meter LED LEVEL METER DRIVER TRANSISTOR 2SD400 10 LED VU meter 20 led VU meter transistor 3v LED VU meter 50 led VU meter PDF


    Abstract: 6324N
    Text: Ordering number: EN2704B Monolithic Linear IC LA6324N, 6324NM High-Performance Quad Operational Amplifier Overview The LA6324 consists of four independent, high-performance, internally phase compensated operational amplifiers that are designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide

    EN2704B LA6324N, 6324NM LA6324 003A-DIP14 LA6324N] LA6324N 6324N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP IS E D I TT'iTDTt. ODOBlbT 3 | M o n o lith ic Linear 1C 3034A High-Performance Quad Operational Amplifier 1126C The LA6324M consists of four independent, high-performance, internally phase compensated operational amplifiers that are designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. These four operational amplifiers

    OCR Scan
    1126C LA6324M LA6324M DDDB171 PDF


    Abstract: 3032B oscillator VF5 LA6358M
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 1SE I _ _ d T| 7 T c] 7 D ? t j DDG3177 . “ LA6358M Monolithic Linear 1C 3032B High-Performance Dual Operational Amplifier Ü 27C The LA6358M consists of two independent, high-performance, internally phase compensated operational amplifiers

    OCR Scan
    DDG3177 LA6358M 3032B LA6358M QQH17C 6358M VF9-VF10 3032B oscillator VF5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP S 3 e ]> 7 * H 7 0 7 fa OOCHMfll TTI « T S A J r- H l - 0 5 - 0 [Ordering number: EN353*| Monolithic Linear IC LA4571MB SA \YO F Low-voltage Headphone Amplifier for Stereo Audio i PINOUT OVERVIEW The LA457JMB is * low-voliage, stereo headphone

    OCR Scan
    EN353* LA4571MB LA457JMB LA4571MB PDF