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    AN0019 Search Results

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    Abstract: AN0019
    Text: AN0019 GPR23L800D Jul. 18, 2007 SYSTEM APPLICATION DIV. GPR23L800D Power on Issue Output Buffers GRP23L800D Cell Matrix Sense Amp Address Decoder DESCRIPTION DATA ADD Sense amp enable CE# OE# Output buffers enable Fig.1 Block Diagram Pin Function ADD A0~A19

    AN0019 GPR23L800D GPR23L800D GRP23L800D AN0019 PDF

    Universal IR Remote ic

    Abstract: Z86L827 AN001905-0707 universal remote Z86L81 Z86L82 Z86L825 Z86L826 Z86L85 Z86L88
    Text: Application Note Design Considerations for the ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote AN001905-0707 Copyright 2007 by ZiLOG, Inc. All rights reserved. Design Considerations for the ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote Warning: DO NOT USE IN LIFE SUPPORT

    AN001905-0707 00010000B Delay10ms: 01111010b tc16h, tc161, Universal IR Remote ic Z86L827 AN001905-0707 universal remote Z86L81 Z86L82 Z86L825 Z86L826 Z86L85 Z86L88 PDF


    Abstract: P2M TRANSISTOR Firmware ir 8500 universal remote Z86L81 Z86L82 Z86L825 Z86L826 zilog keyboard controller Z86L85
    Text: Application Note Design Considerations for the ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote AN001903-0703 ZiLOG Worldwide Headquarters • 532 Race Street • San Jose, CA 95126-3432 Telephone: 408.558.8500 • Fax: 408.558.8300 • Application Note Design Considerations for the ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote

    AN001903-0703 00010000B Delay10ms: 01111010b tc16h, tc161, AN001903-0703 P2M TRANSISTOR Firmware ir 8500 universal remote Z86L81 Z86L82 Z86L825 Z86L826 zilog keyboard controller Z86L85 PDF


    Abstract: AN0019
    Text: AN0019 White Electronic Designs APPLICATION NOTE PBGA THERMAL RESISTANCE CORRELATION INTRODUCTION CALIBRATION, MEASUREMENTS AND MODELING The thermal resistances for the Plastic Ball Grid Array PBGA Multi Chip Packages (MCP) published in WEDC data sheets are results from thermal modeling software

    AN0019 WEDPN8M72V-XBX 128Mb AN0019 PDF

    Firmware ir 8500

    Abstract: P2M TRANSISTOR transistor code p34 IR schematic Universal IR Remote ic remote control receiver ir tv schematic "universal remote control" chip universal remote Z86L88 Z86L43
    Text: Application Note Design Considerations for the ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote AN001902-0101 ZiLOG Worldwide Headquarters • 910 E. Hamilton Avenue • Campbell, CA 95008 Telephone: 408.558.8500 • Fax: 408.558.8300 • Application Note Design Considerations for the ZiLOG Universal Infrared Remote

    AN001902-0101 00010000B Delay10ms: 01111010b tc16h, tc161, Firmware ir 8500 P2M TRANSISTOR transistor code p34 IR schematic Universal IR Remote ic remote control receiver ir tv schematic "universal remote control" chip universal remote Z86L88 Z86L43 PDF


    Abstract: infradyne integrated CHR3693-QDG MO-220 AN0017 AN0019
    Text: CHR3693-QDG RoHS COMPLIANT 21-26.5GHz Integrated Down converter GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD package Description The CHR3693-QDG is a multifunction part, which integrates a balanced cold FET mixer, a time two multiplier, and a RF LNA. It is designed for a wide range of applications,

    CHR3693-QDG CHR3693-QDG R3693 18dBc 24LQFN4x4 DSCHR3693-QDG-9252 R3693 infradyne integrated MO-220 AN0017 AN0019 PDF


    Abstract: AN0017 CHA2069-QDG MO-220
    Text: CHA2069-QDG RoHS COMPLIANT 18-30GHz Low Noise Amplifier GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHA2069-QDG is a three-stage self-biased wide band monolithic low noise amplifier. Typical applications range from telecommunication point to point, point to multipoint, VSAT to ISM and military markets.

    CHA2069-QDG 18-30GHz CHA2069-QDG A2069 18-30GHz 20dBm DSCHA2069QDG9322- A2069 AN0017 MO-220 PDF


    Abstract: T4694 AN0017 MO-220 CHT4694
    Text: CHT4694-QAG RoHS COMPLIANT 25- 40GHz ATTENUATOR GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHT4694-QAG is a variable 25-40GHz attenuator designed for a wide range of applications, from military to commercial communication systems.

    CHT4694-QAG 40GHz CHT4694-QAG 25-40GHz T4694 22dBm 16L-QFN3x3 DSCHT4694-QAG9306 T4694 AN0017 MO-220 CHT4694 PDF


    Abstract: CHE1270 CHE1270-QAG MO-220 DSCHE1270-QAG9222
    Text: CHE1270-QAG RoHS COMPLIANT 12-40GHz Wide Band Detector GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description UMS E1270 YYWW The CHE1270-QAG is a detector that integrates a matched detector diode Vdet and a reference diode (Vref). It is designed for a wide range of applications

    CHE1270-QAG 12-40GHz E1270 CHE1270-QAG CHE1270 12-40sult DSCHE1270-QAG9222 AN0017 CHE1270 MO-220 PDF


    Abstract: AN0017 MO-220 QFN PACKAGE Junction to PCB thermal resistance 9140-1
    Text: CHA4105-QDG RoHS COMPLIANT 2-4GHz Driver GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHA4105-QDG is a monolithic twostage driver amplifier delivering 24dBm output power @ 1dB gain compression in the range 2-4GHz. It is designed for a wide range of

    CHA4105-QDG CHA4105-QDG 24dBm A4105 180mA DSCH4105-QDG0329 AN0017 MO-220 QFN PACKAGE Junction to PCB thermal resistance 9140-1 PDF


    Abstract: 44GHz da rf 910GM
    Text: Advanced Information Die & QFN packaged 44GHz Up-Converter GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC DA AT GM IF RF out IF GA X4 4 GX DX G3 LO in UMS is developing a 40-44GHz monolithic Up-Converter multifunction, integrating a time’s 4 multiplier included in the local oscillator path and, on the transmit path, a

    44GHz 40-44GHz V/250mA. AN0019 AN0020 ES-CHU2299-99F AI09060048 AN0017 da rf 910GM PDF


    Abstract: UMS A6250 ES-CHA6250-QFG A3667A 7663 a3688 A6250 AN0017 MO-220
    Text: Advance Information: AI1019 QFN Packaged 6-9GHz High Power Amplifier NC NC VD1 GND VD2 NC GND VD3 GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 GND 3 22 GND RF IN 4 21 RFOUT GND 5 20 GND NC 6 19 NC NC 7 18 NC NC 8 17 NC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NC NC

    AI1019 A3688A A3667A A7663A AI10191270 ES-CHA6250-QFG A3688A UMS A6250 ES-CHA6250-QFG A3667A 7663 a3688 A6250 AN0017 MO-220 PDF

    buffer 245

    Abstract: R3364
    Text: CHR3364-QEG RoHS COMPLIANT 17-24GHz Integrated Down Converter GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHR3364-QEG is a multifunction monolithic receiver, which integrates a balanced cold FET mixer, a LO chain with buffers associated to a time two multiplier,

    CHR3364-QEG 17-24GHz CHR3364-QEG R3364 17-2sult DSCHR3364-QEG1168 buffer 245 R3364 PDF


    Abstract: QC-32100 2220Y 0603J C0G CTE AN0005 AN0026 AN-0001 1210 capacitor QC32100
    Text: Syfer Technology Limited, Old Stoke Road, Arminghall, Norwich, Norfolk, NR14 8SQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 0 1603 723300 Tel. (Sales): 01603 723310 Fax: +44 (0) 1603 723301 Email: [email protected] Web: Termination “An alternative termination material specifically designed to absorb greater

    AN0001 178mm 330mm AN0001 QC-32100 2220Y 0603J C0G CTE AN0005 AN0026 AN-0001 1210 capacitor QC32100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHK015A-SMA 15W Power Packaged Transistor GaN HEMT on SiC Description The CHK015A-SMA is an unmatched packaged Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor. It offers general purpose and broadband solutions for a variety of RF power applications. It is well suited for multipurpose applications such as radar and

    CHK015A-SMA CHK015A-SMA 100mA, DSCHK015ASMA3021 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHX2089-99F 9-18GHz Frequency Multiplier GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC Description The CHX2089-99F is a cascadable times 2 frequency multiplier monolithic circuit. It is designed for a wide range of applications, from ISM to commercial communication systems. The backside of the

    CHX2089-99F 9-18GHz CHX2089-99F 15dBm 12dBm DSCHX20896354 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHA3665-QAG RoHS COMPLIANT 5-21GHz Driver Amplifier GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHA3665-QAG is a two-stage general purpose monolithic medium power amplifier. It is designed for a wide range of applications, from military to commercial

    CHA3665-QAG 5-21GHz CHA3665-QAG A3665 5-21GHz 120mA 16L-QFN3x3 DSCHA3665-QAG2258 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHK080A-SRA 80W Power Packaged Transistor GaN HEMT on SiC Description The CHK080A-SRA is an unmatched Packaged Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor. It offers general purpose and broadband solutions for a variety of RF power applications. It is well suited for multipurpose applications such as radar and

    CHK080A-SRA CHK080A-SRA 600mA, DSCHK080A-SRA3148 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHR2421-QEG RoHS compliant 23.75-24.5GHz Dual Rx Channel GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHR2421-CHR2421-QEGQEG is a monolithic multifunction dual channel receiver in K-Band which integrates low noise amplifiers and mixers providing an IF

    CHR2421-QEG CHR2421-CHR2421-QEGQEG R2421 DSCHR2421-QEG2031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHV2421-QDG RoHS compliant 24-24.5GHz Tx Multifunction GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description UMS V2421 YYWW The CHV2421-QDG is a monolithic multifunction for dual channel frequency generation. It integrates a X-band “pushpush” oscillator with frequency control thanks

    CHV2421-QDG V2421 CHV2421-QDG CHV2421-QDG2201- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHA3666-FAA 6-16GHz Low Noise Amplifier GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD package Description The CHA3666-FAA is a two-stage self-biased wide band monolithic low noise amplifier. The circuit is manufactured with a standard pHEMT process: 0.25µm gate length, via

    CHA3666-FAA 6-16GHz V/80mA. A3666 6-16GHz DSCHA3666-FAA2356 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHA3667aQDG RoHS COMPLIANT 7-20GHz Medium Power Amplifier GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD package Description The CHA3667aQDG is a wide band monolithic medium power amplifier. It is designed for a wide range of applications, from military to commercial communication

    CHA3667aQDG 7-20GHz CHA3667aQDG A3667A YYWW11 7-20GHz 20dBm 175mA 24L-QFN4X4 DSCHA3667aQDG0158 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHR3764-QEG RoHS COMPLIANT 21-27GHz Down-Converter GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHR3764-QEG is a multifunction monolithic circuit, which integrates a balanced cold FET mixer, a multiplier by two, and a RF LNA including gain control.

    CHR3764-QEG 21-27GHz CHR3764-QEG R3764 DSCHR3764-QEG1263 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHX1162-QDG 20-40GHz Frequency Multiplier GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC Description The CHX1162-QDG is a packaged monolithic time two multiplier which integrates input and output buffer. This circuit is a very versatile multiplier for telecommunication and specifically for

    CHX1162-QDG 20-40GHz CHX1162-QDG 24L-QFN4x4 DSCHX1162-QDG2201 PDF