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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK422G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MG800FXF1JMS3 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch SiC MOSFET Module, 3300 V, 800 A, iXPLV, High-side: SiC SBD、Low-side: SiC MOSFET Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation


    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 100-526 AD704 AD706 EIA-481A OP07 AD704SE analog devices AD METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPH
    Text: a CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 14-Lead Plastic DIP N 14-Lead CerDIP (Q) Packages OUTPUT 1 –IN 2 +IN 3 +VS 4 14 4 1 AD704 OUTPUT OUTPUT 1 13 –IN –IN 2 12 +IN +IN 3 11 –VS +VS 4 (TOP VIEW) +IN 5 –IN 6 OUTPUT 7 2 3 APPLICATIONS Industrial/Process Controls

    MIL-STD-883B EIA-481A AD706 AD704 14-Lead 16-Lead C00818 AD704KN 100-526 AD704 AD706 OP07 AD704SE analog devices AD METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPH PDF


    Abstract: AD704 AD705 AD706 EIA-481A OP07 1009K AD704SE
    Text: a Quad Picoampere Input Current Bipolar Op Amp AD704 FEATURES High DC Precision 75 ␮V Max Offset Voltage 1 ␮V/؇C Max Offset Voltage Drift 150 pA Max Input Bias Current 0.2 pA/؇C Typical I B Drift Low Noise 0.5 ␮V p-p Typical Noise, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz

    AD704 MIL-STD-883B EIA-481A AD705, AD706 14-Lead 16-Lead 100-526 AD704 AD705 AD706 OP07 1009K AD704SE PDF

    ekg op amp

    Abstract: 100-526 8c 617 transistor AD704 AD705 AD706 EIA-481A OP07 AD704SE AD704KN
    Text: a Quad Picoampere Input Current Bipolar Op Amp AD704 FEATURES High DC Precision 75 ␮V max Offset Voltage 1 ␮V/؇C max Offset Voltage Drift 150 pA max Input Bias Current 0.2 pA/؇C typical IB Drift Low Noise 0.5 ␮V p-p typical Noise, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Low Power

    AD704 MIL-STD-883B EIA-481A AD705, AD706 14-Pin 16-Pin ekg op amp 100-526 8c 617 transistor AD704 AD705 AD706 OP07 AD704SE AD704KN PDF


    Abstract: AD704KN
    Text: BACK a Quad Picoampere Input Current Bipolar Op Amp AD704 FEATURES High DC Precision 75 ␮V max Offset Voltage 1 ␮V/؇C max Offset Voltage Drift 150 pA max Input Bias Current 0.2 pA/؇C typical IB Drift Low Noise 0.5 ␮V p-p typical Noise, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz

    MIL-STD-883B EIA-481A AD705, AD706 AD704 14-Pin 16-Pin AD704SE AD704KN PDF

    AD518 op amp

    Abstract: AD518K AD518 AD518S
    Text: ANALOG D E V IC E S □ Lo w C o st, High Speed, IC Op Am p AD518 CHIPS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . The AD518 is a low cost, high speed operational amplifier designed as an improved functional replacement for 118-type devices. It is internally compensated for unity gain, but has the

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    AD518 118-type AD518Performance asAD518J. AD518K. AD518 op amp AD518K AD518S PDF


    Abstract: AD DAC-08 DAC-08 DAC-08C AD DAC 10 AD 70A DAC-08A analog devices AD METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPH dac 08
    Text: □ ANALOG DEVICES High Speed 8-Bit D-to-A Converter AD DAC-08 CHIPS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD D AC-08 is a high-speed 8-bit tw o -q u ad ran t m u lti­ plying D -to-A con v erter, consisting o f m atched b ipo lar sw itches, a co n tro l am plifier and a precision resistor n etw ork .

    OCR Scan
    DAC-08 DAC-08A. DAC-08C. 500mW 10mW/Â dac08 AD DAC-08 DAC-08C AD DAC 10 AD 70A DAC-08A analog devices AD METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPH dac 08 PDF

    ultrasonic radar VM 125

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4 x 1 Wideband Video Multiplexer ANALOG DEVICES □ AD9300 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Based on Cerdip FEATURES 34M Hz Full Power Bandwidth ±0.1dB Gain Flatness to 8M Hz 72dB Crosstalk Rejection @ 10MHz 0.0370.01% Differential Phase/Gain Cascadable for Switch Matrices

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    AD9300 10MHz MIL-STD-883 AD9300 30MHz AD9300MULTIPLEXERS ultrasonic radar VM 125 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Accuracy Low Cost FET-lnput Op Amp ANALOG DEVICES □ AD540 CHIPS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD 540 is a low cost, high accuracy FET in p u t operational amplifier. The low m axim um bias current of 25pA K-grade is specified warm ed up. The device is latch-up p ro o f and short

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    AD540 AD540 AD540J AD540K. PDF


    Abstract: AD707 AD707CH AD7073 AD707JN AD707JR AD708 EIA-481A LT1001
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES INC S1E QfllbñOD G Q 3 b D 3 E D ANALOG DEVICES CONNECTION DIAGRAMS TO-99 H Package AC Performance 0.3 V/|is Slew Rate 0.9 MHz Closed-Loop Bandwidth Dual Version: AD708 Available in Tape and Reel in Accordance with EIA-481A Standard NC = NO CONNECT

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    G03bG3E AD707 AD708 EIA-481A AD707 T-79-GÃ AD707C: xA/10 AD707BH AD707CH AD7073 AD707JN AD707JR AD708 LT1001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG □ DEVICES Low Cost, High Speed, IC Op Amp AD518 CHIPS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . The AD 518 is a low cost, high speed operational am plifier designed as an im proved functional replacem ent for 118-type devices. It is internally com pensated for u n ity gain, b u t has the

    OCR Scan
    AD518 118-type AD518 AD518J, AD518K. PDF

    IC u706

    Abstract: 706AN u706 k2499
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES dial Rcoanpere Input Current BpdarCjbArp /Ü706 FEATURE CONNECTION DIAGRAM HIGH DC PRECISION 50 p,V max Offset V oltage 0.6 |xV/°C max Offset Drift 110 pA max Input Bias Current Plastic Mini-DIP N Cerdip (Q) and Plastic SOIC (R) Packages

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    EIA-481A AD705, AD704 IC u706 706AN u706 k2499 PDF


    Abstract: LH0032
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S □ FEATURES AC PERFORMANCE Unity Gain Bandwidth: 34 MHz Fast Settling: 135 ns to 0.01% Slew Rate: 250 V/|is Stable at Gains of 1 or Greater Full Power Bandwidth: 3.9 MHz DC PERFORMANCE Input Offset Voltage: 1 mV max AD843K/B Input Bias Currant: 0.6 nA typ_

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    AD843K/B) 16-Pin 20-Pin 12-Pin EIA-481A MIL-STD-883B AD843 16-Pin 28-Pin AD843 LH0032 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Precision, 16 MHz CBFET Op Amp □ AD845 FEATURES Replaces Hybrid Amplifiers in Many Applications AC PERFORMANCE: Settles to 0.01% in 350 ns 100 V /jis Slew Rate 12.8 MHz min Unity-Gain Bandwidth 1.75 MHz Full-Power Bandwidth at 20 V p-p CONNECTION DIAGRAMS

    OCR Scan
    AD845 EIA-481A 16-Pin AD845 LF400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACKl ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES Low Cost Excellent Video Performance 55 MHz 0.1 dB Bandwidth Gain = +2 0.01% & 0.05° Differential Gain & Phase Errors High Speed 130 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB, G = +2) 100 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB, G+ = -1 ) 500 V/|as Slew Rate 80 ns Settling Time to 0.01% (VQ = 10 V Step)

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    AD818 200ns 370ns 10kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □ ANALOG DEVICES Wideband/Differential Output Transimpedance Amplifier AD8015 FEATURES Low Cost, Wide Bandwidth, Low Noise Bandwidth: 240 MHz Pulse Width Modulation: 500 ps Rise Time/Fall Time: 1.5 ns _ Input Current Noise: 3.0 pA/VHz @100 MHz Total Input RMS Noise: 26.5 nA to 100 MHz

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    AD8015 PDF


    Abstract: AD817 AD818 AD818AN AD818AR AD818AR-REEL P6201
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Low Cost Excellent Video Performance 55 MHz 0.1 dB Bandwidth Gain = +2 0.01% & 0.05° Differential Gain & Phase Errors High Speed 130 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB, G = +2) 100 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB, G + = -1 ) 500 V/|jis Slew Rate 80 ns Settling Time to 0.01% (V0 = 10 V Step)

    OCR Scan
    AD818 AD818 10kHz 200ns 370ns hp2835 AD817 AD818AN AD818AR AD818AR-REEL P6201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ 450 V/ jls, Precision, Current-Feedback Op Amp AD846 FEATURES CONNECTION DIAGRAM A C PERFORMANCE Sm all Signal Bandwidth: 80 M H z (Av = -1 S law Rate: 450 V /p s Full Power Bandwidth: 6.8 M Hz at 20 V p-p, RL = 500 ft Fast Settling: for 10 V Step: 110 ns to 0.01%,

    OCR Scan
    AD846 AD846AN AD846BN AD846AQ AD846BQ AD846SQ AD846SQ/883B 5962-8964601PA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Replaces Hybrid Amplifiers in Many Applications AC PERFORMANCE: Settles to 0.01% in 350 ns 100 V / jjls Slew Rate 12.8 MHz min Unity-Gain Bandwidth 1.75 MHz Full-Power Bandwidth at 20 V p-p Precision 16 MHz CBFET Op Amp AD845 CONNECTION DIAGRAM

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    AD845 16-Pin AD845 LF400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Precision Input Characteristics Low V 0s: 0.5 m V max L Low V 0 s Drift: 5 (jiV / 0C max (L) Low lb: 50 nA max (L) Low l0s: 5 nA max (L) High CMRR: 90 dB min (K, L) High O utput Capability A 0 l = 25,000 min, 1 ki 1 Load (J, S) T M!N to T MAX

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883B AD741 10kS2 analog devices AD METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPH PDF

    C1973 transistor

    Abstract: power amplifier absolute AD 3600 SCHEMATIC ABB HAFO PHOTODIODE 1A227 hafo photo diode 1A227 ABB HAFO
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Wideband/Differential Output Transimpedance Amplifier AD8015 FEATURES Low Cost, Wide Bandwidth, Low Noise Bandwidth: 240 MHz Pulse Width Modulation: 500 ps Rise Time/Fall Time: 1.5 ns _ Input Current Noise: 3.0 pA/VHz @100 MHz Total Input RMS Noise: 26.5 nA to 100 MHz

    OCR Scan
    AD8015 AD8015 C1973-6-1/96 C1973 transistor power amplifier absolute AD 3600 SCHEMATIC ABB HAFO PHOTODIODE 1A227 hafo photo diode 1A227 ABB HAFO PDF


    Abstract: AD521KD
    Text: ANALOG Integrated Circuit DEVICES_ Precision Instrumentation Amplifier AD521 □ FEATURES Programmable Gains from 0.1 to 1000 Differential Inputs High CMRR: IIOdBm in Low Drift: 2/nV/°C max L Complete Input Protection, Power ON and Power OFF Functionally Complete with the Addition of Two Resistors

    OCR Scan
    40MHz AD521 AD521. analog devices AD METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPH AD521KD PDF


    Abstract: analog devices AD METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPH
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEA TU R ES E A S Y TO U SE Pin-Strappable Gains of 10 & 100 All Errors Specified for Total System Performance Higher Performance than Discrete In-Amp Designs Available in 8-Pin DIP and SO IC Low Power, 1.3 m A max Supply Current W ide Power Supply Range ±2.3 V to ± 1 8 V

    OCR Scan

    UTM ceramic RESISTOR 212-3

    Abstract: AD2033 rs 380sh NyQuist 3 axis DAX 3S OP27GN IC BD 540 LYS HTC Desire 816 Dual SIM HTC A5 12SmV cmos cookbook Monsanto 7 segment displays
    Text: General Information ANALOG DEVICES DATA-ACQUISITION DATABOOK 1984 VOLUME I INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Table of Contents Ordering Guide Q Operational Amplifiers Instrumentation & Isolation Amplifiers c Analog Signal Processing Components m a Voltage References Temperature Measurement Components

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Low Cost, W ide Bandwidth, Low Noise Bandwidth: 240 MHz Pulse W idth Modulation: 500 ps Rise Tim e/Fall Time: 1.5 ns Input Current Noise: 2.0 pA/VHz @ 100 MHz Total Input RMS Noise: 20 nA to 100 MHz W ide Dynamic Range Optical Sensitivity: -3 6 dBm @ 155.52 Mbps

    OCR Scan
    AD8015 C1973-10-10/94 MO-25) 0045b04 PDF