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    Amphenol Communications Solutions FF5026-AO305-008

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    DigiKey FF5026-AO305-008 Bag 1,990 1
    • 1 $3.78
    • 10 $3.214
    • 100 $2.7319
    • 1000 $2.58463
    • 10000 $2.58463
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    Newark FF5026-AO305-008 Bulk 1
    • 1 $5.06
    • 10 $4.5
    • 100 $3.41
    • 1000 $3.33
    • 10000 $3.33
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    Amphenol Communications Solutions FF5026-AO305-024

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    DigiKey FF5026-AO305-024 Bag 1,943 1
    • 1 $5.13
    • 10 $4.358
    • 100 $3.7041
    • 1000 $3.60588
    • 10000 $3.60588
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    Newark FF5026-AO305-024 Bulk 1
    • 1 $7.17
    • 10 $6.06
    • 100 $4.94
    • 1000 $4.94
    • 10000 $4.94
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    OWON Technology TAO3072

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    DigiKey TAO3072 Box 1
    • 1 $539
    • 10 $539
    • 100 $539
    • 1000 $539
    • 10000 $539
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    TME TAO3072 2 1
    • 1 $477
    • 10 $447
    • 100 $447
    • 1000 $447
    • 10000 $447
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    OWON Technology TAO3074

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    DigiKey TAO3074 Box 1
    • 1 $659
    • 10 $659
    • 100 $659
    • 1000 $659
    • 10000 $659
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    TME TAO3074 5 1
    • 1 $555
    • 10 $521
    • 100 $521
    • 1000 $521
    • 10000 $521
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    OWON Technology TAO3072A

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    DigiKey TAO3072A Box 1
    • 1 $839
    • 10 $839
    • 100 $839
    • 1000 $839
    • 10000 $839
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    TME TAO3072A 1 1
    • 1 $645
    • 10 $598
    • 100 $598
    • 1000 $598
    • 10000 $598
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    AO30 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MB88344PFV 1/2 IL16 C-MOS D/A CONVERTER 25 AO28 26 AO29 27 AO30 28 AO31 VCC 29 NC 30 VDD2 31 VSS2 32 33 AO32 34 AO33 35 AO34 36 AO35 —TOP VIEW— AO6 43 18 AO21 AO7 44 17 AO20 AO8 45 16 AO19 AO9 46 15 AO18 AO10 47 14 AO17 AO11 48 13 AO16 AO15 12 19 AO22

    MB88344PFV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: AO36 M62370GP AO-21
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: AO11 AO31 AO36 VDD1-VSS12
    Text: Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: 8-Bit D/A Converter IC PT8214 DESCRIPTION PT8214 is an 8-bit D/A Converter IC with operational amplifier output buffers. It supports up to a maximum of 36 channels and provides two reference voltages which enable its 36 channels to be

    PT8214 PT8214 MS-026 AO11 AO31 AO36 VDD1-VSS12 PDF


    Abstract: AO36 M62370GP M62371GP 6AO22
    Text: M62371GP 3 V Type 8-bit 36ch Selector SW Built-in D/A Converter with Buffer Amplifiers REJ03D0880-0201 Rev.2.01 Dec 27, 2007 Description The M62371GP is a CMOS semiconductor IC, containing 36 channels of 8-bit D/A converters. It is operable with a low supply voltage between 2.7 to 3.6 V, and is easy to use due to serial data input, and 3-pin DI, CLK, LD

    M62371GP REJ03D0880-0201 M62371GP M62370GP 16-bit AO11 AO36 6AO22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: AO36 AO-21 AO21 ao17 d480 AO31 MB88344 MB88344B AO28
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS04-13505-3E LINEAR IC 8-Bit D/A Converter with Operational Amplifier Output Buffers MB88344/88344B • DESCRIPTION MB88344/MB88344B are 8-bit 36 channels D/A converters which have two reference voltages to use 36 channels

    DS04-13505-3E MB88344/88344B MB88344/MB88344B MB88344B, AO31-AO36) F9704 AO18 AO36 AO-21 AO21 ao17 d480 AO31 MB88344 MB88344B AO28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: AO3041
    Text: 1234565789A8BC 1234567839AB2CD3 73 73 73 73 73 -. *$!!73C!*$!+77!395"73 /5630'3$!"31'3 1#'*3" "3 -$!57+5!"3B6#+*#!'3 91239$%#&32873&7!+3 B53 D73 5!"##5!3 9$%#&31$#!'33 E1223 BC3D345EA3F735EA33 53 3 E13 BC3D345EA3F735EA323D33133

    1234565789A8BC 1234567839AB2CD3 E1223 BC3D345EA3F73 3D345EA33 3D345EA B58748 AO3041 PDF


    Abstract: AO36 M62370GP M62371GP LQFP48-P-77-0
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: AO16 ao17 d480 AO31 MB88344 MB88344B
    Text: To Top / Lineup / Index FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS04-13505-3E LINEAR IC 8-Bit D/A Converter with Operational Amplifier Output Buffers MB88344/88344B • DESCRIPTION MB88344/MB88344B are 8-bit 36 channels D/A converters which have two reference voltages to use 36 channels

    DS04-13505-3E MB88344/88344B MB88344/MB88344B MB88344B, AO31-AO36) F9704 AO36 AO16 ao17 d480 AO31 MB88344 MB88344B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI<Dig.Ana.INTERFACE> M62370GP 3V TYPE 8-BIT 36CH SELECTOR SW BUILT-IN D-A CONVERTER WITH BUFFER AMPLIFIERS PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW DESCRIPTION The M62370GP is a CMOS semiconductor IC,containing 36 channels of 8-bit D-A converters.It is operable with a low

    M62370GP M62370GP 100pF 100pF PDF


    Abstract: AO11 AO36 M62370GP 16 BIT SHIFT REGISTER
    Text: M62370GP 3 V Type 8-bit 36ch Selector SW Built-in D/A Converter with Buffer Amplifiers REJ03D0879-0300 Rev.3.00 Mar 25, 2008 Description The M62370GP is a CMOS semiconductor IC, containing 36 channels of 8-bit D/A converters. It is operable with a low supply voltage between 2.7 to 3.6 V, and is easy to use due to serial data input, and 3-pin DI, CLK, LD

    M62370GP REJ03D0879-0300 M62370GP 16-bit LQFP48-P-77-0 AO11 AO36 16 BIT SHIFT REGISTER PDF


    Abstract: LC7865
    Text: Ordering number : EN>&5128A CMOS LSI I SAiYO LC78856M, 78856V No.ìSS 5128 A Built-in Digital Filter D/A Converters for Digital Audio Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC78856M and LC78856V are £A-type digital-audio D/A converter circuits with built-in digital filters.

    OCR Scan
    LC78856M, 8856V 091A-MFP28 LC78856M] LC78856M LC78856V 384fs MFP28 3191-SSOP30 lc7805 LC7865 PDF


    Abstract: LA7668N
    Text: Ordering number : EN5Q97 Monolithic Linear 1C LA7668N No. 5097 I Video Signal Auto-White Processing 1C Overview Package Dimensions The LA7668N is a low-cost video signal auto-white processing IC that provides brightness adapted compression and expansion functions. Furthermore, the

    OCR Scan
    EN5Q97 LA7668N LA7668N 3067-DIP24Sith DIP24S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog

    OCR Scan
    100pF M62370GP PDF


    Abstract: LM317LH lm117l REGULATOR IC 7905 7m 0880 LM117LH LMI 458 DM 0365 R DM 0265 R transistor N14 458
    Text: MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} 14E D I L.3L.72S3 0001741 0 LM117L LM217L LM317L MOTOROLA Specifications and Applications Inform ation THREE-TERMINAL ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT POSm VE VOLTAGE REGULATORS T h e LM117L/217U317L are adjustable 3-terminal positive volt­ a g e regulators capable of supp lying in excess o f 100 m A over an

    OCR Scan
    LM117L/217L/317L LM117L P0SiT10ttW MCN90N: LM1171 LM317LH REGULATOR IC 7905 7m 0880 LM117LH LMI 458 DM 0365 R DM 0265 R transistor N14 458 PDF


    Abstract: DG200ACJ DG200A DG200AAK DG200ABK DG200ACK DG200ACY DG200ADJ DG200ADY
    Text: 19-0484: Rev 1; 5/96 Dual Monolithic SPST CMOS Analog Switch _ Feature» The DG200A is a dual, normally closed, single-polesingle-throw SPST analog switch. This CMOS switch can be operated with power supplies ranging from ±4.5V to ±18V. The DG200A has guaranteed breakbefore-make switching. Its maximum turn-off time is

    OCR Scan
    DG200A 500ns, 100ns. II1B38I L40CW DG200ACJ DG200AAK DG200ABK DG200ACK DG200ACY DG200ADJ DG200ADY PDF


    Abstract: lt626 IM340 LM340 TO92 a1774 8 sop 7905 regulator MJ2955 300 watts amplifier circuit diagram TRANSISTOR 2SC 458 1117 TO92 lm340 so8
    Text: IM E MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} D I b 3t.72 S 3 0 D ä l7 b S "T-Sfc-U-Vi M L M 1 4 0 yA S e r í e s M O TO R O LA L M 3 4 0 ,A S e r íe s Specifications and Applications Information THREE-TERMINAL POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATORS SILICON M ONOLITHIC IN TEG RA TED CIRCU IT

    OCR Scan
    ol400 CLT65 P0SiT10ttW A1774 lt626 IM340 LM340 TO92 a1774 8 sop 7905 regulator MJ2955 300 watts amplifier circuit diagram TRANSISTOR 2SC 458 1117 TO92 lm340 so8 PDF


    Abstract: mot schematic M0P41 compal m0r11 AM251S EL 817 c321 SS145 SS97 ss129
    Text: Model Name: N20U PCB No: LA542 Revision: 1A Model Name: N20U2 PCB No: LA542 Revision:3A N20U BLOCK DIA GRAM CPU DECOUPING PULL UP/FDOW N GEYSERVILLE Coppermine Geyserville uBGA2/uPGA2 CPU CLOCK ICS9248-92 PAGE 11 PAGES PAGE 3,4 LCD & CRT PC I/ISA PULL UP/DOWN

    OCR Scan
    LA542 N20U2 ICS9248-92 443BX 32/64MB LA-642 MOR56 mot schematic M0P41 compal m0r11 AM251S EL 817 c321 SS145 SS97 ss129 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HYM71V16655HCT8M 16Mx64, 16Mx8 based, PC100 DESCRIPTION The H ynix HYM 71V16655HCT8M Series are 16M x64bits Synchronous DRAM M odules. The m odules are com posed o f eight 16M x8bits CM OS Synchronous DRAM s in 400m il 54pin TSOP-II package, one 2Kbit EEPROM in 8pin TSSO P package on a 168pin

    OCR Scan
    HYM71V16655HCT8M 16Mx64, 16Mx8 PC100 71V16655HCT8M x64bits 54pin 168pin 0022uF 71V16655HC PDF


    Abstract: IC LM 7905 Regulator Ic 7905 pin details to92 2ampere transistor LM 323K A770 LM123A REGULATOR IC 7905 OMS 1410 AISI 1045
    Text: _ MOTOROLA SC {TELECOM} Q M O T O R O L 14E D I b3b7SS3 DQaiTMT s I LM123, LM123A LM223, LM223A LM323, LM323A A " F S g - lH ^ S p ecification s and A p plications Inform ation 3-AMPERE, 5 VOLT POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS S IL IC O N M O N O LIT H IC

    OCR Scan
    LM123, LM123A LM223, LM223A LM323, LM323A LM123 /LM223 /LM323 A00WBC s0250 IC LM 7905 Regulator Ic 7905 pin details to92 2ampere transistor LM 323K A770 REGULATOR IC 7905 OMS 1410 AISI 1045 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY Am79C970 PCnet -PCI Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for PCI Local Bus Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Single-chip Ethernet controller for the Periph­ eral Component Interconnect PCI local bus ■ Supports ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) and

    OCR Scan
    Am79C970 Am7990 Am79C90 Am79C960 Am79C961 Am79C965 PCnet-32, Am79C900 Am2l00/Aml500T NE2100/NE1500 PDF