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    Abstract: 0x85E APP4785 RTP port range destination of ic
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Communications circuits T/E carrier and packetized Keywords: interoperability, DS34S132, TDM, TDM over packet, TDMoP, TDMoIP, SAToP, CESoP Aug 31, 2010 APPLICATION NOTE 4785 How to make the DS34S132 TDM-over-Packet TDMoP IC interoperable with other vendors' TDMoP devices

    DS34S132, DS34S132 DS34S132 32-Port com/an4785 AN4785, APP4785, Appnote4785, 0x85E APP4785 RTP port range destination of ic PDF


    Abstract: APP478 MAX1692 MAX4173 MAX4173H
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Keywords: current limit, current sense amplifier, buck regulator, pwm, step-down regulator Dec 01, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE 478 Current-Limit Circuit for the Buck Regulator Abstract: This article demonstrates how to achieve current limit for the MAX1692 PWM step-down regulator by

    MAX1692 MAX4173H MAX1692 MAX4173 com/an478 MAX1692: AN478, APP478, Appnote478, AN478 APP478 MAX4173 PDF


    Abstract: PWM USING IC 556 TIMER ipad sensor MAX9635 556 IC TIMER smartphone display brightness APP4786 Apple iPad smartphone sensor ipad light sensor
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Display drivers Measurement circuits Optoelectronics Power-supply circuits Sensor signal conditioners Keywords: ambient light sensor, als, algorithm, backlight, I2C, light sensor, interrupt, human eye, LCD, LED backlight, pseudo code, tablet, phone,

    MAX9635 com/an4786 AN4786, APP4786, Appnote4786, INTRODUCTION OF AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT CONTROL PWM USING IC 556 TIMER ipad sensor 556 IC TIMER smartphone display brightness APP4786 Apple iPad smartphone sensor ipad light sensor PDF