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    Abstract: atmel 87c52 87C51RC2 8048 microcontroller APPLICATION T89C51RD2 Instruction set 8048 microcontroller intel 8048 87C51RB2 atmel 80c51 microcontrollers hardware manual TS80C52X2
    Text: Introduction This document addresses common technical questions related to 80C51 microcontrollers from Atmel Wireless & Microcontrollers. Comments and questions can be directed to [email protected]. 80C51 MCUs FAQ1 Affected products TS80C54X2, TS87C54X2, TS80C58X2, TS87C58X2

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    Text: INDEX Subjects Products Suppliers Page 1. CPU & PERIPHERAL Embedded Processor Microcontroller CPU Peripherals DSP Voice Recognition Motorola / NS / Hitachi / Intel Atmel / Intel / Motorola / Hitachi / NS / Microchip NS / Intersil / Intel Motorola Sensory 2-10

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    Abstract: i87C52 ST72T71N5B1 i80c51 i87c51fa sab8031 89CXX 80c154 intel PIC16C84 MICROCHIP DATA BOOK Z08614
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    Abstract: sab8031a-p SAB8051A-P P8052AH SAB8051A MICROCONTROLLER AT89C51 datasheet i87C51 Microcontroller AT89C51 Microcontroller Cross-Reference P8032AH
    Text: Microcontroller Cross-Reference Guide Microcontroller Abbreviated Cross-Reference Guide Intel PART NUMBER i80C31 i80C51 i87C51 i80C52 i87C52 PACKAGE Atmel MCS-51 D P N S no program store 4 Kbytes of ROM & 128 bytes of RAM 4 Kbytes of EPROM & 128 bytes of RAM

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    Abstract: ST93C86 EPROM AMD D87C257 atmel 93c66A ATMEL 24c64 39SF512 D27128 NEC P87LPC7648 GAL16AS
    Text: GALEP-III Device List 2000-01-31 valid for version 1.17 page 1 of 1 D:\btl117.doc EPROM AMD AM27C010 AM27C020 AM27C040 AM27C080 AM27C1024 AM27C128 AM27C2048 AM27C256 AM27C4096 AM27C512 AM27C64 ATMEL AT27C/LV/BV010 AT27C/LV/BV020 AT27C/LV/BV040 AT27C/LV/BV256

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    Abstract: 74189 7489 sram 4N34 89C51 interfacing with lcd display ic 74192 pin configuration interfacing 20x4 LCD with 89c51 IC 74189 DATA LEAP-U1 LEAPER-10 driver
    Text: COMPANY PROFILE 1 Leap Electronic was established in 1980 located in Taipei Taiwan. With great experienced employees, Leap has dedicated on test equipment and provided a whole and perfect environment of development. Additional, the Company has been qualified by major IC manufacturer such as ATMEL, AMD, MICROCHIP, WINBOND,etc.

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    Abstract: AT89C2051-24PU AT89S52 DIP40 AT89C5131-TISUL AT89C2051-24SU AT89C4051-24PU AT89S52 TQFP44 AT89C51RC23CSUM AT89S51-24PU
    Text: [email protected] тел: 495 739-09-95, 739-09-96 Микроконтроллеры 8 бит серии AT89 фирмы Atmel Микросхемы серии AT89 принадлежат к семье 8-битных микроконтроллеров с

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    Abstract: ic at89s52 at89s52 specification at89s52 flash programmer circuit for AT89s52 ic AT89S51 atmel at89s52 MCS51 flash programmer circuit for AT89c51 AT89S52 circuit
    Text: LEAPER-5E USB USB HANDY HANDY MCS-51 MCS-51 IC IC WRITER WRITER INTEL 87C51FA 87C51FB 87C51FC 87C51RA 87C51RB 87C51RC 87C52 87C54 87C58 IS89C51 IS89C52 IS89C54 IS89C58 IS89C64 IS89E54 IS89E58 IS89E64 IS89LV51 IS89LV52 IS89C51A IS89C52A IS89LV51A IS89LV52A

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    Abstract: AM29M16 AM29M16 PLD atmel 404 93c46 29f512 gal18v8 ATMEL 24C32A COP8622C atmel 93C46 AT27040
    Text: Ironwood Electronics Programming Adapters PR.1 Programming Adapters allow the programming of PROM, PLD, EPROM, EEPROM or PAL devices on programmers or ATE equipment with DIP sockets. We support PLCC, LCC, PGA, SOIC including TSOP , FP, BGA and QFP packages.



    Abstract: cf745 04 p 24LC211 lattice im4a3-32 CF775 MICROCHIP 29F008 im4a3-64 ks24c01 ep320ipc ALL-11P2
    Text: Device List Adapter List Converter List for ALL-11 JUL. 2000 Introduction T he Device List lets you know exactly which devices the Universal Programmer currently supports. The Device List also lets you know which devices are supported directly by the standard DIP socket and which

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    Text: Device List Adapter List Converter List for ALL-11 JUL. 2000 Introduction T he Device List lets you know exactly which devices the Universal Programmer currently supports. The Device List also lets you know which devices are supported directly by the standard DIP socket and which

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    Abstract: Microcontroller - AT89C2051 pin diagram 8051 microcontroller free atmel 89C51 user manual microcontroller 89c51 pin diagram introduction to microcontroller 89C51 AT89S55 atmel 89C51 user guide atmel 8051 40-PIN AT 89C51 PLCC 44 pin
    Text: P le d ab el m e Fi m ar a w gr rd ro Ha State-of-the-art Device Programmer USER GUIDE Revision 1.04 Micro-Pro User Guide V1.04 Copyright Information Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the

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    Abstract: PH29EE010 2764 EEPROM 537RU10 sst ph29ee010 556RT7A 556RT5 intel 8755 eprom 2716 537RU17
    Text: Универсал ьны й програм матор Sterh ST­011 Производст во: Россия. Цен а: 17500 руб. с НД С. ST­011 имеет всего одну универсальную DIP­42 панель для программирования

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    Abstract: 29F200BB 16LF648A 89V51RD2 18f252 89S51 National SEMICONDUCTOR GAL16V8 29sf040 12f675 29F400BB
    Text: Dataman-S4 Version 3.00 <ALL> Devices List - 1. S4 8 bit EPROM lib. V3.00 - AMD 27010

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    Text: Product Selector Guide March 28, 2005 Analog Description Package SMD Number Part Number DIP 5962-87786 TDC1046 TRW DIP, LCC 5962-88532 TDC1049C1V TRW National A/D Converter, 6-Bit Flash A/D Converter, 9-Bit Comparator, Differential Die Mfg DIP, CAN, FP, LCC

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    Abstract: d87c257 D27128 NEC AM27020 d2732 UPD6252 ST93C76 NEC D2732 microchip CY7C63000 GAL20AS
    Text: GALEP 4 - device support for GALEP32 software version 1.14.12 ! Bauteile im DIL Gehäuse benötigen keinen Adapter ! Devices in DIL package do not require any adapter -EEPROM

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    Abstract: AT89S52 specification microcontroller microcontroller atmel at89s52 Microcontroller AT89S52 usb programmer atmel at89c55wd programmer Microcontroller AT89S52 AT89S52 microcontroller atmel AT89C52 PROGRAMMER ic at89s52 ic AT89S51
    Text: LEAPER-5E USB Handy MCS-51 IC Writer Programmer Series A18 Introduction LEAPER-5E is a single-site programmer especially for 8-Bit microcontroller. It is able to support One-Chip programming and various kinds of file type. As that, LEAPER5E reaches the programming demands in

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    Text: Integrated Development System for the 8051 PRODUCT OVERVIEW Preliminary Manual PK51 Product Overview V1.03 Copyright Information Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer. The software described in

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    Abstract: PA51-DZ-QF footprint dip 40 ATMEL 87C51 intel 8749 data sheet
    Text: PA51-Dx-QF Data Sheet 40 pin DIP socket/44 pin QFP plug Supported Device/Footprints Adapter Construction The PA51-Dx-QF adapter accepts 40 pin DIP devices and has a removable 44 pin QFP solder-down plug. This allows DIP devices, or emulators with DIP plugs, to be used during

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    Text: Features • 80C52 Compatible • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • – 8051 Pin and Instruction Compatible – Four 8-bit I/O Ports – Three 16-bit Timer/Counters – 256 Bytes Scratchpad RAM High-speed Architecture 40 MHz at 5V, 30 MHz at 3V

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    Text: MICROCONTROLLER DATA BOOK Atmel Corporation Microcontroller Data Book October 1995 ¿[¡¡¡EL is the registered trademark of Atmel Corporation 2125 O’Nel Drive, San Jose, CA 95131 Im portant N otice Atmel guarantees that its circuits will be free from defects of material and workmanship under

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    Abstract: 8051 24cxx code 89c52 microcontroller 89C52 MICROCONTROLLER free programming 89C52 atmel 89c52 port pin 24cxx Microcontroller - AT89C51 plcc 44 pin details 25cxx 93cxx
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