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    TDK Corporation AVRM0603C200MT150N

    Varistors 0.6x0.3mm EIA 0201
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    Mouser Electronics AVRM0603C200MT150N 23,202
    • 1 $0.28
    • 10 $0.238
    • 100 $0.126
    • 1000 $0.056
    • 10000 $0.037
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    TDK Corporation AVRH16A2C270KT200NA8

    Varistors 20pF 19VDC 0603 Array AEC-Q200
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    Mouser Electronics AVRH16A2C270KT200NA8 7,480
    • 1 $0.43
    • 10 $0.206
    • 100 $0.128
    • 1000 $0.092
    • 10000 $0.062
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    Microchip Technology Inc ATAVRSB200

    Development Boards & Kits - AVR Development platform for SB20x ref design
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    Mouser Electronics ATAVRSB200
    • 1 $289.67
    • 10 $289.67
    • 100 $289.67
    • 1000 $289.67
    • 10000 $289.67
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    PanJit Semiconductor SRM54AV_R2_00001

    Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers 45V Schottky 5A
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    Mouser Electronics SRM54AV_R2_00001
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.148
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    NAC SRM54AV_R2_00001 3,000
    • 1 -
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    • 1000 -
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    Littelfuse Inc TPSMB200A-VR

    ESD Protection Diodes / TVS Diodes TPSMB - A 200V
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    Mouser Electronics TPSMB200A-VR
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.236
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    MC310 schematic

    Abstract: SOCKET TQFP100 tiny23 ATSTK504 ATSTK503 ATTINY44 AT32UC3A0512
    Text: AVR Microcontrollers ATMEL CORPORATION AVR® Microcontrollers: Product Line Reference December 2008 Customer Edition Table of Contents 1 AVR Product Family . 2

    AT32UC3Bx AVR32 MC310 schematic SOCKET TQFP100 tiny23 ATSTK504 ATSTK503 ATTINY44 AT32UC3A0512 PDF


    Abstract: AVR ATmega32 GSM interfacing code in c 4x4 keypad c code atmega16 interface gsm with AVR atmega128 atmega16 interface with gsm module 4x4 keyboard for atmega32 AVR ATmega32 usb interfacing code in c c code for interfacing lcd using atmega16 bldc motor control using atmega32 atmega32 microcontroller interfacing with lcd
    Text: AVR Flash Microcontroller ATMEL CORPORATION AVR Flash Microcontroller: Product Line Reference March 2006 Customer Edition Table of Contents 1 AVR Product Family . 2

    AT90PWM3 Atmega64 Atmega645 ATtiny15 ATtiny25 Atmega165 ATmega325 AT90S/LS2323 AT90S/LS2343 tiny45 AVR ATmega32 GSM interfacing code in c 4x4 keypad c code atmega16 interface gsm with AVR atmega128 atmega16 interface with gsm module 4x4 keyboard for atmega32 AVR ATmega32 usb interfacing code in c c code for interfacing lcd using atmega16 bldc motor control using atmega32 atmega32 microcontroller interfacing with lcd PDF


    Abstract: pcb crystal layout xtal2 32.768 atmega128 board ATMEGA128 ICSP10 AVR IC AVR ISP programmer port ZM33064C ICSP CIRCUIT
    Text: AVR-H128B HEADER BOARD WITH 10 PIN ICSP CONNECTOR FOR ATMega128 AVR MICROCONTROLLERS Features: AVR-H128B header board for ATMega128 AVR microcontrollers is with following features: - ICSP 10 pin connector STK compatible - ATMega128-16AI AVR microcontroller

    AVR-H128B ATMega128 ATMega128 ATMega128-16AI ZM33064C 47x47 ZM33064C PCB ATMEGA128 pcb crystal layout xtal2 32.768 atmega128 board ICSP10 AVR IC AVR ISP programmer port ICSP CIRCUIT PDF


    Abstract: 24cxx eeprom programmer schematic eeprom PROGRAMMING tutorial atmega16 ATMel 118 24c04 atmega8535 assembler code example ADC simple 24cxx eeprom programmer schematic at90s2313p led 7 segment LDS 5161 As 24C16 serial eeprom interfacing with 8051 24cxx usb programmer
    Text: avr-libc Reference Manual 1.0.3 Generated by Doxygen 1.2.18 Mon Mar 8 22:25:08 2004 CONTENTS i Contents 1 AVR Libc 1.0.1 2 3 4 5 1 Supported Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 avr-libc Module Index 3 2.1 3 avr-libc Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    120MS 250MS 500MS DIAGRAM AVR GENERATOR 24cxx eeprom programmer schematic eeprom PROGRAMMING tutorial atmega16 ATMel 118 24c04 atmega8535 assembler code example ADC simple 24cxx eeprom programmer schematic at90s2313p led 7 segment LDS 5161 As 24C16 serial eeprom interfacing with 8051 24cxx usb programmer PDF


    Abstract: AVR221 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER with pid AVR atmega16 LCD 4x40 pressure sensor interface with atmega32 AVR ATmega32 GSM interfacing code in c Atmel STK 504 AVR atmega8515 led matrix tiny25 4x4 keypad c code atmega16
    Text: AVR Microcontrollers ATMEL CORPORATION AVR Microcontrollers: Product Line Reference May 2006 Customer Edition Table of Contents 1 AVR Product Family . 2 1.1 PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE - TINYAVR. 2

    AVR911 AVR914 AVR32100 AVR32101 AVR32107 AT90CAN32, AT90CAN64, AT90CAN128 AVR32 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER with pid AVR AVR221 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER with pid AVR atmega16 LCD 4x40 pressure sensor interface with atmega32 AVR ATmega32 GSM interfacing code in c Atmel STK 504 AVR atmega8515 led matrix tiny25 4x4 keypad c code atmega16 PDF

    sensorless bldc control source code ATMEGA16

    Abstract: tiny25 atmega8535-p ATmega8-P ATMEGA164 architecture MEGA32 90CAN64 bldc c source code atmega16 90CAN32 c code for interfacing lcd using atmega16
    Text: AVR Microcontrollers ATMEL CORPORATION AVR Microcontrollers: Product Line Reference April 2006 Customer Edition Table of Contents 1 AVR Product Family . 2 1.1 PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE - TINYAVR. 2

    Atmega64 Atmega645 ATtiny15 ATtiny25 Atmega165 ATmega325 AT90S/LS2323 AT90S/LS2343 ATmega16/32 sensorless bldc control source code ATMEGA16 tiny25 atmega8535-p ATmega8-P ATMEGA164 architecture MEGA32 90CAN64 bldc c source code atmega16 90CAN32 c code for interfacing lcd using atmega16 PDF


    Abstract: avr-jtag avrjtag JTAG CONNECTOR atmega128 avr programming in c jtag interface MSP430 atmega128 assembly atmel jtag ice studio 5 avr atmega16 microcontroller
    Text: AVR-JTAG DEVELOPMENT TOOL FOR AVR MICROCONTROLLERS WITH JTAG INTERFACE Features: AVR-JTAG complete analog of ATMEL’s AVR JTAG ICE is development tool for programming, real time emulation and debugging for AVR microcontrollers JTAG interface (ATmega16, ATmega32, ATMega323,

    ATmega16, ATmega32, ATMega323, ATmega162, ATmega169, ATmega128) RS232 AVR-M16 AVR-P40B-P8535-8Mhz) MSP430 OLIMEX avr-jtag avrjtag JTAG CONNECTOR atmega128 avr programming in c jtag interface atmega128 assembly atmel jtag ice studio 5 avr atmega16 microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: ATAVRDRAGON EVK1101 mega32U2 atmega128 au atmega128 QFN64 NGW100 stk600 atmega2560 qfn44 sensorless bldc AVR 16 c source code
    Text: 8-bit Microcontrollers 32-bit Microcontrollers and Application Processors  uick Reference Guide Q February 2009 Everywhere You Are AVR Introduction Atmel® offers both 8-bit and 32-bit AVR®s. AVR microcontrollers and application processors deliver unmatched flexibility. AVR combines

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    Abstract: olimex usb eeprom programmer schematic usb eeprom programmer simple schematic USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer schematic spi eeprom flash programmer schematic avr isp programmer schematic simple eeprom programmer usb schematics & CRC16 STK500
    Text: AVR-ISP500-ISO Users Manual All boards produced by Olimex are ROHS compliant Rev.B, January 2009 Copyright c 2009, OLIMEX Ltd, All rights reserved INTRODUCTION: AVR-ISP500-ISO is professional serial in-system programmer for AVR microcontrollers, featuring optoisolation between PC and target AVR board.

    AVR-ISP500-ISO AVR-ISP500-ISO STK500v2 olimex usb eeprom programmer schematic usb eeprom programmer simple schematic USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer schematic spi eeprom flash programmer schematic avr isp programmer schematic simple eeprom programmer usb schematics & CRC16 STK500 PDF


    Abstract: olimex Single supply RS232 driver IC usb atmega16 RS232 ic usb atmega32 atmel jtag ice usb FT232 IC ATMEGA16 JTAG CONNECTOR
    Text: AVR-USB-JTAG DEVELOPMENT TOOL FOR AVR MICROCONTROLLERS WITH JTAG INTERFACE Features: AVR-USB-JTAG complete analog of ATMEL’s AVR JTAG ICE is development tool for programming, real time emulation and debugging for AVR microcontrollers with JTAG interface (ATmega16, ATmega32, ATMega323,

    ATmega16, ATmega32, ATMega323, ATmega162, ATmega169, ATmega128 RS232 FT232 FT232 avr-usb-jtag olimex Single supply RS232 driver IC usb atmega16 RS232 ic usb atmega32 atmel jtag ice usb IC ATMEGA16 JTAG CONNECTOR PDF


    Abstract: sensor LDR AVR block diagram LDR light sensor sensor LDR diagram ldr sensor butterfly atmel light sensor LDR AVR LCD "light sensor ldr"
    Text: AVR Butterfly Quick Start User Guide Voltage Reading 0-5V The AVR Butterfly Kit Contains O AVR Butterfly Board O Quick Start User Guide Congratulations with your very own AVR Butterfly! The AVR Butterfly uses the ATmega169 which combines Atmel's state of the art Flash

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    ATMEL 634

    Abstract: AT32UC3C AVR32129 atmel 642 AT32UC3C-EK Union64 CAN PROTOCOL atmel AVR UC3 Atmel+642 AVR32
    Text: AVR32129: Using the 32-bit AVR UC3 CANIF Features • • • • • CAN Protocol Description. Atmel AVR® UC3 CANIF Controller Description. Atmel AVR UC3 CAN source code inside the AVR Software Framework. Configuration and usage of Atmel AVR UC3 CAN source code.

    AVR32129: 32-bit 32-bit 2152A-AVR-11/10 ATMEL 634 AT32UC3C AVR32129 atmel 642 AT32UC3C-EK Union64 CAN PROTOCOL atmel AVR UC3 Atmel+642 AVR32 PDF

    atmel 028

    Abstract: atmel avr isp atmel atmega8 programming atmel isp AVR ATmega32 "atmel studio" isp AVR ISP AT90S datasheet of ATMEGA32 isp CONNECTOR
    Text: M ICROCONTROLLERS ISP IN-SYSTEM PROGRAMMER The Atmel AVR ISP is an In-System Programmer for Atmel’s AVR Flash Microcontrollers. The AVR ISP gives the designer a compact and reliable programming tool to program all In-System Programmable AVR microcontrollers through a 6- or 10-pin ISP connector. The AVR ISP uses

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    Abstract: tft ipod touch 2 interface bluetooth with AVR 32-bit AVR UC3 datasheet AT32UC3C1512 AT32UC3C touch screen avr TFT LCD AVR AT32U AT32UC3B1512
    Text: AVR MicrocontrolleRS 32-bit AVR UC3 Microcontrollers Optimized for System Performance True 1.6V operation More MHz per mW Unrivalled DSP performance Peripheral DMA controller page 2 AVR UC3 Flash microcontrollers Everywhere You Are® AVR Solutions

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    MAX232 by atmel

    Abstract: LAYOUT PCB ic max232 AVR 8535 max232 ic MAX232 RS232 MSP430 MAX232 pic programmer RS232 MAX232 rx led ICSP Quartz oscillator 8MHz free stk ic
    Text: AVR-P40B-8535 PROTOTYPE BOARD WITH 10 PIN ICSP CONNECTOR FOR AT90S8535 AVR MICROCONTROLLERS Features: AVR-P40B-8535 is prototype board for AT90S8535 AVR microcontrollers with following features: - RS232 Tx, Rx interface with MAX232 IC - ICSP 10 pin connector STK compatible

    AVR-P40B-8535 AT90S8535 AT90S8535 RS232 MAX232 ZM33064C DIL40 100x80 ZM33064C MAX232 by atmel LAYOUT PCB ic max232 AVR 8535 max232 ic MAX232 RS232 MSP430 MAX232 pic programmer RS232 MAX232 rx led ICSP Quartz oscillator 8MHz free stk ic PDF

    AVR 8515 microcontroller

    Abstract: AT90S8515 interface MAX232 PIC PROGRAMMER INTERFACE atmel 8515 AVR-P40B-8515 MAX232 by atmel quartz 4MHz AT90S8515 max232 ic 8515 "pin compatible"
    Text: AVR-P40B-8515 PROTOTYPE BOARD WITH 10 PIN ICSP CONNECTOR FOR AT90S8515 AVR MICROCONTROLLERS Features: AVR-P40B-8515 is prototype board for AT90S8515 AVR microcontroller with following features: - RS232 Tx, Rx interface with MAX232 IC - ICSP 10 pin connector STK compatible

    AVR-P40B-8515 AT90S8515 AT90S8515 RS232 MAX232 ZM33064C DIL40 100x80 ZM33064C AVR 8515 microcontroller AT90S8515 interface MAX232 PIC PROGRAMMER INTERFACE atmel 8515 MAX232 by atmel quartz 4MHz max232 ic 8515 "pin compatible" PDF

    Quartz oscillator 8MHz

    Abstract: quartz 4MHz AVR-P28 MAX232 by atmel max232 ic atmel ic programmer ZM33064C LAYOUT PCB ic max232 RS232 MAX232 rx led AT90LS4433
    Text: AVR-P28B PROTOTYPE BOARD WITH 10 PIN ICSP CONNECTOR FOR 28 PIN AVR MICROCONTROLLERS Features: AVR-P28B is prototype board for 28 pin AVR microcontrollers with following features: - RS232 Tx, Rx interface with MAX232 IC - ICSP 10 pin connector STK compatible

    AVR-P28B RS232 MAX232 ZM33064C DIL28 100x80 AT90S2333, AT90LS2333, Quartz oscillator 8MHz quartz 4MHz AVR-P28 MAX232 by atmel max232 ic atmel ic programmer ZM33064C LAYOUT PCB ic max232 RS232 MAX232 rx led AT90LS4433 PDF


    Abstract: avr studio 5 AVR Studio avr programming in c avr microcontroller avr projects stk500 AT90S1200 AT90S2313 AT90S2323
    Text: M ICROCONTROLLERS STUDIO 3.5 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT The AVR Studio 3.5 is an Integrated Development Environment IDE for writing and debugging AVR applications in Windows® 95/98/2000 and Windows NT® environments. AVR Studio 3.5 provides a project

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    atmel programmer circuit

    Abstract: quartz 4MHz isp CONNECTOR 2x5 MSP430 PIC PROGRAMMER INTERFACE AVR CIRCUIT AVR ISP programmer port atmel avr isp 2x5 ICSP CIRCUIT
    Text: AVR-P8B PROTOTYPE BOARD WITH 10 PIN ICSP CONNECTOR FOR 8 PIN AVR MICROCONTROLLERS Features: AVR-P8B is prototype board for 8 pin AVR microcontrollers with following features: - RS232 Tx and Rx interface - ICSP 10 pin connector STK compatible - 4MHz, 6MHz or 10MHz quartz oscillator

    RS232 10MHz 81x58 18VDC. AVR-P8B-10MHz MSP430 atmel programmer circuit quartz 4MHz isp CONNECTOR 2x5 PIC PROGRAMMER INTERFACE AVR CIRCUIT AVR ISP programmer port atmel avr isp 2x5 ICSP CIRCUIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AVR-MT Rev. B DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH 10 PIN ICSP FOR 20 PIN AVR MICROCONTROLLERS Features: AVR-MT (mini terminal) is development board for 20 pin AVR microcontrollers with following features: - ICSP 10 pin connector (STK compatible) - LCD 16x1 alphanumeric display

    RS232 A/250VAC ZM33064C 10MHz DIL20 120x36 MSP430 ZM33064C AT90S1200 PDF


    Abstract: OLIMEX ATMEGA8 rs232 atmel atmega8 programming ponyprog PCB ATMEGA128 atmega8 microcontroller free ATTINY15 AT90S8535 Claudio
    Text: AVR-PG1B SERIAL PORT 10 PIN ICSP AVR MICROCONTROLLER PROGRAMMER Features: AVR-P1B is low cost serial port programmer for AVR microcontrollers with following features: - Connects to RS232 port - Uses target board power supply so no need for external power supply

    RS232 AT90S1200, AT90S2313, AT90S2323, AT90S2343, AT90S4414, AT90S4434, AVR-PG1B OLIMEX ATMEGA8 rs232 atmel atmega8 programming ponyprog PCB ATMEGA128 atmega8 microcontroller free ATTINY15 AT90S8535 Claudio PDF

    12Mhz crystal oscillator with microcontroller

    Abstract: 10mhz crystal oscillator pin layout quartz 4MHz 12Mhz quartz crystal oscillator max232 ic AT90S1200 AT90S2313 DIL20 MAX232 MSP430
    Text: AVR-P20B PROTOTYPE BOARD WITH 10 PIN ICSP CONNECTOR FOR 20 PIN AVR MICROCONTROLLERS Features: AVR-P20B is prototype board for 20 pin AVR microcontrollers with following features: - RS232 Tx, Rx interface with MAX232 IC - ICSP 10 pin connector STK compatible

    AVR-P20B RS232 MAX232 ZM33064C 10MHz 12MHz DIL20 100x80 AT90S1200 12Mhz crystal oscillator with microcontroller 10mhz crystal oscillator pin layout quartz 4MHz 12Mhz quartz crystal oscillator max232 ic AT90S2313 MSP430 PDF

    c 2328a

    Abstract: AVR block diagram verilog code for 16 bit multiplier verilog code for 4 bit multiplier testbench 8-bit multiplier VERILOG AT94K 8 bit data bus using vhdl 16 bit multiplier VERILOG 8 bit multiplier using verilog code
    Text: AVR-FPGA Interface Design 4 Features • • • • Initialization and Use of AVR-FPGA Interface and Interrupts Initialization and Use of the Shared Dual-port SRAM Initialization and Use of the AVR Hardware Multiplier Full Source Code for AVR Microcontroller and FPGA Included

    AT94K AT94K doc2327 11/01/xM c 2328a AVR block diagram verilog code for 16 bit multiplier verilog code for 4 bit multiplier testbench 8-bit multiplier VERILOG 8 bit data bus using vhdl 16 bit multiplier VERILOG 8 bit multiplier using verilog code PDF


    Abstract: AVR-G07D271K AVR-G07D201K
    Text: TDK Disc Varistors AVR-G07D TYPE < >D T Dimensions in mm [inches] Part No. AVR-G07D180K AVR-G07D220K AVR-G07D270K AVR-G07D330K AVR-G07D390K AVR-G07D470K AVR-G07D560K AVR-G07D680K AVR-G07D820K AVR-G07D101K AVR-G07D121K AVR-G07D151K AVR-G07D181K AVR-G07D201K

    OCR Scan
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