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    AX 135C Search Results

    AX 135C Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    R5F2135CCNFP#V0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2135CMDFP#50 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2135CMDFP#30 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2135CANFP#V2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion), LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2135CMNFP#30 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion), LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    AX 135C Price and Stock

    Maxim Integrated Products MAX135CPI-

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    DigiKey MAX135CPI- Tube 66 1
    • 1 $31.75
    • 10 $31.75
    • 100 $31.75
    • 1000 $20.775
    • 10000 $20.775
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX135CWI-

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    DigiKey MAX135CWI- Tube 25 1
    • 1 $25.46
    • 10 $18.364
    • 100 $15.6625
    • 1000 $15.6625
    • 10000 $15.6625
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX135CPI

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    DigiKey MAX135CPI Tube
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    Rochester Electronics MAX135CPI 3 1
    • 1 $30.55
    • 10 $30.55
    • 100 $28.72
    • 1000 $25.97
    • 10000 $25.97
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX135CWI

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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX135CWI-T

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    DigiKey MAX135CWI-T Reel 1,000
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    • 1000 $18.275
    • 10000 $18.275
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    AX 135C Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMIC AP112 Product Features • • • • • • • • • • • • Application SOT89 Type Package High IP3, High Gain No matching circuit needed 3MHz-2.5GHz -73 dBc CTB, 135Channels, +30dBmV/ch, Single -57 dBc CSO, 135Channels, +30dBmV/ch, Single

    AP112 135Channels, 30dBmV/ch, -79dBc 45dBmV/ch, -57dBc 100Years3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMIC AP112 Product Features • • • • • • • • • • • • Application SOT89 Type Package High IP3, High Gain No matching circuit needed 3MHz-2.5GHz -73 dBc CTB, 135Channels, +30dBmV/ch, Single -57 dBc CSO, 135Channels, +30dBmV/ch, Single

    AP112 135Channels, 30dBmV/ch, -79dBc 45dBmV/ch, -57dBc 100Years3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E-PHEMT AE308 Product Features • • • • • Application SOT89 Type Package 50MHz-1GHz 2.0 dB Noise Figure +18.0 dBm P1dB Single +5V Supply • CATV Amplifier 4 3 2 1 Function Pin No. Input 1 Output Bias 3 Ground 2,4 Description AE308 is used from 50MHz to 1GHz frequencies.

    AE308 50MHz-1GHz AE308 50MHz OT-89, S21-Gain S11-Input S22-Output PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E-PHEMT AE308 Product Features • • • • • Application SOT89 Type Package 50MHz-1GHz 2.0 dB Noise Figure +18.0 dBm P1dB Single +5V Supply • CATV Amplifier 4 3 2 1 Function Pin No. Input 1 Output Bias 3 Ground 2,4 Description AE308 is used from 50MHz to 1GHz frequencies.

    AE308 50MHz-1GHz AE308 50MHz OT-89, S21-Gain S11-Input S22-O PDF


    Abstract: S5KC20R S1ZAK20 S1ZAK40 S1ZAL20 S1ZB20 S1ZB60 S2HB20Z S2VB20 S2VB60
    Text: - 138- » X m £ [si # & iË * [SI # tt * B S n % Prsm Vr s m kW (V) V H Vr V| (V) (V) Io Tm & (A ) (V ) I fs m I g n t ax Vpmax f o fl o # 11 i B S 1Z A K 2 0 S 1Z A K 4 0 S1ZAL2 0 S1ZAS4 S1ZB20 fr 7 c * t « tc S t® 7 G S1ZB60 S 2H B 2 0 Z S2VB20 S 2V B 6 0

    OCR Scan
    S1ZAK20 S1ZAK40 S1ZAL20 S1ZB20 S1ZB60 S2HB20Z 300ns S5KC40R S5KD20 S5KC20R S1ZAK40 S1ZB20 S2VB20 S2VB60 PDF


    Abstract: S4VB20 S5KC20R S1ZAK20 S1ZAK40 S1ZAL20 S1ZB20 S1ZB60 S2HB20Z S2VB20
    Text: - 138- » X m £ [si # & iË * [SI # tt * B S n % Prsm Vr s m kW (V) V H Vr V| (V) (V) Io Tm & (A ) (V ) I fs m I g n t ax Vpmax f o fl o # 11 i B S 1Z A K 2 0 S 1Z A K 4 0 S1ZAL2 0 S1ZAS4 S1ZB20 fr 7 c * t « tc S t® 7 G S1ZB60 S 2H B 2 0 Z S2VB20 S 2V B 6 0

    OCR Scan
    S1ZAK20 S1ZAK40 S1ZAL20 S1ZB20 S1ZB60 S2HB20Z 300ns S5KC40R S5KD20 S4B-01 S4VB20 S5KC20R S1ZAK40 S1ZB20 S2VB20 PDF


    Abstract: F 13000 S3B40-10 S5KC20R s5kc40 S1ZAK20 S1ZAK40 S1ZAL20 S1ZB20 S1ZB60
    Text: - 138- » X m £ [si # & iË * [SI # tt * B S n % Prsm Vr s m kW (V) V H Vr V| (V) (V) Io Tm & (A ) (V ) I fs m I g n t ax Vpmax f o fl o # 11 i B S 1Z A K 2 0 S 1Z A K 4 0 S1ZAL2 0 S1ZAS4 S1ZB20 fr 7 c * t « tc S t® 7 G S1ZB60 S 2H B 2 0 Z S2VB20 S 2V B 6 0

    OCR Scan
    S1ZAK20 S1ZAK40 S1ZAL20 S1ZB20 S1ZB60 S2HB20Z 300ns S5KC40R S5KD20 S4B-01 F 13000 S3B40-10 S5KC20R s5kc40 S1ZAK40 S1ZB20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Rectifier diodes t ] PBYR1525CT series schottky barrier_ _ GENERAL DESCRIPTION Dual nickel silicide schottky barrier rectifier diodes in a plastic envelope featuring low forward voltage drop

    OCR Scan
    PBYR1525CT O220AB PDF

    ic 4063

    Abstract: TTC-4063 135C-2
    Text: REV. Sta tu s PRELIMINARY 1 0 / 3 1 / 0 0 MP PRELIMINARY 1 CHANGED A.4, A. 12. ADDED A.8, 1 2 / 0 6 / 0 0 MP ro H DSL transform er designed for use with Globespan HDSL2 IC chip T.B.D. at 78 4 k b p s rates A. Electrical Specifications @ 2 5 °C 1. Prim ary (Line side) Impedance; 135Q

    OCR Scan
    784kbps 60dBm 20KHz 250KHz, 10KHz -70dB 40KHz, 84Vrms 10KHz, 100KHz, ic 4063 TTC-4063 135C-2 PDF


    Abstract: 50G6P43 50Q6P43 30Q6P42 100G6P43 75U6P43 35J4B44 41C3FM MS 588 75L6P41
    Text: M B % n % 30L6P44 30L6P45 30Q6P42 30U6P42 35G4B44 M M M m M 35J4B44 35L4B44 40C2PM 40C4PM 40C6FM M g M g a n a n a n 40B2FM 40E4PM 40E6PM 41C1FM 41C2FM am am am 41C3FM 41C4FM 41C6FM 4 IE 1FM 41E2FM 41E3FM 41E4FM 41E6FM 50G6P41 50G6P43 P rsm Vrsm kl (V) a n

    OCR Scan
    30l6p41 30l6p45 30q6p42 30u6p42 35g4b44 35j4b44 35l4b44 40c2pm 75L6P43 75Q6P43 50G6P43 50Q6P43 100G6P43 75U6P43 41C3FM MS 588 75L6P41 PDF

    FA 600

    Abstract: 1S1802 1S1803 1S1803R 1S1804R 1S1829 1S1832 1S1834 1S1835 1S1842
    Text: - X S m « æ is i « ìg it 15 is j m 29- & ft B 1S180 2 1S1802R 1S 180 3 1 S 1 8 0 3R 1S 1804 1S1804R 1S1829 1S1830 1S1832 1S1834 1 S 18 3 5 1S1841 1S1842 1S 188 5 1S1855A 1S1886 1S I 88 6A 151887 1S1887A 1S I 888 1S18S5A 1 S 18 90 1S1891 1 S I 892 1 S 19 3 4

    OCR Scan
    1S1802 1S1S02R lS1802 1S1803 1S1803R lS1803 1S1804R lS1804 1S1829 1S2252 FA 600 1S1802 1S1803 1S1803R 1S1804R 1S1829 1S1832 1S1834 1S1835 1S1842 PDF


    Abstract: a5t3905 A5T3906 5T3906 2n3906 texas instruments
    Text: TYPES 2N3905, 2N3906. A5T3905, A5T3906 P-N-P SILICON TRANSISTORS B U L L E T IN N O . D L-S 7 3 1 1 5 7 7 , N O V E M B E R 1 9 7 1 - R E V IS E D M ARCH 1973 S I L E C T t T R A N S IS T O R S * FO R G E N E R A L PU R P O SE S A T U R A T E D -SW IT C H IN G AND A M P L IF IE R A P P LIC A T IO N S

    OCR Scan
    2N3905, 2N3906. A5T3905, A5T3906 2N3903, 5T3903, 5T3904 100-mil A5T3904 a5t3905 5T3906 2n3906 texas instruments PDF


    Abstract: ax 135c 0213 005 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 1S1461
    Text: - K ft 5Ë m -n [si f t ft M £ ft ft 91- ft H B S tt s * IL E I 1 * 1NE11 * 1QE11 * 1S1207 t 1S1334 m g * * * * * * # * * * Vrsm Vrrm Vr Io kW (V) (V) (V) (A) (°C ) (A) (°C ) 1 1 1 10 500 50a 50a 50a 120c 130c 50 50 50 200 9000 150 j 1505 150 j b i b

    OCR Scan
    1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 35MIN 96MAX -120MAXâ 11MIN SC-22 IS1462 ax 135c 0213 005 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 1S1461 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY54/74FCT163T 4-Bit Binary Counter CYPRESS Features • Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic • FCT-C speed at 5.8 ns max. Com’I FCT-A speed at 7.2 ns max. (Com’I) • Reduced Vqh (typically = 33V) versions of equivalent FCT functions

    OCR Scan

    2N2222A 338

    Abstract: TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U p date One London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    2CY17 2CY18 2CY19 2CY20 2CY21 500MA 500MA 2N2222A 338 TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931 PDF


    Abstract: 75L6P41 40E2FM 40E6FM 41C1FM 41C2FM 41C4FM 41C6FM 41E1FM 50U6P41
    Text: M B % 30L6P44 30L6P45 30Q6P42 30U6P42 35G4B44 35J4B44 35L4B44 40C2PM 40C4PM 40C6FM 40B2FM 40E4PM 40E6PM 41C1FM 41C2FM 41C3FM 41C4FM 41C6FM 4 IE 1FM 41E2FM 41E3FM 41E4FM 41E6FM 50G6P41 50G6P43 50J6P41 50L6P41 50L6P43 50Q6P41 50Q6P42 50Q6P43 50U6P41 50U6P42

    OCR Scan
    30l6p41 30l6p45 30q6p42 30u6p42 35g4b44 35j4b44 35l4b44 40c2pm 75U6P43 100G6P41 75L6P41 40E2FM 40E6FM 41C1FM 41C2FM 41C4FM 41C6FM 41E1FM 50U6P41 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mMEREX CM421290 CM421690 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 SCR/Diode POW-R-BLOK Modules 90 Amperes/1200-1600 Volts Description: Powerex SCR/Diode POW-R-BLOK™ Modules are designed for use in applications

    OCR Scan
    CM421290 CM421690 Amperes/1200-1600 peres/1200-1600 MAX/10 PDF


    Abstract: Beckman 785-1 mkb3 wima TFM-.1UF-160V bf197 diode zener ph c9v1 2N4286 2N3642 bf197p transistor 2N2359A

    OCR Scan
    RG121JU WIMA TFM Beckman 785-1 mkb3 wima TFM-.1UF-160V bf197 diode zener ph c9v1 2N4286 2N3642 bf197p transistor 2N2359A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D M T M L [Rî I I L I M une TECHNOLOGY dI Final Electrical Specifications LTC1484 Low Power EIA485 Transceiver with Receiver Fail-Safe S eptem ber 1998 FEATURES DCSCRIPTIO • No Damage or Latchup to ± 1 5 k V E S D Human The LTC®1484 is a low power EIA485 compatible trans­

    OCR Scan
    IEC-1000-4-2 LTC1484 EIA485 the485 PDF

    cl 409a

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC12451 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign, 7.7 jus, {iP-Compatible Sampling A/D Converter Tested and Specified for DSP Applications TRW 's TMC12451 is a CMOS successive-approxim ation analog-to-digital converter w ith 13-bit resolution. Physically identical to the TMC1251, the TMC12451 is

    OCR Scan
    TMC12451 12-Bit TMC12451 13-bit TMC1251, cl 409a PDF


    Abstract: 1S1631 1S1616 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 1S1461
    Text: - ft B * ILEI 1 * 1NE11 * 1QE11 * 1S1207 t 1S1334 * 1S1335 * 1S1336 * 1S1337 * 1S1338 * 1S1339 * 1S1340 # 1S1417 * 1S1418 * 1S1419 1S1461 1SI 4 62 1S1463 * 1S1471 * 1S1614 * 1S1615 * 1SI616 * 1S1626 * 1 S I 627 * 1S1628 * 1S1629 * 1S1630 * 1S1631 * 1S1821

    OCR Scan
    1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 A1125 26MIN 26M1N 28MIN 26MIN IS1462 1S1631 1S1616 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 1S1461 PDF


    Abstract: 1S1823 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 1S1461 1S1471
    Text: - ft B * ILEI 1 * 1NE11 * 1QE11 * 1S1207 t 1S1334 * 1S1335 * 1S1336 * 1S1337 * 1S1338 * 1S1339 * 1S1340 # 1S1417 * 1S1418 * 1S1419 1S1461 1SI 4 62 1S1463 * 1S1471 * 1S1614 * 1S1615 * 1SI616 * 1S1626 * 1 S I 627 * 1S1628 * 1S1629 * 1S1630 * 1S1631 * 1S1821

    OCR Scan
    1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 lS1821ii2ffità 1S1822R 1S18238 1S1824R 1S1825 IS1462 1S1823 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 1S1461 1S1471 PDF


    Abstract: lt 175 1111 SC-10U 135E 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340
    Text: - ft B * ILEI 1 * 1NE11 * 1QE11 * 1S1207 t 1S1334 * 1S1335 * 1S1336 * 1S1337 * 1S1338 * 1S1339 * 1S1340 # 1S1417 * 1S1418 * 1S1419 1S1461 1SI 4 62 1S1463 * 1S1471 * 1S1614 * 1S1615 * 1SI616 * 1S1626 * 1 S I 627 * 1S1628 * 1S1629 * 1S1630 * 1S1631 * 1S1821

    OCR Scan
    1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 sc-11 -28UNF-2ATÂ i042U SC-11U 27MIN IS1462 lt 175 1111 SC-10U 135E 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 PDF


    Abstract: 135E is1616 j175 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340
    Text: - ft B * ILEI 1 * 1NE11 * 1QE11 * 1S1207 t 1S1334 * 1S1335 * 1S1336 * 1S1337 * 1S1338 * 1S1339 * 1S1340 # 1S1417 * 1S1418 * 1S1419 1S1461 1SI 4 62 1S1463 * 1S1471 * 1S1614 * 1S1615 * 1SI616 * 1S1626 * 1 S I 627 * 1S1628 * 1S1629 * 1S1630 * 1S1631 * 1S1821

    OCR Scan
    1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1631 1S1821R 1S1822 lS1821ii2ffità 1S1822R IS1462 135E is1616 j175 1LE11 1NE11 1QE11 1S1207 1S1334 1S1340 PDF