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    Abstract: MCR69-1 motorola MCR69-2
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 31E I> 13 b3b72SS 0002040 2 ElflO T? M CR 68 Series M CR 69 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors . . . designed for overvoltage protection in crowbar circuits. • Glass-Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Stability and Reliability

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS MCR68) MCR69) MCR68 MCR69 MCR69-1 motorola MCR69-2 PDF

    motorola 2N4427

    Abstract: 2N4427 MOTOROLA 2N4427 parameters SILICON DICE motorola MRF207
    Text: MOTOROLA SC O I O D E S / O P T O } 6367255 MOTOROLA SC 34 I>F|b3b72SS 0D3Û0S3 1 DIODES/OPTO 34C 38053 D T~ 3 h 9 3 SILICON RF TRANSISTOR DICE (continued) 2C4427 DIE NO. — NPN LINE SOURCE — RF502.161 This die provides performance equal to or better than that of

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS RF502 2C4427 2N4427 MRF207 motorola 2N4427 2N4427 MOTOROLA 2N4427 parameters SILICON DICE motorola MRF207 PDF

    SCR 2N5061

    Abstract: MCR101 motorola motorola opto scr 2n5062 2N5061 SCR 2N5060 2C5060
    Text: MOTOROLA. SC -CDIODES/OPTOJ 6367255 MOTOROLA SC 3 4 DE | b3b72SS OD3ñlSa 3 DIODES/OPTO 34C 38152 D SILICON THYRISTOR DIE (continued) 2C5060 DIE NO. LINE SOURCE — DTL60 Device assembled from this die type are similar to the fol­ lowing device types:

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS DTL60 2N5060 2N5061 2N5062 MCR101 2C5060 MCR102 MCR103 13x13 SCR 2N5061 MCR101 motorola motorola opto scr SCR 2N5060 2C5060 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74 MOTOROLA SC -CDIODES/OPTO} ]>F|b3b72SS 0030215 1 f 6367255 M OTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 34C 38215 r - it ~ t? MICRO-T (continued) - npn RF AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS M M T 2 8 5 7 .A • designed for high-gain, low-noise amplifier, oscillator and mixer applications.

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS mmt2857 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I NOT RECO M M EN D ED FO R NEW D ES IG N S MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO BSE D • b3b72SS 0060*106 T - z S 'I S 2N 4168 thru Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 2N 4174 2N 4184 Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors . . . multi-purpose PNPN silicon controlled rectifiers suited for industrial, consumer,

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS ZN4168 2N4174 2N4184 2N4190 PDF


    Abstract: MCR1906-8 sc 3228 MCR1906-4 MCR1906
    Text: MO TO R O L A SC C D I O D E S / O P T O L,4E D P m " b3b72SS QGflbl23 ITT BinOT? M CR1906 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors T h e se d e v ic e s are g la ssiv a te d p lan ar co nstru ction d e s ig n e d fo r ap p lic a tio n s in

    OCR Scan
    QGflbl23 MCR1906 O-205AD) MCR1906-6 MCR1906-8 sc 3228 MCR1906-4 PDF

    thyristor welder

    Abstract: MCR3935 OPTO thyristor gate MCR3835 MCR3835-2 MCR3935-2 thyristor 300 volt 3268
    Text: MOTOROLA SC -CDIODES/OPTOJ ÏÏÏ DE I b3b72SS T - itr - / 7 MCR3835 Series MCR3935 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse B lockin g Triode Thyristor . . . d e s ig n e d fo r in d u stria l a n d c o n s u m e r a p p lic a tio n s s u c h a s p o w e r su p p lie s,

    OCR Scan
    MCR3835-2 MCR3835 MCR3935 thyristor welder OPTO thyristor gate MCR3935-2 thyristor 300 volt 3268 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 3^E D b3b72SS 0001770 7 D M 0 T 7 MOTOROLA T-Ot-tf SEMCOS\!DUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M R3910,R M R3911,R M R 3913#R Discrete M ilitary Products o m P o w e r R e c tifie rs m in i Suffixes: Fast Recovery HX, H X V Processed per MIL-S-19500/308

    OCR Scan
    T-05-1? MR3910 MR3911 MR3913 MIL-S-19500/308 2A-01 D0203AB PDF


    Abstract: c4370a diode c746 C746 C746A RF C4370 1C4370 C4372 1C4371 1C4372
    Text: T 15E D I b3b72SS 0 0 7 ^ 7 7 MOTOROLA SC {DIODES/OPTO} 3 I O rder th is data sheet by 1C746/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR T -II-O S - TECHNICAL DATA S ilic o n Zener D io d e C h ip s . . . fo r use in com pact and high perform ance circuits that are beyond the present state

    OCR Scan
    b3b725S 1C4370 1C746/D MK145BP, 1C746 1C759 C60707 1C4370/AthfU 1C4372 C4370 c4370a diode c746 C746 C746A RF C4370 C4372 1C4371 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4183 2N4169 2N4170 2N4172 2N4174 2N4168 2N4190 2N4168 motorola motorola opto scr
    Text: I NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW D ESIG N S MOTOROLA SC D IO D ES / O P T O SSE D • b3b72SS | 0060*106 0 ■ ~ 2 &/$ Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors . . . multi-purpose PNPN silicon controlled rectifiers suited for Industrial, consumer,

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS 2N4168 2N4174 2N4184 2N4190 2n4184 2N4183 2N4169 2N4170 2N4172 2N4168 2N4190 2N4168 motorola motorola opto scr PDF


    Abstract: MCR1906-8 MCR1906-2 MCR1906-4 MCR1906 MCR1906-3
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO BSE D b3b72SS D002ÖÖL 4 ÖM0T7 T- 25"- 5" MCR1906 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors T h e se d e v ice s are g la ss iv a te d p la n ar co n stru ctio n d e sig n e d fo r a p p lic a tio n s in

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS MCR1906 O-205AD) MCR1906-2 MCR1906-3 MCR1906-4Adc MCR1906-6 MCR1906-8 MCR1906-4 PDF


    Abstract: MMT2857A
    Text: 74 M O TO RO LA SC -CDIODES/OPTO} ]>F|b3b72SS 0030215 1 f 6367255 MO TO RO LA SC DIODES/OPTO 34C 38215 T- MICRO-T (continued) 3 1 ~ / 7 MMT2857.A - npn RF AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS • designed for high-gain, low-noise amplifier, oscillator and mixer applications.

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS MMT2857 50-ohm MMT2857A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: blE J> MOTOROLA SC LOGIC MOTOROLA b3b72SS OCHlTBb T33 inom • SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC109 Dual J-K Flip-Flop w ith Set and Reset J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 620-09 High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS T he MC54/74HC109 is id en tic a l in p in o u t to th e LS109. T he device in p u ts are

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS MC54/74HC109 MC54/74HC109 LS109. 54/74H PDF

    fe 5571

    Abstract: fa 5571 MAC4110M M A C 5573 C4110M MAC5573 2N6147 2N557 C5573 5572
    Text: I MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 3=1E D E3 b3b72SS Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . de s ig n ed p rim a rily fo r in dustrial and m ilita ry applications fo r th e control o f ae lo ad s in ap p licatio n s such as light d im m e rs , p o w e r supplies, heating controls,

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS Q0fl2b77 2IN15572 2N5571 2N5572 MAC5573 MAC5574 2N6145 2N6147 T4100M fe 5571 fa 5571 MAC4110M M A C 5573 C4110M MAC5573 2N6147 2N557 C5573 5572 PDF


    Abstract: 2n1844 2N1846 2N1843
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 3TE D B b3b72SS 0062^41 7 • M0T7 -r-A £ '-/5 '' 2INI1843 thru 2N1849 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers R everse Blocking Triode T h yristo rs . . . d e s ig n e d p rim a rily for h a lf-w a ve a c con trol a p p lica tio n s, s u c h a s m o to r c o n ­

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS 2INI1843 2N1849 b3b72S5 2N1843 2N1849 2n1844 2N1846 PDF


    Abstract: MAC4121D
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 2SE D • b3b72SS QOfiOTMfi 1 m f'& t Z Triacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the fullwave control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS 2N5567 T4101M 4111M 2N5567 2N5568 MAC5569 MAC5570 T4101M MAC4111M MAC4111M MAC4121D PDF


    Abstract: T6400 T6400B T6410 T6420 T6420M T6400D T6400M T6410B T6410D
    Text: MOTOROLA SC {DI ODE S/OPTO} ! 6367255 MOTOROLA SC 01 C D IO D E S /O P T O ]>F|b3b72SS 007^553 S 1 ~ 0 1E 79253 D T^Z'S'—t 7 T6400 T6410 T6420 Series Triacs Silico n Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS T6400 T6410 T6420 T6420 t64200 T6400B T6420M T6400D T6400M T6410B T6410D PDF


    Abstract: MPSU57 motorola 2n6556 MPSU57 MM5006 MM5007 2n6555 MPS-U57 MM5005 MPS-U55
    Text: MOTOROLA SC iDIOD ES/ OPTO} 6367255 M O T O R OL A 34 SC J>E~| b3b72SS D03âD31 2 C D IO D E S /O P TO 34C 3803 1 T '3 3 -n SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DICE continued) MPSUC55 DIE NO. — PNP LINE SOURCE — DEL554 This die provides performance similar to that of the following device types:

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS DEL554 2N6554 2N6555 2N6556 MM4008 MM4009 MM4010 MM5005 MM5006 MPSU55 MPSU57 motorola MPSU57 MM5007 MPS-U57 MPS-U55 PDF


    Abstract: qSOT-23
    Text: M O T O R O L A SC i D I O D E S / O P T O } 6 3 6 7 2 5 5 M O T O R O L A SC 34 DF|b3b72SS DIODES/OPTO 34C 003Ô2SS q 30255 SOT23 (continued) BCW66F,G,H DEVICE NO. SMALL-SIGNAL NPN TRANSISTOR TOP VIEW C I I • *— ' - t =i B Device D e s ig n e d fo r lo w -freq u en cy d river s ta g e an d switching

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS BCW66F BCW66G BCW66H b3b725S 30255 qSOT-23 PDF

    case 403-03

    Abstract: diode U3J 320T3 MURS315T3 DS6184 motorola diode marking u3j MURS340T3 motorola JE 180 MURS310T3 MURS320T3
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO M O TO RO LA • SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA B' ÎE D b3b72SS DDÖ3DÖM IM0T7 b ez= T - 0 3 M j5“ MURS305T3 MURS310T3 MURS315T3 MURS320T3 MURS330T3 MURS340T3 MURS350T3 MURS360T3 S u r fa c e M o u n t U ltra fa s t P o w e r R ectifiers

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS MURS305T3/D 2m92r MURS305T3 case 403-03 diode U3J 320T3 MURS315T3 DS6184 motorola diode marking u3j MURS340T3 motorola JE 180 MURS310T3 MURS320T3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bbE D MOTOROLA SC L O G IC MOTOROLA • b3b72SS bTfl ■ M C74AC04 M C 74A C T04 H e x In v e rte r HEX INVERTER • Outputs Source/Sink 24 mA • 'ACT04 Has TTL Compatible Inputs Vcc N SUFFIX CASE 646-06 PLASTIC D SUFFIX CASE 751A-03 PLASTIC MAXIMUM RATINGS*

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS C74AC04 ACT04 51A-03 MC74AC04 MC74ACT04 74ACT PDF


    Abstract: MCR64-4 mcr63
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO b4E b3b72SS D MCR63-( )A Series MCR64 Series MCR65 Series Silico n Controlled Rectifiers Reverse B lo ck in g Triode Thyristors . designed for industrial and consum er applications such as power supplies; battery chargers; temperature, motor, light, and welder controls.

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS 00fib07a MCR63-( MCR64 MCR65 MCR65-6 MCR64-4 mcr63 PDF


    Abstract: marking eh sot23 bcw66g SAL1 BCW66F
    Text: MOTOROLA SC - C D IO DE S/O PT OJ 6367255 MOTOROLA SC 34 DF|b3b72SS DIODES/OPTO 34C 0030255 38255 D SOT23 (continued) BCW66F,G,H d e v ic e no. SMALL-SIGNAL NPN TRANSISTOR TOP VIEW ur B D evice C | • D e s ig n e d fo r lo w -fre q u en cy d rive r sta g e a n d sw itching

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS BCW66F BCW66G BCW66H marking eh sot23 SAL1 PDF


    Abstract: t6420
    Text: MOTORO LA SC {D IO DES /OPTO} ! 6367255 MOTOROLA SC 01 D IO D E S /O P T O D eT| b3b72SS DD7^ ES3 S 1 ~ D IE 79253 D — /7 T6400 T6410 T6420 Series T riacs Silico n Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS T6400 T6410 T6420 T6420 T6420M PDF