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    Abstract: MC34060L 439 motorola MC34060
    Text: MOTOROLA SC -CTELECOt1> 14E D I b3ti72S3 O G f llf iT l 5 I 'T -S S -n -'M MC34060 MC35060 MOTOROLA SW ITC H M O D E P U LSE W IDTH MODULATION C O N TRO L C IR C U IT S T h e M C 3 5 0 6 0 and M C 3 4 0 6 0 are lo w co st fixed fre q u en cy, pulse w id th m o d u la tio n c o n tro l c ir c u it s d e s ig n e d p rim a rily fo r s in g le

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    b3ti72S3 MC34060 MC35060 M98SC MC34060P MC34060L 439 motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <8 > MOTOROLA MC34067 MC33067 High Performance Resonant Mode Controllers The M C34067/MC33067 are high performance zero voltage switch resonant mode controllers designed for off-lin e and d c -to -d c converter applications that utilize frequency modulated constant off-tim e or constant

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    MC34067 MC33067 C34067/MC33067 D1870 533402B02552 MC34067 MC33067 PDF


    Abstract: 0/UC3645B UC3645B
    Text: M M O T O R O L A — — UC3844B, 45B UC2844B, 45B High Performance Current Mode Controllers The UC3844B, UC3845B series are high performance fixed frequency current mode controllers. They are specifically designed for O ff-Line and d c -to -d c converter applications offering the designer a cost-effective

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    UC3844B, UC2844B, UC3845B 1N5819 L3Li7253 D101407 UC2844B 0/UC3645B UC3645B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g MOTOROLA M C 34065-H , L M C 33065-H , L High Perform ance Dual Channel Current Mode Controllers The MC34065-H.L series are high performance, fixed frequency, dual current mode controllers. They are specifically designed for off-line and d c-to -d c converter applications offering the designer a cost effective

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    34065-H 33065-H MC34065-H Z7157. MC34065-H, MC33065-H, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g MOTOROLA Low Dropout Regulator The MC33267 is a positive fixed 5.0 V regulator that is specifically designed to maintain proper voltage regulation with an extremely low input-to-output voltage differential. This device is capable of supplying output currents in excess of 500 mA and contains internal current limiting and

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    MC33267 PDF


    Abstract: LM248J motorola lm 348 n IC LM348
    Text: MOT OROL A SC TELECOM bSE b3b?2S3 D üüflSDflT MOTOROLA 4 MT « M O T S -, LM348 LM248 SEMICONDUCTOR) TECHNICAL DATA DIFFERENTIAL INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS (Quad MC1741) Operational Amplifiers SILICON M O N O LITH IC I N T E G R A T E D CIRCUIT The LM348 series is a true quad M C1741. Integrated on a single monolithic

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    LM348 LM248 MC1741) C1741. C1741, MC1741 b3ti72S3 LM348, C1741 LM248J motorola lm 348 n IC PDF


    Abstract: MC145151FN2 mc145156p B3F SWITCH 45156 1978 Data catalog MC-144b digital clock using logic gates counting second 2559B MC145152P2
    Text: bbE D • b3b72S3 000=1313 MOTOROLA T IT ■ MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR HOTS SC T n TECHNICAL DATA PLL Frequency Synthesizers CMOS The devices described in this document are typically used as low-power, phase-locked loop frequency synthesizers. When combined with an external

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    b3b72S3 r-128/129 MC145151-2 MC145158-2 b3b7E53 MC10131 MC10138 MC10154 MC12009 mc145152fn2 MC145151FN2 mc145156p B3F SWITCH 45156 1978 Data catalog MC-144b digital clock using logic gates counting second 2559B MC145152P2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA LF347, B LF351 LF353 JFET Input Operational Am plifiers T h ese low cost JF E T input op eratio nal a m plifiers com bine tw o s ta te -o f-th e -a rt analog technologies on a single monolithic integrated circuit. Each internally com pensated operational am plifier has well matched

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    MC1741, MC1458, MC3403/LM LF347B) LF347, LF351 LF353 LF351, LF353 PDF


    Abstract: MC1454 EP117
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C I4 5 4 7 2 M C 14LC 5472 Technical Summary U -ln te rfa c e T ransceiver T h is technical su m m ary provides a brief description o f th e M C 14 54 7 2 and M C 1 4 L C 5 4 7 2 U - ln te r fa c e T r a n s c e iv e rs . A c o m p le te d a ta b o o k fo r th e

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    145472/D MC145472 MC14LC5472 EP113 MC1454 EP117 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Differential Input O perational Am plifier The MC4741C is a true quad MC1741. Integrated on a single monolithic chip are four independent, low power operational amplifiers which have been designed to provide operating characteristics identical to those of the

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    MC4741C MC1741. MC1741, MC1741) MC1741 MC4741C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document by MC33035/D < 8 > MOTOROLA M C 33035 Brushless DC M otor C ontroller BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER The MC33035 is a high performance second generation monolithic brushless DC motor controller containing all of the active functions required

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    MC33035/D MC33035 D1D33D7 G1D32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M — O T O R O L A — MC75172B MC75174B Advance Information Quad EIA -485 Line Drivers w ith T h ree-S tate Outputs The Motorola MC75172B/174B Quad Line drivers are differential high speed drivers designed to comply with the EIA-485 Standard. Features

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    MC75172B MC75174B MC75172B/174B EIA-485 EIA-422-A, MC75174B. EIA-422-A) PDF


    Abstract: mc1472
    Text: M — M O T O R O L A — MC1472 Dual Peripheral-H igh-Voltage Positive “NAND” Driver The dual driver consists of a pair of PNP buffered AN D gates connected to the bases of a pair of high voltage NPN transistors. T hey are sim ilar to the M C75452 drivers but with the added advantages of: 1) 70 V capability

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    MC1472 C75452 i77fl3 MC1472 b3b7253 MC1472P1 PDF