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    B511 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    B511 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    B511 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    transistor d325

    Abstract: B511 transistor 3DD325 B511 TIP31c PNP Transistor D325 D325 transistor 3CD511 3a npn to220 transistor npn transistor 3A
    Text: TRANSISTOR TO-220 PLASTIC-ENCAPSULATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR HFE PC I C B vcbo B vceo mW (mA) (V) (V) MIN MAX I C (mA) V ce (sat) V ce (V) (V) IC (mA) Ib (mA) fT (MHz) PIN ARRAY SUBSTITUTE TYPE 5 BCE 2SD880 50 BCE 3DD325 200 -500 -3 -1 -1500 -150 50 BCE 3CD511

    O-220 2SD880 3DD325 3CD511 2SB834 TIP31C TIP32C TIP41C TIP42C transistor d325 B511 transistor 3DD325 B511 TIP31c PNP Transistor D325 D325 transistor 3CD511 3a npn to220 transistor npn transistor 3A PDF

    NEC E170632

    Abstract: e170632 B511 transistor MRF03-6P-1 201PW021 D311 transistor transistor B512 NL128102AC31-02A A3121 8 pin D311 equivalent
    Text: DATA SHEET TFT COLOR LCD MODULE NL128102AC31-02A Diagonal Size 51.0 cm 20.1 Type , 1280 x 1024 Pixels, 16,777,216 Color, TMDS Interface/CRT Monitor Compatible Interface, Ultra-Wide Viewing Angle NL128102AC31-02A module is composed of the amorphous silicon thin film transistor liquid crystal

    NL128102AC31-02A NL128102AC31-02A DE0203 NEC E170632 e170632 B511 transistor MRF03-6P-1 201PW021 D311 transistor transistor B512 A3121 8 pin D311 equivalent PDF

    Ta 8135

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DOD-H-8135 1/56 TFT COLOR LCD MODULE Type: NL128102AC31-02A 51cm 20.1 Type , SXGA SPECIFICATIONS (First Edition) PRELIMINARY This document is preliminary. All information in this document are subject to change without prior notice. NEC Corporation NEC Electron Devices

    NL128102AC31-02A DOD-H-8135 Ta 8135 PDF

    str f 6267

    Abstract: SMD MOSFET DRIVE DATASHEET 4606 STR 6656 TRANSISTOR C 6090 8050 sot-23 STR 6267 str 6267 f scr ky 202 HALL SOT-23-4 mosfet 4800
    Text: Micrel Shortform Catalog February 2006 Shortform Catalog February 2006 2006 Micrel, Inc. The information furnished by Micrel, Inc., in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for its use, nor any infringements of patents

    M0009-021506 str f 6267 SMD MOSFET DRIVE DATASHEET 4606 STR 6656 TRANSISTOR C 6090 8050 sot-23 STR 6267 str 6267 f scr ky 202 HALL SOT-23-4 mosfet 4800 PDF


    Abstract: LD33 VOLTAGE REGULATOR 3.3v NIKKO NR 9600 LD33 regulator TRANSISTOR si 6822 LD50 VOLTAGE REGULATOR st LD33 smd code marking ld33 LD33 VOLTAGE REGULATOR ST ld33 st
    Text: Shortform Catalog January 2004 Micrel Semiconductor • 1849 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 408 944-0800 • fax +1 408 944-1000 Micrel Shortform Catalog January 2004 2004 Micrel, Inc. The information furnished by Micrel, Inc., in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for its use, nor any

    Tiny0240 M0009-012804 LD33 VOLTAGE REGULATOR LD33 VOLTAGE REGULATOR 3.3v NIKKO NR 9600 LD33 regulator TRANSISTOR si 6822 LD50 VOLTAGE REGULATOR st LD33 smd code marking ld33 LD33 VOLTAGE REGULATOR ST ld33 st PDF

    S5 100 B112 MT RELAY

    Abstract: AMP A047 CONNECTOR VAT300 relay S5 100 B112 transistor b605 A 92 B331 transistor S5 100 B112 RELAY 9F52 transistor b686 A 42 B331 transistor
    Text: Cover VAT300 quick guide 14-09-2007 10:37 Page 1 GE Consumer & Industrial Power Protection GE Consumer & Industrial GE POWER CONTROLS Hornhouse Lane Knowsley Industrial Park Liverpool L33 7YQ VAT300 - User Manual GE POWER CONTROLS IBERICA Marqués de Comillas 1

    VAT300 VAT300, ST-3450C E-08225 D-50677 F-93601 I-20092 B-9000 C/4566/E S5 100 B112 MT RELAY AMP A047 CONNECTOR VAT300 relay S5 100 B112 transistor b605 A 92 B331 transistor S5 100 B112 RELAY 9F52 transistor b686 A 42 B331 transistor PDF

    Fair-Rite ATC

    Abstract: B074 dale rs-2b dale rs-2b 3w 2B43B SURFACE MOUNT RESISTOR 200B M177 SD2923 f-30MHz

    OCR Scan
    SD2923 SD2923 sc1421d SC14220 008706A L0G1101 Fair-Rite ATC B074 dale rs-2b dale rs-2b 3w 2B43B SURFACE MOUNT RESISTOR 200B M177 f-30MHz PDF

    cf rh transistor

    Abstract: COIL metal detector schematic TDE0160 thomson capacitor THOMSON CD TDE0160DP TDE0160FP coil eddy current
    Text: THOMSON SEMICONDUCTORS TDE0160 P R O X IM ITY DETECTOR PR O X IM ITY DETECTOR T h e T D E 0160 is d esig n ed to d e te c t m e ta l b o d ie s b y th e e ffe c t o f E ddy c u rre n ts o n th e H F losses o f a co il. It has t w o c o m p le m e n ta ry o pe n c o lle c to r o u tp u ts

    OCR Scan
    TDE0160 TDE0160 TDE0160DP2 CB-511 cf rh transistor COIL metal detector schematic thomson capacitor THOMSON CD TDE0160DP TDE0160FP coil eddy current PDF


    Abstract: C3788 c4217 d1047 c2078 C4161 D1651 D1682 k2043 K1460
    Text: Transistors Type Number SAftYO Index *:New products for FEB added. Type No. Package Page Type No. 2SA Typi T0220 2SA1011 NP Al 016,1 SPA A] 177 NP A 1207 MP Al 208 T0126 Al 209 A ’237 DP6A, B il A: 238 it A! 239 il Ax 240 NP A: 246 T0126 A: 248 h A. 249

    OCR Scan
    2SA1520 A1522 A1523 A1524 A1525 A1526 A1527 A1528 A1536 A1537 d1684 C3788 c4217 d1047 c2078 C4161 D1651 D1682 k2043 K1460 PDF

    Halbleiterbauelemente DDR

    Abstract: mikroelektronik Heft 12 VEB mikroelektronik information applikation Mikroelektronik Information Applikation Transistoren DDR information applikation mikroelektronik mikroelektronik Heft sy 710 applikation heft
    Text: m o t ^ o e l e l - c f a n c i r Information Applikation Bauelemente der Leistungs­ elektronik SW77 Bipolare SchaltTransistoren i i l - c m t n r D o lk in î^ e lB l-c ta n a r iik Information Applikation H e f t : BAUELEMENTE DER LEISTUNGSELEKTRONIK

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: information applikation information applikation mikroelektronik mikroelektronik heft Radio Fernsehen Elektronik 1977 Heft 9 "Mikroelektronik" Heft Mikroelektronik Information Applikation mikroelektronik Heft 12 applikation heft mikroelektronik DDR
    Text: m o ^ a f^ o lsl-cta n m iil i Information Applikation Q O 0 t r ö n f l k l n it s O l B l C f a P O T lM Information Applikation - Heft 56 IS für Farbfefnseh-\ empfänger v , * Teil 2 v e b H a lb leite rw e rk fr a n k fu r t/ o d e r im v e b k o m b in a t m ik ro e le k tro n ik

    OCR Scan

    information applikation

    Abstract: B589N mikroelektronik heft a4100 "Mikroelektronik" Heft information applikation mikroelektronik mikroelektronik Heft 12 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation mikroelektronik DDR applikation heft
    Text: In n flk fln H s d o l I t w r j Information Applikation ryv«*t IS für FARBFERNSEH EMPFÄNGER Teil 1 : A 35 10 D A 35 20 D gw im flj-Æ n lg lJ h .J I I I II "TW *• € Information Applikation HEFT 55 • •*. V • r * • - •. IS für FARBFERNSEHEMPFÄNGER

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    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: information applikation e435e information applikation mikroelektronik applikation heft fzl135 mikroelektronik Heft 12 D4803DC D718D "Mikroelektronik" Heft
    Text: Information Applikation Treiber IC aus dem HFO fr vrn" m m . . Information Applikation HEFT 53 NEUE TREIBERSCHALTKREISE v a b helbleifcerwerk F r a n k f u r t / o d e r botrwb im v«b kombinat mikroeloktranik | KAMMER DER TECHNIK i * » _ J Ebertusstraße 2, Frankfurt Oder

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this data sheet by BCA6000ETL/D M MOTOROLA BCA6000ETL SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. BOX 20912 • PHOENIX, ARIZO NA 85036 Advance Information HIGH PERFORMANCE BiMOS TTL-ECL-CMOS COMPATIBLE BCA6000ETL BiMOS ARRAY T his sp ecifica tion defines design and p erfo rm a n ce re q u ire ­

    OCR Scan
    BCA6000ETL/D BCA6000ETL BCA6000ETL BCA6000ETL, B705 PDF


    Abstract: C520D vqb 71 VQB71 D347D d348d VQE23 D346D Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VQE24
    Text: electronica ] Nullpunktabgleich [T j ~8~| Nullpunktabgleich | Eingang L [ u Masse l i Eingang H T I Betriebsarten - Umschaltung T ] LSD ( letztes Digit) integrations-C f/2 Endwertabgleich \l3 MSD (höchstwertiges Digit) Betriebsspannung Us Z I BCD-Ausgang OC

    OCR Scan
    C520D D147D C520D vqb 71 VQB71 D347D d348d VQE23 D346D Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VQE24 PDF


    Abstract: information applikation cdb 4121 e CDB 447 FZH 195 mh 3212 applikation heft 74LS125N MH 74141 FZH195
    Text: m ô D ^ n iœ lo M s n a n ilK Information Applikation INTERFACE SCHALTUNGEN RGW mit internationaler Typen­ übersicht ¿ kH KKÄÄÄÄAZJ, r in iO lk r t^ B lo lK b n a in H K I Information Applikation H a f t I N T E E F A C E E 4 8 » - S C G H A L T U N G E N

    OCR Scan

    MSD 7818

    Abstract: MN9106 information applikation 7490 N TDA 5700 information applikation mikroelektronik udssr hefte 143KT1 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation K 176 LE, K 561 LN
    Text: In n in ik ü r Q fâ lI Information Applikation RGW Typen­ übersicht + Vergleich TeiM UdSSR JitfÆÊL JUUUUUUL&JJJUL i m i n i ^ r ^ c z l c i c b p o n Information Applikation , 9 H E F T 4 9 * R G W T y p e n ü b e r s i c h t + V e r g l e i c h Teil 1

    OCR Scan
    6250b MSD 7818 MN9106 information applikation 7490 N TDA 5700 information applikation mikroelektronik udssr hefte 143KT1 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation K 176 LE, K 561 LN PDF

    information applikation

    Abstract: VEB mikroelektronik information applikation mikroelektronik mikroelektronik Heft 12 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation "Mikroelektronik" Heft mikroelektronik heft applikation heft mikroelektronik applikation a4100
    Text: u Information Applikation rik K|D se o Fififlkif^ii \k i il •' n r i r Information Applikation H e f t 4 6 : L B I S T U H Q 3 B L E K T R 0 H I K Bipolarer Leist ungschalttransistor T e i l 2 v b h a l iW t T w r f c fm kf urfc/odr imvibliomhinit mlhrortBlurBiii

    OCR Scan

    information applikation

    Abstract: DL193D information applikation mikroelektronik Mikroelektronik Information Applikation mikroelektronik Heft 12 "Mikroelektronik" Heft mikroelektronik applikation VEB mikroelektronik applikation heft DL192D
    Text: [ H n in k ^ t M E le l- c f a n a n il- c Information Applikatiùn Auf ein Wort: Werte Nutzer dieser Applikations-Hefte! Das Tempo der Entwicklung in der Mikroelektronik erfordert, ständig neue Informationen über Bauelemente und ihre mögliche Anwendung

    OCR Scan

    information applikation mikroelektronik

    Abstract: information applikation Mikroelektronik Information Applikation applikation heft mikroelektronik applikation VEB mikroelektronik "Mikroelektronik" Heft mikroelektronik DDR radio fernsehen elektronik "information applikation"
    Text: m o lk ^ o e le l-c ts n a r iik c Information Applikation 31/2 DIGIT CMOS Analog-DigitalWandler G O Q . i m f l k i n i o e l B l H c f a p a r T B Inform ation Applikation Heft C 47: 7 13 6 A / D - W a n d l e r I 1 * *• vm b u w t L frrinkfu r f c / o d f

    OCR Scan