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    Abstract: LM311 V comparator 14 PIN DIAGRAM RETS111X LM311J-8 LM311J8 LM311 application switch mode power amplifier using lm311 schematic diagram tv sharp circuit of low voltage comparator using lm311 JM38510/10304
    Text: b5Q1124 0075*^0 1T4 « N S C S SÔE D £3 National MM Semiconductor T -1 2 r5 3 LM111/LM211/LM311 Voltage Comparator General Description The LM111, LM211 and LM311 are voltage comparators that have input currents nearly a thousand times lower than devices like the LM106 or LM710. They are also designed

    OCR Scan
    b5Q1124 LM111/LM211/LM311 LM111, LM211 LM311 LM106 LM710. LM311J LM311 V comparator 14 PIN DIAGRAM RETS111X LM311J-8 LM311J8 LM311 application switch mode power amplifier using lm311 schematic diagram tv sharp circuit of low voltage comparator using lm311 JM38510/10304 PDF


    Abstract: 117h lh317 HMF CAPACITOR
    Text: 55E D NATL SEMICOND LINEAR b5Q1124 OGfe.74flb h National Semiconductor r - 5 5 -//-2 3 LM117HV/LM317HV 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator General Description The LM117HV/LM317HV are adjustable 3-termlnal positive voltage regulators capable of supplying In excess of 1,5A

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    b5Q1124 74flb LM117HV/LM317HV LM117HV LM317HV bSQ1154 T-58-11-23 TL/H/9062-24 im317 117h lh317 HMF CAPACITOR PDF


    Abstract: LM257S LM257SHVT-ADJ LM2575T-ADJ staggered leads ic power switch 0,5A SO T23 LM2575 SOC 8A fuse smd 415-0926 LT 5251 N4001 diode
    Text: tß a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r LM1575/LM 1575H V/LM2575/LM2575H V Series SIMPLE SWITCHER 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator General Description Features The LM2575 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all the active functions for a step-down

    OCR Scan
    LM1575/LM1575H /LM2575/LM2575H LM2575 Cep-01451, bS01124 lm257st LM257S LM257SHVT-ADJ LM2575T-ADJ staggered leads ic power switch 0,5A SO T23 SOC 8A fuse smd 415-0926 LT 5251 N4001 diode PDF


    Abstract: LM2419T LM2416 LM2419 TA11B M3310 book national semiconductor
    Text: December 1994 LM2419 Triple 65 MHz CRT Driver General Description Features The LM2419 contains three wide bandwidth, large signal amplifiers designed for large voltage swings. The amplifiers have a gain of —15. The device is intended for use in color CRT monitors and is a low cost solution to designs conform­

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    LM2419 LM2419 11-lead T0-220 LM2416 20-3A 658-999S IR2422 LM2419T LM2416 TA11B M3310 book national semiconductor PDF

    cmos bandgap reference

    Abstract: ADC10154BIN ADC10154 ADC10154BIJ ADC10154BIWM ADC10154CIJ ADC10154CIN ADC10154CIWM ADC10158 CL RD 701
    Text: ADC10154/ADC10158 NATL SEMICOND LINEAR bSG1124 DG74043 7TT M N S C S SÖE D T- 51-lO-lO B3 National dLM Semiconductor ADC10154, ADC10158 10-Bit Plus Sign 4 jas ADCs with 4- or 8-Channel MUX, Track/Hold and Reference General Description Features The ADC10154 and ADC10158 are CMOS 10-bit plus sign

    OCR Scan
    bSG1124 DG74043 T-51-lO-lO ADC10154, ADC10158 10-Bit ADC10154 cmos bandgap reference ADC10154BIN ADC10154BIJ ADC10154BIWM ADC10154CIJ ADC10154CIN ADC10154CIWM CL RD 701 PDF


    Abstract: datasheet of LM6172 5962-9560401QPA J08A LM6171 LM6172 LM6172IN block diagram of ultrasound scanner
    Text: LM6172 Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion, Voltage Feedback Amplifiers Features Typical Unless Otherwise Noted General Description • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LM6172 is a dual high speed voltage feedback amplifi­ er. It is unity-gain stable and provides excellent DC and AC

    OCR Scan
    LM6172 LM6172 000V/jis with7018 L501124 lm61721m datasheet of LM6172 5962-9560401QPA J08A LM6171 LM6172IN block diagram of ultrasound scanner PDF


    Abstract: tcd1250d CCD LINEAR SENSOR 512 dyna image linear CCD 512 74HC4538 CCD linear array CIS scanner lg led tv internal parts block diagram t9801
    Text: LM9801 8-Bit G reyscale/24-Bit Color Linear CCD Sensor Processor G eneral Description Features The LM9801 is a high performance integrated signal proc­ essor/digitizer for linear CCD image scanners. The LM9S01 performs all the analog processing correlated double sam­

    OCR Scan
    LM9801 Greyscale/24-Bit LM9B01 DYNA CIS tcd1250d CCD LINEAR SENSOR 512 dyna image linear CCD 512 74HC4538 CCD linear array CIS scanner lg led tv internal parts block diagram t9801 PDF

    IEEE 802.3 Clause 27

    Abstract: DP33840 "IEEE 802.3" "Clause 27"
    Text: DP83850 PRELIM INARY N ational Semiconductor tß DP83850 100 M b/s Repeater Interface Controller G eneral Description Features The DP83850 100 M b/s Repeater Interface Controller is designed specifically to meet the needs of today's high speed Ethernet networking systems. The DP83850 is fully

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    DP83850 DP83850s DP83856 tl/f/12391â L-501124 010D21D IEEE 802.3 Clause 27 DP33840 "IEEE 802.3" "Clause 27" PDF


    Abstract: LM7905CK LM7912CK LM79XX lm7905ct LM7908CT LM7905 to3 LM7915CK to3
    Text: LM79XX SflE D • b 5 D 1 1 2 M 007b4fl4 72T M N S C B SHNational mm Semiconductor NATL S E M I C O N D LINEAR T -5 8 -1 1 - (3 LM79XX Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators General Description The LM79XX series of 3-terminal regulators is available with

    OCR Scan
    007b4fl4 LM79XX LM79XX T0-220 TL/H/7340-12 b5D112M TL/H/7340-13 LM7915CK LM7905CK LM7912CK lm7905ct LM7908CT LM7905 to3 LM7915CK to3 PDF


    Abstract: lm12 op amp ILM12 LM12 OP amp IC LM12CK OF IC 723 linear regulator LM12K
    Text: LM12 NATL SEMICOND LINEAR S2E D • bSOllEM 0DLÖE3H b T-79-23 National Semiconductor LM12 (L/C/CL) 150W Operational Amplifier General Description The LM12 is a power op amp capable of driving ±35V at ±10A while operating from ±40V supplies. The monolithic

    OCR Scan
    T-79-23 LM12 lm12 op amp ILM12 LM12 OP amp IC LM12CK OF IC 723 linear regulator LM12K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National LM2877 ß Semiconductor LM2877 Dual 4W Audio Power Amplifier General Description The LM2877 is a monolithic dual power amplifier designed to deliver 4W /channel continuous Into 8 fi loads. The LM2877 is designed to operate with a low number of exter­

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    LM2877 LM2877 11-lead bSD1124 PDF


    Abstract: 1N4001 zener diode lm109
    Text: LM109/LM309 National Semiconductor LM109/LM309 5-Volt Regulator General Description The LM109 series are complete 5V regulators fabricated on a single silicon chip. They are designed for local regulation on digital logic cards, eliminating the distribution problems

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    LM109/LM309 LM109/LM309 LM109 lm309 1N4001 zener diode PDF


    Abstract: Sumitomo TOSA LB03 LM2991 LM2991T T05A T05D BOX TOSA
    Text: Semiconductor LM2991 Negative Low Dropout Adjustable Regulator General Description Features The LM2991 is a low dropout adjustable negative regulator with a output voltage range between - 2 V to -2 5 V . The LM2991 provides up to 1A of load current and features a

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    LM2991 Cep-01451, LM2941 Sumitomo TOSA LB03 LM2991T T05A T05D BOX TOSA PDF


    Abstract: BV EI 306 2070 RT-8200 LM6181 LM6182 LT1229 T-50115
    Text: LM6182 N a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r LM6182 Dual 100 mA Output, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier General Description Features The LM6182 dual current feedback amplifier offers an un­ paralleled combination of bandwidth, slew-rate, and output

    OCR Scan
    LM6182 LM6182 LM6182AMN LM6182AIN LM6182IN 16-pin LM6182AIM op260 BV EI 306 2070 RT-8200 LM6181 LT1229 T-50115 PDF


    Abstract: lm2517 vogt transformer 575 vogt inductors X15V flyback transformer HR 420 stepup ferrite transformer 2KV vogt mo inductors vogt s 575 LM2577-ADJ step down
    Text: LM1577/LM2577 Series N a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r LM1577/LM2577 Series SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage Regulator General Description Features The LM1577/LM2577 are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all of the power and control functions for step-up

    OCR Scan
    LM1577/LM2577 TL/H/11468-23 TL/H/11468-24 Figure20, TL/H/11468-25 b5011E4 D0T2243 h16a lm2517 vogt transformer 575 vogt inductors X15V flyback transformer HR 420 stepup ferrite transformer 2KV vogt mo inductors vogt s 575 LM2577-ADJ step down PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP83934CVUL N a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r ß DP83934CVUL-20/25 MHz SONIC -T Systems-Oriented Network Interface Controller with Twisted Pair Interface General Description The SONIC-T (Systems-Oriented Network Interface Control­ ler with Twisted Pair is a second-generation Ethernet Con­

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    OP83934CVUL DP83934CVUL-20/25 16-bit PE64103. PDF

    ic MIP 0254

    Abstract: mip 0254 INF05 ibeacon PRC-112 diode fr 107 MRD148 DP83265A BV EI 480 1225 E043-1
    Text: National Semiconductor DP83261 BMAC Device FDDI Media Access Controller General Description Features The DP83261 BMAC device implements the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for operation in an FDDI token ring. The BMAC device provides a flexible interface to the

    OCR Scan
    DP83261 5442ADMQB DM5442AJ -525-O 16-Lead DM7442AN ic MIP 0254 mip 0254 INF05 ibeacon PRC-112 diode fr 107 MRD148 DP83265A BV EI 480 1225 E043-1 PDF

    power supply in ic 7915 circuit diagram

    Abstract: LH0052CH LH0042CD 7915 circuit diagram T-7975 metal package 7915 7915 TO-3 kia 7915 IC 7915 LH0022H
    Text: LH0022/LH0022C/LH0042/LH0042C/LH0052/LH0052C NATL S E M I C O N D LINEAR S2E D • bS01154 OObñOMS ñ ■ 7~-7?75 National Semiconductor LH0022/LH0022C High Performance FET Op Amp LH0042/LH0042C Low Cost FET Op Amp LH0052/LH0052C Precision FET Op Amp General Description

    OCR Scan
    T-7975 LH0022/LH0022C LH0042/LH0042C LH0052/LH0052C LH0022/LH0042/LH0052 LH0052 LH0022 LH0042 TL/K/5557-19 power supply in ic 7915 circuit diagram LH0052CH LH0042CD 7915 circuit diagram metal package 7915 7915 TO-3 kia 7915 IC 7915 LH0022H PDF


    Abstract: MTL 188
    Text: National Semiconductor DP83223A TWISTER High Speed Networking Transceiver Device General Description Features The DP83223A Twisted Pair Transceiver is an integrated circuit capable of driving and receiving either binary or MLT-3 encoded datastreams. The DP83223A Transceiver is

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    DP83223A 100BASE-TX X3T12 10Oii MTL 188 PDF


    Abstract: 10v regulator 7910 lm814 Ior 4020 transistor 29 amp LM6141wm LM124 LM185 LM614 LM614CN
    Text: LM614A/LM614 NATL SEHICON» LINEAR 22E T> bS01154 □ □bfl'OQ b National Semiconductor 7“- 7 9 - / 0 LM614A/LM614 Quad Operational Amplifiers and Adjustable Reference General Description Features (Guaranteed over temperature & supply) The quad operational amplifiers are a versatile commonmode-to-the-negative-supply ("single supply") type similar

    OCR Scan
    bS01154 LM614A/LM614 LM124 LM185 LM6141 10v regulator 7910 lm814 Ior 4020 transistor 29 amp LM6141wm LM614 LM614CN PDF


    Abstract: 12V small relays hook up HY40 FS18C TP3054
    Text: NATL S E M I C O N D 31E D L INEAR bSGU24 Q PRELIMINARY -7 ^ 7 S V / - 0 9 TP3212 SLIM Subscriber Line Interface Module General Description Features The TP3212 Is a complete electronic SLIC and PCM COMBO CODEC/Fllter module Intended to Interface the

    OCR Scan
    bSGU24 TP3212 TR-TSY-000057. TUH/10730-13 TPC68B TP3212J 12V small relays hook up HY40 FS18C TP3054 PDF

    lm2490 5V regulator

    Abstract: 10S01-5 lm2490 l145 L2990 LM2940 LM2990 LM2990T-12 LM2990T-15 T03B
    Text: LM2990 Negative Low Dropout Regulator LM2990 is available in a 3-lead T0-220 package and is rat­ ed for operation over the automotive temperature range of —40°C to + 1 25°C. General Description The LM2990 is a three-terminal, low dropout, 1 ampere neg­

    OCR Scan
    LM2990 LM2990 299-2SOO S1292 Cep-01451, lm2490 5V regulator 10S01-5 lm2490 l145 L2990 LM2940 LM2990T-12 LM2990T-15 T03B PDF

    me 4946

    Abstract: ADC12041 LM4040 LM4041 LM9140 TMS320C25 ADI21xx
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r ADC12041 12-Bit Plus Sign 222 kHz Sampling A n alog-to-D igital C o n verter V|N range Power consumption: Normal operation Stand-by mode General Description Operating from a single 5V power supply the ADC12041 is a 12 bit + sign, parallel I/O, self-calibrating, sampling analogto-digital converter ADC . The maximum sampling rate is

    OCR Scan
    ADC12041 12-Bit ADC12041 Intel386 TMS320C25, MC68HC11/16, ADI21xx. LM4040, LM4041 me 4946 LM4040 LM9140 TMS320C25 ADI21xx PDF


    Abstract: ir sensing circuit using LM358 lm35b LM356A LM356 LM256 transistor SMD t06 lm3s8m lm156 IC OP AMP LM358N
    Text: LM158/LM 258/LM358/LM 2904 Low Power Dual Operational Amplifiers General Description Advantages The LM158 series consists of two independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single

    OCR Scan
    LM158/LM258/LM358/LM2904 LM158/LM258/LM358/LM2904 LM158 TL/H/7787-33 /H/7787-31 b501154 0Cn45b7 LM256A ir sensing circuit using LM358 lm35b LM356A LM356 LM256 transistor SMD t06 lm3s8m lm156 IC OP AMP LM358N PDF