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    B632K Search Results

    B632K Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D612 transistor B632K transistor b632k TRANSISTOR D612 D612 k 2SB632 D612 2SB632K d612k to126
    Text: Ordering number:341G PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 612K 25V/35V, 2A Low-Frequency Power Amplifier Applications Features Package Dimensions • High collector dissipation and wide ASO. unit:mm 2009B [2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 612K]

    2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 5V/35V, 2009B O-126 2SB632K, D612K D612 transistor B632K transistor b632k TRANSISTOR D612 D612 k 2SB632 D612 2SB632K d612k to126 PDF


    Abstract: D612 transistor 2SC536 D612K transistor 2sc1175 2SC536 transistor transistor b632k 2sc1175 2sd438 transistor B632
    Text: Ordering number:ENN341G PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 612K 25V/35V, 2A Low-Frequency Power Amplifier Applications Features Package Dimensions • High collector dissipation and wide ASO. unit:mm 2009B [2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 612K]

    ENN341G 2SB632, 632K/2SD612, 5V/35V, 2009B O-126 B632K, B632K D612 transistor 2SC536 D612K transistor 2sc1175 2SC536 transistor transistor b632k 2sc1175 2sd438 transistor B632 PDF


    Abstract: C3898 k443 d16810 K545 K1311 b1127 C4146 K2073 B986
    Text: sa H yo ^ Qui c = V < S ö 1ect 1on Gu 1de S P A \ v \ ÇE0 i cx v m A )\ 1 1 0 2 0 1 5 1 8 5 0 K7 1 5 K2 0 7 4 K2 3 9 5 2 5 K1 5 7 8 K212 K3 1 5 K4 0 4 K4 2 7 K444 K2270 3 0 2 0 C4 4 3 3 5 7 0 0 8 0 0 A1765 C4 4 5 4 B8 0 8 D10 12 B12 9 6 D19 3 6 3 0 K3 0 4

    OCR Scan
    K2270 A1765 A1497/C3860, A1503/C3864 A1509/C3899, A1511/C3901 A1572/ A1574/C4070 A1582/C4113, A1590/C4121 c3807 C3898 k443 d16810 K545 K1311 b1127 C4146 K2073 B986 PDF


    Abstract: B632K d612k 2sc1175 8Q transistor d612 2SB632 2SB632K 341G 2SB6
    Text: Ordering' number; EN341G 2SB632.632K/2SD612.612K N 0 .3 4 IG PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAXYO i 25V/35V, 2A Low-Frequency Power Amp Applications F eatures • High collector dissipation and wide ASO. : 2SB632,632K A b solu te M axim um R atings at Ta = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    EN341G 2SB632 632K/2SD612 5V/35V, 2SB632, 2SB632K, D612K 10hAJe 2sc536 B632K d612k 2sc1175 8Q transistor d612 2SB632K 341G 2SB6 PDF


    Abstract: d1651 d1047 k d1047 B817 C2621 D1650 B1269 c4106 D895
    Text: SA\YO ^ Q u i c k S e 1 e c t i o n G u i d S P A CEO I > < V 1 5 1 8 2 K 11 K5 9 K15 K2 1 K3 1 K4 0 3 1 6 78 2 5 4 A 11 C28 C2 9 K5 4 77 39 99 4 2 5 Type T ransistors 3 4 «¡D a rlin g to n 5 8 mA ) 1 2 K4 2 7 K4 4 4 5 K546 K7 7 2 K2 2 7 0 3 K3 0 4

    OCR Scan
    1503/C 1565/C 1574/C 1590/C 1616/C 1654/C C3820, 1782/C B1235/D C3151 c4460 d1651 d1047 k d1047 B817 C2621 D1650 B1269 c4106 D895 PDF


    Abstract: c3807 C3502 a1249 C3953 C3117 transistor c3807 c3116 d826 b1127
    Text: S4PfVO X O — 1 2£> O :T0-126ML, *:T0-126LP, Unmarked :T0-126. \ \ Type T r a n s i s t o r s ♦¡D arlington V CEO I \ V C \ (mA) \ 18 2 0 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 0 7 0 6 0 8 0 10 0 12 0 16 0 A1404 A15380 C3598 <39530 200 A1723 C4271 C4660O A1402 C3596 A15360

    OCR Scan
    T0-126ML T0-126LP, T0-126. A1352 A1380 A1406 A14780 A1540O C3416 C3502 c2314 c3807 a1249 C3953 C3117 transistor c3807 c3116 d826 b1127 PDF


    Abstract: D612K b632k 2sc1175 D612 2SB632 2SB632K 341G 2SD438 B632
    Text: Ordering n u m b e r:EN341G 2SB632,632K/2SD612,612K N 0.34 IG PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAW O 25V/35V, 2A Low-Frequency Power Amp Applications F e a tu re s • High collector dissipation and wide ASO. : 2SB632,632K A b solute M axim um R atin g s a t Ta = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    EN341g 2SB632 632K/2SD612 5V/35V, 2SB632, 2SB632K, D612K b632k, d612a 2SC536 D612K b632k 2sc1175 D612 2SB632K 341G 2SD438 B632 PDF