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    Abstract: MSM7560
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 7540/7560 Single Rail ADPCM CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7540 /7560 are single ch an n el A DPCM COD EC ICs w h ich p erfo rm m u tu a l tran sco d in g b etw een an alo g voice b a n d signal a n d 32 k b p s A DPCM serial data.

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    MSM7540/MSM7560 MSM7540 oM7540/7560 b7245M0 MSM7560 PDF


    Abstract: ZIP40-P-475
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5 14170 A/ASL 262,144-Word x 16-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM514170A/ASL is a new generation Dynamic RAM organized as 262,144-word x 16-bit configuration. The technology used to fabricate the MSM514170A/ASL is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process

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    MSM514170A/ASL 144-Word 16-Bit MSM514170A/ASL cycles/16ms, M514170 ZIP40-P-475 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM64431_ Built-in 8-Bit A/D Converter 4-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM64431 is a high-performance 4-bit microcontroller that incorporates OKI's nX-4/20 CPU core. The MSM64431 has a minimum instruction execution time of 714 ns @4.2 MHz and contains a 1024byte program memory, a 64-nibble data memory, four I/O ports (16 bits in total), an 8-bit 4-channel

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    MSM64431 MSM64431 nX-4/20 1024byte 64-nibble L724240 0Q244bS 72424D PDF

    opt p421

    Abstract: SAB 3210 EXO 39L 30B9 8096 8096 microcontroller features TQTM MSM6408
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6408_ High speed and High performance 4-Bit Microcontroller G EN ER A L D ESCRIPTIO N The M SM 6408 m icrocontroller is a low-power, single-chip device im plemented in com plem entary m etal-oxide sem iconductor technology.

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    MSM6408 12-bit b7EM24D DD23T3? opt p421 SAB 3210 EXO 39L 30B9 8096 8096 microcontroller features TQTM MSM6408 PDF

    oki m6650

    Abstract: m6650 oki msm6376 zd 3.1v CD T3 32 F11 HEM BTU 10/400 AR76 QFP64-P-1420-V1K PRBC MSM6650
    Text: O K I Sem iconductor MSM6650 External ROM Drive Speech Synthesis LSI GENERAL D ESCR IPTIO N MSM6650, a successor to OKI's MSM6376 speech synthesis LSI, can externally store d ata by directly connecting a m axim um 64 M bit ROM or EPROM. The PCM m ethod is ad d ed to the

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    MSM6650 MSM6650, MSM6376 12-bit MSM6650 00MHz, AR76-202 b724240 M6650 MSM27C101 oki m6650 m6650 oki msm6376 zd 3.1v CD T3 32 F11 HEM BTU 10/400 AR76 QFP64-P-1420-V1K PRBC PDF