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    tone Dialer

    Abstract: DD221 MSM6234 MSM6234RS VMSM6234RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6234 DTMF Tone Dialer LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION TheMSM6234 is a tone dialer LSI which is fabricated by Oki's low power consumption CMOS silicon gate technology. TheMSM6234can generate 16DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency signals which consists of 4 higher

    OCR Scan
    MSM6234 TheMSM6234 MSM6234can 16-pin DIP16-P-300) MSM6234RS) b72M540 tone Dialer DD221 MSM6234 MSM6234RS VMSM6234RS PDF


    Abstract: PAD10 PAD31 NC-641 M7581
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7581_ ITU-T G.721 4ch ADPCM TRANSCODER G E N E R A L D ESC R IP T IO N The MSM7581 is an A D PC M tran sc o d er w h ich is u se d b y th e n ew dig ital cordless system . It converts 64 k b p s voice PCM serial d a ta to 32 k b p s ITU-T G.721 A D PC M serial d ata, a n d vice

    OCR Scan
    MSM7581 MSM7581 b724E4D b72424D PAD10 PAD31 NC-641 M7581 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E 2 G 0 1 06-18-42 V $ \ O K I S e m ic o n d u c to r ^ve^on^.i*«^ M SM 5 1 1 6 4 0 0 C_ 4,194,304-W ord x 4 -B it D Y N A M IC R A M : F A S T P A G E M O D E T Y P E DESCRIPTION The MSM5116400C is a 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM fabricated in Oki’s silicon-gate CMOS

    OCR Scan
    E2G0106-18-42 MSM5116400C_ 304-Word MSM5116400C 26/24-pin PDF

    256kx16 ucas zip

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Information OKI Semiconductor MSM5416256/MSM54V16256 {Standard-version _ Lowvoltago vflrsionor V-voremn)_ 262,144 Words x 16 Bits GRAPHICS BURST ACCESS MEMORY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5416256 is a high speed 256KX16 configuration burst access memory for high performance

    OCR Scan
    MSM5416256/MSM54V16256 MSM5416256 256KX16 MSM54 DQ8-15 245MG 256kx16 ucas zip PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2D0017-27-42 O K I Semiconductor M S M 6652/53/54/55/56-xxx, M SM 6652A/53A/ 54A/55A/56A/58A-xxx, MSM66P54-XX, MSM66P56-xx Under development , MSM6650 Internal Mask ROM Voice Synthesis 1C, Internal One-Time-Programmable (OTP) ROM Voice Synthesis 1C, External ROM Drive Voice Synthesis 1C

    OCR Scan
    E2D0017-27-42 6652/53/54/55/56-xxx, 652A/53A/ 4A/55A/56A/58A-xxx, MSM66P54-XX, MSM66P56-xx MSM6650 MSM6650 MSM6375 theMSM6650familymembersoffer PDF


    Abstract: MSM514 ZIP20-P-400
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM514101 B/BL 4,194,304-Word x 1-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : NIBBLE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM514101B/BL is a new generation dynam ic RAM organized as 4,194,304-word x 1-bit. The technology used to fabricate the MSM514101B/BL is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    MSM514101B/BL 304-Word MSM514101B/BL 1024cycles/16ms, 128ms A0-A10 26-PIN MSM514 ZIP20-P-400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM51V17900_ 2,097,152-Word x 9-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM51V17900 is a new generation Dynamic RAM organized as 2,097,152-word x 9-bit configuration. The technology used to fabricate the MSM51VI7900 is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    MSM51V17900 152-Word MSM51V17900 MSM51VI7900 cycles/32ms 32PIN SOJ32-P-4QO 42PIN 081m PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MK31VT864A-8YC 98.06.26 O K I Semiconductor MK31VT864A-8YC 8,388,608 W ord x 64 Bit SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE (1 BANK);_ DESCRIPTION The Oki MK31VT864A-8YC is a fully decoded, 8,388,608 x 64bit synchronous dynamic random access memory composed of eight 64M b DRAMs(8Mx8) in TS O P packages

    OCR Scan
    MK31VT864A-8YC MK31VT864A-8YC 64bit 168-pin x64-Bit b72424Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC 23S 136B/BL-XXBS 12/DS12 1,048,576-Word by 36-Bit DRAM Module: Fast Page Mode DESCRIPTION The OKI MSC23S136B/BL-xxBS12/DS12 is a fully decoded 1,048,576-word x 36-bit CMOS dynamic Ran­ dom Access Memory module composed of eight 4-Mb DRAMs in SOJ MSM514400B/BL packages and

    OCR Scan
    136B/BL-XXBS 12/DS12 576-Word 36-Bit MSC23S136B/BL-xxBS12/DS12 MSM514400B/BL) MSM511000B/BL) 72-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM51V18160A 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM51V18160A is a 1,048,576-w ord x 16-bit dynamic RAM fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate technology. The MSM51V18160A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and lowpow er consumption due to quadruple polysilicon double metal CMOS. The MSM51V18160A is

    OCR Scan
    MSM51V18160A 576-Word 16-Bit MSM51V18160A 42-pin 50/44-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC2320B-XXYS9/DS9 262,144-Word by 36-Bit DRAM Module: Fast Page Mode D ESC R IP TIO N The O KI MSC2320B-xxYS9 /D S 9 is a fully decoded 262/144-word x 36-bit CM OS Dynamic Random Access Memory M odule . It is composed of eight 1-Mb DRAMs in SOJ M SM514256B packages, and four 256Kb

    OCR Scan
    MSC2320B-XXYS9/DS9 144-Word 36-Bit MSC2320B-xxYS9 MSM514256B) 256Kb MSM51C256A) 72-pin MSM51C256A PDF


    Abstract: MSM 80C51 oki 80C49 P MSM5259GS 80c49 MSM6262-01GS MSM5839CGS SM240 lcd module 40x4 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 80c51 PIN CONFIGURATION
    Text: O K I SE M IC O ND UC T OR GROUP IDE D | b72H24D ÜDÛ4Û32 7 | OKI s e m i c o n d u c t o r T- 52 - 13-07 M S M 6 2 6 2 - 0 1 G S DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER WITH 48DOT COMMON DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM6262GS is a dot m atrix LCD controller which is fabricated by OKI's low power con­

    OCR Scan
    7EM24D 0004A32 T-52-13-07 MSM6262-01GS_ 48DOT MSM6262GS 04S75 MSM 80C51 oki 80C49 P MSM5259GS 80c49 MSM6262-01GS MSM5839CGS SM240 lcd module 40x4 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 80c51 PIN CONFIGURATION PDF

    FZJ 131

    Abstract: BE454 MSM51C256 MSM51C256-10 MSM51C256-12 MSM51C256-8 MSM51C256RS L262144 dynamic ram binary cell
    Text: K I SEflICONDUCTOR GROUP IDE D g fc,754240 ÖD04143 b | O K I semiconductor MSM51C256RS/JS * 262,144 W O RD X1-BITS DYNAM IC RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM51C256 is a new generation dynamic RAM organized as 262,144 words by 1 bit. The technology used to fabricate the MSM51C256 is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology. The

    OCR Scan
    OD04143 MSM51C256RS/JS MSM51C256 DIP/18 MSM51C256-8 MSM51C256-10 FZJ 131 BE454 MSM51C256-12 MSM51C256RS L262144 dynamic ram binary cell PDF


    Abstract: MSM65512 MSM65P512 DIP40-P-600 OKI DIP-40P GG13 addressing mode in core i7
    Text: SflE D • b?24240 0013Ô41 232 M O K I J O K I semiconductor— 0 k i s e m i c o n d u c t o r c r o u p MSM65512/65P512 _ -r-H9-i9-q>* OKI ORIGINAL HIGH PERFORMANCE CMOS 8 BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION MSM65512 is a high-performance 8-bit single-chip controller that employs Oki's original nX-8/50

    OCR Scan
    MSM65512/65P512 W9-19- MSM65512 nX-8/50 10MHz MSM65P512, MSM6SS12/65PS12 24EM0 Q013flb2 Funai MSM65P512 DIP40-P-600 OKI DIP-40P GG13 addressing mode in core i7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM514170 A/ASL 262,144-Word x 16-Bit D YN A M IC RAM : FAST PAGE M O D E TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM514170A/ASL is a new generation Dynamic RAM organized as 262,144-word x 16-bit configuration. The technology used to fabricate the MSM514170A/ASL is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process

    OCR Scan
    MSM514170 144-Word 16-Bit MSM514170A/ASL 16-bit cycles/16ms, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC23140B/BL-XXBS10/DS10 1,048,576-Word by 40-Bit DRAM Module: Fast Page Mode DESCRIPTION The OKI M SC23140B/BL-xxBS10/DS10 is a fully decoded 1,048,576-word x 40-bit CMOS Dynamic Ran­ dom Access Memory Module composed of ten 4-Mb DRAMs in SOJ M SM 514400B/BL packages

    OCR Scan
    MSC23140B/BL-XXBS10/DS10 576-Word 40-Bit SC23140B/BL-xxBS10/DS10 514400B/BL) 72-pin SC2314 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I electronic components KGF1203_ Balanced Mixer for UHF-Band and PCS Frequencies G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION The K G F1203, designed for U H F band up-con verters, is a balanced -m ixer IC that features high conversion gain, high local isolation, low voltage, and low current dissipation. Single-ended

    OCR Scan
    KGF1203_ F1203, F1203 F1203 KGF1203 b724E4D PDF


    Abstract: s41 415 501 CHB dodo VD 12 51 MSM6665-XX QFP128-P-1420-K S28EM PPP01 abb variable frequency drive wiring diagram S29Q
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6665-X X _ DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER WITH 17-DOT COMMON DRIVER AND 80-DQT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6665-xx is a dot-m atrix LCD control driver w hich has functions of displaying charac­ ters, cursor and arbitrators.

    OCR Scan
    MSM6665-XX_ 17-DOT 80-DQT MSM6665-xx 80-dot 9D/17D 501 CHB SPECIFICATIONS s41 415 501 CHB dodo VD 12 51 QFP128-P-1420-K S28EM PPP01 abb variable frequency drive wiring diagram S29Q PDF

    sj 2025

    Abstract: ic sj 2025 IC 2025 TMI 1480 digital thermometer secs Ishizuka Electronics lcd N7 Thermometer ic preset variable resistor DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5052-01 Thermometer with C lo ck Function G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The MSM5052-01 is an IC equipped with a digital thermometer possessing a temperature alarm, and a clock function. This device uses a thermistor as its sensing element, is able to sense temperatures in the range

    OCR Scan
    MSM5052-01 MSM5052-01 80-PIN QFP80-P-1420-K QFP84-P-1420-BK b724E4Q sj 2025 ic sj 2025 IC 2025 TMI 1480 digital thermometer secs Ishizuka Electronics lcd N7 Thermometer ic preset variable resistor DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK PDF


    Abstract: 533 BA MS82V16520 QFP100-P-1420-0 AX2002 S82V
    Text: E2L0056-28-91 % This version: Sep. 1998 O K I Semiconductor M S82V16 5 2 0 2 62 ,14 4 -W o rd x 3 2 -B it x 2 -B a n k Synchronous G raphics R AM D E S C R IP TIO N The MS82V16520 is a synchronous graphics random access m em ory organized as 256 K w o r d s x 3 2

    OCR Scan
    E2L0056-28-91 MS82V16520 MS82V16520 72424G DD275Qti S82V16520 533 BA QFP100-P-1420-0 AX2002 S82V PDF

    photo sensor pin diagram

    Abstract: OIP101 SCHMIT TRIGGER
    Text: O K I electronic components OIP1Q1_ Open Collector Output Photodetector GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OIPlOl is an open collector output photodetector that incorporates a photodiode, amplifier circuit, Schmitt-trigger circuit and a voltage regurator circuit on to a single chip.

    OCR Scan
    b72M2M0 72MEM0 2424G photo sensor pin diagram OIP101 SCHMIT TRIGGER PDF

    delay echo circuit diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM7620 Echo Canceller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7620 is an improved version of the MSM7520 with the same basic configuration. The MSM7620 includes following improvements: a modified through mode, timing control of the control pin input, and a thinner package. The MSM7620 also provides a pin-for-pin replacement

    OCR Scan
    MSM7620 MSM7620 MSM7520 MSM7520. 2424D delay echo circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Sem iconductor M SC 23409C /C L-XXPS9 4,194,304-Word x 9-Bit DRAM MODULE : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The OKI MSC23409C/CL-xxDS9 is a fully decoded 4,194,304-word x 9-bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory Module composed of nine 4-Mb DRAMs 4M x 1 in SOJ packages

    OCR Scan
    23409C 304-Word MSC23409C/CL-xxDS9 30-pin MSC23409C/CL-xxDS9 b724E4D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6810/6811/6812/6813 Single Chip CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6810/6811 /6812/6813 are a single-channel CODEC CMOS ICs containing filters for A / D and D /A converting of the voice signal ranging from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz. FEATURES • Compliance with ITU-T com panding Law

    OCR Scan
    MSM6810/6811/6812/6813 MSM6810/6811 MSM6810/MSM6812: MSM6811 /MSM6813 MSM6810/MSM6811 MSM6812/MSM6813 MSM6812/MSM6813 b7E4E40 00E13b2 PDF