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    Curtis Industries 267B86-24

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 267B86-24 Bulk 100
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $4.0804
    • 1000 $4.0804
    • 10000 $4.0804
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    CircuitMedic B8-624-3232-127B

    CircuitMedic B8-624-3232-127B Circuit Medic Flextac BGA Stencil32.5x32.5mm Comp.10/Pk
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Techni-Tool, Inc. B8-624-3232-127B
    • 1 $179
    • 10 $179
    • 100 $179
    • 1000 $179
    • 10000 $179
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    TestEquity LLC B8-624-3232-127B
    • 1 $179
    • 10 $179
    • 100 $179
    • 1000 $179
    • 10000 $179
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    B8624 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAW Components SAW Duplexer LTE Band XVII Series/type: Ordering code: B8624 B8624P810 Date: Version: January 17, 2014 2.1  EPCOS AG 2014. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B8624 B39741B8624P810 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN7894B LB8649W Monolithic Digital IC Digital Camera Motor Driver Overview The LB8649W integrates the actuator drivers required by digital cameras on a single chip. Features • Integrates the actuator drivers required by digital cameras on a single chip.

    EN7894B LB8649W LB8649W PDF


    Abstract: ILB01597 LB8649
    Text: Ordering number : EN7893B Monolithic Digital IC LB8649FN Motor Driver for DSCs Feature • Actuator drivers for digital cameras embedded in one chip. 1. Constant current output car stepping motor for SH/AE or VCM x 2 2. Constant voltage output car stepping motor for ZOOM or DC motor driver

    EN7893B LB8649FN LB8649FN ILB01597 LB8649 PDF

    Camera AF actuator

    Abstract: LB8649 3163B LB8649W SQFP48 b8656
    Text: Ordering number : EN7894B Monolithic Digital IC LB8649W Digital Camera Motor Driver Overview The LB8649W integrates the actuator drivers required by digital cameras on a single chip. Features • Integrates the actuator drivers required by digital cameras on a single chip.

    EN7894B LB8649W LB8649W Camera AF actuator LB8649 3163B SQFP48 b8656 PDF


    Abstract: SQFP48
    Text: CMD8649 Preliminary Lens Motor Driver for Digital Still Camera 1. Case Outline: SQFP48(7x7) Plastic Package 2. Function and Application: DSC driver 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C Parameter Symbol Maximum supply voltage Conditions Ratings Unit VB max

    CMD8649 SQFP48 CMD8649 PDF

    NEC B1099

    Abstract: NEC b1098 str 6307 B1284 B1273 B1329 nec b1669 B1134 b1686 STR S 6307
    Text: BURNDY PRODUCTS BURNDYWeld BW-06 B BURNDYWeld™ Customer Service Open 8:00 am to 8:00 pm E.S.T. Monday — Friday Call Us At: 1-800-346-4175 FAX 1-800-346-9826 2 Customer Service: 1-800-346-4175 BURNDYWeld™ TABLE OF CONTENTS

    BW-06 YWeldTMWireMesh79 PATCUT129ACSR-18V NEC B1099 NEC b1098 str 6307 B1284 B1273 B1329 nec b1669 B1134 b1686 STR S 6307 PDF

    tone control ic

    Abstract: 14X14 LC75421 Audio Processor IC fader LA265
    Text: Ordering number : EN8078A Monolithic Linear IC LA2657M Car Audio Electronic Volume and Tone Control IC with On-Chip BBE Sound Processor Overview The LA2657M is a car audio signal processing IC that integrates a BBE sound processor with the functions of the SANYO

    EN8078A LA2657M LA2657M LC75421 tone control ic 14X14 Audio Processor IC fader LA265 PDF

    str 6307

    Abstract: STR S 6307 STR 6307 POWER str 6309 str w 5667 STR 6251 of str 6309 str 6307 datasheet STR Z 2757 str w 6251
    Text: BURNDYWeld STRAIGHT AND OFFSET COPPER LUGS BURNDYWeld™ straight & offset lugs are designed to be used with BCB-1 Type Molds listed on page 33. The lugs are made from electrolytic grade copper bar stock. The lugs are available with one, two or four bolt holes with NEMA spacing. For lug sizes not listed, contact BURNDY Products.

    B38-4200-00 B38-4202-00 B38-4203-00 B38-4205-00 B38-4206-00 B38-4208-00 B38-4212-00 B38-4214-00 B38-3605-00 B38-4215-00 str 6307 STR S 6307 STR 6307 POWER str 6309 str w 5667 STR 6251 of str 6309 str 6307 datasheet STR Z 2757 str w 6251 PDF


    Abstract: D1004 LB8649W SQFP48
    Text: 注文コード No. N 7 8 9 4 B 半導体ニューズ No.N※7894A とさしかえてください。 LB8649W モノリシックデジタル集積回路 DSC 用モータドライバ 概要 LB8649Wはデジタルカメラ用の1チップ・アクチュエータドライバである。

    N7894A LB8649W LB8649W1 37Vtyp 200mA) D1004 B8-6569 B8-6247 3163B LB8649W SQFP48 PDF


    Abstract: 2VB12 D1004
    Text: 注文コード No. N 7 8 9 3 B A 半導体ニューズ No.N7893A とさしかえてください。 LB8649FN モノリシックデジタル集積回路 DSC 用モータドライバ 特長 ・デジタルカメラ用のアクチュエータドライバを1チップに内蔵

    N7893A LB8649FN D1004 IM/33004 B8-6248 OUT10 IN18ISH( 2OUT912) LB8649FN 2VB12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN7894B LB8649W Monolithic Digital IC Digital Camera Motor Driver ht t p://onse m i.c om Overview The LB8649W integrates the actuator drivers required by digital cameras on a single chip. Features • Integrates the actuator drivers required by digital cameras on a single chip.

    EN7894B LB8649W LB8649W PDF


    Abstract: CH-1234 B-8624
    Text: 注文コード No. N 7 8 1 9 LA6575H モノリシックリニア集積回路 MD,CD用5CHドライバ BTL:4CH,Hブリッジ:1CH LA6575Hは、4ch BTLアンプおよびローディング用Hブリッジを内蔵したMD,CD用5chドライバICである。 また5Vレギュレータを内蔵している。

    LA6575H LA6575H4ch 700mA B8-6244 LA6575H CH-1234 B-8624 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN8078 Monolithic Linear IC LA2657M Car Audio Electronic Volume and Tone Control IC with On-Chip BBE Sound Processor Overview The LA2657M is a car audio signal processing IC that integrates a BBE sound processor with the functions of the SANYO

    EN8078 LA2657M LA2657M LC75421 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXP88616/88624 CMOS 8-bit Single Chip Microcomputer Description The CXP88616/88624 is a CMOS 8-bit micro­ computer which consists of A/D converter, seria! interface, timer/counter, time base timer, high precision timing pattern generation circuits, PWM output, VISS/ VASS circuit, remote control receiving

    OCR Scan
    CXP88616/88624 CXP88616/88624 CXP88616/83524 CXP88616 100P1N QFP-10CP-LOS PDF