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    Abstract: MPS6715 HOTS
    Text: 2N6715/PN6715/MPS6715 NATL S E M I CO ND n r Sç Cr Rh Ef T tE f DI 11E » | • bSG113D 0 2 * 5- | I . 0 3 7 2 ^QC- C Tl National Semiconductor 2N6715 t PN6715 MPS6715 J^ ^*'237 El^ "92 Bc Bc TL/G/10100-S 'OS ebc TUG/10100-1 TUG/10100-4 NPN General Purpose Amplifier

    OCR Scan
    hSG113D 2N6715 O-237 MPS6715 T0-22ME TL/G/10100-8 TUG/10100-1 TL/G/10100-4 10mAdc, 2N6715 MPS6715 HOTS PDF


    Abstract: NDC652P Supersot 6
    Text: M arch 1996 National f i Semiconductor" NDC652P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Features General Description • -2.4A, -30V. RDSI0Nl = 0.18 fi @ VGS = -4.5V -10V. >V„ These P-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using

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    NDC652P LS01130 B5G1 NDC652P Supersot 6 PDF

    diode 6t6

    Abstract: NDC632P
    Text: National June 1996 Semiconductor" NDC632P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Features General Description These P-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Nationals proprietary, high cell density, DMOS

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    NDC632P Supe202 diode 6t6 NDC632P PDF

    bu 517

    Abstract: NDS352P
    Text: March 1996 N ational Semiconductor" NDS352P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These P-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Nationals proprietary, high cell density, DMOS

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    NDS352P b50113D 003T74G bSD113D bSD113D 317H2 bu 517 NDS352P PDF


    Abstract: M2N7002 2N7002 "ON Semiconductor" 2N7002 2n7000 transistor 2n7002 2N700 national 2N7002 N7000 2N7000 MOSFET
    Text: N ational Sem iconductor” 6 N ovem ber 1995 > 2N7000 / 2N7002 / NDS7002A N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Features General Description These N-Channel e nhancem ent m od e fie ld effect tran sisto rs are produced using Nationals proprietary,

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    2N7000 2N7002 NDS7002A 400mA NDS7000A OT-23, 2N1000 M2N7002 "ON Semiconductor" 2N7002 transistor 2n7002 2N700 national 2N7002 N7000 2N7000 MOSFET PDF

    D40 transistor

    Abstract: transistor 5167 PZTA14 5Ci transistor
    Text: MPSA14 I MMBTA14 / PZTA14 & D iscrete P O W E R & S ig n a l Technologies National S e m i c o n d u c t o r " PZTA14 MMBTA14 MPSA14 SOT-23 SOT-223 M ark: 1 N NPN Darlington Transistor T h is d e v ice is d e s ig n e d for a p p lica tio ns requiring extrem ely

    OCR Scan
    PZTA14 OT-223 00407bD L5D1130 004G7bl D40 transistor transistor 5167 PZTA14 5Ci transistor PDF

    capacitor discharge ignition

    Abstract: NB313Y "capacitor discharge ignition" NA61W NA62 Ignition Transformer NB022EY NB123EY NB111 NB32
    Text: NATL SENICOND -CDISCRETE> NATL "äfl SEM ICOND, DF|bSD1130 DISC R ETE 28C 3 5 5 7 7 V/WX National MM Semiconductor J 3 - / / NA61 (NPN) 4 .5 A m p c o m p le m e n ta ry p o w e r tr a n s is to r s NA62(PNP) feature s CO < z IT ! packages and lead coding

    OCR Scan
    003SS77 O-126 O-220 IO11F NB022EY NB123EY NR001E NB113EY NB111EY NB121EY capacitor discharge ignition NB313Y "capacitor discharge ignition" NA61W NA62 Ignition Transformer NB022EY NB123EY NB111 NB32 PDF

    BC338 hie hre hfe

    Abstract: BD371C-10 bc368 hie BD370B-10 BD371D BD371C BF936 BF494 BF495 b055
    Text: National Bipolar Pro Electron Series Semiconductor c/> Case Style VCEO VeBO V (V) Min Min Ices ’ •cBOg. (nA) Max 50* TO-92 (97) 60* BC327-10 TO-92 (97) 50* 45 5 100* 45 40 63 BC327-16 TO-92 (97) 50* 45 5 100* 45 40 100 TO-92 (97) 50* TO-92 (97) 30' TO-92

    OCR Scan
    b501130 bS01130 T-03-01 BC338 hie hre hfe BD371C-10 bc368 hie BD370B-10 BD371D BD371C BF936 BF494 BF495 b055 PDF


    Abstract: SOIC-16 TN3467A
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r ' TN3467A MMPQ3467 TN3467AI MMPQ3467 & D iscrete P O W E R & S ig n a l Technologies National SOIC-16 PNP Switching Transistor T h is d e v ic e is d e s ig n e d for high s p e e d s a tu rated sw itching app lication s at currents to 8 0 0 m A . S o u rc e d fro m P ro c ess 7 0 .

    OCR Scan
    TN3467A MMPQ3467 O-226 SOIC-16 S0113D D04DbMfl MMPQ3467 SOIC-16 TN3467A PDF


    Abstract: DIODE WJ SOt23 transistor BS170 MMBF170 A9 SOT-23 BS170 16 sot 23 transistor MOSFET BS170
    Text: ë> N a t io n al Semiconductor" April 1995 BS170 / MMBF170 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These N-Channel enhancement mode field effect transistors are produced using Nationals proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. These products

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    BS170 MMBF170 500mA MMBF170 OT-23, bSG113D B5170 DIODE WJ SOt23 transistor BS170 A9 SOT-23 16 sot 23 transistor MOSFET BS170 PDF

    B23 zener diode

    Abstract: zener Diode B23 NDP505A NDP506A transmitter and receiver MINI CAMERA HRD-B30M115 B23 j ZENER DIODE NDP505B NDP506B
    Text: National Semiconductor Ontnhfir 1QQ1 NDP505A/NDP505B, NDP506A/NDP506B N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These n-channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National’s proprietary, high

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    NDP505A/NDP505B, NDP506A/NDP506B hSG113D B23 zener diode zener Diode B23 NDP505A NDP506A transmitter and receiver MINI CAMERA HRD-B30M115 B23 j ZENER DIODE NDP505B NDP506B PDF

    mpsa92 "sot23"

    Abstract: mpsa92
    Text: MPSA92 / MMBTA92 / PZTA92 Discrete POWER & Signal Technologies National e ? Semiconductor~ MMBTA92 MPSA92 PZTA92 SOT-23 SOT-223 Mark: 2D PNP High Voltage Amplifier This device is designed for high voltage driver applications. Sourced from Process 76. Absolute Maximum Ratings*

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    MPSA92 MMBTA92 PZTA92 MPSA92 MMBTA92 OT-23 OT-223 bSQ113D DD407 mpsa92 "sot23" PDF


    Abstract: MMBTL51 MMBT2904A
    Text: ^Sem iconductor SEMICOND Surface Mount Transistors General Purpose Amplifiers and Switches—PNP MMBT 2904 TO-236 49 60 40 5 MMBT2904A TO-236 (49) 60 40 5 TO-236 (49) 60 MMBT2905A TO-236 (49) 60 MMBT 2906 TO-236 (49) 60 MMBT 2906A TO-236 (49) 60 MMBT 2905

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    O-236 mmbt2906a MMBTL51 MMBT2904A PDF

    LC 500-S

    Abstract: 2N5551 MMBT5551 S4002
    Text: 2N5551 I MMBT5551 & D iscrete P O W ER & S ig n a l T echnologies _ National S e m i c o n d u c t o r ” MMBT5551 2N5551 NPN General Purpose Amplifier T h is d e v ic e is d e s ig n e d for g en e ral pu rp ose high voltage am plifiers an d g a s d isc h a rg e d isp la y driving. S o u rc e d from P ro c e s s 16.

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    b5G1130 LC 500-S 2N5551 MMBT5551 S4002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Na t i o n a l Semiconductor" M ay 1996 NDS9953A Dual P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology.

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    NDS9953A bSG113D NDS9953A PDF