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    BB53T24 Search Results

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    Abstract: HP611 Linelock Block diagram on monochrome tv receiver SAA7186 SAA7191B SAA7194 VR029 BHS34 HS-117
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND h3Z ]> bb53T24 D D ? a e n 4T4 • SIC3 P relim inary specification Philips Semiconductors Video Products Digital video decoder and scaler circuit DESC SAA7194 C O N TEN TS 1. FEATURES 8. I2C-BU S FORMAT 2. G E N ER A L DESCR IPTIO N

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    SAA7194 32-bit v011y HP611 Linelock Block diagram on monochrome tv receiver SAA7186 SAA7191B SAA7194 VR029 BHS34 HS-117 PDF

    scn68562 Users guide

    Abstract: SC68C562 SC68C562A8A SC68C562C1A SC68C562C1N SCN68562 DUSCC Users guide scb68430
    Text: • bb53T24 0CH4412 04^ M S I C B Philips Semiconductors Data Communications Products Product specification CMOS Dual universal serial communications controller CDUSCC DESCRIPTION e « co« cc. SC68C562 • 0 to 10MHz data rate The Philips Semiconductors SC68C562 Dual Universal Serial

    OCR Scan
    SC68C562 SC68C562 150pF 150pF 100pF bbS3R24 scn68562 Users guide SC68C562A8A SC68C562C1A SC68C562C1N SCN68562 DUSCC Users guide scb68430 PDF

    eel - 19 transformer

    Abstract: NE83c92A NE83C92 NE83C92N NE83Q93 ethernet transformer 10base-2 AC DC transformer Philips eel 19 transformer
    Text: •I bb53T24 □ □ C147DE =142 mSIC3 Philips Semiconductors Data Communications Products Preliminary specification Low-power coaxial Ethernet transceiver DESCRIPTION NE83C92 PIN CONFIGURATION The NE83C92 is a low power coaxial transceiver interface CTI for

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    b53T24 NE83C92 NE83C92 10base5) 10base2) bb53S24 100ns eel - 19 transformer NE83c92A NE83C92N NE83Q93 ethernet transformer 10base-2 AC DC transformer Philips eel 19 transformer PDF

    diode U1J

    Abstract: IN916 NE8392C-2A NE8392C-2N
    Text: bb53T24 GOTMbSM 3bT « S I C 3 Product specification Coaxial transceiver interface for Ethernet/Thin Ethernet DESCRIPTION NE8392C-2 PIN CONFIGURATION The NE8392C-2 Coaxial Transceiver Interface CTI is a coaxial line driver/receiver for Ethernet (10base5) and Thin Ethernet (10base2)

    OCR Scan
    bb53TE4 NE8392C-2 NE8392C-2 10base5) 10base2) 100ns diode U1J IN916 NE8392C-2A NE8392C-2N PDF


    Abstract: colour tv circuit diagram 50 hz Oscillator inverter dc ac DB-450.5 diagram tv Philips 14 tv transmitter amplifier circuit mqe 601
    Text: Philips Semiconductors bb53T24 D 0 7 b b t17 7 3 3 ISIC3 Small signal combination 1C for colour TV NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND FEATURES • Gain controlled vision IF amplifier • Synchronous demodulator for negative and positive demodulation • AGC detector operating on peak

    OCR Scan
    bb53T24 D07bbt17 TDA8304 50pFi TDA8304 colour tv circuit diagram 50 hz Oscillator inverter dc ac DB-450.5 diagram tv Philips 14 tv transmitter amplifier circuit mqe 601 PDF


    Abstract: 74HL33620DB 3EB6
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEUICOND h3E D WÊ bb53T24 G0Ö4017 DTT « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary Specification Octal transceiver with dual enable; 3-state; inverting FEATURES • • • • • • • Wide supply voltage range of 1.2 V to 3.6 V In accordance with the JEDEC

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    74HL33620 74HL33620 74HL33620D 74HL33620DB 3EB6 PDF

    BZW14 diode

    Abstract: BZW14 diode SOD 64 suppressor diode
    Text: b3E D m bb53T24 007ÛÛ27 Tbb H S I C 3 BZW14 NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK SC01 OR DATA SHEET TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR DIODE A double-diffused silicon glass passivated diode in a herm etically sealed axial-leaded glass envelope

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    bb53T24 007flfl27 BZW14 OD-64. BZW14 diode BZW14 diode SOD 64 suppressor diode PDF


    Abstract: TDA8734T 4 MHz Crystal Oscillator
    Text: Philips Semiconductors MACAN ^ bb53T24 N A P C /P H IL IP S FEATURES • Single supply voltage • D0772bb 323 • S I C3 SEM IC O N D b3E TDA8734 D QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Video amplifier with AGC and manual gain control

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    D0772bb TDA8734 TDA8734 007727b DQ77277 JDAQ734 TDA8734T 4 MHz Crystal Oscillator PDF


    Abstract: IEC134 TDA8714
    Text: NAPC/PHILIP!v SEIHCOND b3E ]> Bi bb53T24 DD7flb23 SST • S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Video Products_ Preliminary specification 8-bit hig h sp eed analog-to-digital converter FEATURES TDA8714 APPLICATIONS 8-bit resolution

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    DD7flb23 TDA8714 TDA8714 BT532 IEC134 PDF


    Abstract: 74LVC640DB 74LVC640D
    Text: N A PC /PH ILIPS SEHICOND b 3E D • bb53T24 *15 T » S I C S Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification Octal bus transceiver with direction pin; 3-state; J n v e r t i n g ^ ^ QUICK REFERENCE DATA GND = 0 V; T^b = 25 °C; t, = t, < 2.5 ns FEATURES •

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    bb53T24 74LVC640 74LVC640DB 74LVC640D PDF

    Philips FA 291 AMPLIFIER

    Abstract: P80C32 Philips FA 291 Philips FA 297 AMPLIFIER
    Text: blE T> NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND • bhSBTEH D m 2 0 7 E Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Philips 80C32/80C52/87C52 is a high-performance microcontroller fabricated

    OCR Scan
    80C32/80C52/87C52 80C32/80C52/87C52 8XC52 80C52) 87C52) 16-bit 32/80C 52/87C 5Vi10% Philips FA 291 AMPLIFIER P80C32 Philips FA 291 Philips FA 297 AMPLIFIER PDF


    Abstract: P87C576EHLKA PH05 80C51 83C576 87C576 80C576 ipx1
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND bTE D • bLiS3 T 2 M DD T E S b l Philips S em iconductors M icro contro lle r P roducts P relim inary specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Philips 83C576/87C576 is a high-performance microcontroller fabricated

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    bbS3T24 83C576/87C576 83C576/87C576 8XC576 83C576) 87C576) 16-bit 10-bit, 48tGLCL 48t0LCL EC20D P87C576EHLKA PH05 80C51 83C576 87C576 80C576 ipx1 PDF

    FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM

    Abstract: FM receiver CIRCUIT DIAGRAM and specification o AM FM radio FM/AM receiver FM RADIO RECEIVER circuit diagram CDA ceramic filter IF FM detector MC115 RF amplifier AMS TEA5594
    Text: • ^53124 0005205 31 ^ ■ SIC3 Philips Semiconductors Audio/Radio Products Preliminary specification TEA5594 AM/FM radio receiver circuit n apc/ p h il ip s b4E s e u ic o n d » GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA5594 is a 32-pin integrated radio circuit designed for use in all Electronic Tuned Radio ETR

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    TEA5594 TEA5594 32-pin ULA291 SFZ468HL3. SFE10 CDA10 March1991 FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM FM receiver CIRCUIT DIAGRAM and specification o AM FM radio FM/AM receiver FM RADIO RECEIVER circuit diagram CDA ceramic filter IF FM detector MC115 RF amplifier AMS PDF


    Abstract: HEF4720BD HEF4720BP HEF4720BT HEF4720V HEF4720VD HEF4720VP HEF4720VT
    Text: b3E D • bbS312M GGfi0437 NAPC/PHILIPS HEF4720B HEF4720V 151 « S I C 3 LSI SEMICOND 256-BIT, 1-BIT PER W ORD RANDOM ACCESS MEMORIES ' The HEF4720B and HEF4720V are 256-bit, 1-bit per word random access memories with 3-state outputs. The memories are fu lly decoded and completely static.

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    GGfl0437 HEF4720B HEF4720V 256-BIT, HEF4720B HEF4720V 7Z84406 HEF4720BD HEF4720BP HEF4720BT HEF4720VD HEF4720VP HEF4720VT PDF


    Abstract: S10ms 103-238 80C51 80C52 83C528 87C528 8XC528 AT1222 P35QL
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND bTE D • bbSa^SH QDTEabfci b 73 « S I C B Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller DESCRIPTION The 8XC528 single-chip 8-bit microcontroller is manufactured in an advanced CMOS

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    bbS3124 80C528/83C528 8XC528 80C51 80C51. 83C528 80C528 87C528 80C528 S10ms 103-238 80C52 83C528 87C528 AT1222 P35QL PDF

    P87C575EHAA I

    Abstract: P83C575EHAA osai EC20D 80C51 80C575 83C575 87C575 a8339
    Text: blE T> NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND • 1^ 5 3 ^ 2 4 □ □'32526 S 0 2 * S I C 3 Philips Semiconductor* Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Philips 80C575/83C575/87C575 is a

    OCR Scan
    80C575/83C575/87C575 80C575/83C575/87C575 8XC575 83C575) 87C575) 16-bit 48tcLCL 481CLCL P87C575EHAA I P83C575EHAA osai EC20D 80C51 80C575 83C575 87C575 a8339 PDF


    Abstract: TDA4651WP TDA4661 sot261cg mei crystals
    Text: t,3E » NAPC / P H I L I P S SEMICOND □Q77bll T4T « S I C 3 Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Multistandard colour decoder with negative colour difference output signals TDA4651 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Identifies and demodulates PAL,

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    Q77bll TDA4651 TDA4651 TDA4651WP TDA4661 sot261cg mei crystals PDF


    Abstract: 74HC 74HCT
    Text: Philips Semiconductors _bbS3T24 DDfi730b Product specification TTO « S I C 3 Octal bus transceiver/register; 3-state NAPC/DHILIPS s e m i c o n d • • • • • • Multiplexed real-time and stored data Independent register for A and B buses Independent enables for A

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    bb53T24 DDfi73Ã 74HC/HCT652 74HC/HCT652 74HC 74HCT PDF


    Abstract: 74LV04D 74LV04N 74LVU04 LVU04 3 level inverter schematic diagram
    Text: b3E T> m NAP C/PHILIPS SEniCOND Philips Semiconductors bbS3^2M 0 0 6 3 7 3 6 202 M S I C 3 Product Specification Hex inverter 74LVU04 QUICK REFERENCE DATA FEATURES GND = 0 V; T ^ = 25°C; t, = t, < 2.5 ns • • • • • • Optimized for Low Voltage applications: 1.0 to 3.6 V

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    74LVU04 74LVU04 74HCU04. QD637HM LVU04 74HCU04 74LV04D 74LV04N 3 level inverter schematic diagram PDF


    Abstract: DM2017 znr k 431 marking A1S TRANSISTOR znr 431 znr k 220 80C51 80CL51 P80CL31 P80CL51
    Text: b'JE J> NAP C / P H I L I P S SEMICOND • bbS3^24 DDTSODfl IDT ■ S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Preliminary specification Low-voltage single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers FEATURES 80CL31/80CL51 DESCRIPTION • Enhanced architecture with:

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    80CL31/80CL51 80C51 40-lead 16-bit P80CL51/31 P80C51 DM2017 znr k 431 marking A1S TRANSISTOR znr 431 znr k 220 80CL51 P80CL31 P80CL51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1- • bbia^SM OQW^G 31H ■ SIC3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 10-bit high-speed analog-to-digital converter TDA8760 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 10-bit resolution • High-speed analog-to-digital conversion for

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    10-bit TDA8760 TDA8760 PDF


    Abstract: BSN254A equivalent PCD3343T audio automatic gain control TEA1062 TEA1062 APPLICATION NOTE TEA1060 TEA1062A TEA1062AT TEA1062T
    Text: bb5 3 T2 M Philips Semiconductors DD7 T 4 n 153 Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interface N A P C /P H IL IP S IH S I C3 Product specification TEA1062; TEA1062A S E flIC O N D h3E ]> FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Low DC line voltage; operates down to 1.6 V

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    TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1062) TEA1062A) TEA1062A PCD3320 PCD3320 tea1081 bsn254a PCD3343 BSN254A equivalent PCD3343T audio automatic gain control TEA1062 TEA1062 APPLICATION NOTE TEA1060 TEA1062AT TEA1062T PDF

    A1s smd TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: smd diode JC 9E 1px transistor crystal 11.059MHZ AKR 121 11.059mHz crystal oscillator 1E71 mab8051 mPC 514 smd diode code A1s
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND b3E ] • b b S 3 cJE4 □□0 2 51 1 3GD I SIC3 Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Objective specification Low-voltage single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 83CL411 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The83CL411 is manufactured in an

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    fl2511 83CL411 83CL411 85CL781 83CL41S hh53TB4 A1s smd TRANSISTOR smd diode JC 9E 1px transistor crystal 11.059MHZ AKR 121 11.059mHz crystal oscillator 1E71 mab8051 mPC 514 smd diode code A1s PDF


    Abstract: 74HL33652D 74HL33652DB Philips CD 472
    Text: N A PC /PH ILIPS SEIUCOND b3E D ^53124 0004051 Preliminary Specification Philips Semiconductors Octal transceiver/register with dual enable; 3-state FEATURES • • • • • • • Wide supply voltage range of 1.2 V to 3.6 V In accordance with the JEDEC

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    bb53124 74HL33652 74HL33652 40S3 74HL33652D 74HL33652DB Philips CD 472 PDF