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    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6E3KJ152MN4A Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ101KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ331KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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    Abstract: marking code 604 SOT23-6 PD-1503 smd zG sot 23 smd marking sot23 W16 ic SMD MARKING CODE ad 5.9 ic ap 2068 PD2029 SMD MARKING ed sot23-5 MARKING CODE SMD IC sot23-5
    Text: PACKAGING Package Information Packaging & Ordering Packaging Solutions for Modern Electronic Design In addition to standard legacy packaging, Pericom leads the industry in smaller, more advanced packaging profiles and footprints for today’s designers. Our offerings include very small packages,

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    Abstract: HC11EA9 MC68HC916P1 68hc912b32 pinout HC11K4 HC11KA2 HC11KA4 HC11KW1 HC11P2 HC11A8
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    Abstract: DV0P1972 japan servo KH 56 lm
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    Abstract: JL04HV-2E22-22PE Service manual Servo Driver Panasonic
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    Abstract: STi7110 IC ax 2008 used for mp3 player le88221 PI7C9X440SL PI7C9X111SL bl3458 pi3eqx6701 PI3EQX5701 PAS5201
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    Abstract: Siemens RT22A REYROLLE 2C21 ddgt RQ4 aeg 2c21* RELAY asea transformer 2C21 westinghouse transformer westinghouse relay
    Text: A SE A INFORMATION RK 60-401 E C om parison betw een th e ASEA tra n s fo r m e r d iffe re n tia l p ro te c tio n type RYDSA 20 and co rresp o n d in g p ro te c tio n s of o th e r m akes CONFIDENTIAL GENERAL O utstanding fe a tu re s of RYDSA 20 C la ssific a tio n of th e p ro tectio n s

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O M f lN I fM O E IN TMIRO « N M PRO JECTIO N T H IS DRAWING IS U N P U B L IS H E D .| c o p v r io m t is R E LE A S E D FO R P U B L IC A T IO N b y AMP in c o r p o r a t e d , a l l in te w m t io p m l # 19 r io h t s a . orsr LOC R E V IS IO N S

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    Abstract: TRANSISTORS 132 GD equivalent io transistor 131-G bbc ds diodes DS 1,8 transistor vergleichsliste aeg diode Si 61 L AF124 Transistor Vergleichsliste DDR OC1044 bbc ds diodes
    Text: Vergleichsliste Halbleiter Bauelemente In h a lt: Einleitung Typenbezeichnung und Form elzeichen G e g e n ü b e r s t e ll u n g n a c h A l p h a b e t : T ransistoren G leichrichterdioden Leistungs-Zenerdioden V e rg le ic h nach T y p e n g ru p p e n

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TANTALUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS @3 Resin-molded Chip, Compact Series Fqt SMD xiic h ico n Type num bering system Exam ple: 20V 0.47pF Smaller F 9 2 1 D 4 7 4 M A — i— Series Capacitance Rated voltage I Case code Taping code (Refer to page 198 tor details)

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    Abstract: FC95-22 422B1275 FCN950 UNDERFREQUENCY FCN950-2 FC95-2 NF92-3 BBC Undervoltage relay FC95-1 NF92-2
    Text: t i fi18, M m ' Types FCN, -81 and RXFE im d b 08007-e n Page 1 March 1992 Changed since August 1990 Data subject to change without notice Frequency relays ABB Network Control & Protection FCN Features Application BBC 204420C FCN •Tw o or four stages

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    imdb08007-en March1992 204420C) 422D1275 422D1225 422D1295 422D1285 422D1255 16D422B 422C1276 FCN950 FC95-22 422B1275 FCN950 UNDERFREQUENCY FCN950-2 FC95-2 NF92-3 BBC Undervoltage relay FC95-1 NF92-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • OUTLINE The MB89660R series has been developed as a general-purpose version of the F2MC*-8L family consisting of proprietary 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers. In addition to a compact instruction set, the microcontrollers contain a great variety of peripheral functions such

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    Abstract: MB89P
    Text: • DESCRIPTION The MB89910 series has been developed as a general-purpose version £>f the F2MC*^8 L fam ily consisting of proprietary 8-bit, single-chip microcontrollers. In addition to a compact instruction set, the microcontrollers contain'a variety of peripheral functions such as

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    MB89910 F9703 MBM27C256A-20CZ MB89P PDF


    Abstract: TLC1643C TLC15421

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    TLC1542C, TLC1542I, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC1543I, TLC1543Q 10-BIT SLAS052C 10-Blt-Resolution tlc15431 TLC1643C TLC15421 PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: General Production Programme Connectors Adaptors Unipole from 2 to 150 Amps Coaxial 50 and 75 £2 Coaxial 50 £2 NIM-CAMAC Coaxial 50 £2 for frequency up to 12 GHz Coaxial 50 £2 SMA Multicoaxial 50 and 75 £2 Multipole from 2 to 106 contacts High Voltage 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 30, and 50 kV dc

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M ICRO CO M PUTERS M 50943-XXXSP/FP S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT CMOS M IC R O C O M P U TE R DESCRIPTION The M 50943-XXXSP is a s in g le -c h ip m icrocom puter d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW signe d w ith C M O S silicon gate technology. It is housed in a

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    50943-XXXSP/FP 50943-XXXSP M50943-XXXSP 50943-XXXFP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M IC RO CO M PUTERS 3800 Group S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 3800 group is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740 family core technology. • • The 3800 group is designed for office automation equip­

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    b24TflEfl 38002E4SP PDF

    marking P5t

    Abstract: m38022e4sp "SERIES MELPS 740" SERIES MELPS 740 USERS MANUAL transistor da 3807 M38022M4-XXXFP M38022M4-XXXSP capacitor 334 ceramic "MELPS 740" 80P6S-A
    Text: Preface This user’s manual describes M itsubishi’s CMOS 8bit m icrocom puters 3802 Group. A fter reading this m anual, the user should have a through knowledge of the functions and features of the 3802 Group, and should be able to fully utilize the product. The manual starts w ith specifications

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    P53/SRDy2 P52/SClk2 P47/SRDY, P46/Sclkiâ P45/TxD P44/RXD P43/INT2 P42/INT, P40/INT4 P30/DA, marking P5t m38022e4sp "SERIES MELPS 740" SERIES MELPS 740 USERS MANUAL transistor da 3807 M38022M4-XXXFP M38022M4-XXXSP capacitor 334 ceramic "MELPS 740" 80P6S-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M ICRO CO M PUTERS M 3 7 4 2 1 M 6 -X X X S P /F P S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT CMOS M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION The M 37421M 6-XXXSP is a s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW signed w ith C M O S silicon ga te technology. It is housed in a

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    37421M 64-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P relim inary O S Ver 1.04 % MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR AMERICA, INC. 7600 Series M 37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification M itsubishi M icrocomputers T h is publication, o r any p arts thereof, m ay no t be re produced in any form w ith o u t the p rio r w ritten

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    Abstract: "MELPS 740" MELPS 740 M37515 M37515M4-XXXHP MELPS 740 programming manual FFE81 S10STS MELPS-740 ScansUX59
    Text: Technical Reference Materials P r e lim in a ry — -• — This product is under aevelooing -* The specification m ay be m odified witnout any notice M 3 7 5 1 5 M 4 -X X X H P Specification R e v is io n A 1996 A u g u st, 23 M IT S U B IS H I E L E C T R IC C O R P O R A T IO N

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    M37515M4-XXXHP M3751 etri converter "MELPS 740" MELPS 740 M37515 MELPS 740 programming manual FFE81 S10STS MELPS-740 ScansUX59 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M IC RO CO M PUTERS M 3 7 4 0 9 M 2 -X X X S P /F P S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT CMOS M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION The M 37409M 2-XXXSP is a s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW signe d w ith C M O S silicon ga te technology. It is housed in a

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    37409M 52-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 3851 Group SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION • Power source voltage The 3851 group is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740 fam ­ In high-speed m o d e . 4.0 to 5.5 V

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    QD377Ã DD377Ã PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M IC RO CO M PUTERS M 3 7 4 1 2 M 4 -X X X F P S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT CMOS M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION The M 37412M 4-XXXFP is a s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW signe d w ith C M O S silicon gate technology. It is housed in a

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    37412M PDF


    Abstract: ELM 2-370 80P6S IVI37410IVI4-XXXFP IVI37410M3-XXXFP M37410M3-XXXFP M37410M4-XXXFP M37410M6-XXXFP SEG23 VCO25
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M IC R O C O M P U T E R S M 37410M 3 -X X X F P .M 37 41 0M 4 -X X X F P M 374 10M 6-X X X F P S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M 37410M 3-XXXFP is a s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter d e ­

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    M37410M3-XXXFP M37410M4-XXXFP M37410M6-XXXFP 80-pin M37410M3-XXXFP, M37410M4-XXXFP M37410M6-XXXFP M37410M3-XXXFP. 200/l P34I ELM 2-370 80P6S IVI37410IVI4-XXXFP IVI37410M3-XXXFP SEG23 VCO25 PDF