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    Skyworks Solutions Inc 545BCA500M000ACG

    Linear IC's
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    DigiKey 545BCA500M000ACG 50
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $31.4898
    • 1000 $31.4898
    • 10000 $31.4898
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    Skyworks Solutions Inc 545BCA500M000CCG

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    DigiKey 545BCA500M000CCG 50
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $25.4696
    • 1000 $25.4696
    • 10000 $25.4696
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    Skyworks Solutions Inc 545BCA500M000ACGR

    Linear IC's
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    DigiKey 545BCA500M000ACGR Reel 250
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 $26.85892
    • 10000 $26.85892
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    Skyworks Solutions Inc 545BCA500M000CCGR

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    DigiKey 545BCA500M000CCGR Reel 250
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    • 1000 $24.63612
    • 10000 $24.63612
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    Richardson RFPD 545BCA500M000CCGR 1
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    Kyocera AVX Components 100B2R7BCA500XC100

    MLC A/B/R - Waffle Pack (Alt: 100B2R7BCA500XC100)
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    Avnet Americas 100B2R7BCA500XC100 Waffle Pack 16 Weeks 100
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    • 100 $6.1849
    • 1000 $5.6005
    • 10000 $5.6005
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    Mouser Electronics 100B2R7BCA500XC100
    • 1 $11.93
    • 10 $8.64
    • 100 $6.73
    • 1000 $6.44
    • 10000 $6.44
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    Richardson RFPD 100B2R7BCA500XC100 100
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    • 100 $5.52
    • 1000 $3.34
    • 10000 $2.6
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    BCA 500 Datasheets Context Search

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    TGS 2600

    Abstract: GTO thyristor 3000V 800A 150a gto DGT409BCA DGT409BCA6565 TGS 200
    Text: DGT409BCA DGT409BCA Reverse Blocking Gate Turn-off Thyristor Replaces January 2000 version, DS4414-4.0 APPLICATIONS The DGT409 BCA is a symmetrical GTO designed for applications which specifically require a reverse blocking capability, such as current source inverters CSI . Reverse

    DGT409BCA DS4414-4 DGT409 TGS 2600 GTO thyristor 3000V 800A 150a gto DGT409BCA DGT409BCA6565 TGS 200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DGT409BCA DGT409BCA Reverse Blocking Gate Turn-off Thyristor Replaces January 2000 version, DS4414-4.0 APPLICATIONS The DGT409 BCA is a symmetrical GTO designed for applications which specifically require a reverse blocking capability, such as current source inverters CSI . Reverse

    DGT409BCA DS4414-4 DGT409 000V/Â PDF


    Abstract: 54LS00 54LS00/BCBJC Ceramic diodes for short circuit in 5400 5400 nand
    Text: Signetics I 5400, 54LS00, 54S00 Gates Quad Two-Input NAND Gates Military Logic Products • FUNCTION TABLE Product Specification ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION ORDER CODE A B Y Ceramic DIP Figure A 540Q/BCA, 54LS00/BCA, 54S00/BCA L L H

    OCR Scan
    54LS00, 54S00 540Q/BCA, 54LS00/BCA, 54S00/BCA 54LS00/BDA, 54S00/BDA 5400/BDA 54LS00/B2A, 54S00/B2A 54S00 54LS00 54LS00/BCBJC Ceramic diodes for short circuit in 5400 5400 nand PDF


    Abstract: 54LS04 54S04/BCA 54s04 54SCL Signetics 54LS04
    Text: Signetics 5404, 54LS04, 54S04 Inverters Hex Inverter Military Logic Products Product Specification FUNCTION TABLE ORDERING INFORMATION INPUT O U T PU T PIN C O N FIG UR ATIO N O RD ER CO DE A Y Ceram ic DIP Figure A 5404/BCA, 54LS04/BCA, 54S04/BCA L H Ceram ic Flat Pack

    OCR Scan
    54LS04, 54S04 5404/BCA, 54LS04/BCA, 54S04/BCA 54LS04/BDA, 54S04/BDA 5404/BDA 54LS04/B2A, 54S04/B2A 54LS04/BCAJC 54LS04 54s04 54SCL Signetics 54LS04 PDF


    Abstract: GDFP1-F14
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products 54F10/54F11 Triple three-input NAND ’F10 / AND (’F11) gates FUNCTION TABLE ORDERING INFORMATION PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* ORDER CODE DESCRIPTION 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F10/BCA, 54F11/BCA GDIP1-T14

    OCR Scan
    54F10/54F11 14-Pin 54F10/BCA, 54F11/BCA GDIP1-T14 54F10/BDA, 54F11/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-Pin 54F11 GDFP1-F14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Triple three-input NAND F10 / AND (’F11) gates ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION FUNCTION TABLE ORDER CODE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR4 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F10/BCA, 54F11/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack

    OCR Scan
    54F10/54F11 GDIP1-T14 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20 14-Pin 20-Pin 54F10/BCA, 54F11/BCA 54F10/BDA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics I 54LS20, 54S20 Gates Dual Four-Input NAND Gates Military Logic Products H FUNCTION TABLE product Specification ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OUTPUT INPUTS ORDER CODE A B C D Y Ceramic DIP 54LS20/BCA, 54S20/BCA L X X X H X L X X H X X L X H X

    OCR Scan
    54LS20, 54S20 54LS20/BCA, 54S20/BCA 54LS20/BDA, 54S20/BDA 54LS20/B2A, 54S20/B2A 10SUL 10LSUL 54LS20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics | 54LS02, 54S02 Gates Quad Two-Input NOR Gate Military Logic Products H FUNCTION TABLE Product Specification ORDERING INFORMATION. ORDER CODE DESCRIPTION OUTPUT INPUTS A B Y Ceramic DIP 54LS02/BCA, 54S02/BCA L L H H L H L H H L L L Ceramic Flat Pack

    OCR Scan
    54LS02, 54S02 54LS02/BCA, 54S02/BCA 54LS02/BDA, 54S02/BDA 54LS02/B2A, 54S02/B2A 10SUL 10LSUL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics I 54LS08, 54S08 Gates Quad Two-Input AND Gates Military Logic Products H FUNCTION TABLE ORDERING INFORMATION INPUTS Product Specification OUTPUT A B Y L L H H L H L H L L L H DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE Ceramic DIP 54LS08/BCA, 54S08/BCA Ceramic Flat Pack

    OCR Scan
    54LS08, 54S08 54LS08/BCA, 54S08/BCA 54LS08/BDA, 54S08/BDA 54LS08/B2A, 54S08/B2A 10SUL 10LSUL 54LS08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics I 54LS86, 54S86 Gates Quad TWo-lnput Excluslve-OR Gates Military Logic Products H FUNCTION TABLE INPUTS Product Specification ORDERING INFORMATION ORDER CODE DESCRIPTION OUTPUT 54LS86/BCA, 54S86/BCA A B Y 14-Pin Ceramic DIP L L H H L H L H L H H

    OCR Scan
    54LS86, 54S86 54LS86/BCA, 54S86/BCA 14-Pin 54LS86/BDA, 54S86/BDA 54LS86/B2A, 54S86/B2A 98915 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics I 54LS86, 54S86 Gates Quad IWo-lnput Exclusive-OR Gates Military Logic Products I FUNCTION TABLE Product Specification ORDERING INFORMATION ORDER CODE D ESCRIPTIO N O U T PU T INPU TS A B Y 14-Pin Ceram ic DIP 54LS86/BCA, 54S86/BCA L L H H L H L

    OCR Scan
    54LS86, 54S86 14-Pin 54LS86/BCA, 54S86/BCA 54LS86/BDA, 54S86/BDA 54LS86/B2A, 54S86/B2A 54LS86 PDF


    Abstract: 54S02 54LS02 54LS
    Text: 54LS02, 54S02 Signetics Gates Quad Two-Input NOR Gate Product Specification Military Logic Products FUNCTION TABLE OUTPUT INPUTS A B Y L L H H L H L H H L L L Ceramic Flat Pack H = HIGH voltage level L » LOW voltage level ORDER CODE PACKAGES Ceramic DIP 54LS02/BCA, 54S02/BCA

    OCR Scan
    54LS02, 54S02 54LS02/BCA, 54S02/BCA 54LS02/BDA, 54S02/BDA 54LS02/B2C 10SUL 10LSUL WFH010S LS03210 54S02 54LS02 54LS PDF


    Abstract: GDFP1-F14
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Dual two-wide two-input, two-wide three-input AND-OR-lnvert gate ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION 54F51 PIN CONFIGURATION ORDER CODE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F51/BCA GDIP1-T14

    OCR Scan
    54F51 14-Pin 54F51/BCA GDIP1-T14 54F51/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-Pin 54F51/B2A CQCC2-N20 54F51 GDFP1-F14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Quad two-input OR gate 54F32 ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION FUNCTION TABLE ORDER CODE INPUTS PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F32/BCA GDIP1-T14 1 4-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F32/BDA

    OCR Scan
    54F32 GDIP1-T14 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20 14-Pin 54F32/BCA 54F32/BDA 54F32/B2A 20-Pin 0mA/20mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Quad two-input NAND buffer Open-Collector ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE FUNCTION TABLE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-PIN Ceramic DIP 54F38/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-PIN Ceramic Flat Pack 54F38/BDA

    OCR Scan
    54F38 GDIP1-T14 GDFP1-F14 GDFP2-F20 14-PIN 20-PIN 54F38/BCA 54F38/BDA 54F38/B2A 54F38 PDF


    Abstract: 54F38/B2A GDFP1-F14 GDFP2-F20 20-PIN 54F38
    Text: Product spécification Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Quad two-input NAND buffer Open-Collector FUNCTION TABLE ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE 54F38 PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-PIN Ceramic DIP 54F38/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-PIN Ceramic Flat Pack

    OCR Scan
    54F38 14-PIN 54F38/BCA GDIP1-T14 54F38/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-PIN 54F38/B2A GDFP2-F20 NC01B GDFP1-F14 GDFP2-F20 54F38 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Quad two-input NAND buffer 54F37 ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE FUNCTION TABLE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F37/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic FlatPack 54F37/BDA GDFP1-F14

    OCR Scan
    54F37 14-Pln 54F37/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin 54F37/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-Pin 54F37/B2A CQCC2-F20 GDFP1-F14 PDF


    Abstract: GDFP1-F14
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Four-two-three-two-input AND-OR-invert gate 54F64 ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F64/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F64/BDA

    OCR Scan
    54F64 14-Pin 54F64/BCA GDIP1-T14 54F64/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-Pin 54F64/B2A CQCC2-N20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Four-two-three-two-input AND-OR-invert gate 54F64 ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F64/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F64/BDA

    OCR Scan
    54F64 14-Pin 20-Pin 54F64/BCA 54F64/BDA 54F64/B2A GDIP1-T14 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Quad two-input AND gate 54F08 ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION FUNCTION TABLE ORDER CODE INPUTS PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F08/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F08/BDA

    OCR Scan
    54F08 GDIP1-T14 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20 14-Pin 20-Pin 54F08/BCA 54F08/BDA 54F08/B2A 54F08 PDF

    706 B34

    Abstract: 54F64 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Four-two-three-two-input AND-OR-invert gate 54F64 ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F64/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F64/BDA

    OCR Scan
    54F64 14-Pin 54F64/BCA GDIP1-T14 54F64/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-Pin 54F64/B2A CQCC2-N20 706 B34 54F64 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Quad two-input NAND gate 54F00 ORDERING INFORMATION ORDER CODE DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F00/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F00/BDA GDFP1-F14

    OCR Scan
    54F00 14-Pin 20-Pin 54F00/BCA 54F00/BDA 54F00/B2A GDIP1-T14 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Four-two-three-two-input AND-OR-invert gate 54F64 ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F64/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F64/BDA

    OCR Scan
    54F64 14-Pin 20-Pin 54F64/BCA 54F64/BDA 54F64/B2A GDIP1-T14 GDFP1-F14 CQCC2-N20 PDF


    Abstract: GDFP2-F20
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products_ Q uad buffer 3-State 54F126 ORDERING INFORMATION FEATURES ORDER CODE PACKAGE DESIGNATOR* 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 54F126/BCA GDIP1-T14 14-Pin Ceramic Flat Pack 54F126/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-Pln Ceramic LLCC 54F126/B2A

    OCR Scan
    54F126 14-Pin 54F126/BCA GDIP1-T14 54F126/BDA GDFP1-F14 20-Pin 54F126/B2A GDFP2-F20 GDFP1-F14 GDFP2-F20 PDF