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    BF MARKING Search Results

    BF MARKING Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: BF421 bf 421 ic 421 PIN CONFIGURATION BF 200 transistors bf 423 f 423 F532 Q62702-F496 Q62702-F532
    Text: PNP Silicon Transistors With High Reverse Voltage BF 421 BF 423 High breakdown voltage ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Low capacitance ● Complementary types: BF 420, BF 422 NPN ● 2 3 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BF 421 BF 423 – Q62702-F532

    Q62702-F532 Q62702-F496 BF423 BF421 bf 421 ic 421 PIN CONFIGURATION BF 200 transistors bf 423 f 423 F532 Q62702-F496 Q62702-F532 PDF

    ic 421

    Abstract: F496 BF421 BF423 Q62702-F496 Q62702-F532
    Text: PNP Silicon Transistors With High Reverse Voltage BF 421 BF 423 High breakdown voltage ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Low capacitance ● Complementary types: BF 420, BF 422 NPN ● 2 3 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BF 421 BF 423 – Q62702-F532

    Q62702-F532 Q62702-F496 ic 421 F496 BF421 BF423 Q62702-F496 Q62702-F532 PDF


    Abstract: BF420 0-5 v to 4-20 ma ic Q62702-F495 Q62702-F531 422 TO92 BF422
    Text: NPN Silicon Transistors With High Reverse Voltage BF 420 BF 422 High breakdown voltage ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Low capacitance ● Complementary types: BF 421, BF 423 PNP ● 2 3 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BF 420 BF 422 – Q62702-F531

    Q62702-F531 Q62702-F495 F495 BF420 0-5 v to 4-20 ma ic Q62702-F495 Q62702-F531 422 TO92 BF422 PDF


    Abstract: BF 422 F495 bf420 0-5 v to 4-20 ma ic Q62702-F495 Q62702-F531
    Text: NPN Silicon Transistors With High Reverse Voltage BF 420 BF 422 High breakdown voltage ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Low capacitance ● Complementary types: BF 421, BF 423 PNP ● 2 3 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BF 420 BF 422 – Q62702-F531

    Q62702-F531 Q62702-F495 BF422 BF 422 F495 bf420 0-5 v to 4-20 ma ic Q62702-F495 Q62702-F531 PDF

    transistors bf

    Abstract: bf marking code "RF IF Amplifiers" ic 841 CE040
    Text: NPN Silicon RF Transistors BF 840 BF 841 ● Suitable for common emitter RF, IF amplifiers ● Low collector-base capacitance due to contact shield diffusion ● Low output conductance Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration 1 2 3 Package1 BF 840 BF 841

    Q62702-F1240 Q62702-F1287 OT-23 transistors bf bf marking code "RF IF Amplifiers" ic 841 CE040 PDF

    transistor BF 506

    Abstract: transistor f 506 BF506 506 k Q62702-F534
    Text: BF 506 PNP Silicon RF Transistor ● BF 506 For VHF mixer and oscillator stages 2 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BF 506 – Q62702-F534 Pin Configuration 1 2 3 C B Package1 TO-92 E Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values Unit Collector-emitter voltage VCE0

    Q62702-F534 transistor BF 506 transistor f 506 BF506 506 k Q62702-F534 PDF

    transistor BF 414

    Abstract: 414 rf transistor 414 transistor K 414 transistor BF 414 BF414 BF transistor datasheet VCE0-30V marking 414
    Text: BF 414 NPN Silicon RF Transistor ● BF 414 For low-noise, common base VHF and FM stages 2 3 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BF 414 – Q62702-F517 Pin Configuration 1 2 3 C B Package1 TO-92 E Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values Unit Collector-emitter voltage

    Q62702-F517 transistor BF 414 414 rf transistor 414 transistor K 414 transistor BF 414 BF414 BF transistor datasheet VCE0-30V marking 414 PDF

    BF marking code

    Abstract: MARKING CODE 720 720 marking marking 722 Q62702-F1238 Q62702-F1306 TS110
    Text: NPN Silicon High-Voltage Transistors ● ● ● ● ● BF 720 BF 722 Suitable for video output stages in TV sets and switching power supplies High breakdown voltage Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low capacitance Complementary types: BF 721/723 PNP

    Q62702-F1238 Q62702-F1306 OT-223 BF marking code MARKING CODE 720 720 marking marking 722 Q62702-F1238 Q62702-F1306 TS110 PDF

    IC 723

    Abstract: 723 ic IC 1 723 uA 723 723DC mA 723 BF Marking pdf application of IC 723 Q62702-F1239 Q62702-F1309
    Text: PNP Silicon High-Voltage Transistors ● ● ● ● ● BF 721 BF 723 Suitable for video output stages in TV sets and switching power supplies High breakdown voltage Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low capacitance Complementary types: BF 720/722 NPN

    Q62702-F1239 Q62702-F1309 OT-223 IC 723 723 ic IC 1 723 uA 723 723DC mA 723 BF Marking pdf application of IC 723 Q62702-F1239 Q62702-F1309 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S IE M E N S PNP Silicon Transistors With High Reverse Voltage BF 421 BF 423 • High breakdown voltage • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Low capacitance • Complementary types: BF 420, BF 422 NPN Type Marking Ordering Code BF 421 BF 423

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F532 Q62702-F496 a235bOS PDF

    BF 422

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon Transistors With High Reverse Voltage BF 420 BF 422 • High breakdown voltage • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Low capacitance • Complementary types: BF 421, BF 423 PNP Type Marking BF 420 B F 422 Ordering Code Pin Co nfigural ion

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F531 Q62702-F495 mA102 fiS35b05 D151t BF 422 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BF 240 BF 241 NPN Silicon RF Transistors • For AM and FM stages • Low feedback capacitance due to shield diffusion • Low output conductance Type Marking Ordering Code BF 240 BF 241 - Q62702-F302 Q62702-F1241 Pin Configuration 2 1 3 E C Package1

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F302 Q62702-F1241 235b05 DGbb751 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon RF Transistors BF 254 BF 255 • For AM and FM stages Type Marking Ordering Code BF 254 BF 255 - Q62702-F201 Q62702-F202 Pin Configuration 1 2 3 C E Package1 B TO-92 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Collector-emitter voltage Collector-base voltage

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F201 Q62702-F202 35bQS 00LL753 fl235b05 PDF


    Abstract: IC 41 BF BF254 IS420 81-common Q62702-F201 Q62702-F202 marking code 41 BF TO92
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon RF Transistors BF 254 BF 255 • For AM and FM stages Type Marking Ordering Code BF 254 BF 255 - Q62702-F201 Q62702-F202 Pin Configural ion 1 2 3 C E Package1 B TO-92 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values Unit Collector-emitter voltage

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F201 Q62702-F202 EHT07010 BF255 IC 41 BF BF254 IS420 81-common marking code 41 BF TO92 PDF


    Abstract: BF859 BF857 DD41 transistors bf marking s59
    Text: SIE D SIEM ENS • ft23Sb05 0041850 fiEb « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T - '3 3 'C 6 i NPN Silicon Transistors with High Reverse Voltage BF 857 . BF 859 • High breakdown voltage • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Type Marking BF 857 BF 858

    OCR Scan
    023Sb05 T-33rce> Q62702-F784 Q62702-F785 Q62702-F786 O-202 BF859 EHP00559 6S35b05 BF857 BF 857 TRANSISTORS BF857 DD41 transistors bf marking s59 PDF


    Abstract: BF451 BF 450 IY21 Q62702-F312 SIEMENS marking IC marking jw SiEMENS PM 350 92 bf 451 tag 451
    Text: SIEMENS BF 450 BF 451 PNP Silicon RF Transistors • For common emitter AM and FM stages • Low feedback capacitance due to shield diffusion Type Marking Ordering Code BF 450 BF 451 - Q62702-F312 Q62702-F313 Pin Configuration 1 2 3 E C Package1 B TO-92 Maximum Ratings

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F312 Q62702-F313 0235bG5 235b05 00bb7fc 10MHz BF450 BF451 BF 450 IY21 SIEMENS marking IC marking jw SiEMENS PM 350 92 bf 451 tag 451 PDF


    Abstract: bf440 transistor BF 275 440 transistor JY marking transistor bf 440 transistor
    Text: filC D TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC • fi^EGO^b QQ055Q7 T - J - BF 440 • BF 441 TTilLitFdDÄIiK] electronic Creative Technologies Silicon PNP Planar Epitaxial RF Transistors Applications: BF 440: Controlled AM and FM amplifier stages BF 441: AM and FM amplifier stages

    OCR Scan
    QQ055Q7 569-GS BF441 bf440 transistor BF 275 440 transistor JY marking transistor bf 440 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon RF Transistors BF 840 BF 841 • Suitable for common emitter RF, IF amplifiers • Low collector-base capacitance due to contact shield diffusion • Low output conductance Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration 1 2 3 Package1 BF 840

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1240 Q62702-F1287 OT-23 535b05 Q1E1732 PDF

    K 2545 transistor

    Abstract: 41 BF transistor transistor bf 422 transistor BF 606 BF 830 transistor transistor marking code 41 BF transistors bf 423 BF423S Transistor marking code K transistor BF 423
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 17E D • 6 ^ 2 0 0 % 000^407 BF 421S BF 423 S ■¡nmiFWOKIKl electronic CfMtwT«cfwwtoe*e$ Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar RF Transistors Applications: Video B-class power stages in TV-receivers Features: • BF 421 S complementary to BF 420 S

    OCR Scan
    BF421S BF420S BF423S 150K/W T0126 15A3DIN K 2545 transistor 41 BF transistor transistor bf 422 transistor BF 606 BF 830 transistor transistor marking code 41 BF transistors bf 423 BF423S Transistor marking code K transistor BF 423 PDF

    bf 578

    Abstract: u535b BF870 BF marking code BF872 ABE 029 BF npn U535
    Text: SIE D SIEMENS • fl235b05 GÜHlüSfl Ü17 « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF PNP Silicon Transistors with High Reverse Voltage • • • • BF 870 BF 872 High breakdown voltage Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low capacitance Complementary types: BF 869, BF 871 NPN

    OCR Scan
    235b05 Q62702-F685 Q62702-F677 O-202 BF872 10-nA bf 578 u535b BF870 BF marking code ABE 029 BF npn U535 PDF

    881 bf

    Abstract: bf881 BF871 BF869 7A SF marking B44 BF872 BF marking code
    Text: SIEMENS m 51E T> A235b05 G04iaS4 471 « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF r ^ 3 NPN Silicon Transistors with High Reverse Voltage • • • • - 0 5 BF 869 . BF 881 High breakdown voltage Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low capacitance Complementary types: BF 870, BF 872 PNP

    OCR Scan
    235b05 T-53-05 Q62702-F683 Q62702-F676 Q62702-F794 O-202 BF871 6235b05 T-33-05 881 bf bf881 BF869 7A SF marking B44 BF872 BF marking code PDF

    transistor bf 254

    Abstract: bf255 bf254 BF255C transistor BF 255 transistor NPN BF255 transistor marking ra
    Text: Ö1C D TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC • fl^OOSb 0005163 M T * -J /-* / BF 254 • BF 255 ‘¡TilLilFyMDSliMl electronic Creative Technologies Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistors Applications: BF 254: General and controlled RF amplifier stages up to 100 MHz

    OCR Scan
    569-GS transistor bf 254 bf255 bf254 BF255C transistor BF 255 transistor NPN BF255 transistor marking ra PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon High-Voltage Transistors BF 721 BF 723 • Suitable for video output stages in TV sets and switching power supplies • High breakdown voltage • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Low capacitance • Complementary types: BF 720/722 NPN

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1239 Q62702-F1309 OT-223 flE35b05 D1E17DD EHP0055Ã PDF

    ABE 721

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon High-Voltage Transistors BF 720 BF 722 • Suitable for video output stages in TV sets and switching power supplies • High breakdown voltage • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Low capacitance • Complementary types: BF 721/723 PNP

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1238 Q62702-F1306 OT-223 A23SbGS ABE 721 PDF