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    BFP405 ALS Search Results

    BFP405 ALS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    142-05A08 Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, aluminum core, shielded, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    142-09A08SL Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, aluminum core, shielded, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    146-05A08L Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, aluminum core, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    150-02A08L Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, aluminum core, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    150-06A08L Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, aluminum core, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    BFP405 ALS Datasheets Context Search

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    rf amplifier siemens 10 ghz

    Abstract: BFP405 SIEMENS BFP405 BCR400
    Text: Application Note No. 019 Discrete & RF Semiconductors G. Lohninger A Low-Noise-Amplifier with good IP3out performance at 1.9 GHz using BFP405 This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SIEMENS SIEGET25 BFP405. The design emphasis has been on achieving high output

    BFP405 BFP405. 15dBm 100pF rf amplifier siemens 10 ghz BFP405 SIEMENS BFP405 BCR400 PDF


    Abstract: BCR400 rf amplifier siemens 10 ghz aplication note SIEMENS BFP405
    Text: Application Note No. 020 Discrete & RF Semiconductors G. Lohninger A Low-Noise-Amplifier at 1.9 GHz using BFP405 This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SIEMENS SIEGET 25 BFP405. The design emphasis has been on achieving a low noise

    BFP405 BFP405. 100pF BFP405 BCR400 rf amplifier siemens 10 ghz aplication note SIEMENS BFP405 PDF


    Abstract: A03 RF amplifier A03 amplifier BCR400
    Text: Application Note No. 021 Discrete & RF Semiconductors G. Lohninger A Low-Noise-Amplifier shows good Noise Figure performance at 1.9 GHz using BFP405 This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using Siemens SIEGET25 BFP405. The design emphasis has been on achieving a low noise

    BFP405 BFP405. 100pF BFP405 A03 RF amplifier A03 amplifier BCR400 PDF


    Abstract: rx 3152 BGC405 A12 marking ikr 251 50W rf power transistor 100MHz 500R BFP405 Q62702-G0091 TL18
    Text: BGC405 Self-Biased BFP405 l l l l l SIEGET25- Technology Small SCT598-Package Control Pin For Switching The Device Off Current Easy Adjustable By An External Resistor Voltage Independent Current 2V – 4.5V 8 7 6 5 2 1 3 4 VPW05982 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe

    BGC405 BFP405 SCT598-Package VPW05982 Q62702-G0091 SCT598 BGC405 2Q394 rx 3152 A12 marking ikr 251 50W rf power transistor 100MHz 500R BFP405 Q62702-G0091 TL18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEGET 25 BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor 3  For low current applications 4  For oscillators up to 12 GHz  Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz outstanding G ms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz 2  Transition frequency f T = 25 GHz  Gold metallization for high reliability

    BFP405 VPS05605 OT343 PDF


    Abstract: BGA420 S21216
    Text: BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low current applications 3 • For oscillators up to 12 GHz 2 4 • Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz 1 outstanding Gms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz • Transition frequency f T = 25 GHz • Gold metallization for high reliability

    BFP405 OT343 BFP405 BGA420 S21216 PDF

    Infineon Technologies transistor 4 ghz

    Abstract: BFP405 BGA420
    Text: BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low current applications 3 • For oscillators up to 12 GHz 2 4 • Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz 1 outstanding Gms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz • Transition frequency f T = 25 GHz • Gold metallization for high reliability

    BFP405 OT343 Infineon Technologies transistor 4 ghz BFP405 BGA420 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BFP405 Low Noise Silicon Bipolar RF Transistor • For low current applications 3 • For oscillators up to 12 GHz 2 4 • Minimum noise figure NFmin = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz 1 Outstanding Gms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz • Pb-free RoHS compliant and halogen-free package

    BFP405 AEC-Q101 OT343 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low current applications 3 • For oscillators up to 12 GHz 2 4 • Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz 1 outstanding Gms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz • SIEGET  25 GHz fT - Line • Pb-free RoHS compliant package • Qualified according AEC Q101

    BFP405 OT343 PDF

    BFP405 ALs

    Abstract: BFP405
    Text: SIEGET 25 BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor 3  For low current applications 4  For oscillators up to 12 GHz  Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz outstanding G ms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz 2  Transition frequency f T = 25 GHz  Gold metallization for high reliability

    BFP405 VPS05605 OT343 -j100 Aug-20-2001 BFP405 ALs BFP405 PDF

    BFP405 ALs

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEGET 25 BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor 3  For low current applications 4  For oscillators up to 12 GHz  Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz outstanding G ms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz 2  Transition frequency f T = 25 GHz  Gold metallization for high reliability

    BFP405 VPS05605 OT343 BFP405 ALs PDF

    rx 3152

    Abstract: A1306 2Q394 IC LP7 A-1306 500R BFP405 BGC405 Q62702-G0091 RX82 equivalent
    Text: BGC405 Self-Biased BFP405 l l l l l SIEGET25- Technology Small SCT598-Package Control Pin For Switching The Device Off Current Easy Adjustable By An External Resistor Voltage Independent Current 2V – 4.5V 8 7 6 5 2 1 3 4 VPW05982 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe

    BGC405 BFP405 SCT598-Package VPW05982 Q62702-G0091 SCT598 BGC405 s000E rx 3152 A1306 2Q394 IC LP7 A-1306 500R BFP405 Q62702-G0091 RX82 equivalent PDF

    a06 transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR A06 Code "A06" RF Semiconductor marking AAAA marking A06 BF 184 transistor BFP405 a06 transistor 165 chip diode 047 SIEMENS BFP405
    Text: SIEGET 25 BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor Low Current Applications l For Oscillators up to 12 GHz l For Noise Figure F = 1.15 dB at 1.8 GHz l Outstanding G = 22 dB at 1.8 GHz Transition Frequency f = 25 GHz l Gold metalization for high reliability l SIEGET 25-Line

    BFP405 1512dB 25-Line OT343 Q62702-F-1592 a06 transistor TRANSISTOR A06 Code "A06" RF Semiconductor marking AAAA marking A06 BF 184 transistor BFP405 a06 transistor 165 chip diode 047 SIEMENS BFP405 PDF


    Abstract: BFP405 10GHz oscillator RF TRANSISTOR 10GHZ low noise TRANSISTOR NPN 5GHz BGA420 BFP405 ALs 2n2222+spice+model
    Text: BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low current applications 3 • For oscillators up to 12 GHz 2 4 • Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz 1 outstanding Gms = 23 dB at 1.8 GHz • SIEGET  25 GHz fT - Line • Pb-free RoHS compliant package • Qualified according AEC Q101

    BFP405 OT343 RF TRANSISTOR 10GHZ BFP405 10GHz oscillator RF TRANSISTOR 10GHZ low noise TRANSISTOR NPN 5GHz BGA420 BFP405 ALs 2n2222+spice+model PDF

    resonator B69500-A9107 siemens

    Abstract: microwave transistor siemens B69500-A9107 BFP405 x-band dro MMIC A04 mtt siemens SIEMENS BFP405 Siemens Microwave blocking oscillator uses
    Text: Application Note No. 002 Discrete & RF Semiconductors SIEGET 25 Silicon BipolarDielectric Resonator Oscillator DRO at 10 GHz Oscillators represent the basic microwave energy source for all microwave systems such as radar, communications and navigation. A typical oscillator essentially consists of an active

    BFP405 resonator B69500-A9107 siemens microwave transistor siemens B69500-A9107 BFP405 x-band dro MMIC A04 mtt siemens SIEMENS BFP405 Siemens Microwave blocking oscillator uses PDF

    Dielectric Resonator Oscillator DRO

    Abstract: resonator B69500-A9107 siemens B69500-A9107 dielectric resonator oscillator B69500 design dielectric resonator oscillator x-band dro design DRO microwave transistor siemens BFP405
    Text: A p p l i c a t i o n N o t e , R e v . 2 . 1 , J u l y 2 00 7 A p p li c a t i o n N o t e N o . 0 0 2 Silicon Bipolar - Dielectric Resonator Oscillator D R O a t 1 0 G H z us i n g B F P 4 0 5 R F & P r o t e c ti o n D e v i c e s Edition 2007-07-12

    Mtt-16, MTT-27, Dielectric Resonator Oscillator DRO resonator B69500-A9107 siemens B69500-A9107 dielectric resonator oscillator B69500 design dielectric resonator oscillator x-band dro design DRO microwave transistor siemens BFP405 PDF


    Abstract: AN021 BCR400W
    Text: A pp li c at i on N ot e , R ev . 2. 0 , N ov . 2 00 6 A p p li c a t i o n N o t e N o . 0 2 1 A Lo w - N o i s e - A m p l i f i e r s h o w s g o o d N o i s e F ig u r e p e r fo r m a n c e a t 1 . 9 G H z u s i n g B F P 40 5 R F & P r o t e c ti o n D e v i c e s



    Abstract: BCR400W
    Text: A pp li c at i on N ot e , R ev . 2. 0 , N ov . 2 00 6 A p p li c a t i o n N o t e N o . 0 1 9 A Lo w - N o i s e - A m p l i f i e r w i t h g o o d I P 3o u t p e r fo r m a n c e a t 1 . 9 G H z u s i n g B F P 40 5 R F & P r o t e c ti o n D e v i c e s


    SRF 1585

    Abstract: BFP405 rohde schwarz BFP405F
    Text: Ap pl ica t io n N o te, Re v. 1 . 2, F e br ua ry 2 00 8 A p p li c a t i o n N o t e N o . 1 4 9 1 . 8 V , 2 .6 m A L o w N o i s e A m p l if i e r fo r 1 57 5 M H z G P S L1 F r e q ue n c y w i t h t h e B F P 4 0 5 R F T r a n s i s t o r R F & P r o t e c ti o n D e v i c e s



    Abstract: AZ1045-04F BAR86-02LRH 24GHz Radar BGA628L7 SMV1705 BFR181W ALPHA&OMEGA DATE CODE marking code onsemi Diode 2SC4586
    Text: Selection Guide RF & Protection Devices 2 Contents Selection Guide 4 RF Bipolar Transistors & Active Bias Controller 4 RF Switches 6 RF MMICs 7 RF Diodes 9 RF MOSFET 16 RF Schottky Diodes 18 ESD and EMI Protection Devices and Filters

    24GHz BF517 BF770A BF771 BF799 BF799W BFP181 BFP182 BFP182R BFP182W BGT24MTR11 AZ1045-04F BAR86-02LRH 24GHz Radar BGA628L7 SMV1705 BFR181W ALPHA&OMEGA DATE CODE marking code onsemi Diode 2SC4586 PDF


    Abstract: rt data saw 433 rx tx switch 433 BFP450 10dBm saw transistor transmitter CB9 smd transistor Ceramic filter 107ma TH7122.1 murata 10.7MA ceramic filter SFECF10M7HA00
    Text: Application Note Transceiver TH7122x External PA, LNA and TX/RX switch TH7122 and TH71221 with External PA and LNA The output power and the sensitivity of TH7122x transceivers for SRD are enough for many applications. They can deliver up to 10dBm output power and have a sensitivity of up to -105dBm in FSK mode.

    TH7122x TH7122 TH71221 TH7122x 10dBm -105dBm AN7122x Feb/07 CDSCB10M7GA136 rt data saw 433 rx tx switch 433 BFP450 10dBm saw transistor transmitter CB9 smd transistor Ceramic filter 107ma TH7122.1 murata 10.7MA ceramic filter SFECF10M7HA00 PDF


    Abstract: smd code marking 162 sot23-5 MARKING V14 SOT23-5 RF Transistor Selection smd code marking rf ft sot23 smd code marking NEC rf transistor sot-363 inf smd marking D3 SOT363 XM0860SH MGA51563
    Text: Selection Guide RF & Protection Devices [ ] 2 Contents Selection Guide 4 RF Bipolar Transistors & Active Bias Controller 4 RF Switches 6 RF MMICs 7 RF Diodes 8 RF MOSFET 16 RF Schottky Diodes 18 ESD and EMI Protection Devices and Filters

    24GHz BF517 BF770A BF771 BF775 BF799 BF799W BFP181 BFP181R BFP182 XM0830SJ smd code marking 162 sot23-5 MARKING V14 SOT23-5 RF Transistor Selection smd code marking rf ft sot23 smd code marking NEC rf transistor sot-363 inf smd marking D3 SOT363 XM0860SH MGA51563 PDF


    Abstract: marking A06 transistor A06
    Text: SIEMENS SIEGET 25 BFP405 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • • • • • • For Low Current Applications For Oscillators up to 12 GHz Noise Figure F = 1.15 dB at 1.8 GHz Outstanding Gms = 22 dB at 1.8 GHz Transition Frequency fT = 25 GHz Gold metalization for high reliability

    OCR Scan
    BFP405 25-Line Transistor25 62702-F-1592 OT343 SIEMENS BFP405 marking A06 transistor A06 PDF

    BF 274 transistor

    Abstract: CBC 548 B CBC 184 b transistor up/rse cima BF 184 transistor
    Text: SIEM EN S NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFP 405 Featu res • • • For Low C urrent A pplicatio ns For O s cillators up to 12 GHz N oise Figure F = 1.15 dB at 1.8 G H z O utstand in g Gms = 22 dB at 1.8 G H z • • T ransition Frequ ency f j > 20 G H z G old m e talization for high reliability

    OCR Scan
    BFP405 BF 274 transistor CBC 548 B CBC 184 b transistor up/rse cima BF 184 transistor PDF