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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Corrections of MB90570 Hardware Manual Preliminary 1.0 Nov,'97 1. A/D CONVERTER = The resolution of the A/D Converter is 10 bit. - 8-bit/10-bit resolution. (Page 18-3) - (1) Control status register (Page 18-5) Upper Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit9 Bit8

    MB90570 8-bit/10-bit Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 000037h 000036h PDF


    Abstract: atj2001 Biphase mark decoder mp3 fm "actions semiconductor" Actions Semiconductor
    Text: ATJ2001 PDA+MP3 Decoder Actions Semiconductor Co.,LTD 1. Pin descriptions Pin No. Pin Name I/O Type Reset Default 1 LOSCI AI / Low frequency crystal OSC input 2 LOSCO AO / Low frequency crystal OSC output 3 GND PWR / Digital signal ground 4 4 1 A15 O L Bit15 of ext. memory address bus

    ATJ2001 Bit15 97RST- Bit16 Bit17 OT506-1 136E25 MS-026 wxdh Biphase mark decoder mp3 fm "actions semiconductor" Actions Semiconductor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA Original CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86FM25FG Semiconductor Company TMP86FM25 Document Change Notification The purpose of this notification is to inform customers about the launch of the Pb-free version of the device. The introduction of a Pb-free replacement affects the datasheet. Please understand that this

    TLCS-870/C TMP86FM25FG TMP86FM25 TMP86FM25) 86FM25-50 PDF


    Abstract: TXC-07900AIBG TSOP transmitter B020H OED155TM TXC-07900-MB VTXP-6 AU-AIS dk12b EK117
    Text: OED155 Device Dual STM-1 Overhead Terminator, Tributary Processor and Cross-Connect with Integrated E1 Mapper TXC-07900 PRODUCT PREVIEW DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION: ™ The Optimized Edge Device, OED155, is a dual STM-1 SDH framer and overhead terminator, virtual tributary

    OED155 TXC-07900 TXC-07900-MB, OED155TM TXC07900AIBG TXC-07900AIBG TSOP transmitter B020H OED155TM TXC-07900-MB VTXP-6 AU-AIS dk12b EK117 PDF


    Abstract: DAC88311 DAC8831IDG4 DAC8831ICRGYTG4
    Text: BurrĆBrown Products from Texas Instruments DAC8830 DAC8831 IVC 102 OP A1 32 DA C8 831 SLAS449D – FEBRUARY 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007 16-Bit, Ultra-Low Power, Voltage-Output Digital-to-Analog Converters FEATURES DESCRIPTION 1 • • • • •

    DAC8830 DAC8831 SLAS449D 16-Bit, 16-Bit DAC8831 QFN14 DAC88311 DAC8831IDG4 DAC8831ICRGYTG4 PDF


    Abstract: TMPM373 TMPM374FWUG LQFP-64P ADR-301 TMPM372 3shunt TMPM373FWDUG 3 phase sine wave pwm circuit LQFP48-P-0707-0
    Text: 32-bit RISC Microcontroller TX03 Series TMPM372FWUG TMPM373FWDUG TMPM374FWUG Semiconductor & Storage Products Company Revision History Rev 1 Date 2011/8/1 Description First Release TMPM372 / 373 / 374 *

    32-bit TMPM372FWUG TMPM373FWDUG TMPM374FWUG TMPM372 ARM926EJ-S, TMPM374 TMPM373 TMPM374FWUG LQFP-64P ADR-301 3shunt 3 phase sine wave pwm circuit LQFP48-P-0707-0 PDF

    respiration sensor

    Abstract: ECG avr circuit diagram holter or ecg monitor holter monitor 12 lead ecg block diagram ecg 1720 wilson ecg signal heart rate monitor using op-amp biopotential monitoring system
    Text: PRELIMINARY ADS1293 Low Power, 3-Channel, 24-Bit Analog Front End for Biopotential Measurements 1.0 General Description The ADS1293 incorporates all features commonly required in portable, low-power medical electrocardiogram ECG , sports, and fitness applications. With high levels of integration

    ADS1293 24-Bit ADS1293 SQA28A respiration sensor ECG avr circuit diagram holter or ecg monitor holter monitor 12 lead ecg block diagram ecg 1720 wilson ecg signal heart rate monitor using op-amp biopotential monitoring system PDF

    12 line ccd scanner

    Abstract: toshiba 2400 dpi cis sensor nec CCD LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR flatbed scanner controller CCD LINEAR SENSOR 512 linear ccd ST L6219 application note block diagram of paper scanner CCD linear 10 ccd sony
    Text: Ru.4 Xu062 f Genesys Logic, Inc. GL848 High Speed USB 2.0 2-in-1 Scanner Controller With Fast ADF & Bus Power Datasheet Revision 1.00 December 17, 2007 GL848 High Speed USB2.0 2-in-1 Scanner Controller With Fast ADF Copyright: Copyright 2006 Genesys Logic Incorporated. All rights reserved. No part of the materials may be

    Xu062 GL848 GL848 QFP-128L 12 line ccd scanner toshiba 2400 dpi cis sensor nec CCD LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR flatbed scanner controller CCD LINEAR SENSOR 512 linear ccd ST L6219 application note block diagram of paper scanner CCD linear 10 ccd sony PDF


    Abstract: at91sam3 1N1308 MAR 735 REGULATOR IC 7912 pin identify AT91SAM3U4E SAM3u1 AT91SAM3U 3961 G.E 0x20180
    Text: Features • Core • • • • • • – ARM Cortex®-M3 revision 2.0 running at up to 96 MHz – Memory Protection Unit MPU – Thumb®-2 instruction set Memories – From 64 to 256 Kbytes embedded Flash, 128-bit wide access, memory accelerator,

    128-bit 6430F 21-Feb-12 AT91SAM3U4 at91sam3 1N1308 MAR 735 REGULATOR IC 7912 pin identify AT91SAM3U4E SAM3u1 AT91SAM3U 3961 G.E 0x20180 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC08DL500 ADC08DL500 Low Power, 8-Bit, Dual 500 MSPS A/D Converter Literature Number: SNAS495C ADC08DL500 Low Power, 8-Bit, Dual 500 MSPS A/D Converter General Description Features The ADC08DL500 is a dual, low power, high performance, CMOS analog-to-digital converter. The ADC08DL500 digitizes signals to 8 bits of resolution at sample rates up to 500

    ADC08DL500 ADC08DL500 SNAS495C N6030 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DAC161S055 Precision 16-Bit, Buffered Voltage-Output DAC General Description Key Specifications The DAC161S055 is a precision 16-bit, buffered voltage output Digital-to-Analog Converter DAC that operates from a 2.7V to 5.25V supply with a separate I/O supply pin that operates down to 1.7V. The on-chip precision output buffer

    DAC161S055 16-Bit, PDF

    TRANSISTOR mcr 100-8

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA MC33389 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA SBC System basis chip Advance Information Automotive System Basis Chip The MC33389 is a monolithic integrated circuit combining many functions frequently used by automotive ECUs. It incorporates a low speed fault

    MC33389 MC33389 100mA 200mA 125kBaud MC33388 TRANSISTOR mcr 100-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC08D1020 ADC08D1020 Low Power, 8-Bit, Dual 1.0 GSPS or Single 2.0 GSPS A/D Converter Literature Number: SNAS372C ADC08D1020 Low Power, 8-Bit, Dual 1.0 GSPS or Single 2.0 GSPS A/D Converter General Description Features The ADC08D1020 is a dual, low power, high performance,

    ADC08D1020 ADC08D1020 SNAS372C ADC08D1000 ADC08D1000, PDF


    Abstract: ic str 6454 s11 stopping compound motorola 7824 BT OSC26M CNC DRIVES ptc temperature sensor 400c 4*4 matrix keypad 17521 rca SAMSUNG NAND FLASH K9F5608
    Text: i.MX21 Applications Processor Reference Manual Document Number: MC9328MX21RM Rev. 3 04/2007 How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: [email protected] USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370

    MC9328MX21RM CH370 ARM926T ic str 6454 s11 stopping compound motorola 7824 BT OSC26M CNC DRIVES ptc temperature sensor 400c 4*4 matrix keypad 17521 rca SAMSUNG NAND FLASH K9F5608 PDF

    GCM 38112

    Abstract: Wifi to I2C ST ATUC3A4256S AT32UC3A3 dsp ssb modulation demodulation barcode reader using avr AT32UC3A64 ATUC3A3256 DesignWare Hi-Speed USB On-The-Go Controller AT32UC3A3256S
    Text: Features • High Performance, Low Power 32-bit AVR Microcontroller • • • • • • • • • • • • – Compact Single-Cycle RISC Instruction Set Including DSP Instruction Set – Read-Modify-Write Instructions and Atomic Bit Manipulation

    32-bit 51DMIPS/MHz 92DMIPS 66MHz 36MHz 256KBytes, 128KBytes, 64KBytes 32072D04/2011 GCM 38112 Wifi to I2C ST ATUC3A4256S AT32UC3A3 dsp ssb modulation demodulation barcode reader using avr AT32UC3A64 ATUC3A3256 DesignWare Hi-Speed USB On-The-Go Controller AT32UC3A3256S PDF


    Abstract: MC68HC705P6ACDW MC68HC705P6ACP interface 68HC05 68HC705P6A HC05 M68HC05 MC68HC05 MC68HC05P6 pinout of motorola 68hc05
    Text: General Release Specification A G R E E M E N T 68HC705P6A R E Q U I R E D HC705P6AGRS/D Rev. 1.0 CSIC System Design Group Austin, Texas N O N - D I S C L O S U R E July 23, 1996 A G R E E M E N T R E Q U I R E D General Release Specification N O N - D I S C L O S U R E

    68HC705P6A HC705P6AGRS/D MC68HC705P6A MC68HC705P6ACDW MC68HC705P6ACP interface 68HC05 68HC705P6A HC05 M68HC05 MC68HC05 MC68HC05P6 pinout of motorola 68hc05 PDF

    Realtek PCI LAN 8101L

    Abstract: 9346CR RTL8101L RTL8139 BootROM rt8101l lan card RTL8100 RTL8139A RTL8101L modem RTL810 8101L
    Text: RTL8101L 1. Features: 1.1 Ethernet Controller Features: wake-up when main power remains off Supports auxiliary power auto-detect, and sets the related capability of power management registers in PCI configuration space Includes a programmable PCI burst size and early Tx/Rx

    RTL8101L 32-bit 93C46 16-bit MS-026 100LD 14x14x1 LQ100 Realtek PCI LAN 8101L 9346CR RTL8101L RTL8139 BootROM rt8101l lan card RTL8100 RTL8139A RTL8101L modem RTL810 8101L PDF


    Abstract: HC05 M68HC05 MC68HC05C12A MC68HC05C9A MC68HC705C9A
    Text: General Release Specification A G R E E M E N T MC68HC705C9A R E Q U I R E D HC705C9AGRS/D REV. 2.0 CSIC MCU Design Center East Kilbride, Scotland N O N - D I S C L O S U R E April 24, 1996 A G R E E M E N T R E Q U I R E D General Release Specification N O N - D I S C L O S U R E

    MC68HC705C9A HC705C9AGRS/D C12A HC05 M68HC05 MC68HC05C12A MC68HC05C9A MC68HC705C9A PDF


    Abstract: AC97 J-STD-020A WM9707 AC97 specification
    Text: WM9707 AC’97 Revision 2.1 Audio Codec with SPDIF Output DESCRIPTION AC’97 FEATURES WM9707 is a high-quality stereo audio codec compliant with the AC’97 Revision 2.1 specification. It performs full duplex 18-bit codec functions and supports variable sample rates from 8 to

    WM9707 WM9707 18-bit 18-bit 48-pin WM9707CFT AC97 J-STD-020A AC97 specification PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet HCS12X Microcontrollers MC9S12XDP512 Rev. 2.10 5/2005 MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet covers MC9S12XDT384 & MC9S12XA512 MC9S12XDP512V2 Rev. 2.10 5/2005 To provide the most up-to-date information, the revision of our documents on the World Wide Web will be

    MC9S12XDP512 HCS12X MC9S12XDP512 MC9S12XDT384 MC9S12XA512 MC9S12XDP512V2 MC9S12XDP512V1 PDF


    Abstract: 27c4000dc SCC-1 MX27C4000DC 27C4000QC 27C4000
    Text: m i c M X27C4000 4M BIT1512K x 8 CMOS EPROM FEATURES • • • • • 512K x 8 organization Single +5V power supply +12.5V programming voltage Fast access time: 90/100/120/150 ns Totally static operation • • • • Completely TTL compatible Operating current: 40mA

    OCR Scan
    X27C4000 BIT1512K 100jiA MX27C4000 4000P 4000M 4000Q 27C4000PC 27c4000dc SCC-1 MX27C4000DC 27C4000QC 27C4000 PDF


    Abstract: sierra modem v.34 SC34323 c code for interpolation and decimation filter delta demodulator 103k lk
    Text: A SC34323 StERRA SEMICONDUCTOR V.34 Analog Front End V.34 AFE with Speakerphone V □ Full echo canceling capability □ 16-bit oversampling A /D and D /A converters - Programmable downsampling frequency from 0 to 10.3K - Sampling frequency can be 3, 4, 6, 8 ,1 2 ,1 6 x symbol rate

    OCR Scan
    SC34323 16-bit 300bps, 600bps, 2400bps 38400bps -89dB 671-8039 sierra modem v.34 c code for interpolation and decimation filter delta demodulator 103k lk PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Except for the bus interface, the functional behavior of the S M C 9 1 C 9 4 after initial configuration is identical for ISA and PCMCIA modes. The control path provides a set of registers used to configure and control the block. These

    OCR Scan
    SMC91C94 PDF


    Abstract: SMC91C92
    Text: DATA STRUCTURES AND REGISTERS reserved for the status w ord, the next w ord is used to specify the total number of bytes, and it is followed by the data area. The data area holds the packet itself. PACKET FORMAT IN BUFFER MEMORY The packet form at in memory is similar fo r the

    OCR Scan
    bit15 fcank SMC91C92 PDF