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    led display driver

    Abstract: ST2225A TTL 7452 SSOP48 ST2225A-D ST2225A-SS3
    Text: ST2225A Version Issue Date File Name Total Pages : A.025 : 2001/11/26 : SP-ST2225A-A.025.doc : 12 LED Display Driver 新竹市科學園區展業一路 9 號 4 樓之 3 SILICON TOUCH TECHNOLOGY INC. 9-4F-3, Prosperity Road I, Science Based Industrial Park,

    ST2225A SP-ST2225A-A Fax886-3-5645626 Tel886-3-5645656 ST2225A led display driver TTL 7452 SSOP48 ST2225A-D ST2225A-SS3 PDF


    Abstract: TCM4400E VOCODER ULX 116 TCM4400
    Text: TCM4400E GSM/DCS BASEBAND AND VOICE A/D AND D/A RF INTERFACE CIRCUIT SLWS082A – JULY 1999 – REVISED MARCH 2000 D D D D D D D Applications Include GSM 900, PCS 1900, and DCS 1800 Cellular Telephones 80-Pin TQFP 0.4 mm or 0.5 mm Lead Pitch or 80-Ball MicroStar BGA

    TCM4400E SLWS082A 80-Pin 80-Ball PCS1900 TCM4400E VOCODER ULX 116 TCM4400 PDF

    IEC 60958

    Abstract: IEC-60958 i2c-bus "volume control" LQFP48 SSOP28 UDA1351 UDA1352HL UDA1352TS UDA1352
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UDA1352TS 48 kHz IEC 60958 audio DAC Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 2002 May 22 2002 Nov 22 NXP Semiconductors Preliminary specification 48 kHz IEC 60958 audio DAC UDA1352TS CONTENTS 11 SPDIF SIGNAL FORMAT 11.1

    UDA1352TS 753503/02/pp52 IEC 60958 IEC-60958 i2c-bus "volume control" LQFP48 SSOP28 UDA1351 UDA1352HL UDA1352TS UDA1352 PDF


    Abstract: S1C33L01 E0C33202 E0C33204 E0C33208 E0C33A104 EPOD332128
    Text: MF1097-03 CMOS 32-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER S1C33000 Core CPU Manual NOTICE No part of this material may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the written permission of Seiko Epson. Seiko Epson reserves the right to make changes to this material without notice. Seiko Epson does not assume any

    MF1097-03 32-BIT S1C33000 F-91976 E-08190 S1C33000 S1C33L01 E0C33202 E0C33204 E0C33208 E0C33A104 EPOD332128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2170 LC89075WA CMOS IC Digital Audio Interface Receiver with Stereo ADC and Audio Selector 1. Overview The LC89075WA is a digital audio interface receiver that demodulates signals according to the data transfer format

    ENA2170 LC89075WA LC89075WA IEC60958/61937 CPR-1205 192kHz. 24-bit 96kHz, PDF


    Abstract: UDA1352TS IEC 60958 SPDIF i2s RECEIVER LQFP48 SSOP28 UDA1352HL IEC60958 spdif decoder
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UDA1352HL 96 kHz IEC 60958 audio DAC Preliminary specification 2002 May 22 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 96 kHz IEC 60958 audio DAC UDA1352HL CONTENTS 12 REGISTER MAPPING 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7

    UDA1352HL SCA74 753503/01/pp68 IEC-60958 UDA1352TS IEC 60958 SPDIF i2s RECEIVER LQFP48 SSOP28 UDA1352HL IEC60958 spdif decoder PDF

    pcie gen 2 payload

    Abstract: asi paralell
    Text: Stratix V Device Handbook Volume 3: Transceivers 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 SV5V2-1.4 11.1 2011 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos



    Abstract: IEC60958-3 IEC61937 LQFP-48 HDMI PCM 7.1 CH free hdmi to rca circuit diagram mc 9408
    Text: DIX9211 SBAS519 – SEPTEMBER 2010 216-kHz Digital Audio Interface Transceiver DIX Check for Samples: DIX9211 FEATURES 1 • Integrated DIX and Signal Routing: – Asynchronous Operation (DIR, DIT) – Mux and Routing of PCM Data: – I2S , Left-Justified, Right-Justified

    DIX9211 SBAS519 216-kHz 24-bit, 50-ps IEC61937, DIX9211 IEC60958-3 IEC61937 LQFP-48 HDMI PCM 7.1 CH free hdmi to rca circuit diagram mc 9408 PDF


    Abstract: CRC-32 LFSR NF45
    Text: Stratix V Device Handbook Volume 3: Transceivers Stratix V Device Handbook Volume 3: Transceivers 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 SV5V2-1.3 11.0 2011 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX are Reg. U.S. Pat.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UDA1352TS 96 kHz IEC 60958 audio DAC Preliminary specification 2002 May 22 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 96 kHz IEC 60958 audio DAC UDA1352TS CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 General Control IEC 60958 input

    UDA1352TS SCA74 753503/01/pp52 UDA1350 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2170 LC89075WA CMOS IC Digital Audio Interface Receiver with Stereo ADC and Audio Selector ht t p://onse m i.c om 1. Overview The LC89075WA is a digital audio interface receiver that demodulates signals according to the data transfer format

    ENA2170 LC89075WA LC89075WA IEC60958/61937 CPR-1205 192kHz. 24-bit 96kHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCM9211 SBAS495 – JUNE 2010 216-kHz Digital Audio Interface Transceiver DIX with Stereo ADC and Routing Check for Samples: PCM9211 FEATURES 1 • Integrated DIX, ADC, and Signal Routing: – Asynchronous Operation (DIR, DIT, ADC) – Mux and Routing of PCM Data:

    PCM9211 SBAS495 216-kHz 24-bit, 50-ps IEC61937, PCM9211 PDF


    Abstract: vt8237r VT8233 VT1632A STR W 5453 C vt8237 VT6103 VT8237R PLUS via vt8237R Plus chipset south bridge STR W 5453 A
    Text: Data Sheet CN333 North Bridge with Integrated UniChrome Pro 3D / 2D Graphics Controller Revision 1.0 January 5, 2005 VIA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Copyright Notice: Copyright 2004-2005, VIA Technologies Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted,

    CN333 HSBGA-681 681-Pin vt1631 vt8237r VT8233 VT1632A STR W 5453 C vt8237 VT6103 VT8237R PLUS via vt8237R Plus chipset south bridge STR W 5453 A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCM9211 SBAS495 – JUNE 2010 216-kHz Digital Audio Interface Transceiver DIX with Stereo ADC and Routing Check for Samples: PCM9211 FEATURES 1 • Integrated DIX, ADC, and Signal Routing: – Asynchronous Operation (DIR, DIT, ADC) – Mux and Routing of PCM Data:

    PCM9211 SBAS495 216-kHz 24-bit, 50-ps IEC61937, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCM9211 SBAS495 – JUNE 2010 216-kHz Digital Audio Interface Transceiver DIX with Stereo ADC and Routing Check for Samples: PCM9211 FEATURES 1 • Integrated DIX, ADC, and Signal Routing: – Asynchronous Operation (DIR, DIT, ADC) – Mux and Routing of PCM Data:

    PCM9211 SBAS495 216-kHz 24-bit, 50-ps IEC61937, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DAT UDA1355H Stereo audio codec with SPDIF interface Preliminary specification 2003 Apr 10 NXP Semiconductors Preliminary specification Stereo audio codec with SPDIF interface CONTENTS UDA1355H 11 I2C-BUS DESCRIPTION Characteristics Bit transfer

    UDA1355H 12lease 753503/01/pp76 PDF


    Abstract: FPT-8P-M02 bit-49
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS DATA SHEET DS04-29132-2E ASSP Spread Spectrum Clock Generator MB88R157 • DESCRIPTION MB88R157 is a clock generator for EMI Electro Magnetic Interference reduction. The peak of unnecessary radiation noise (EMI) can be attenuated by making the oscillation frequency slightly modulate periodically with

    DS04-29132-2E MB88R157 MB88R157 DS04-29132-2E FPT-8P-M02 bit-49 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1. Introduction The ARM60 is part of the Advanced RISC Machine ARM family of general purpose 32-bit single-chip microprocessors. The ARM architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles, and the instruction set and related decode mechanism are greatly simplified compared with

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    ARM60 32-bit PDF


    Abstract: D103D gsm signal amplifier VDAi TCM4400 bit143 e/0.3 GMSK
    Text: TCM4400 GSM/DCS BASEBAND AND VOICE A/D AND D/A RF INTERFACE CIRCUIT SLW S029-JUNE 1996 • • • • • Applications Include GSM 900 and DCS 1800 Cellular Telephones 80-Pin TQFP Package Single 3-V Supply Voltage Internal Voltage Reference Extended RF Control Voltages

    OCR Scan
    TCM4400 SLWS029 80-Pin TCM4400 nbl724 010312b DB-135 D103D gsm signal amplifier VDAi bit143 e/0.3 GMSK PDF


    Abstract: driver for 7 segment Led indicator
    Text: GM6486 33 OUTPUT LED DRIVER. Pin Configunation General Description The GM6486 is a monolithic MOS integrated cir­ cuit produced with high voltage CMOS technology. It is available in a 40-pin dual in-line plastic package. A single pin controls the LED display

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    GM6486 GM6486 40-pin 15mAst driver for 7 segment Led indicator PDF

    STR 6252 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARM610 Data Sheet ARM610 RISC Processor ARM610 is a general purpose 32-bit microprocessor with 4kByte cache, W rite Buffer and Memory M anagement Unit MMU combined in a single chip. The ARM610 offers a high level of RISC performance yet it's fully static design ensures minimal pow er consumption - m aking it ideal for portable, battery

    OCR Scan
    ARM610 32-bit P610ARM STR 6252 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARM60 Data Sheet ARM 60 M icroprocessor The ARM60 is a general pu rp o se low cost 32-bit RISC processor. The ARM60 incorporates the ARM6 CPU as a stan d ard p ro d u ct offering an extrem ely good c o st/ perform ance ratio. In ad d itio n to the ARM6 CPU

    OCR Scan
    ARM60 32-bit PDF


    Abstract: VY86C600
    Text: VLSI T e c h n o l o g y , in c . _ VY86C610 32-BIT ENHANCED MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES Low power DESCRIPTION • 32-bit data bus Cache access speed independent of external memory timing VY86C610 is a general-purpose 32-bit

    OCR Scan
    VY86C610 32-BIT VY86C610 32-bit 32-entry VY86C61020BC VY86C600 PDF


    Abstract: BHT22 SPF21 pcf5001 msa335 PCF5001H PCF5001T TQFP32 UAA2033T UAA2050T
    Text: IN TEG R A TED C IR C U ITS \ S ln lE iT PCF5001 POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of June 1993 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 September 1994 Philips Sem iconductors P H IL IP S 7 iio a 2 ti P H ILIP S G ovassa 023 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

    OCR Scan
    PCF5001 7110a2fc, B1T29 BHT22 SPF21 pcf5001 msa335 PCF5001H PCF5001T TQFP32 UAA2033T UAA2050T PDF