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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b4E D • 7^4142 KMM5361000A/AG Q014Sh4 SfiS « S M G K DRAM MODULES 1 M X 3 6 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Samsung KM M 5361000A is a 1M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung KM M 5361000A consist of eight CMOS 1 M X 4 bit

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    KMM5361000A/AG Q014Sh4 361000A bitsX36 20-pin 72-pin 361000A- 130ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b 4E D • 7T b 4142 G a m b a s KMM5362000A1/A1G 41b ■ SMGK DRAM MODULES 2M X 3 6 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KMM5362000A1 is a 2M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung

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    KMM5362000A1/A1G KMM5362000A1 bitsX36 20-pin 72-pin 130ns 150ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b7E i> S A MS UN G E L E C T R O N I C S INC 7^4142 KMM536256W/WG 0015 20 b Ô2Ô • DRAM MODULES 256Kx36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KMM536256W is a 256K bitsx36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung

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    KMM536256W/WG 256Kx36 KMM536256W bitsx36 256Kx18 40-pin 72-pin KMM536256W-6 110ns PDF


    Abstract: KMM5361000/A
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC 42E ]> • T ^ b M m s GülGSlb Ô KMM5361000 DRAM MODULES 'T - % iï~ n 1 M X 36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KMM5361000 is a 1M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung

    OCR Scan
    KMM5361000 KMM5361000 bitsX36 20-pin 72-pin 150ns KMM5361000-10 KMM5361000- KMM5361000/A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KMM5362000A/AG DRAM MODULES 2M X36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Samsung KMM5362000A is a 2M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung K M M 5362000A consist of sixteen CMOS 1M X 4 bit DRAMs in 20-pin SOJ package and eight CMOS 1M X 1

    OCR Scan
    KMM5362000A/AG KMM5362000A bitsX36 362000A 20-pin 72-pin 362000A- PDF


    Abstract: "soj 26" dram 80 ns G392
    Text: KMM536100QA/AG/A1 /A1G DRAM MODULES 1 M X 3 6 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KMM5361 OOOA is a 1M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung KMM5361 OOOA consist of eight CMOS 1MX4 bit

    OCR Scan
    KMM536100QA/AG/A1 KMM5361 bitsX36 20-pin 72-pin KMM5361000 "soj 26" dram 80 ns G392 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KMM5362000A/AG/A1 /A1G DRAM MODULES 2 M X 3 6 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KM M 5362000A is a 2M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung K M M 5362000A consist of sixteen CMOS 1 M X 4 bit

    OCR Scan
    KMM5362000A/AG/A1 362000A bitsX36 20-pin 72-pin 130ns 362000A- 150ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DftAM MODULES KMM5362000A 2 M X 3 6 DRAM S IM M Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Samsung KM M 5362000A is a 2M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung K M M 5362000A consist of sixteen CMOS 1 M X 4 bit DRAMs in 20-pin SOJ package and eight CMOS 1M X 1

    OCR Scan
    KMM5362000A 362000A bitsX36 20-pin 72-pin 22piF 362000A- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b?E T> WM T T b m M E KMM5361OOOBV/BVG 0015122 GTT • SMGK DRAM MODULES 1Mx36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Sam sung KMM5361000BV is a 1M bitsx36 Dynamic RA M high density memory module. The Samsung

    OCR Scan
    KMM5361OOOBV/BVG 1Mx36 KMM5361000BV bitsx36 20-pin 72-pin KMM5361000BV-7 130ns 5361OOOBV-8 PDF


    Abstract: KMM5361000A7
    Text: KMM5361000A/AG DRAM MODULES 1 M X 3 6 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Samsung KM M 5361000A is a 1M bitsX36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung KM M 5361000A consist of eight CMOS 1 M X 4 bit DRAMs in 20-pin SOJ package and four CMOS 1 M X 1

    OCR Scan
    KMM5361000A/AG 361000A bitsX36 20-pin 22fjF KMM5361OOOA 361000A- 10OOA- KMM536100 KMM5361000A7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b?E D S A M S UN G E L E C T R O N I C S INC • TThMlME 00132=12 BIM ■ S M G K KMM5328000V/VG/VP DRAM MODULES 8Mx32 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: tRAC • • • • • • • tcAC tRC KMM5328000V-6 60ns

    OCR Scan
    KMM5328000V/VG/VP 8Mx32 KMM5328000V-6 110ns 130ns KMM5328000V-8 KMM5328000V-7 KMM5328000V bitsx36 PDF


    Abstract: KMM5368100-8 KMM5368100-7
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b7E D WÊ 7 T b m 4 S KMM5368100/G OOISETÖ ÖDE BiSflSK DRAM MODULES 8M x36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: KMM5368100-6 • • • • • • • tfiAC tCAC tRC 60ns 15ns 110ns KMM5368100-7

    OCR Scan
    KMM5368100/G KMM5368100-6 KMM5368100-7 KMM5368100-8 110ns 130ns 150ns KMM5368100 bitsx36 KMM536B100 KMM5368100-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC t.7E D • 7^1 4 1 4 2 DQlSQSfl 3 m I KMM536512CH SMGK DRAM MODULES 512Kx36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module This SIMM is the x36 built on x40 board FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: KMM536512CH-6 • • • • • •

    OCR Scan
    KMM536512CH 512Kx36 KMM536512CH-6 110ns KMM536512CH-7 130ns KMM536512CH-8 KMM536512CH bitsx36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b?E j> m Tibmns KMM5364000B/BG o d i s i ö s sb4 • s m g k DRAM MODULES 4 M x 3 6 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: • • • • • • • tR A C tC A C t f lC KMM5364000B-6 60ns 15ns

    OCR Scan
    KMM5364000B/BG KMM5364000B-6 110ns KMM5364000B-7 130ns KMM5364000B-8 150ns cycles/16ms KMM5364000B bitsx36 PDF