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    BL SOT223 Search Results

    BL SOT223 Datasheets Context Search

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    playstation 2 power supply

    Abstract: playstation 1 power supply SONY PLAYSTATION 3 sony playstation 3 power supply sony playstation 1 power supply sony playstation 2 power supply PLAYSTATION 3 power supply sony playstation 2 graphics synthesizer IBM GEKKO
    Text: Discretes and MultiMarket ICs DMI – BL Power 07/08/2002 DMI – BL Power Sony, Playstation, Nintendo, Gamecube, Microsoft and Xbox are trademarks and property of their respective owners. Semiconductors ASPD / page:2 DMI – BL Power Technical • CPU: Sony "Emotion Engine”, 128 bit, 300 MHz

    OT223 BSH105 BSH103 PHP225 PHC21025 playstation 2 power supply playstation 1 power supply SONY PLAYSTATION 3 sony playstation 3 power supply sony playstation 1 power supply sony playstation 2 power supply PLAYSTATION 3 power supply sony playstation 2 graphics synthesizer IBM GEKKO PDF

    bridge rectifier 2A 30v

    Abstract: 5.1V SOD87 sod64 dual diode Schottky Diode 30V 1A SOD87 5V1 zener philips 1PS74SB43 220v 2a diode bridge philips zener SOD87 Schottky Diode 40V sod87
    Text: Discretes and MultiMarket ICs DMI – BL Power 07/08/2002 DMI – BL Power Components in a DVD player/recorder: • Power supply • Audio/video processing board includes control • DVD (reader or reader/writer) engine Semiconductors ASPD / page:2 DMI – BL Power

    BYD13J 1N4005ID SI4466DY BSP030 PHN103T BSH108 BSP100 PHN210T PHN203 SI4420DY bridge rectifier 2A 30v 5.1V SOD87 sod64 dual diode Schottky Diode 30V 1A SOD87 5V1 zener philips 1PS74SB43 220v 2a diode bridge philips zener SOD87 Schottky Diode 40V sod87 PDF


    Abstract: BL 05A 1N4000 1n5817 sod323 BSH103 ZENER 5V1 1n4000 sERIES DIODES BZX584 Series BSH105 5.1 amplifier IC
    Text: Discretes and MultiMarket ICs DMI – BL Power 07/08/2002 DMI – BL Power Semiconductors Johan de Jonge / page:2 DMI – BL Power Application: DECT Basestation Vmains Netadapting 5.10V AC/DC Power Supply ROM/Flash 3V DC/DC ARM/DSP 5V Speech Codec Line Interface

    BYG90-series BSN20 BSH103 BSH105 BSH108 PBSS5140D/T/U/V OT457/SOT23/ OT323/SOT666 PBSS3515VS OT666 1N4000-series BL 05A 1N4000 1n5817 sod323 BSH103 ZENER 5V1 1n4000 sERIES DIODES BZX584 Series BSH105 5.1 amplifier IC PDF


    Abstract: nokia rf power amplifier transistor Schottky Diode 40V 2A TOPSWITCH battery charger TRANSISTOR BL 100 BL 05A TOPSWITCH battery charger 2A BSH103 BSH111 1PS74SB43
    Text: Discretes and MultiMarket ICs DMI – BL Power 08/08/2002 DMI – BL Power Application: Mobile Phone Display LCD Module LCD driver Charger Power Supplies Aux ADCs Smartcard & SIM interface PMU Reset On/Off Analog Audio Codec Hands free GP-IC Semiconductors

    BYD37J BYG60J BSH103 BSH111 PBSS5140D BSH105 BSH112 PBSS5320D BSH108 BSH114 BSH108 nokia rf power amplifier transistor Schottky Diode 40V 2A TOPSWITCH battery charger TRANSISTOR BL 100 BL 05A TOPSWITCH battery charger 2A BSH103 BSH111 1PS74SB43 PDF

    Schottky Diode 40V 5A bridge

    Abstract: 200v 3A schottky Schottky Diode 40V 5A rectifier bridge 100v 5a BYQ28X200 rectifier bridge 100v 3a RECTIFIER DIODES PHILIPS DATA BOOK flyback transformer philips bridge rectifier 1A Schottky Diode 40V sod87
    Text: Discretes and MultiMarket ICs DMI – BL Power 07/08/2002 DMI – BL Power • Power supplies from some 5 to 80W • Main use: • Laptop/notebook computers • PC peripheral • Networking components • LCD monitors • Generally universal mains input: • 100 - 240 VAC 90 - 264 VAC

    BYD13J 1N4005ID BYD17J BYG50J BYW54 OD124) OT186 BYD33J BYD37J BYG70J Schottky Diode 40V 5A bridge 200v 3A schottky Schottky Diode 40V 5A rectifier bridge 100v 5a BYQ28X200 rectifier bridge 100v 3a RECTIFIER DIODES PHILIPS DATA BOOK flyback transformer philips bridge rectifier 1A Schottky Diode 40V sod87 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DI ODE SOLUTI ONS 17 Years of excellence Commerci alAvi a t i on SMCDi odeSol ut i onswa sc r e a t e di n1 997t os e r v et heHi ghRe l i a bi l i t yne e dsofourc us t ome r s . Dur i ngt ha tt i meweha v ea dde dt hehi ghe s tqua l i t ys t a nda r dsa



    Abstract: 1L1117 3.3 0A85 il1117 1L1117 1.8 1L1117 3.3V 1L1117 SMD L4 Regulator SOT-223 il1117 ad il1117-5
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA IL1117-xx 1.0A Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator Features • Adjustable and Fixed of 1.2, 1.25, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 2.85, 3.3, 5.0V • Space saving SMD types of SOT-223 • 1.2V Drop-out Voltage • 1.0A Output Current • Line Regulation Typically at 0.2% max

    IL1117-xx OT-223 O-220 O-252 IL1117 TheIL1117isavailableinsevenfixedvoltage, 1L1117-xx 1L1117 3.3 0A85 1L1117 1.8 1L1117 3.3V 1L1117 SMD L4 Regulator SOT-223 il1117 ad il1117-5 PDF

    power 22E

    Abstract: 100KPF ntc 10K e-bike Hall 22e NTC thermister 100K 1000uf/63v battery ebike SCK thermister fqp85n06
    Text: 4 3 2 VCC_5V D R3 4.7 K 1 R4 4.7 K HS3 HS2 HS1 C2 100pF C3 100pF 1 PhaseA Phase A D J3 J2 1 3 2 1 J4 5 4 3 2 1 J1 TP1 Throttle R1 100E R2 4.7 K VREF 2 VCC_3V3 1 1 5 Throttle Phase B J5 C1 0.01uF Throttle Pot PhaseB 1 C4 100pF PhaseC Phase C HALL Sensor Connection to Motor

    100pF Z8FMC16100 AN0260 1N4002 LM1117 V/SOT223 LM1117/TO power 22E 100KPF ntc 10K e-bike Hall 22e NTC thermister 100K 1000uf/63v battery ebike SCK thermister fqp85n06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bbSB^Bl DDESSMfl ^5T H A P X N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BSP206 b7E D ; v P-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL D-MOS TRANSISTOR P-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor in a miniature SOT223 envelope and intended for use in relay, high-speed and line-transformer drivers.

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    BSP206 OT223 Q02S551 M0A366 MCA367 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors fl i bbSa^Bl 0 D3 2 EQ3 1 7 S APX Product specification PNP 4 GHz wideband transistor X3A-BFQ32 crystal ^ N Afl ER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b*lE D DESCRIPTION M ECHANICAL DATA PNP crystal used in BFQ32S SOT37 , BFQ149 (SOT89) and BFG31 (SOT223). Crystals are supplied as whole

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    X3A-BFQ32 BFQ32S BFQ149 BFG31 OT223) thick34) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM-8 DUAL NPN M EDIUM POWER HIGH GAIN TRANSISTORS ZDT694 ISSUE 1 - NOVEMBER 1995 ci c n c ,Œ C 2 [IX.c»r r IE 3 in Bl H D b2 e, = n e* SM-8 8 LEAD SOT223 PARTM ARKING DETAIL - T694 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS. PARAMETER C o lle cto r-B a se V o lta ge SYM BO L

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    ZDT694 OT223) Z0T694 lc04a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components Data sheet status P r o d u c t s p e c ific a t io n date of issue A p ril 1991 BDS202/204/78 PN P silicon epitaxial base power transistors DESCRIPTION PINNING - SOT223 PIN 1 2 3 4 PNP silicon epitaxial base transistors in a miniature SMD envelope

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    BDS202/204/78 OT223 OT223) BDS201/203/77. BDS202 BDS204 BDS78 0034b04 003MbDS BDS78 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C A I D I —111 O June 1997 PRELIMINARY SEM ICONDUCTO R tm FDC6301N Dual N-Channel , Digital FET General Description Features These dual N-Channel logic level enhancement mode field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild 's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density

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    FDC6301N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bb53^31 Philips Semiconductors QQgMflgg 335 WAPX Product specification NPN 4 GHz wideband transistor ^ BFG35 M APIER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b7E D DESCRIPTION PINNING NPN planar epitaxial transistor mounted in a plastic SOT223 envelope, intended for wideband amplifier applications. It features

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    BFG35 OT223 BFG55. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAIWAN % TS1086 SEMICONDUCTOR 1.5A Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator b RoHS f C O M P L IA N C E TO-220 TO-263 D2PAK) TO-252 (DPAK) SOT-223 P in D B fin itio n : 2 1. Fixed/Adj 2 . O u tp u t e• tmi m 12 3 3. Input Pin 2 connect to heat sink & * m,

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    TS1086 O-220 O-263 O-252 OT-223 TS1086 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • b b S a ^ l 0025510 ^21 BiAPX BSP121 b?E J> N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL D-MOS TRANSISTOR N-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor in a m iniature SOT223 envelope and designed fo r use as a line current interrupter in telephone sets and fo r application in relay, high-speed and

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    BSP121 OT223 bbS3T31 BSP121 PDF


    Abstract: sot89 mark code AE sot23 mark code AE 3D sot23 SOT89 marking cec SOT89 MARKING CODE 43 marking 1p sot23 sot23 p04 marking marking P1R SOT89 MARKING 5G
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Small-signal Transistors Marking MARKING LIST Types in SC59, SC70, SOT23, SOT89, SOT143, SOT223 and SOT323 packages are marked with a code as listed in the following tables. The actual type number and data code are on the packing. MARK

    OCR Scan
    OT143, OT223 OT323 PXTA27 BCX51 BCW60A BCW60B BCX51-10 BCW60C BCX51-16 SOT89 MARKING CODE 3D sot89 mark code AE sot23 mark code AE 3D sot23 SOT89 marking cec SOT89 MARKING CODE 43 marking 1p sot23 sot23 p04 marking marking P1R SOT89 MARKING 5G PDF

    TRIAC BT134W-500

    Abstract: bt134 phase control Triac bt134 500e BT134 BT134W BT134W-500 W500E 600ebt134 BT134W-500E/600E
    Text: bbS3131 DDESb7S flbT IAPX Philips Semiconductors Product spécification Triac BT134W series N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b?E D« GENERAL DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATA Glass passivated triacs in SOT223 envelopes suitable for surface mounting. They are intended for

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    bbS3131 BT134W OT223 BT134W- OT223 AbsoBT134W TRIAC BT134W-500 bt134 phase control Triac bt134 500e BT134 BT134W-500 W500E 600ebt134 BT134W-500E/600E PDF

    PN2222A le

    Abstract: oKH sot-23 PZT2222A on MMBT2222AI MMPQ
    Text: PN2222AI MMBT2222AI MMPQ2222 I NMT2222 I PZT2222A D iscrete POWER & Sig n a l Technologies Na t ion a I S e m i c o n d u c t o r ' PN2222A PZT2222A MMBT2222A SOT-23 B SOT-223 Mark: 1P NMT2222 MMPQ2222 SOT-6 SOIC-16 B1 M a r i e .1 B NPN General Purpose Amplifier

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    PN2222AI MMBT2222AI MMPQ2222 NMT2222 PZT2222A PN2222A MMBT2222A OT-23 OT-223 PN2222A le oKH sot-23 PZT2222A on MMPQ PDF


    Abstract: BZV90-C24
    Text: • 1^53^31 0Q2S7S1 SOb « A P X N AMER PHILIPS/DIS CRET E BZV90 SERIES b?E D SILICON PLANAR VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar voltage regulator diodes, In a SOT223 plastic envelope, intended fo r stabilization applica­ tions in thick and th in -film circuits.

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    BZV90 OT223 OT223. 10ing 00257S1 BZV90-C24 PDF

    PNP marking NY sot-223

    Abstract: 13004-v LDO marking code AL transistor 9005
    Text: $ TAIW AN TS9005 S E M IC O N D U C T O R 600mA Low Noise CMOS LDO b RoHS C O M P L IA N C E SO T-89 SO T-223 2 Pin D s fin itio n : Pin D efinition: 1. Input 1. G round 2. Input 3. Output 2. G round 3. O utpu t 1 2 3 1 2 3 General Description The T S 9005 series is a positive voltage regulator developed utilizing C M O S technology featured low quiescent

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    TS9005 600mA T-223 PNP marking NY sot-223 13004-v LDO marking code AL transistor 9005 PDF


    Abstract: S1117B AL MARKING
    Text: s TAIW AN TS1117B SEMICONDUCTOR 800mA Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator b RoHS C O M P L IA N C E T O -2 5 2 S O T -2 2 3 TO -22Û 2 S O P -8 P in D e fin itio n : P in D e fin itio n : 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 . F ix e d / A d j 2. Output tab) & & 123 12 3. Input

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    TS1117B 800mA 1117B S1117B AL MARKING PDF


    Abstract: Philips CD 303 2222 595 npn 2222 transistor BFG198 MS8002 0450 7N 2222 443 TRANSISTOR D 471 MRA transistor
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors • N bbS3R31 AMER 0024SSb 7bS H IA P X P H IL IP S /D IS C R E T E b7E Product specification D NPN 8 GHz wideband transistor DESCRIPTION BFG198 PINNING NPN planar epitaxial transistor in a plastic SOT223 envelope, intended for wideband simplifier applications.

    OCR Scan
    BFG198 OT223 MS8002 OT223. NT 407 F TRANSISTOR Philips CD 303 2222 595 npn 2222 transistor BFG198 MS8002 0450 7N 2222 443 TRANSISTOR D 471 MRA transistor PDF

    A 42 E

    Abstract: NDT452AP
    Text: June 1996 FAIRCHILD SEM ICONDUCTO R T M NDT452AP P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field E X Transistor General Description Features Power SOT P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density

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    NDT452AP OT-223 A 42 E PDF