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    BREAKDOWN GATE OXIDE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK422G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK421G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    BREAKDOWN GATE OXIDE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Power MOSFET Basics

    Abstract: MOSFETs MOS-006 10-15V
    Text: Source Gate Power MOSFET Basics N+ P-body Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. N- Epi Basic Device Structure Breakdown Voltage On-State Characteristics Capacitance Gate Charge Gate Resistance Turn-on and Turn-off Body Diode Forward Voltage

    220oC, MOS-006] Power MOSFET Basics MOSFETs MOS-006 10-15V PDF

    stacked transistor shunt switch

    Abstract: stacked transistors SOI RF Peregrine 2000 stacked diplexer and duplexer for GSM and DCS ultra high frequency FETs or transistors SOI series shunt stacked FETs soi stacked FETs circulator s band switching circulator
    Text: 18| COVER STORY| Integrating UltraCMOS Designs in GSM Front Ends G L O S S A RY O F A C R O N Y M S ASM - Antenna switch module BVDSS - Breakdown voltage drain-to-source, gate shorted CDMA - Code-division multiple access CMOS - Complimentary metal oxide semiconductor



    Abstract: Hitachi DSA00382
    Text: 2SK410 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET Application HF/VHF power amplifier Features • • • • • • • High breakdown voltage You can decrease handling current. Included gate protection diode No secondary–breakdown Wide area of safe operation Simple bias circuitry

    2SK410 2sk410 Hitachi DSA00382 PDF

    Hitachi DSA002779

    Abstract: 2SK410
    Text: 2SK410 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET Application HF/VHF power amplifier Features • • • • • • • High breakdown voltage You can decrease handling current. Included gate protection diode No secondary–breakdown Wide area of safe operation Simple bias circuitry

    2SK410 D-85622 Hitachi DSA002779 2SK410 PDF

    pepi c

    Abstract: DM100 pepi pepi N HV100 HV300 ISO14000 DM-300 pepi b PEPI N-1
    Text: 2.0 µm 5V/100V/300V Analog CMOS Process Parameters Technology outline • • • • • • • • Standard 2 Micron 5V control logic 100V & 300 V N & P channels transistors Low On-Resistance Epi wafers Thin gate oxide State of the art double metal technology [Ti/TiN/Al/TiN

    V/100V/300V pepi c DM100 pepi pepi N HV100 HV300 ISO14000 DM-300 pepi b PEPI N-1 PDF

    10mhz mosfet

    Abstract: an7244 conventional bipolar
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN7244.2 Harris Power MOSFETs September 1993 Understanding Power MOSFETs Author: Tom McNulty Power MOSFETs Metal Oxide Semiconductor, Field Effect Transistors differ from bipolar transistors in operating principles, specifications, and performance. In fact, the

    AN7244 10MHz. 10mhz mosfet conventional bipolar PDF


    Abstract: hfs3n
    Text: BVDSS = 800 V RDS on typ = 4.0 Ω HFS3N80 ID = 3.0 A 800V N-Channel MOSFET TO-220F FEATURES  Originative New Design 11 2  Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology  Robust Gate Oxide Technology 3 1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source  Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances

    HFS3N80 O-220F 47max 54typ HFS3N80 hfs3n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BVDSS = 800 V RDS on typ = 4.0 Ω HFD3N80/HFU3N80 ID = 2.5 A 800V N-Channel MOSFET D-PAK I-PAK 2 FEATURES 1 1 2 3  Originative New Design 3 HFD3N80  Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology  Robust Gate Oxide Technology HFU3N80 1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source

    HFD3N80/HFU3N80 HFD3N80 HFU3N80 O-252 O-251 HFU3N80 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BVDSS = 800 V RDS on typ = 1.55 Ω HFH7N80 ID = 7.0 A 800V N-Channel MOSFET TO-3P FEATURES  Originative New Design 1 2 3  Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology  Robust Gate Oxide Technology 1.Gate 2. Drain 3. Source  Very Low Intrinsic Capacitances

    HFH7N80 45typ hfh7n80 PDF

    451 MOSFET

    Abstract: ECG463 transconductance mosfet ECG2388 ECG2384 Depletion MOSFET ecg 2385 power mosfet 500 A mosfet to3 mosfet 452
    Text: Power MOSFETS ECG Type Description and Application ECG2392 MOSFET, N-Ch, ▲ Enhancement Hi Speed Switch Drain to Gate to Continuous Gate to Transcon­ Source Source Drain Source Cutoff ductance Breakdown Breakdown Current Voltage Voltage Voltage gfs •d

    OCR Scan
    ECG2392 ECG2386 451 MOSFET ECG463 transconductance mosfet ECG2388 ECG2384 Depletion MOSFET ecg 2385 power mosfet 500 A mosfet to3 mosfet 452 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 44^205 2SK318- 0013D35 245 • HIT4 HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS blE D SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET H F /V H F POWER AMPLIFIER ■ FEATURES • High Breakdown Voltage. • You Can Decrease Handling Current. • • Gate is Protected by Zenner Diodes. No Secondary-Breakdown.

    OCR Scan
    0013D35 l75MH l75MHi; 2SK318 PDF


    Abstract: "beryllium oxide" 20DRAM
    Text: 44^205 2SK318- 0013D35 245 • HIT 4 HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS blE D SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET H F /V H F POWER AMPLIFIER ■ FEATURES • High Breakdown Voltage. • You Can Decrease Handling Current. • • Gate is Protected by Zenner Diodes. No Secondary-Breakdown.

    OCR Scan
    0013D35 l75MH 69inv l75MHi; 2SK318 "beryllium oxide" 20DRAM PDF


    Abstract: HF VHF power amplifier 2sk317 hitachi k317
    Text: • 2SK317 4 4 ^ 2 0 5 0013033 472 ■ H I T 4 HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS blE lT SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET HF/VHF POWER AMPLIFIER ■ FEATURES • High Breakdown Voltage. • You Can Decrease Handling Current. Gate is Protected by Zenner Diodes. No Secondary-Breakdown.

    OCR Scan
    2SK317 100MHz; I75MH> 2SK317 HF VHF power amplifier 2sk317 hitachi k317 PDF

    ecg mosfet

    Abstract: ecg 222 451 MOSFET Depletion MOSFET ECG2382 ECG312 dual gate mosfet ecg 2385 Philips ECG ECG2380
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC SME D • bbS3^5fl 00071b7 bOO ■ ECÛ Pow er M OSFETS ECG Type Description and Application ECG2392 MOSFET, N-Ch, ▲ Enhancement Hi Speed Sw itch Gate to Continuous Drain to Source Drain Transcon­ Source ductance Breakdown Breakdown Current

    OCR Scan
    00071b7 ecg2392 ecg23s6 00D71tifl ecg mosfet ecg 222 451 MOSFET Depletion MOSFET ECG2382 ECG312 dual gate mosfet ecg 2385 Philips ECG ECG2380 PDF

    2N7000 021

    Abstract: 25c021
    Text: TELEDYNE COMPONENTS 3hE D fic117b02 00077^2 1 «TSC 'T Z S Z g WTELEDYNE COMPONENTS 2N7000 2N7002 N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT-MODE DMOS POWER FETS FEATURES ABSO LUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS _ _ . • High Gate Oxide Breakdown, ±40V min. ■ Low Output and Transfer Capacitances

    OCR Scan
    117b02 2N7000 2N7002 2N7000 021 25c021 PDF


    Abstract: 2N7000 021
    Text: WTELEDYNE COMPONENTS 2N7000 2N7002 N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT-MODE DMOS POWER FETS FEATURES ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta - +25°C unless otherwise noted (TO-92 Package) • High Gate Oxide Breakdown, +40V min. ■ Low Output and Transfer Capacitances ■ Extended Safe Operating Area

    OCR Scan
    2N7000 2N7002 2N7002U 2N7000 021 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MQ8 Memory HandHng Guideline O K I Semiconductor MOS Memory Handling Guideline 1. Static Electricity Precautions The input impedance is generally high in MOS memories so that the voltage is controlled through the oxide film in a transition gate. This makes the insulation very susceptible to breakdown due

    OCR Scan
    FRW-17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOS Memory Handling Guideline O K I Semiconductor MOS Memory Handling Guideline 1. Static Electricity Precautions The input impedance is generally high in MOS memories so that the voltage is controlled through the oxide film in a transition gate. This makes the insulation very susceptible to breakdown due

    OCR Scan

    Topaz Semiconductor

    Abstract: TO226AA 2n7000 sseb 2N700 52BL
    Text: TOPAZ SEMICONDUCTOR OSE D g TüôSSEb □□□QTflS G | “* SEMICONDUCTOR T-29-25 2N7000 N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT-MODE D-MOS POW m FETs ORDERING INFORMATION TO-226AA TO-92 Plastic Package 2N700Û Description 60V, 5 ohm FEATURES APPLICATIONS • High Gate Oxide Breakdown, +40V min.

    OCR Scan
    T-29-25 O-226AA 2N700Ã 400mW 2N7000 Topaz Semiconductor TO226AA 2n7000 sseb 2N700 52BL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2G0008-17-41 O K I Semiconductor MOS Memory Handling Guideline MOS Memory Handling Guideline 1. Static Electricity Precautions The input impedance is generally high in MOS memories so that the voltage is controlled through the oxide film in a transition gate. This makes the insulation very susceptible to breakdown due

    OCR Scan
    E2G0008-17-41 FRW-17 cleanthrough PDF


    Abstract: 2sk317 hitachi J-D4A rfpak zenner 10v D013Q3M
    Text: • 2SK317 44‘ìbBDS 0013033 47S « H I T H blE J> HIT AGHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET H F /V H F POWER AMPLIFIER ■ FEATURES • High Breakdown Voltage. • You Can Decrease Handling Current. • Gate is Protected by Zenner Diodes. •

    OCR Scan
    2SK317 D013Q3M 2SK317 2sk317 hitachi J-D4A rfpak zenner 10v PDF


    Abstract: zenner 10v 2sk317 hitachi
    Text: • 2SK317 HM'ìtSQS 0013033 47S ■ H I T 4 HI TA G H I / OPTOELECTRONICS LIE lT SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET H F /V H F POWER AMPLIFIER ■ FEATURES • • High Breakdown Voltage. You Can Decrease Handling Current. • Gate is Protected by Zenner Diodes.

    OCR Scan
    2SK317 D013Q3M zenner 10v 2sk317 hitachi PDF


    Abstract: EM 257
    Text: 4 4 ^ 2 0 5 0 G13 D35 245 • H I T 4 2SK318— HI TA CHI/ OP TO ELE CTR ON ICS blE » SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET H F /V H F POWER AMPLIFIER ■ FEATURES • High Breakdown Voltage. • You Can Decrease Handling Current. • Gate is Protected by Zenner Diodes.

    OCR Scan
    2SK318-- 44Tb2G5 0D13D3L. LTTG EM 257 PDF

    DIODE T25 4 EO

    Abstract: DIODE T25 4 Jo 2SK410
    Text: 44 T b 20 S 0ni3DSfl Û 42 2SK410 HIT4 H I T A C H I / i O P T O E L E C T R O N I C blE D SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET HF/VHF POWER AMPLIFIER • FEATURES • High Breakdown Voltage. • You Can Decrease Handling Current. • Included Gate Protection Diode.

    OCR Scan
    2SK410 28MHz DIODE T25 4 EO DIODE T25 4 Jo 2SK410 PDF