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    BS 8888 Search Results

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    BS 6360

    Abstract: BS6231
    Text: Type BU 1.5mm Switchgear Wire Features: • PVC Insulated. • Rated Voltage : 600/1000V. • BS 6231: 1998, Table 6, Type BU. Specifications: Conductor: 1.5mm2 1/1.38mm Plain Annealed Copper Wire Meeting the Requirements of BS 6360, Class 1. Maximum Conductor Resistance at 20°C

    600/1000V. 0124M BS 6360 BS6231 PDF

    bs 8888

    Abstract: BS6231
    Text: Type BU 2.5mm Switchgear Wire Features: • PVC Insulated. • Rated Voltage : 600/1000V. • BS 6231: 1998, Table 6, Type BU. Specifications: Conductor: 2.5mm2 1/1.78mm Plain Annealed Copper Wire Meeting the Requirements of BS 6360, Class 1. Maximum Conductor Resistance at 20°C

    600/1000V. 41/km. 0103M bs 8888 BS6231 PDF


    Abstract: CBBR0155 CBBR0156 CBBR0157 CBBR0159 CBBR0162 CBBR0164 CBBR0165 BS 6360
    Text: TRI RATED 0.5 Cable & Wire Features: • • 0.5mm2 22AWG Plain Copper. Heat Resisting PVC Insulated. Specifications: Conductor: 0.5mm2 (22AWG) (16/0.20mm) Plain Annealed Copper Bunch Meeting the Requirements of BS 6360, Class 5. Minimum Cross-Sectional Area

    22AWG) 50mm2. CBBR0155 CBBR0156 CBBR0160 CBBR0155 CBBR0156 CBBR0157 CBBR0159 CBBR0162 CBBR0164 CBBR0165 BS 6360 PDF


    Abstract: BS6360 BS7655 20AWG CBBR0168 CBBR0169 CBBR0171 CBBR0172 CBBR0174 CBBR0175
    Text: TRI RATED 0.75 Cable & Wire Features: • 0.75mm2 20AWG Plain Copper. • Heat Resisting PVC Insulated. Specifications: Conductor: 0.75mm2 (20AWG) (24/0.19mm) Plain Annealed Copper Bunch Meeting the Requirements of BS 6360, Class 5. Minimum Cross-Sectional Area

    75mm2 20AWG) 503mm2. CBBR0167 BS6360 BS7655 20AWG CBBR0168 CBBR0169 CBBR0171 CBBR0172 CBBR0174 CBBR0175 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS PART NO. RA Series Best Value ECN # REV DESCRIPTION - A RELEASED DRAWN DATE Veena P 31/5/05 CHECKD DATE APPRVD DATE shashi 31/5/05 NK 14/6/05 Features: • A low cost range of coaxial connectors and adaptors. • Confirms to BS 3041. RA3582 3 Holes

    RA3582 RA1880 RA3582: RA3582. M100000059 PDF


    Abstract: fuse 250v SLT DM3410 iec 512 DIN43760 EN61010-1 DIN EN 60751 PT100 3 wire connected diagram RTD PT-100 sensor
    Text: 1.0 GENERAL 1.0 GENERAL, continued The unit is a highly accurate and stable digital temperature indicator that accepts all commonly used temperature sensors. The unit can be used "stand alone" or, with the Modbus serial communications pod option, as part of a larger system.

    RS485 POD-3000/05 BS6739 fuse 250v SLT DM3410 iec 512 DIN43760 EN61010-1 DIN EN 60751 PT100 3 wire connected diagram RTD PT-100 sensor PDF

    Defence standard 61-12 part 5

    Abstract: 724c def 61-12
    Text: 7-2-xxA & 7-2-xxC Series Defence Standard 61-12 Part 4 Type 7-2-xxA Type 7-2-xxC Applications These cables are suitable as interconnections between and within instruments and electrical equipment for such applications as data transmission and process control.

    1600Hz. 92/Km Defence standard 61-12 part 5 724c def 61-12 PDF

    defence standard 61-12 Part 33

    Abstract: BS 7655 Defence standard 61-12 part 5 def 61-12 8500-05 860004 100M 860201 25M
    Text: 7-2-xxA & 7-2-xxC Series Defence Standard 61-12 Part 4 Type 7-2-xxA Type 7-2-xxC Applications These cables are suitable as interconnections between and within instruments and electrical equipment for such applications as data transmission and process control.

    1600Hz. 92/Km defence standard 61-12 Part 33 BS 7655 Defence standard 61-12 part 5 def 61-12 8500-05 860004 100M 860201 25M PDF


    Abstract: SM 8002C 8002A SA 8002 8002A 8 pin BFAAA block diagram for ic 7404 7x11 dot matrix SM 8002 C ic 7404 logic symbol
    Text: S T A N D A R » M I C R O S Y S T E M S bS 1 E| ñSb4bñb D0G3bD4 7 |""^04 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION^ « 33-09 CRT 8002 fJLPC FAMILY CRT Video Display Attributes Controller Video Generator VDAC’ kTM PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES v / ID 28 RETBL 1 CZ

    OCR Scan
    20MHz 8002B 15MHz 8002C 10MHz 400ns 74SXX 74S74 SM 8002C 8002A SA 8002 8002A 8 pin BFAAA block diagram for ic 7404 7x11 dot matrix SM 8002 C ic 7404 logic symbol PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r iv I n t r o d u c t i o n The AM P FASTON Term inals p ro d u ct line, including U ltra -F a st and U ltra -F a st Plus fully insu­ lated te rm in a ls , as well as Positive Lock re ce p ta ­ cles co nsists of re c e p ta ­ cles, ta bs and splices

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: z 55555 55555 55555 q •b do<1 6- Q fi o y\ 55 z 9- <> en en jk. ik. 1^0 ¿o ro hb ëè&Bs o o o o o Z i § i z z z: z ^ ^ ^ ^ z ^ ^ z: £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 55 5 55 5 55 5 5 < i 6- en ¿ - ¿ o r o r ^ - ^ f b g g è g g ■?o

    OCR Scan
    888S8 98Q115 oc99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Description The GMM7321000BS/SG is an 1M x 32 bits Dynamic RAM MODULE which is assembled 8 pieces of 1M x 4bit DRAMs in 20/26 pm SOJ package on single sides the printed circuit board with decoupling capacitors. The GMM7321000BS/SG is optimized for application to the systems

    OCR Scan
    GMM7321000BS/SG-60/70/80 GMM7321000BS/SG GMM7321000BS/ GMM7321000BS GMM7321OOOBSG GMM7321000BS/SG P-i75; 88882 PDF

    TAC 2J

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GMM7361000BS/SG-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. 1,048,576 W ORDS x 36 BIT CMOS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE Description Features The GM M 7361000BS/SG is a 1M x 36 bits Dynamic RAM MODULI: which is assembled 8 pieces of 1M x 4bit DRAMs in 20/26 pin SOJ package and 4 pieces of 1M x lbit DRAMs

    OCR Scan
    GMM7361000BS GMM7361000BSG GMM7361000BS/SG GMM7361000BS/SG-60/70/80 GMM7361OOOBS/SG TAC 2J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: @ LG Semicon. Co., LTD. Description Features The GMM7324000BS/SG is a 4M x 32 bits Dynamic RAM MODULE which is assembled 32 pieces of 4M x lbits DRAMs in 20/26 pin SOJ package on the printed circuit board. This module can be as well used as 8M x 16 bits Dynamic RAM

    OCR Scan
    GMM7324000BS/SG GMM7324000BS GMM7324000BSG 1111111111M 00Db5fl2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GMM7361100BS/SG-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. 1,048,576 W ORDS x 36 BIT CMOS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE Description Features The G M M 7361100BS/SG is a 1M x 36 bits Dynamic RAM M ODULE which is assembled 8 pieces of 1M x 4bit DRAMs in 20/26 pin SOJ package and 4 pieces of 1M x 1bit DRAMs

    OCR Scan
    GMM7361100BS/SG-60/70/80 7361100BS/SG GMM7361100BS/SG 111im PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: @ LG Semicon. Co. LTD. Description Features The GMM7362000BS/SG is a 2M x 36 bits Dynamic RAM MODULE which is assembled 16 pieces of 1M x 4bit DRAMs in 20/26 pin SOJ package, and 8 pieces of 1M x 1 bit DRAMs on the printed circuit board with decoupling capacitors. The

    OCR Scan
    GMM7362000BS/SG GMM7362000BS/SG GMM7362000BS 88888C 402B75? GMM7362000B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GMM7401000BS/SG-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Description The G M M 7401000BS/SG is m 1M x 40 bits Dynamic RAM MODULE which is assembled 10 pieces of 1M x 4 bit DRAMs in 20/26 pin SOJ package on single side the printed circuit board with decoupling capacitors.

    OCR Scan
    GMM7401000BS/SG-60/70/80 7401000BS/SG GMM7401000BS/SG GMM7401OOOBS 7401000BSG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: @ LG Semicon. Co. LTD. Description Features The GMM7408110BS/SG is an 8M x 40 bits D y n a m ic R A M M O D U L E w h ic h is assembled 20 pieces o f 4M x 4 bit EDO DRAMs in 24 26 pin SOJ package on both side the printed circuit board with decoupling capacitors. The G M M 7408110BS/SG is

    OCR Scan
    GMM7408110BS/SG 7408110BS/SG GMM7408110BS/SG GMM7408110BS GMM7408110BSG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ _ . . LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. GM M 7402000BS/SG-60/70/80 2 ,0 9 7 , 1 5 2 w o r d s x 40 b i t C M O S DYNAMIC R A M M O D U L E Description Features The G M M 7402000B S /S G is a 2M x 40 bits D ynam ic RAM M O D U LK w hich is assem bled 20 pieces o f 1M x 4 bit D R A M s in

    OCR Scan
    7402000BS/SG-60/70/80 7402000B LZ-9H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G M M7362000BS/SG-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Description 2,097,152 W O R D S x 36 BIT CMOS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE Features T he G M M 7362000B S /S G is a 2M x 36 bits D ynam ic RAM M O D U L Ii w hich is assem bled 16 pieces o f 1M x 4bit D R A M s in 2 0/26 pin SO J package, and 8 pieces o f

    OCR Scan
    M7362000BS/SG-60/70/80 7362000B 62000B GMM7362000BS/SG PDF


    Abstract: 1M25D
    Text: LG Semicon. Co. LTD. Description Features The GMM7364000BS/SG is a 4M x 36 bits Dynamic RAM MODULE which is assembled 36 pieces of 4M x lbit DRAMs in 20/26 pin SOJ package on the printed circuit board. This module can be as well used as 8M x 18 bits Dynamic RAM

    OCR Scan
    GMM7364000BS/SG GMM736400. MAX10 GMM7364000 1M25D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G M M7322100BS/SG-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Description 2,097 ,1 5 2 W O R D S x 32 BIT CMOS DYNAMIC RAM MODULI; Features The G M M 7322100B S /S G is a 2M x 32 bits D ynam ic RA M M O D U L I; w hich is assem bled 16 pieces o f 1M x 4bit D R A M s in 24 pin SO J package on both sides the printed

    OCR Scan
    M7322100BS/SG-60/70/80 7322100B GMM7322100BS/SG 73221OOBS/SG GMM7322100B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GMM7324000BS/SG-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Description The G M M 7324000B S /S G is a 4M x 32 bits Dynam ic FLAM M ODUI.Fi w hich is assem bled 32 pieces o f 4M x lb its D R A M s in 20/26 pin SO J package on the printed circuit board. This m odule can be as w ell used as 8M x 16 bits D ynam ic RAM

    OCR Scan
    GMM7324000BS/SG-60/70/80 7324000B GMM7324000BS/SG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GMM7408100AS/SG-6/7/8 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Description T he G M M 7408100A S /S G is an 8M x 40 bits dynamic R A M M O D U L E w hich is assem bled 20 pieces o f 4M x 4 bit D R A M s in 24 pin SOJ package on both side the printed circuit board w ith decoupling

    OCR Scan
    GMM7408100AS/SG-6/7/8 408100A GMM74081OOAS/SG PDF