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    BS011E2 Search Results

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    Abstract: 74AC846 C 5386
    Text: AC845 ACT845 AC846 •* ACT846 NATIONAL SEMICOND -CLOGIO GEE D • bS011E2 0[3b£757 4 | 54AC/74AC845 54ACT/74ACT845 " 54AC/74AC846 54ACT/74ACT846 / - / $ . - * 7-// 8-Bit Transparent Latch Description Connection Diagrams The ’AC/'ACT845 and ’AC/’ACT846 bus Interface

    OCR Scan
    AC845 ACT845 AC846 ACT846 54AC/74AC845 54ACT/74ACT845 54AC/74AC846 54ACT/74ACT846 ACT845 ACT846 AM29845 74AC846 C 5386 PDF


    Abstract: F100K MC1670
    Text: 11C70 NATIONAL SEniCOND LOGIC LIE ì> • bS011E2 QQ7bQ37 415 « N S C l 03 National mÆ Semiconductor Not Intended For New Designs T -% '0 7 - 0 S 11C 70 Master-Slave D-Type Flip-Flop General Description The 11C70 is a high-speed E C L D-Type Master-Slave FlipFlop capable of toggle rates over 650 MHz. Designed pri­

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    L06IC) bS011E2 QG7bQ37 11C70 11C70 kiD41 -Jr20% Jj-80% bSD1122 F100K MC1670 PDF

    74179 register ic

    Abstract: 74179 4 bit shift register 74179 ic
    Text: NATIONAL SEriICOND {LOGIC} G5E D | bS011E2 OObBÖTÖ 3 | rr 179 09-0s' CONNECTION DIAGRAM PINOUT A 54/74179 4-BIT SHIFT REGISTER m r T Pi t|lP 2 Po [J H ] p3 d s [T T J |s e ûo[T j1 ]5 3 (T Î Ï ] Q3 Qi (T 10 ] PE [? T o2 c p g n d DESCRIPTION— The ’ 179 features synchronous parallel or serial entry,

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    bS011E2 09-0s' 74179 register ic 74179 4 bit shift register 74179 ic PDF


    Abstract: 74LCX157M 74LCX157MTC 74LCX157MX 74LCX157SJ 74LCX157SJX LCX157
    Text: N a tio n a l LCX157 1 * Semiconductor 74LCX157 Low-Voltage Quad 2-Input Multiplexer with 5V Tolerant Inputs General Description Features The LCX157 is a high-speed quad 2-input multiplexer. Four bits of data from two sources can be selected using the common Select and Enable inputs. The four outputs present

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    74LCX157 LCX157 74LCX157 bS011E2 74LCX TL/F/12465-5 74LCX157M 74LCX157MTC 74LCX157MX 74LCX157SJ 74LCX157SJX PDF


    Abstract: 74ALS652-1WM DM74ALS652 DM74ALS652NT DM74ALS652WM M24B N24C
    Text: 652 • 652-1 National Semiconductor DM74ALS652/74ALS652-1 Octal TRI-STATE Bus Transceiver and Register General Description This device incorporates an octal transceiver and an octal D-type register configured to enable transmission of data from bus to bus or internal register to bus.

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    DM74ALS652/74ALS652-1 TL/F/9174â 74ALS652-1NT 74ALS652-1WM DM74ALS652 DM74ALS652NT DM74ALS652WM M24B N24C PDF


    Abstract: 74LVT162244MEA 74LVT162244MEAX 74LVT162244MTD 74LVT162244MTDX MS48A MTD48
    Text: LVT162244 , Semiconductor National ADVANCE INFORMATION 74LVT162244 3.3 V ABT 16-Bit Buffer/Line Driver with 25H Resistors in TRI-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVT162244 contains sixteen non-inverting buffers with TRI-STATE outputs designed to be employed as a memory

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    LVT162244 16-Bit LVT162244 08-0n I12-I1S TL/F/12445-3 bS01122 74LVT162244MEA 74LVT162244MEAX 74LVT162244MTD 74LVT162244MTDX MS48A MTD48 PDF


    Abstract: SOT23 marking WV1 aooa sot23-5 a00a LMC7101BIN r2c sot-23 LMC7101 LMC7101AIM5 LMC7101AIN MA05A
    Text: a t i o n a l LMC7101 N S e m i c o n d u c t o r LMC7101 Tiny Low Power Operational Amplifier with Rail-To-Rail Input and Output General Description Features The LMC7101 is a high performance CMOS operational am­ plifier available in the space saving SOT 23-5 Tiny package.

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    LMC7101 LMC6482/4 LMC7101. aoob SOT23 marking WV1 aooa sot23-5 a00a LMC7101BIN r2c sot-23 LMC7101AIM5 LMC7101AIN MA05A PDF


    Abstract: 74LVT16652 74LVT16652MEA 74LVT16652MEAX 74LVT16652MTD 74LVT16652MTDX LVT16652 MTD56
    Text: LVT16652 ADVANCE INFORMATION National Semiconductor 74LVT16652 3.3V ABT 16-Bit Transceiver/Register with TRI-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVT16652 consists of sixteen bus transceiver circuits with D-type flip-flops, and control circuitry arranged for multi­

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    74LVT16652 16-Bit LVT16652 SG112E 12024-3 74LVT16652 74LVT16652MEA 74LVT16652MEAX 74LVT16652MTD 74LVT16652MTDX MTD56 PDF


    Abstract: M08A MTC08 NM93C46LN
    Text: NM93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L N a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r NM 93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit Serial EEPROM with Extended Voltage 2.7V to 5.5V (MICROWIRE Bus Interface) General Description Features The N M 93C 06L/C 46L/C 56L/C 66L

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    NM93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit 16-bit NM93CxxL TL/D/10045-7 tl/d/10045-8 AD15X* tl/d/10045â tl/d/10045-10 67551 M08A MTC08 NM93C46LN PDF


    Abstract: 74ABT16245CMTD 74ABT16245CSSC ABT245 MS48A MTD48 WA48A
    Text: 16245 National Semiconductor 54ABT/74ABT16245 16-Bit Transceiver with TRI-STATE Outputs General Description The ’ABT16245 contains sixteen non-inverting bidirectional buffers with TRI-STATE outputs and is intended for bus ori­ ented applications. The device is byte controlled. Each byte

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    ABT/74 ABT16245 16-Bit ABT16245 ABT245 TL/F/109B6-29 TL/F/10986-30 TL/F/10986-31 74ABT16245CMTD 74ABT16245CSSC ABT245 MS48A MTD48 WA48A PDF

    voltage regulator diode 7228

    Abstract: icl 7216 ICL 7216 D 11d003 low esr panasonic fj chang aluminum capacitor 2T transistor surface mount 5v ZENER DIODE 0.1 M2597 LM2594
    Text: LM2597 National Semiconductor LM2597 SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 kHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator, with Features General Description The LM2597 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all the active functions for a step-down

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    LM2597 L5D112B voltage regulator diode 7228 icl 7216 ICL 7216 D 11d003 low esr panasonic fj chang aluminum capacitor 2T transistor surface mount 5v ZENER DIODE 0.1 M2597 LM2594 PDF

    TU 55x

    Abstract: tl 4216 AC377 SD1122
    Text: NATIONAL SEf1IC0N]> LOGIC blE D • fcjSD1122 DDVMTSl IMI M N S C l T" S 3 N a tio n a l ÆlM Semiconductor 54AC/74AC377 54ACT/74ACT377 Octal D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable General Description Features The ’A C /’ACT377 has eight edge-triggered, D-type flip-flops

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    SD1122 54AC/74AC377 54ACT/74ACT377 ACT377 74ACT 54ACT 74ACT -40-c TU 55x tl 4216 AC377 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N a tio n a l March 1996 Sem iconductor DM74ALS574A Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with TRI-STATE Outputs General Description These 8-bit registers feature totem-pole TRI-STATE outputs designed specifically for driving highiy-capacitive or relative­

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    DM74ALS574A ALS574A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: November 1995 MM54HC257/MM74HC257 Quad 2-Channel TRI-STATE Multiplexer General Description This QUAD 2-TO-1 line data selector/multiplexer utilizes ad­ vanced silicon-gate CMOS technology. Along with the high noise immunity and low power dissipation o f standard

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    MM54HC257/MM74HC257 L501122 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATIONAL SEMICOND LOGIC 31E D • bSOllSa 0071177 7 ■ 100156 National Semiconductor F100156 Mask-Merge/Latch General Description The F1001S6 merges two 4-bit words to form a 4-bit output word. The AMn enable allows the merge of A Into B by one, two or three places (per the ASn value) from the left. The

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    F100156 F1001S6 to50112E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19 54AC/74AC374 54ACT/74ACT374 Octal D Flip-Flop with TRI-STATE Outputs i i i i i Outputs source/sink 24 mA See ’273 for reset version See '377 for clock enable version See ’373 for transparent latch version See ’574 for broadside pinout version

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    54AC/74AC374 54ACT/74ACT374 ACT374 bS01122 000b2bb 5BFL PDF


    Abstract: CNM 1490
    Text: NATIONAL SEMICOND L OG I C L>]iE D bSD112B □D7Slì70 20^ H N S C l Not Intended For New Designs T - 't S '- 7 . Description 100179 Carry Lookahead Generator General Description The 100179 is a high-speed Carry Lookahead Generator intended for use with the 100180 6 -bit fast Adder and the

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    bSD112B D7SI17Ã TL/F/9871-3 24-Pin tSG1122 OD75W F100179 TL/F/9871-8 24-Bit CNM 1490 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY Semiconductor LCX16501 & National 74LCX16501 18-Bit Universal Bus Transceivers with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs General Description Features These 18-bit universal bus transceivers combine D-type latches and D-type flip-flops to allow data flow in transpar­

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    74LCX16501 18-Bit 74LCX16501 PDF

    Ob2 tube

    Abstract: ST-52 SCAN182245A
    Text: National 182245A tß Semiconductor SCAN182245A Serially Controlled Access Network Non-Inverting Transceiver with 25H Series Resistor Outputs General Description Features The SCAN182245A is a high performance BiCMOS bidirec­ tional line driver featuring separate data inputs organized

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    SCAN182245A SCAN182245A Ob2 tube ST-52 PDF

    csc 5151 a

    Abstract: 74ABT2541 74ABT2541CMSA 74ABT2541CMTC 74ABT2541CSJ ABT541 M20D MSA20 MTC20
    Text: 2541 N a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r 74ABT2541 Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 25A Series Resistors in the Outputs Output switching specified for both 50 pF and 250 pF loads Guaranteed simultaneously switching noise level and dynamic threshold performance

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    74ABT2541 ABT2541 ABT541. TL/F/11502-28 TL/F/11502-29 TL/F/11502â b501ia2 csc 5151 a 74ABT2541 74ABT2541CMSA 74ABT2541CMTC 74ABT2541CSJ ABT541 M20D MSA20 MTC20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATIONAL SEMICON» LOGIC 31E D bSG1122 Ü G 7 2 3 m T ^ 5 z - 3 i- o o 54AC/74AC646 54ACT/74ACT646 Octal Transceiver/Register with TRI-STATE Outputs General Description Features The 'AC/’ACT646 consist of registered bus transceiver cir­ cuits, with outputs, D-type flip-flops and control circuitry pro­

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    bSG1122 54AC/74AC646 54ACT/74ACT646 ACT646 74ACT 54ACT 74ACT bS011E2 G0723M7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NM93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L National Semiconductor NM93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit Serial EEPROM with Extended Voltage 2.7V to 5.5V (MICROWIRE Bus Interface) General Description Features The NM93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L devices are 256/1024/2048/4096 bits, respectively, of non-volatile

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    NM93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L NM93C06L/C46L/C56L/C66L 256-/1024-/2048-/4096-Bit 16-bit NM93CxxL TL/D/10045-8 TL/D/10045-9 L5Q1122 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATIONAL SEflICOND LOGIC 31E D hsoiiaa 007104=1 t T-M 5 -7-Z -O O IOT National SjA Semiconductor F100101 Triple 5-input OR/NOR Gate General Description The F100101 is a monolithic triple 5-input OR/NOR gate. All Inputs have 50 k il pull-down resistors and all outputs are

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    F100101 F100301 24-Pln PDF


    Abstract: analog devices 118a L18A LP2982 MA05A LP2962
    Text: LP2982 National Semiconductor LP2982 Micropower SOT, 50 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator General Description Features The LP2962 is a 50 mA, fixed-output voltage regulator de­ signed to provide ultra low dropout and lower noise in bat­ tery powered applications.

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    LP2982 LP2962 LP2982 OT-23 bS01122 T2679 analog devices 118a L18A MA05A PDF