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    BU 11 APX Search Results

    BU 11 APX Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D70236 smd 3F9 uPD72291 JUPD70236 interfacing of 8251 devices with 8085 high level language programming of 8085 microprocessor 8085 mnemonic opcode ls-112 TFK U 111 B
    Text: NEC Electronics Inc. Description The V53 is a high-speed, high-integration 16-bit CM O S m icroprocessor with a CPU that is object and source code com patible with the V20 /V30®. Integrated on the same die is a 4-channel D M A controller, a DART, three

    OCR Scan
    UPD70236 16-Bit V53TM mPD71087/8237 /iPD71071. fiPD71051 jjPD70236 XC-01 D70236 smd 3F9 uPD72291 JUPD70236 interfacing of 8251 devices with 8085 high level language programming of 8085 microprocessor 8085 mnemonic opcode ls-112 TFK U 111 B PDF


    Abstract: BU508D transistor d 1991 ar T1185 philips bu508a transistor Bu508A
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE blE D • bb£3^31 D02A2b4 DEI BU508A BU508D SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTOR High-voltage, high-speed sw itching npn tran sisto r in S O T 93A envelope intended fo r use in h o rizontal d e flectio n c irc u its o f co lo u r television receivers. T he BU 508D has an integrated e fficien cy diode.

    OCR Scan
    D02A2b4 BU508A BU508D OT93A BU508D BU508D) transistor d 1991 ar T1185 philips bu508a transistor Bu508A PDF


    Abstract: BUK441-100A BUK441-100B
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS /D I SCRE TE b'JE I m ^53^31 003DS05 TOb • APX Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor G E N E R A L DESCRiPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope. The device is intended for use in

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    003DS05 BUK441-100A/B PINNING-SOT186 BUK441 -100B bb53R31 BUK441-100A BUK441-100B PDF

    transistor 5BM

    Abstract: BUK443 BUK443-60A BUK443-60B
    Text: N AMER PHIL IPS /DISCRETE bTE D m ^^ 53^31 0 D 3 D5 1 S ÔS 5 H A P X Philips Sem iconductors Product Specification PowerMCS transistor G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic fuil-pack envelope. The device is Intended for use In

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    0D3D51S BUK443-60A/B PINNING-SOT186 BUK443 transistor 5BM BUK443-60A BUK443-60B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bbS3T31 0 0 2 6 3 ^ 221 b'lE J> BUT11 BUT11A _ y v _ SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistors in a TO-220 envelope, intended for use in converters, inverters, switching regulators, m otor control systems etc.

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 BUT11 BUT11A O-220 PDF


    Abstract: BUK454-200A BUK454-200B T0220AB
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E D m ^ 5 3 ^ 3 1 GDBDblS 73b • APX Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in

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    BUK454-200A/B T0220AB BUK454 -200A -200B TRANSISTOR b72 BUK454-200A BUK454-200B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/D ISCR ETE b'tE D bbS3^31 QQ30bRQ 417 * A P X Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a lastic envelope. he device is intended for use in

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    QQ30bRQ O220AB BUK456-800A/B BUK456 -800A -800B K456-800A bbS3T31 0030b84 PDF


    Abstract: BU250BDF 2T3 transistor sot199
    Text: N AUER PHI LIP S/DISCRETE bTE D • 1^53^31 D02Ö3S7 672 * A P X Product Specification Philips Semiconductors_ Silicon Diffused Power Transistor BU2508DF GENERAL DESCRIPTION Enhanced performance, new generation, high-voltage, high-speed switching npn transistor with an integrated

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    BU2508DF OT199; bu2508df BU250BDF 2T3 transistor sot199 PDF


    Abstract: BUW13AF
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bTE D • bbS3R31 0DEÖS55 öbl ■ APX BUW13F BUW13AF SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn pow er tran sisto r in a S O T 199 envelope intended fo r use in converters, inverters, sw itching regulators, m o to r co n tro l systems, etc.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: T0220AB
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bTE D • bbSa^l 0CI3D34b bb7 ■ APX Philips Sem iconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor TOPFET DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected power MOSFET in a 3 pin plastic envelope, intended as a general purpose switch for

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    3D34b BUK100-50GS Iisl/Iisl25 BUK100-50GS T0220AB PDF

    transistor K 1413

    Abstract: buw13a BUW13 discrete time control systems
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE II bbS3*î31 □□EÖS47 715 I IAPX BUW13 BUW13A b^E SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn pow er transistors in a SOT93 envelope, intended fo r use in converters, inverters, sw itching regulators, m o to r c o n tro l systems etc.

    OCR Scan
    BUW13 BUW13A transistor K 1413 buw13a discrete time control systems PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m b b S B ' m Q02M375 12=1 « A P X N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BAV100 to 103 b?E ]> V J GENERAL PURPOSE DIODES FOR SURFACE MOUNTING Silicon planar epitaxial diodes; intended fo r switching and general purposes in industrial equipment e.g. oscilloscopes, digital voltmeters and video ou tp u t stages in colour television.

    OCR Scan
    Q02M375 BAV100 BAV101 B/W10 0DE43fl5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bRE J> N AJ1ER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bbS3T31 DD3DS^S Dlfi * A P X Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in

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    bbS3T31 O220AB BUK452-1OOA/B BUK452 -100A -100B BUK452-100A/B PDF


    Abstract: BUV28
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E D • bbS3R31 DD2Û47D 117 I IAPX '' BUV28 BUV28A SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-speed, glass-passivated npn transistors in a T 0 -2 2 0 envelope intended for fast switching applications such as high frequency and efficiency converters, switching regulators and motor controls.

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    bbS3R31 BUV28 BUV28A T0-220 O-220AB. BUV28 QD26473 BUV28A PDF


    Abstract: BUK452-60A BUK452-60B T0220AB lo25 transistor k452
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE blE D • ^53^31 □□3GSTÜ Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

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    K452-60A/B T0220AB BUK452 -ID/100 k452 BUK452-60A BUK452-60B T0220AB lo25 transistor k452 PDF


    Abstract: BUK442-100B
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE □TE D • bbS3T31 0D3G510 273 * A P X Product Specification P hilip s S e m icon ducto rs BU K442-1OOA/B PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode f ield-effect power transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope.

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    K442-1OOA/B EUK442 -100A OT186 BUK442-100A BUK442-100B PDF


    Abstract: BUK436-800A BUK436-800B K43680
    Text: N AMFR PHILIPS/DISCRETE b TE J> • bbsa^ai 0Q3Ü47Ü BU K436-800A/B PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended lor use in Switched Mode Power Supplies SMPS , motor control, welding,

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    K436-800A/B BUK436 -800A -800B k4368 BUK436-800A BUK436-800B K43680 PDF


    Abstract: BU826 BD227 FL01 5A/M39029/BU826A
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b TE D • bb53T31 0020314 4fl7 H A P X BU826 BU826A , SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTOR M o n o lith ic high voltage npn D arlin g to n c irc u it w ith integrated speed-up diode in a plastic SOT93 envelope, intended fo r fast sw itching ap p lica tio n.

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    bb53T31 BU826 BU826A BU826 7Z88187 BU826A BD227 FL01 5A/M39029/BU826A PDF


    Abstract: BUK581-60A Transistor 8d4
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bRE D • bb53S31 DDaDflaQ 604 * A P X Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor Logic level FET_ GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode logic level fieid-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope

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    bbS3S31 BUK581-60A OT223 3Gfl35 BUK581-60A OT223. 1ehj3 Transistor 8d4 PDF


    Abstract: BUW11 SII-020 BUW11A IEC134
    Text: N AMER PHILI P S / D I S C R E T E b'iE D • Jl bb53= 31 0020515 165 H A P X BUW11 BUW11A SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn po w er transistors in a S O T 9 3 envelope, intended fo r use in converters, inverters, switching regulators, m o to r co ntrol systems etc.

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    BUW11 BUW11A 7Z82933 2051B SII-020 BUW11A IEC134 PDF


    Abstract: YT150 30444 BUK416-100BE BUK416-1OOAE mkp-x
    Text: N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E L^E D • G03D440 DET HIAPX Product Specification Philips Semiconductors BU K416-1OOAE/BE PowerM OS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in ISOTOP envelope. The device Is intended for use in

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    G03D440 BUK416-1OOAE/BE OT227B BUK416 bb53R31 BUK416-1OO0E BUK416-100AE YT150 30444 BUK416-100BE BUK416-1OOAE mkp-x PDF

    ECG transistor replacement guide book free

    Abstract: Burr-Brown Application Note AN-165 philips ecg replacement guide DC-DC Converter Burr-Brown 700 tl2272 BB IS0107 Tubes Catalog SDM857KG transistor manual substitution ecg book FREE DOWN design a 60hz notch filter
    Text: BURR-BROWN APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK B U R R - BROW N l B B < B u rr-B ro w n 1C A p p l i c a t i o n s H andbook LI-459 1994 Burr-Brown Corporation Printed in USA Burr-Brown Corporation International Airport Industrial Park Mailing Address: PO Box 11400

    OCR Scan
    LI-459 ECG transistor replacement guide book free Burr-Brown Application Note AN-165 philips ecg replacement guide DC-DC Converter Burr-Brown 700 tl2272 BB IS0107 Tubes Catalog SDM857KG transistor manual substitution ecg book FREE DOWN design a 60hz notch filter PDF

    capacitor 1c8

    Abstract: c17 dual mos transistor ai 757 BLF547 175B
    Text: bbS3^31 0 0 3 0 1 bU BID M AP X Philips Semiconductors Product specification UHF push-pull power MOS transistor N BLF547 AMER P H IL IP S /D IS C R E T E b * iE ]> PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES • High power gain • Easy power control • Good thermal stability

    OCR Scan
    00301b1* OT262A2 OT262A2 MBA379 MRB022 capacitor 1c8 c17 dual mos transistor ai 757 BLF547 175B PDF

    8085 memory organization

    Abstract: intel 8086 bus buffering and latching 8284 intel microprocessor architecture pin diagram of ic 8088 8288 bus controller Hardware and Software Interrupts of 8086 and 8088 microprocessors interface 8086 to 8155 intel mcs-85 user manual how to interface 8085 with 8155 intel iapx 88
    Text: in t e i IF ^ iy M G M lV iAPX 88/10 8088 8-BIT HMOS MICROPROCESSOR 8-Bit Data Bus Interface • 24 Operand Addressing Modes 16-Bit Internal Architecture ■ Byte, Word, and Block Operations Direct Addressing Capability to 1 Mbyte of Memory ■ 8-Bit and 16-Bit Signed and Unsigned

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 14-Word 755A-2 40-pin AFN-CKI826B 8085 memory organization intel 8086 bus buffering and latching 8284 intel microprocessor architecture pin diagram of ic 8088 8288 bus controller Hardware and Software Interrupts of 8086 and 8088 microprocessors interface 8086 to 8155 intel mcs-85 user manual how to interface 8085 with 8155 intel iapx 88 PDF