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    C0M MARKING Search Results

    C0M MARKING Datasheets Context Search

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    C2M marking code

    Text: Central LIM E PR RY A N I CMMR SERIES TM Semiconductor Corp. SURFACE MOUNT SILICON GENERAL PURPOSE RECTIFIER 0.5 AMP, 200 THRU 1000 VOLTS DESCRIPTION: The Central Semiconductor CMMR Series of High Current Density Rectifiers, in a SOD-123F surface mount package are designed for all types

    OD-123F CMMR-02: CMMR-04: CMMR-06: CMMR-10: OD-123F 500mA 04-April CMMR-02 C2M marking code C-4M CMMR-02 CMMR-04 CMMR-06 CMMR-10 SILICON GENERAL GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR MARKING pr c0m marking PDF

    telemecanique contactor catalogue

    Abstract: LC1 D12 wiring diagram LC1 K12 Schneider telemecanique contactor lc1 d65 Telemecanique LC1 D12 Telemecanique LC1 D38 LC1 D18 wiring diagram LC1 D09 10 wiring diagram ATS01N232QN Schneider contactor catalogue
    Text: Soft starters ATS 01 Catalogue May 07 General contents Soft starters for asynchronous motors 1 – Altistart 01 2 – Altistart U01 1 Contents 1 - Altistart 01 soft starters for asynchronous motors b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 1/2 and 1/3

    05/2007-V2 DIA2ED2040201EN telemecanique contactor catalogue LC1 D12 wiring diagram LC1 K12 Schneider telemecanique contactor lc1 d65 Telemecanique LC1 D12 Telemecanique LC1 D38 LC1 D18 wiring diagram LC1 D09 10 wiring diagram ATS01N232QN Schneider contactor catalogue PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 14 EExe II Double Potential Terminal Blocks, Series 279 Front-entry 0.2 - 1.5 m m 20 550 V - , 15 A I AWG 2 4 - 1 6 0 / F \ W Terminal block width 4 mm / 0.157 in 8 - 9 mm / 0.33 in PR} in preparation C0M V as Drotection aaainst corrosion the maximum connectable cross sedion is one size below the nominal

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Amphenol Connectors 5 pin male c0m marking
    Text: •neTB?h MARKING VIEW A -18.55- 0.2- — 4- -11.25- r ^ r 7'8— ifi | oj in on 2 f t h f t f f n ! / _ V -E3- -ES—S U } -18.8i§l; 4 3 . 1 +0 '- 1 - 0.1 - 6 .8 - I 2 1 REVISIONS SYM DATE APPROVED INITIAL RELEASE 7 /2 0 /0 7 Charles ADO VIEW DRAWING

    OCR Scan
    HK4550 HK4649 HK4723 HK4918 HK5389 HK5449 E3z32 60-i-| RPV403075/D01 CDMAM0206001 HK45 Amphenol Connectors 5 pin male c0m marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Central CMMR SERIES Semiconductor Corp. SURFACE MOUNT SILICON GENERAL PURPOSE RECTIFIER 0.5 AMP, 200 THRU 1000 VOLTS DESCRIPTION: The Central Semiconductor CMMR Series of High Current Density Rectifiers, in a SOD-123F surface mount package are designed for all types

    OCR Scan
    OD-123F CMMR-02 CMMR-04 CMMR-06 CMMR-10 CM500mA 04-April PDF

    c0m marking

    Abstract: 123f
    Text: Central CMMR SERIES TM Semiconductor Corp. SURFACE MOUNT SILICON GENERAL PURPOSE RECTIFIER 0.5 AMP, 200 THRU 1000 VOLTS DESCRIPTION: The Central Semiconductor CMMR Series of High Current Density Rectifiers, in a SOD-123F surface mount package are designed for all types

    OCR Scan
    OD-123F CMMR-02: CMMR-04: CMMR-06 CMMR-10 CPD05 04-April CMMR-02 c0m marking 123f PDF


    Abstract: ks0073 co1423 MARKING D82 27-19
    Text: KS0073 34COM/6QSEG DRIVER & CONTROLLER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD INTRODUCTION KS0073 is a dot matrix LCD driver & controller LSI which ¡s fabricated by low power CMOS technology. It can display 1, 2 or 4 lines with 5 x 8 or 6 x 8 dots format. FUNCTIONS - Character type dot matrix LCD driver & controller

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    KS0073 34COM/6QSEG KS0073 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 SEG13 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 se648 co1423 MARKING D82 27-19 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM 73301 SM73301 RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 T ex a s In s t r u m e n t s Literature Number: SNOSB92A SM73301 Semiconductor RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 General Description Features

    OCR Scan
    SM73301 OT23-5 SNOSB92A SM73301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM8261 LM8261 Single RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 T ex a s In s t r u m e n t s Literature Number: SNOS469H LM8261 Single Semiconductor RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 General Description

    OCR Scan
    LM8261 LM8261 OT23-5 SNOS469H OT23-5 PDF

    SOT23 MA COM marking

    Abstract: marking AE 5pin Marking FA SOT23-5 c0m marking MAX4504CUK MAX4504CUK T AX450
    Text: 19-1064; Rev 0; 6 m Æ / X I A 1 Low -Voltage, Dual-Supply, S P S T , C M O S Analog S w itc h e s .Features ♦ Available in SOT23-5 Package ♦ Dual-Supply Operation from *1 V to ±6V ♦ Guaranteed On-Resistance: 250Q with ±5V Supplies ♦ Guaranteed Low Off-Leakage Currents:

    OCR Scan
    MAX4503/MAX4504 MAX4503 MAX4504 AX4501/ MAX4502ALYZER MAX4504CPA MAX4504CSA MAX4504CUK MAX4504C/D MAX4504EPA SOT23 MA COM marking marking AE 5pin Marking FA SOT23-5 c0m marking MAX4504CUK T AX450 PDF


    Abstract: 3310R6C
    Text: TDC3310 Description Features The TDC3310 is a very high-speed 10-bit D/A converter especially suited for low-cost video applications. The TDC3310 offers 10-bit resolu­ tion, TTL-compatible inputs, and requires only a single +5 volt power supply. It has a single-ended

    OCR Scan
    TDC3310 TDC3310 10-bit 10-Bit, RS-343A TMC1173, 3310N6C 3310R6C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TDC1018 TDC1018 Digital-to-Analog Converter DA 8-Bit, 200 MHz Description ♦ 1/2 LSB linearity The TDC1018 is an 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, designed for 200 MHz operation and capable of directly ♦ ♦ ♦ Registered data and video controls Complementary current outputs

    OCR Scan
    TDC1018 24-pin 28-contact 01/xF TDC1018B7C TDC1018B7C1 PDF


    Abstract: 0070B
    Text: K S 0 0 7 0B 1 6 C O M/ 8 QS E G D RI VE R & C O N T R O L L E R FOR D O T M A T R I X LCD INTRODUCTION 128 QFP The KS0070B is a dot matrix LCD driver & controller LSI which is labricated by low power CMOS technology. FUNCTION • • • • Character type dot matrix LCD driver & controller

    OCR Scan
    KS0070B KS0070B-G0: KS0070B-Q0 Y9190 0070B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRON SEMICOND UCT OR INC bTE D • b l l l S M 11! DDÜTTbö 7ÖT ■ MRN M ir D H M 1 semiconductor inc. MT4C16256/7 256K X 16 DRAM 2 5 6 K X 16 DRAM DRAM FAST PAGE MODE FEATURES • Industry-standard xl6 pinouts, timing, functions and packages • High-performance CMOS silicon-gate process

    OCR Scan
    MT4C16256/7 512-cycle MT4C16257 MT4C162S6/7 PDF


    Abstract: 1012N7C TDC1012 1012r3c c 10 ph diode TDC1012N7CX
    Text: TDC1012 DA TDC1012 Monolithic Digital-to-Analog Converter 12-Bit, 20 Msps Description Features The TDC1012 is a TTL compatible, 12-bit monolithic D/A converter capable of converting digital data into an analog current or voltage at data rates in excess of 20

    OCR Scan
    TDC1012 TDC1012 12-Bit, 12-bit TDC1012. FeaturesTDC1012N7CX TDC1012J7CX TDC1012J7VX TDC1012R3CX 1012R3C-X 1012N7C 1012r3c c 10 ph diode TDC1012N7CX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Data Sheet March 1998 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations JW060 Triple-Output Series Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 36 to 75 Vdc Input, 5 and ±12 Vdc, or 5 and ±15 Vdc Outputs; 60 W Features • Small size: 61.0 mm x 57.9 mm x 13.3 mm 2.40 in. x 2.28 in. x 0.52 in.

    OCR Scan
    JW060 JW060Triple-Output B-1190 JW060ABK JW060ACL JW060ABK1 JW060ACL1 JW060ACL PDF


    Abstract: INA134 PCM1739 PCM1739E PLL1700 REG1117-3 13 pin din cable circuit diagram for car players
    Text: B U R R -BR O W N PCM1739 For most current data sheet and other product information, visit 24-Bit, 192kHz Sampling, Enhanced Multi-Level, Delta-Sigma, Audio DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 24-BIT RESOLUTION • A/V RECEIVERS

    OCR Scan
    PCM1739 24-Bit, 192kHz 24-BIT 106dB 105dB 454fs 546fs -82dB 002dB AB-034 INA134 PCM1739 PCM1739E PLL1700 REG1117-3 13 pin din cable circuit diagram for car players PDF


    Abstract: FD123 arco capacitors ARCO Mica capacitors F0752 SCDM ARCO 36KJ RS-153 a10u
    Text: Dipped Mica Capacitors Part Number Construction DM 15 Type’ Size2 1. 2. 3 TR 510 Packaging6 Capacitance3 Tolerance4 Type: DM Size: 05, 10; 15; 19; 20; 30 Capacitance: The first two digits are significant, the last digit indicates the number of zeros. Tolerance: D=t0.5pF; E=±1/2%; F=±1%;

    OCR Scan
    digi90 50VDC 202IJ FD-24K FD123 arco capacitors ARCO Mica capacitors F0752 SCDM ARCO 36KJ RS-153 a10u PDF


    Abstract: SHARP I A05 SMD MARKING lah controller LU850425 lu850425 IR3Y38M LR38266 LR38277 LR38278 LR38578
    Text: SHARP S P E C No. E L 1 0 7 1 6 9 I S S U E : A u g u s t 18,1998 T o ;_ S P EC I F I CAT IONS Product Ty pe Model No. 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER FOR DSP CAMERA SYSTEM LU850425 •^This specification contains 40 pages including the cover and appendix.

    OCR Scan
    LU850425 LU850425 LQFP100â AA1058 CV557 TI5C SHARP I A05 SMD MARKING lah controller LU850425 IR3Y38M LR38266 LR38277 LR38278 LR38578 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SED1520/21 DOT MATRIX LCD DRIVER S-MOS Systems, Inc. October, 1996 Version 1.0 Preliminary S-MOS Systems, Inc. • 150 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134 • Tel: (408) 922-0200• Fax: (408) 922-0238 • 7 ^3 2 ^0 ^ 000M4b2 00 2 ■ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK

    OCR Scan
    SED1520/21 000M4b2 7T32TCH GM4C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R ELIM IN A R Y BEYOND PERFORMANCE C O M 'L : -5 /7 /1 0 /1 2 I N D : -7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 M A C H 5 LV -256 MACH5LV-256/68-5/7/10/12 MACH5LV-256/120-5/7/1 0/12 MACH5LV-256/104-5/7/10/12 MACH5 n/160-5/7/10/12 Fifth Generation MACH Architecture DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    MACH5LV-256/68-5/7/10/12 MACH5LV-256/120-5/7/1 MACH5LV-256/104-5/7/10/12 n/160-5/7/10/12 MACH5-256 16-038-PQR-1 PQR160 MACH5LV-256/XXX-7/10/12/15 PRH208 208-Pin PDF

    68000 thomson

    Abstract: ts68000A 8202102 TS68000M TS68000 thomson PGA68
    Text: O THOMSON COMPOSANTS MILITAIRES ET SPATIAUX TS 68000 HMOS HIGH DENSITY N-CHANNEL SILICON-GATE DEPLETION LOAD 16/32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The TS 68000 is the first implementation of the 68000 16/32microprocessor architecture. The TS68000 has a 16-bit data bus and 24-bit address bus. It is completely cod

    OCR Scan
    16/32microprocessor TS68000 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit MIL-M-38510 68000 thomson ts68000A 8202102 TS68000M TS68000 thomson PGA68 PDF

    IBM PC xt schematics

    Abstract: FDC37C662 floppy disk spindle controller schematic diagram disk drive motor controller 82077AA FDC37C651 FDC37C652 FDC37C661 NS16450 FDC37
    Text: ? æ æ » msysnMs 80 Artcay Drive. Hauppauge, NY 11788 516 435-6000 Fax (516) 231-6004 m am FDC37C661 FDC37C662 DIVISION 2.88MB Super I/O Floppy Disk Controllers FEATURES 2.8 8 M B Super I/O Floppy Disk Controller - Licensed CMOS 7 6 5 B Floppy Disk Controller

    OCR Scan
    FDC37C661 FDC37C662 FDC37C651 FDC37C652 82077AA 05b4bà IBM PC xt schematics FDC37C662 floppy disk spindle controller schematic diagram disk drive motor controller FDC37C652 NS16450 FDC37 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fZ 7 SGS-IHOMSON #, M ^i!L[i@TOüfl[](g§_ST62T45B/E45B 8-BIT HCMOS MCU WITH LCD DRIVER, EEPROM AND A/D CONVERTER ADVANCED DATA • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3.0 to 6.0V Supply Operating Range 8 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency

    OCR Scan
    ST62T45B/E45B PDF