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    BU 3150

    Abstract: KS0711 ic chip ic 4410 K 1534 rs 3060 cj sega 315 C0M23 C0M60 C0M44 C0M39
    Text: KS0711 65C O M /132SEG DRIVER & CONTROLLER FO R 4 G /S STN LCD Rev. 077 IN TR O D U C T IO N The KS0711 is a LC D driver LSI fo r liquid crystal dot-m atrix g raphic display system s. It incorporates 198 drive r circu it fo r 132 segm ents, 64 com m ons and a co m m o n to drive icons, 6 5 x 13 2 x 2-bit bit­

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    KS0711 65COM/132SEG conve0711 C0M33 KS0711 BU 3150 ic chip ic 4410 K 1534 rs 3060 cj sega 315 C0M23 C0M60 C0M44 C0M39 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS0713 65COM/132SEG DRIVER & CONTROLLER FOR STN LCD Rev. 0.3 INTRODUCTION The KS0713 is a LCD driver LSI for dot-matrix graphic display systems. It accepts 8-bit serial or parallel display data directly from a MPU and stores it in a on-chip RAM of 6 5x 132 bits. It

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    KS0713 65COM/132SEG KS0713 PDF


    Abstract: C3018 S1D15605D00B C2519 C0U15 C0U31 ac128 bias
    Text: UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT REV. A B C D FRONT VIEW 80.65±0.20 [3,175*0.008] • 76.65 [3.018] V A - 1.00 [0.039] MAX. 2.80 [0.110] MAX. 1.10 [0.043] — 63.98 [2.519] I.A. - PART NUMBER REV. LCM -H12864CGW F/C D E.C.N. E.C.N. E.C.N. E.C.N. E.C.N. NUMBER AND REVISION COMMENTS

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    2864CGWF/C c0-u13 C3018 S1D15605D00B C2519 C0U15 C0U31 ac128 bias PDF


    Abstract: 444L-EVAL COP420L COP444L NSA1166 COP445L NSA1541A 1001R lcd epsom PC108A
    Text: Semiconductor COP444L/COP445L/COP344L/COP345L Single-Chip N-Channel Microcontrollers General Description Features The COP444L, COP445L, COP344L, and COP345L SingleChip N-Channel Microcontrollers are members of the C O P S tm family, fabricated using N-channel, silicon gate

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    COP444L/COP445L/COP344L/COP345L COP444L, COP445L, COP344L, COP345L COP445L TL/DD/6928-23 COP444L/COP445L/COP344L/COP345L 200pF^ NSA11W0R 692B 444L-EVAL COP420L COP444L NSA1166 NSA1541A 1001R lcd epsom PC108A PDF

    SM 5271

    Abstract: lcd pm 128 bl KS0711 KS0713 ANI 1015 C0M23
    Text: K S 0 7 1 3 6 5 C O M /1 3 2 S E G D R IV ER & C O N TR O LLE R F O R S T N L C D Rev. T 3 IN TR O D U C T IO N The K S0713 is a LC D driver LSI for dot-matrix graphic display systems. It accepts 8-bit serial or parallel display data directly from a M P U and stores it in a on-chip R A M of 6 5 x 132 bits. It

    OCR Scan
    KS0713 65COM/132SEG C0M32 C0M33 C0M33 SM 5271 lcd pm 128 bl KS0711 ANI 1015 C0M23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS0711 65COM/132SEG DRIVER & CONTROLLER FOR 4 G /S STN LCD Rev. 0.1 INTRODUCTION The KS0711 is a LCD driver LSI for liquid crystal dot-matrix graphic display systems. It incorporates 198 driver circuit for 132 segments, 64 commons and a common to drive icons, 6 5x 132x 2-bit bit­

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    KS0711 65COM/132SEG KS0711 PDF

    elli 432

    Abstract: AZ 2535 08 101 JRC 2135 NJU6577 JRC 2228 tl 2345 ml TSF 1303 ST EZ 728 NJU6577C SEG23
    Text: NJU6577 g jz n u 5 Í M •* 8 O - t r ífy t f ' V h T ' y ^ > L C D h fcÜ * K ^ 'T s ■ A3 NJU6577lâs * * 7 W ^ 7 ? 0 ^ ; * t f W f é í ¡ : t ' í i | - 7 v r LCDI-'^A* t * . 4, 240t* •; K D Ä ^ f -SRAM, C P U - í> í- 7 i^ |l]K , 3 t> /-tr » h■h‘ 7-ÍA* I f T '

    OCR Scan
    NJU6577 NJU6577IJS NJU6577 HJue577it x80tr VssCD20S NJU6577 MJU6577Ià 80SCPU elli 432 AZ 2535 08 101 JRC 2135 JRC 2228 tl 2345 ml TSF 1303 ST EZ 728 NJU6577C SEG23 PDF