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    Alpha Wire PVC1057/8 CL007

    Spiral Wraps, Sleeves, Tubing & Conduit 50FT SPOOL CLEAR
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    Mouser Electronics PVC1057/8 CL007
    • 1 $116.58
    • 10 $100.8
    • 100 $90.29
    • 1000 $90.29
    • 10000 $90.29
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    TE Connectivity 2001-7985-00

    RF Connectors / Coaxial Connectors PLUG SMA STR 50 OHM SOLDER
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI 2001-7985-00 Each 912 1
    • 1 $5.51
    • 10 $5.51
    • 100 $5.51
    • 1000 $5.51
    • 10000 $5.51
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    TE Connectivity M39012/79B3001

    RF Connectors / Coaxial Connectors M39012/79B3001
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    TTI M39012/79B3001 Each 5 1
    • 1 $29.38
    • 10 $29.38
    • 100 $29.38
    • 1000 $29.38
    • 10000 $29.38
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    TE Connectivity 2001-7585-02

    RF Connectors / Coaxial Connectors SMA ST CBL-PLG F/H SDR
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    TTI 2001-7585-02 Each 2 1
    • 1 $7.95
    • 10 $7.95
    • 100 $7.95
    • 1000 $7.95
    • 10000 $7.95
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    TE Connectivity 2001-7941-02

    RF Connectors / Coaxial Connectors SMA ST CBL-PLG F/H SDR
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    TTI 2001-7941-02 Each 1 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $4.92
    • 100 $4.92
    • 1000 $4.92
    • 10000 $4.92
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    C10507 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: A10524-02 A10613-01 C10507-11 C10751 C10507-11-025U S10507-11-025U Photon mppc c10507-11-050u
    Text: MPPCモジュール C10507-11シリーズ C10751シリーズ MPPC 内蔵フォトンカウンティング・モジュール MPPCモジュールはMPPC multi-pixel photon counter を内蔵した極微弱光検出が可能なフォトンカウンティング・モ

    C10507-11 C10751 C10751EMCMPPCFC C10507-11-025U C10507-11-050U C10507-11-100U C10507-11-025C C10507-11-050C C10507-11-100C C10751-01 S10362-11-100C A10524-02 A10613-01 C10751 C10507-11-025U S10507-11-025U Photon mppc c10507-11-050u PDF

    mppc 01

    Abstract: S10362-11-100C mppc USB connector DIAGRAM s10362 C10751 Photon A10524-01 C10507-11 S1036
    Text: MPPC modules C10507-11 series C10751 series Photon counting module with built-in MPPC The MPPC multi-pixel photon counter module is a photon counting module capable of low-light-level detection. This module consists of an MPPC device, current-to-voltage converter circuit, high-speed comparator circuit, high-voltage power supply circuit,

    C10507-11 C10751 SE-171 KACC1142E05 mppc 01 S10362-11-100C mppc USB connector DIAGRAM s10362 Photon A10524-01 S1036 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPPC modules C10507-11 series C10751 series Photon counting module w ith built-in MPPC The MPPC multi-pixel photon counter module is a photon counting module capable of low-light-level detection. This module consists of an MPPC device, current-to-voltage converter circuit, high-speed comparator circuit, high-voltage power supply circuit, temperature-compensation circuit, counter circuit, and microcomputer. The module also has a USB 1.1 port for

    C10507-11 C10751 KACC1142E07 S10362-11-100C PDF


    Abstract: S10362-11-100C circuit diagram of a laser lighter
    Text: NEWS 02 2008 SOLID STATE PRODUCTS PAGE 9 New Si PIN photodiodes S10783 and S10784 SOLID STATE PRODUCTS Red LED for POF Data Communications PAGE 10 ELECTRON TUBE PRODUCTS 75W Xenon Lamp Series PAGE 28 SYSTEMS PRODUCTS Cooled CCD Camera ORCA-R2 PAGE 38 Highlights

    S10783 S10784 P2211 DE128228814 R7600-M64 S10362-11-100C circuit diagram of a laser lighter PDF


    Abstract: S10604
    Text: 2007 Vol.2 E x h i b i t i o n s NEWS 2007 Vol.2 NEWS Belgium / Denmark / France / Germany / Italy / Netherlands / North Europe & CIS / November Vision 2007 Stuttgart / Germany UKAEA (Oxford / UK) Productronica 2007 (Munich / Germany) 35th Scottish Microscopy Symposium

    SE-17141 52/1A RU-113054 L9657 S10604 PDF


    Abstract: mppc 01 S10362-11-025U S10362-11-050P S10362-11-100C S10362-11-050U mppc C10030 S10362-11-025P S10362-11
    Text: MPPC multi-pixel photon counter S10362-11シリーズ S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P 新しいタイプのSiフォトンカウンティング・デバイス 受光面サイズ: 1 x 1 mm MPPCは複数のガイガーモードAPD (アバランシェ・フォトダイオード)のピクセルから成る新しいタイプのフォトンカ

    S10362-11 S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P S10362-11-050U) S10362-11-050C mppc 01 S10362-11-025U S10362-11-050P S10362-11-100C S10362-11-050U mppc C10030 S10362-11-025P S10362-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPPC multi-pixel photon counter S10362-11 series S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P New type of Si photon-counting device, Active area: 1 x 1 mm The MPPC is a new type of photon-counting device made up of multiple APD (avalanche photodiode) pixels operated in Geiger

    S10362-11 S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P SE-171 KAPD1022E05 S10362-11-025C PDF

    "Constant fraction discriminator"

    Abstract: mppc 001 S10362-33-050C S10362-33 Constant fraction discriminator geiger apd Light Dependent Resistor Constant fraction timing discriminator geiger tube geiger
    Text: T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M ATION ® T ECHNICA L INF OR M AT I ON The MPPC Multi-Pixel Photon Counter is a new type of photon-counting device made up of multiple APD (avalanche photodiode) pixels operated in Geiger mode. The MPPC is essentially an opto-semiconductor device with excellent photon-counting capability and which also possesses great advantages such as low voltage operation and insensitivity to magnetic fields.

    SE-171 KAPD9003E02 "Constant fraction discriminator" mppc 001 S10362-33-050C S10362-33 Constant fraction discriminator geiger apd Light Dependent Resistor Constant fraction timing discriminator geiger tube geiger PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2007 Vol.1 NEWS Belgium / Denmark / France / Germany / Italy / Netherlands / North Europe & CIS / 16 models with different spectral response, resolution, sensitivity, etc. Select a model that fits your application 4 MPPC Multi-Pixel Photon Counter 8 10 Gbps ROSA



    Abstract: C10990 S11059-78HT S11154-01CT S10604

    C10988MA C10627 D-82211 DE128228814 C9750 C10990 S11059-78HT S11154-01CT S10604 PDF

    smd marking 1BW

    Abstract: 1Bw smd geiger apd S10362-11-100C S10362-11-025U smd 1bw geiger counter 1bw smd transistor single photon detection module S10362-11
    Text: MPPC multi-pixel photon counter S10362-11 series S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P New type of Si photon-counting device, Active area: 1 x 1 mm The MPPC is a new type of photon-counting device made up of multiple APD (avalanche photodiode) pixels operated in Geiger

    S10362-11 S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P SE-171 KAPD1022E05 smd marking 1BW 1Bw smd geiger apd S10362-11-100C S10362-11-025U smd 1bw geiger counter 1bw smd transistor single photon detection module PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPPC modules C11208 series Photon counting module with built-in TE-cooled MPPC The C11208 series is a photon counting module that contains a thermoelectrically cooled MPPC multi-pixel photon counter capable of detecting ultra-low light. Along with the thermoelectrically cooled MPPC, it consists of a current-to-voltage converter, a high-speed comparator, a high-voltage power supply circuit, a temperature control circuit, a counter circuit, and a

    C11208 C10507 SE-171 KACC1176E03 C11208-01 PDF

    mppc 01

    Abstract: geiger apd Si apd photodiode Hamamatsu avalanche diode mppc S10362-11 S10362-11-025U S10362-11-050C S10362-11-100C A10613
    Text: MPPC multi-pixel photon counter S10362-11 series S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P New type of Si photon-counting device, Active area: 1 x 1 mm The MPPC is a new type of photon-counting device made up of multiple APD (avalanche photodiode) pixels operated in Geiger

    S10362-11 S10362-11-025U /-050U/-100U S10362-11-025C /-050C/-100C S10362-11-025P /-050P/-100P SE-171 KAPD1022E02 mppc 01 geiger apd Si apd photodiode Hamamatsu avalanche diode mppc S10362-11-025U S10362-11-050C S10362-11-100C A10613 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2008 Vol.1 NEWS 2008 Vol.1 E x h i b i t i o n s NEWS Belgium / Denmark / France / Germany / Italy / Japan / Netherlands / Northern Europe / Poland / Portugal / Russia / South Africa / February USGEB 2008 Meeting Lausanne / Switzerland Emerging Technologies in Diagnostic Imaging

    SE-17141 52/1A RU-113054 S10604 PDF


    Abstract: MC10514 MC10515 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA M C10,100/10,200 Series -30 to +85°C WIC10,500/10,600 Series (-55 to +125°C) C ircu it design w ith M E C L 1 0 ,0 0 0 is u nusually co n ­ venient. The differential am plifier in p ut and emitterfollow er ou tp u t perm it high fanout, the w ired-O R option,

    OCR Scan
    Time-120% MC1010 MC10514 MC10515 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110 PDF


    Abstract: MCI d 302 exnor MC10100 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA M C 10 ,1 0 0 /1 0 ,2 0 0 Series -3 0 to + 8 5 °C WIC10 ,5 0 0 /1 0 ,6 0 0 Series (-5 5 to + 1 2 5°C ) C irc u it design w ith M E C L 1 0 ,0 0 0 is unusually con­ venient. The d iffe re n tia l a m p lifie r in p u t and e m itterfo llo w e r o u tp u t p e rm it high fa n o u t, th e w ired-O R o p tio n ,

    OCR Scan
    100ft MC10507F ex-nor MCI d 302 exnor MC10100 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 PDF


    Abstract: MC10601 MC10102 MC10105 motorola ceramic dual in-line case MC10530 MC10100L MC10103 MC10106 MC10110
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA MC10,100/10,200 Series -3 0 to +85°C WIC10,500/10,600 Series (-55 to +125°C) Circuit design with M EC L 10,000 is unusually con­ venient. The differential amplifier input and emitterfollower output permit high fanout, the wired-OR option,

    OCR Scan
    50-ohm MC10100 MC10601 MC10102 MC10105 motorola ceramic dual in-line case MC10530 MC10100L MC10103 MC10106 MC10110 PDF


    Abstract: MC10531L C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110 MC10114
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA MC10,100/10,200 Series -30 to +85°C WIC10,500/10,600 Series (-55 to +125°C) C irc u it design w ith M E C L 1 0 ,0 0 0 is u nusually con­ venient. The d iffe re n tia l a m p lifie r in p u t and e m itte rfo llo w e r o u tp u t p e rm it high fa n o u t, th e w ired-O R o p tio n ,

    OCR Scan
    50-ohm MC10531 MC10531L C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110 MC10114 PDF


    Abstract: MC10130 MC10130P MC10516 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA MC10,100/10,200 Series -30 to +85°C WIC10,500/10,600 Series (-55 to +125°C) Circuit design with M E C L 10,000 is unusually con­ venient. The differential amplifier input and emitterfollower output permit high fanout, the wired-OR option,

    OCR Scan
    50-ohm MC10130L MC10130 MC10130P MC10516 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110 MC10114 MC10115
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA MC10,100/10,200 Series -30 to +85°C WIC10,500/10,600 Series (-55 to +125°C) Circuit design with M E C L 10,000 is unusually con­ venient. The differential amplifier input and emitterfollower output permit high fanout, the wired-OR option,

    OCR Scan
    100-ohm MC10531 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110 MC10114 MC10115 PDF