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    C9404CA Search Results

    C9404CA Datasheets (2)

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    C9404CA Hamamatsu Mini-spectrometer TG series Original PDF
    C9404CAH Hamamatsu Mini-spectrometer TG series Original PDF

    C9404CA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mini-spectrometers TG series C9404CA C9404CAH High sensitivity type integrated with backthinned type CCD image sensor TG series mini-spectrometers are polychromators integrated with optical elements, an image sensor and a driver circuit. Light to be measured is guided into the entrance port of TM series through an optical fiber and the spectrum measured with the

    C9404CA C9404CAH C9404CA C9404CAH B1201, KACC1131E09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 TGシリーズ C9404CA C9404CAH 高感度タイプ 裏面入射型CCDイメージセンサを採用 ミニ分光器 TGシリーズは光学素子とイメージセンサと駆動回路をコンパクトにまとめた分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。

    C9404CA C9404CAH C9404CAã C9404CAHã C11010MA C10988MA-01 C12666MA C11708MA C9404CA, PDF

    high resolution

    Abstract: high sensitivity deuterium lamp circuit C9405CA C9404CA C9404CAH C9404MC A9762-01 A9762 A10670
    Text: MODULE Mini-spectrometer TG series C9404CA, C9404CAH, C9405CA High sensitivity type integrated with back-thinned type CCD image sensor TG series mini-spectrometers are polychromators integrated with optical elements, an image sensor and a driver circuit. Light to be measured is

    C9404CA, C9404CAH, C9405CA C9404CAH C9405CA SE-171 KACC1131E03 high resolution high sensitivity deuterium lamp circuit C9404CA C9404MC A9762-01 A9762 A10670 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mini-spectrometer TG series C9404CA C9404CAH High sensitivity type integrated w ith backthinned type CCD image sensor TG series mini-spectrometers are polychromators integrated with optical elements, an image sensor and a driver circuit. Light to be measured is guided into the entrance port of TM series through an optical fiber and the spectrum measured with the

    C9404CA C9404CAH C9404CA C9404CAH KACC1131E06 PDF


    Abstract: A9763-01 C9404CA C9404CAH C9404MC C9405CA L10290 S1042 C9408 c9407ma
    Text: MODULE ミニ分光器 TGシリーズ C9404CA, C9404CAH, C9405CA 高感度タイプ 裏面入射型CCDイメージセンサを採用 ミニ分光器 TGシリーズは光学素子とイメージセンサと駆動回路をコンパクトにまとめた分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。

    C9404CA, C9404CAH, C9405CA C9404CAC9404CAHC9405CACCDCMOS 2C9404CAH C9404CAH) C9404CA C9404CAH SMA905D A9763-01 C9404CA C9404CAH C9404MC C9405CA L10290 S1042 C9408 c9407ma PDF


    Abstract: 9404C deuterium lamp circuit C9404CA C9404CAH C9404MC C9405CA 9405C SMA905 c9407ma
    Text: MODULE Mini-spectrometer TG series C9404CA, C9404CAH, C9405CA High sensitivity type integrated with back-thinned type CCD image sensor TG series mini-spectrometers are polychromators integrated with optical elements, an image sensor and a driver circuit. Light to be measured is

    C9404CA, C9404CAH, C9405CA C9404CAH C9405CA SE-171 KACC1131E01 A9763-01 9404C deuterium lamp circuit C9404CA C9404MC 9405C SMA905 c9407ma PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 MSシリーズ C10988MA-01 C11708MA MEMS技術とイメージセンサ技術を融合した 超小型のミニ分光器 ミニ分光器 MSシリーズはMEMS技術とイメージセンサ技術を融合し、親指大の超小型サイズ 27.6 x 16.8 × 13 mm を

    C10988MA-01 C11708MA C11009MA C11010MA C12666MA C10988MA-01, A9160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mini-spectrometers TM series C10082MD C10083MD For UV to near IR, integrating optical system, image sensor and circuit TM series mini-spectrometers are polychromators integrated with optical elements, an image sensor and a driver circuit. Two models are available: C10082MD TM-UV/VIS-MOS and C10083MD (TM-VIS/NIR-MOS). Light to be measured is guided into

    C10082MD C10083MD B1201, KACC1119E13 PDF


    Abstract: C11351-10 C11351-03
    Text: Micro-spectrometer C12666MA Finger-tip size, ultra-compact spectrometer head integrating MEMS and image sensor technologies The C12666MA is an ultra-compact Finger-tip size spectrometer head developed based on our MEMS and image sensor technologies. The adoption of a newly designed optical system has achieved a remarkably small size, less than half the volume of the previous mini-spectrometer MS series (C10988MA-01). In addition, the employment of hermetic packaging has

    C12666MA C12666MA C10988MA-01) port53 B1201, KACC1216E05 C11351 C11351-10 C11351-03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOLID STATE D I V I S I O N セレクションガイド 2013.7 ミニ分光器 MINI-SPECTROMETER 浜松ホトニクス製イメージセンサ・光学素子・駆動回路をコンパクトにまとめた小型分光器 浜松ホトニクスのミニ分光器は

    KACC0002J07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 TGシリーズ C11118GA 長波長タイプ ~2.55 m の近赤外用ミニ分光器 ミニ分光器 TGシリーズは光学素子とセンサ回路をコンパクトにまとめた分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。測定光を光ファ

    C11118GA C9914GB C11009MA C11010MA C10988MA-01 C12666MA C11708MA KACC1170J10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 C11713CA TGシリーズ C11714CB ラマン分光測定用 高分解能タイプ 波長分解能 0.3 nm ミニ分光器 TGシリーズは、光学素子とイメージセンサと駆動回路をコンパクトにまとめた分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。

    C11713CA C11714CB C11713CAã C11714CBã 11010MA C10988MA-01 C12666MA C11708MA C11713CA, A10670 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEWS 01 2011 Solid state PRODUCTS PAGE 11 Thumb-sized “ultra-compact spectrometer” with VIS-NIR response SOLID STATE PRODUCTS PAGE 16 New developments for the MPPC ELECTRON TUBE PRODUCTS PAGE 21 H2D2 light sources L11788 series, L11789 series SYSTEMS PRODUCTS

    L11788 L11789 C11367 DE128228814 S11830-3344MF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: マイクロ分光器 C12666MA MEMS技術とイメージセンサ技術を融合した 指先大の超小型分光器ヘッド C12666MAはMEMS技術とイメージセンサ技術を用いて実現した超小型 指先大 の分光器ヘッドです。新設計の光学系

    C12666MA C12666MAã C10988MA-01) C11009MA C11010MA C10988MA-01 C11708MA KACC1216J05 C11351 PDF


    Abstract: C11351 CCD LINEAR SENSOR 512 C1135 ccd color Linear Image Sensor driver circuit board for S10420 Linear Image sensor IC for CIS linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR L9455-11 S8378
    Text: SOLID STATE D I V I S I O N Selection Guide Jul. 2010 MINI-SPECTROMETERS Integrating a HAMAMATSU image sensor, its driver circuit, and optical elements into a compact case Compact and low cost mini-spectrometers HAMAMATSU mini-spectrometers are compact polychromators made up of optical elements such as a grating, an

    expen918 KACC0002E05 C10988MA C11351 CCD LINEAR SENSOR 512 C1135 ccd color Linear Image Sensor driver circuit board for S10420 Linear Image sensor IC for CIS linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR L9455-11 S8378 PDF


    Abstract: SMA905D S8378-512Q TG Series C9409MA ccd image sensor CCD Linear Image Sensor ccd sensor driver CMOS image sensor usb deuterium lamp circuit
    Text: MODULE Mini-spectrometer TG series C9404MC, C9405MC Integrating optical system, image sensor and circuit HAMAMATSU TG series mini-spectrometers are polychromators integrated with optical elements and an image sensor. Light to be measured is guided into the entrance port of TG series through an optical fiber and the spectrum measured with the built-in image sensor is output from the

    C9404MC, C9405MC C9404MC C9405MC C9404MC SE-171 KACC1006E11 CCD LINEAR SENSOR 512 SMA905D S8378-512Q TG Series C9409MA ccd image sensor CCD Linear Image Sensor ccd sensor driver CMOS image sensor usb deuterium lamp circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 C11007MA C11009MA RCシリーズ C11008MA C11010MA 小型・安価を実現したミニ分光器 機器組み込み用 C11009MA, C11010MA ミニ分光器RCシリーズは反射型グレーティングとCMOSリニアイメージセンサをコンパクトにまとめた分光器です。駆

    C11007MA C11009MA C11008MA C11010MA C11009MA, C11010MA) C11007MA, C11008MA) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 TMシリーズ C10082CA/C10083CAシリーズ 高感度タイプ 裏面入射型CCDイメージセンサを 採用 高分解能タイプ ミニ分光器 TMシリーズは、光学素子とイメージセンサと駆動回路をコンパクトにまとめた分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。

    C10082CA/C10083CAã C10082CAHã C10083CAHã C10988MA-01 C12666MA C11708MA KACC1126J13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mini-spectrometer TG series C11482GA For near IR, integrating optical system, image sensor and circuit Hamamatsu TG series mini-spectrometer C11482GA is a polychromator integrated with optical elements and an image sensor. Light to be measured is guided into the entrance port of the C11482GA through an optical fiber and the spectrum measured

    C11482GA C11482GA B1201, KACC1212E04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 C9913GC TGシリーズ C9914GB 近赤外域 NIR 用光学系・イメージセンサ・ 回路を一体化 ミニ分光器C9913GCC9914GBは、光学素子とセンサ回路をコンパクトにまとめた冷却型の分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。

    C9913GC C9914GB C9913GCã C9914GBã C11010MA C10988MA-01 C12666MA C11708MA C9913GC, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ミニ分光器 FTシリーズ C13053MA 小型・薄型高感度CMOSイメージセンサ搭載 ミニ分光器 FT Flat Type シリーズは、光学素子とイメージセンサと駆動回路を小型・薄型の筐体にまとめた分光器 (ポリク

    C13053MA C11009MA C11010MA C10988MA-01 C12666MA C11708MA KACC1225J02 PDF


    Abstract: SMA905D C10082CAH A9762-01 C10082CA-2200 C10082CA C10082MD C10083CA C10083CAH C10083MD
    Text: ミニ分光器 TMシリーズ C10082CA/C10083CAシリーズ 高感度タイプ 裏面入射型CCDイメージセンサを 採用 高分解能タイプ ミニ分光器 TMシリーズは、光学素子とイメージセンサと駆動回路をコンパクトにまとめた分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。

    C10082CA/C10083CA C10082CAHC10083CAH1 C10082CAH, C10083CAH) C10082CA C10082CAH C10082MD C10083CA C10083CAH C10083MD LEMO SMA905D C10082CAH A9762-01 C10082CA-2200 C10082CA C10082MD C10083CA C10083CAH C10083MD PDF


    Abstract: L9455-11 C10988MA S10420 G9208-256W C11008MA SMA905D A9762-01 ccd cmos 84 L10290
    Text: セレクションガイド 2009.9 ミニ分光器 MINI-SPECTROMETER 浜松ホトニクス製イメージセンサ・光学素子・駆動回路をコンパクトにまとめた小型分光器 浜松ホトニクスのミニ分光器は グレーティングなどの光学

    C10082CA, C10083CA C10082CAH, C10083CAH C10082MD, C10083MD C9404CA, C9405CA C9404CAH C9404MC, S8378-256N L9455-11 C10988MA S10420 G9208-256W C11008MA SMA905D A9762-01 ccd cmos 84 L10290 PDF


    Abstract: C9914GB LP1400 INGaAS CCD G9206-02 C10083MD Microsoft X817141-002 C9406GC C9913GC C10082CAH
    Text: MODULE ミニ分光器 TGシリーズ C9406GC, C9913GC, C9914GB 近赤外域 NIR 用光学系・イメージセンサ・回路を一体化 ミニ分光器TGシリーズは、光学素子とセンサ回路をコンパクトにまとめた分光器 (ポリクロメータ)です。測定光を光ファイ

    C9406GC, C9913GC, C9914GB C9406GC C9406GC: C9914GB) C9913GC SMA905D C9914GB LP1400 INGaAS CCD G9206-02 C10083MD Microsoft X817141-002 C9406GC C9913GC C10082CAH PDF