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    CAN BAUDRATE PRESCALER Result Highlights (5)

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    TC74HC123AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Dual Monostable Multivibrator, SOP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    HA13721RPJEEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation CAN Transceiver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA13721FP Renesas Electronics Corporation CAN Transceiver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    JM38510/12203BGA Renesas Electronics Corporation Amplifiers, CAN, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA2-5033-2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 250MHz Video Buffer, CAN, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    CAN BAUDRATE PRESCALER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TSEG11 brp1 C166 AP2925 EF08h 0x6f00
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP2925 CAN Baudrate Detection with Infineon CAN devices This paper describes two different methods to detect the CAN baudrate with Infineon CAN devices. These methods allow non-initialized CAN nodes to connect to a running CAN system, although the current baudrate is not known. Hereby the running CAN system is not

    AP2925 0F030H 0FF30H 004AFH; baudrate TSEG11 brp1 C166 AP2925 EF08h 0x6f00 PDF


    Abstract: C166 C166 INFINEON 004AFH
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP2925 CAN Baudrate Detection with Infineon CAN devices This paper describes two different methods to detect the CAN baudrate with Infineon CAN devices. These methods allow non-initialized CAN nodes to connect to a running CAN system, although the current baudrate is not known. Hereby the running CAN system is not

    AP2925 0F030H 0FF30H 004AFH; TSEG11 C166 C166 INFINEON 004AFH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Brief The SAK 82C900 is a stand-alone CAN-controller con- taining two independently running Full-CAN nodes according to the V2.0 part B active CAN specification at a maximum baudrate of 1 Mbaud each. 32 independent message objects are available and can be assigned to both nodes. This product can

    82C900 82C900 B158-H7693-G1-X-7600 PDF


    Abstract: 81C90 AP2923
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP2923 : Additional file AP292302.EXE available SAE 81C90/91 - CAN Bit Timing Calculation: CP_81C90.EXE This document describes how to install and to use the "CP_81C90.EXE" tool. "CP_81C90.EXE" facilitates the CAN Bit Timing Calculation for the SAE 81C90\91 by automatically proposing register configurations to reach a given bus baudrate.

    AP2923 AP292302 81C90/91 81C90 81C90\91 81C90/91 AP2923 3BNB PDF


    Abstract: AP3227 FDE1
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP3227 : Additional file AP322701.EXE available ASC Serial Interface Async. Baudrate Calculation with the Fractional Divider The Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Interface of the 32-bit microcontrollers allows programming of the desired baudrate very precisely in asynchronous modes, depending on

    AP3227 AP322701 32-bit AP3227 baudrate FDE1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP2423 : Additional file AP242301.EXE available New ASC Serial Interface Async. Baudrate Calculation with the Fractional Divider The new ASC Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Interface allows programming of the desired baudrate very precisely in asynchronous modes, depending on the CPU clock rate.

    AP2423 AP242301 AP2423 PDF


    Abstract: XC164cs xc166 XC164D XC167CI P-TQFP-144-19 XC16x
    Text: A p p l i c a t io n N o t e , V 1 . 1 , J a n u a ry 2 0 0 9 AP16092 X C 16 x CAN Bootstrap Loader M i cro c on tr oller s XC16x Revision History: 2009-01 V 1.1 Previous Version: V1.0, 2006-03 Page Subjects major changes since last revision 5 update for XC164CM

    AP16092 XC16x XC164CM XC16x XC164CM= 0x0000; MSGDRL10 MSGDRH10 0x1554; XC164CM XC164cs xc166 XC164D XC167CI P-TQFP-144-19 PDF


    Abstract: RM0033 stm32f20 SMT32F AN3430 STM32F2xx reference manual STM32F217IGH6 SMT32F2 stm32f207igh6 stm32f20x
    Text: AN3430 Application note How to achieve the lowest current consumption with STM32F2xx Introduction In embedded microcontroller applications, designers and developers have specific tasks to solve and their solutions are influenced by the resources that are available and the

    AN3430 STM32F2xx STM32F2xx STM32F2 RM0033 stm32f20 SMT32F AN3430 STM32F2xx reference manual STM32F217IGH6 SMT32F2 stm32f207igh6 stm32f20x PDF


    Abstract: AP1641 C167CR siemens C167CR C167-CR quanta
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP1641 : Additional file AP164102.EXE available C167CR - CAN Bit Timing Calculation: CP_167CR.EXE This document describes how to install and to use the "CP_167CR.EXE" tool. "CP_167CR" facilitates the CAN Bit Timing Calculation for the C167CR by automatically proposing

    AP1641 AP164102 C167CR 167CR 167CR" C167CR AP1641 siemens C167CR C167-CR quanta PDF


    Abstract: oen 8613 20 108 046f C163 C165 C166 embedded dram control 127DH C163-24D C167 Bootstrap SYSCON
    Text: C163-24D Target Specification Target Specification 1998-11-04 @ 17:44 Microcomputer Components 16-bit CMOS Single-chip Microcontroller with embedded DRAM C163-24D Target Specification About this document This document was created in Adobe FrameMaker 5.5 by George Lewbel at Siemens

    C163-24D 16-bit 100-pin ASC CAPACITOR SP oen 8613 20 108 046f C163 C165 C166 embedded dram control 127DH C167 Bootstrap SYSCON PDF

    AMBA APB bus protocol

    Abstract: structural design of a 9 bit parity generator rx data path interface in vhdl interface of rs232 to UART in VHDL fifo vhdl Inicore asynchronous fifo vhdl
    Text: iAP-FUART 16f APB t lian p m co data sheet A AMB Features: • AMBA (APB) compliant interface • 16bytes fifo for read and write data • Interrupts and status register • World’s fastest transmission rates: 1200bps to 115.2kbps with Accuracy Better than 0.1% from 1MHz Clock!

    16fPB) 16bytes 1200bps RS-232 AMBA APB bus protocol structural design of a 9 bit parity generator rx data path interface in vhdl interface of rs232 to UART in VHDL fifo vhdl Inicore asynchronous fifo vhdl PDF

    USART code examples

    Abstract: FMC16FX
    Text: Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe Application Note MCU-AN-300229-E-V13MC-16FX FAMILY 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER ALL SERIES CLOCK CALIBRATION APPLICATION NOTE CLOCK CALIBRATION Revision History Revision History Date 2006-12-11 2007-07-22 2007-09-24 2007-09-27

    MCU-AN-300229-E-V13 MC-16FX 16-BIT 200kbps. autocorr-v10 USART code examples FMC16FX PDF


    Abstract: MB91467 MB91460 12500bps
    Text: Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe Application Note MCU-AN-300083-E-V11 FR FAMILY 32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB91460 CLOCK CALIBRATION APPLICATION NOTE CLOCK CALIBRATION Revision History Revision History Date 2008-02-26 2008-04-24 Issue V1.0, First draft, HPi V1.1, typo in title page corrected, MSt

    MCU-AN-300083-E-V11 32-BIT MB91460 12500bps. RDR05 MB91467 MB91460 12500bps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features: The iniUART is an innovative, flexible implementation of an UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter . The iniUART implements the RS-232 serial protocol, provides the interface between a microprocessor and a serial port or between the system and a standard serial port.

    RS-232 CH-2555 PDF

    VERILOG Digitally Controlled Oscillator

    Abstract: vhdl code for DCO verilog code for uart apb vhdl code for 4 bit even parity generator uart verilog code vhdl code for 8 bit ODD parity generator uart vhdl code fpga
    Text: D a ta s h e e t UART MODULE Revision 2.8.1 INICORE INC. 5600 Mowry School Road Suite 180 Newark, CA 94560 t: 510 445 1529 f: 510 656 0995 e: [email protected] C O P Y R IG H T 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 4 , IN IC O R E , IN C . U A R T m o d u le D a ta s h e e t



    Abstract: C8051F020 C8051F022 C51 Family f02x 8051F AN11 C8051F021 C8051F023 C8051F300
    Text: A N 112 UART I N - A P P L I C A T I O N C O D E L O A D I N G E X A M P L E S Relevant Devices transfer of code from the host to its program memory. This application needs the ability to do the folThis application note applies to the following lowing tasks:

    communicaC8051F020, C8051F021, C8051F022, C8051F023, C8051F300, C8051F301, C8051F302, C8051F303. AN112 C8051F020 C8051F022 C51 Family f02x 8051F AN11 C8051F021 C8051F023 C8051F300 PDF


    Abstract: AN3499 S08SG32 DEMO9S08SG32AUTO MC9S08SG32 S08 Freescale S08SG clock synchronization S08S S08AC
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3756 Rev. 0, 10/2008 Using and Synchronizing the S08’s Internal Clock for LIN Slave Implementations for LIN Rev 2.x implementations by: Yves BRIANT Global Sales and Marketing (GSM) Reliable communication via the asynchronous LIN

    AN3756 AN3756 AN3499 S08SG32 DEMO9S08SG32AUTO MC9S08SG32 S08 Freescale S08SG clock synchronization S08S S08AC PDF

    AMBA APB bus protocol

    Abstract: interface of rs232 to UART in VHDL rx data path interface in vhdl AMBA APB UART fifo vhdl baud rate generator vhdl vhdl synchronous bus Inicore
    Text: iAP-UART 16f APB t lian p m co data sheet A AMB Features: • AMBA (APB) compliant interface • 16bytes fifo for read and write data • Interrupts and status register • Configurable Transfer Rate: 1200bps to 115.2kbps with Accuracy Better than 0.1% from 8MHz Clock!

    16bytes 1200bps AMBA APB bus protocol interface of rs232 to UART in VHDL rx data path interface in vhdl AMBA APB UART fifo vhdl baud rate generator vhdl vhdl synchronous bus Inicore PDF


    Abstract: UART DESIGN
    Text: iniUART data sheet Features: • Configurable Transfer Rate: 1200bps to 115.2kbps with Accuracy Better than 0.1% from 8MHz Clock! • Data Format: 7, 8 Bits • Parity Enable, Odd/Even, Error Detection • Stop Bit: 1, 2 Bits • Format Check • 3-Point Input Sampling, Glitch Rejection

    1200bps 391-DS-14 baudrate UART DESIGN PDF

    Frequency Generator 1MHz

    Abstract: Inicore 392-DS-10
    Text: iniFUART data sheet Features: • Configurable Transfer Rate: 1200bps to 115.2kbps with Accuracy Better than 0.15% from 1MHz Clock! • Data Format: 7, 8 Bits • Parity Enable, Odd/Even, Error Detection • Stop Bit: 1, 2 Bits • Format Check • Glitch Rejection

    1200bps RS-232 16bit 64kbps, 13ppm. 170ppm. 392-DS-10 Frequency Generator 1MHz Inicore 392-DS-10 PDF

    baud rate generator vhdl

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iniUART data sheet Features: • Configurable Transfer Rate: 1200bps to 115.2kbps with Accuracy Better than 0.1% from 8MHz Clock! • Data Format: 7, 8 Bits • Parity Enable, Odd/Even, Error Detection • Stop Bit: 1, 2 Bits • Format Check • 3-Point Input Sampling, Glitch Rejection

    1200bps 391-DS-14 baud rate generator vhdl PDF


    Abstract: C8051F02x baudrate CEX5 f02x P74OUT C8051F023 C8051F120 C8051F121 C8051F122
    Text: AN131 PORTING CONSIDERATIONS FROM ‘F02X TO ‘F12X Relevant Devices Clocking This application note applies to the following devices: The main differences in clocking between the C8051F02x series and the C8051F12x series include an on-chip calibrated 24.5 MHz internal

    AN131 C8051F02x C8051F12x C8051F020, C8051F021, C8051F022, C8051F023, C8051F120, C8051F121, C8051F122, baudrate CEX5 f02x P74OUT C8051F023 C8051F120 C8051F121 C8051F122 PDF


    Abstract: C513AO-2E C500 C513A C513AO-L SAB-C501 siemens trio ttl C505C S3 TRIO 64
    Text: SAB-C501 Since April 1, 1999, Siemens Semiconductor is Infineon Technologies. The next revision of this document will be updated accordingly. C513AO 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller User’s Manual 05.99 h de . s n e r/ m to e c i .s du w n o w c /: /w emi ttp S

    SAB-C501 C513AO AG1999. C513AO C513AO-2E C500 C513A C513AO-L SAB-C501 siemens trio ttl C505C S3 TRIO 64 PDF

    ixxat usb-to-can

    Abstract: AT91SAM7X JTAG Programmer AT91BOOTDLL usb-to-can AT91SAM7X256 jlink-arm ixxat ixxat usb-to-can compact pAT91BootDLL 0xFFFFF240
    Text: AT91 In-system Programmer ISP . User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction . 1-1

    6224D 28-Jul-06 ixxat usb-to-can AT91SAM7X JTAG Programmer AT91BOOTDLL usb-to-can AT91SAM7X256 jlink-arm ixxat ixxat usb-to-can compact pAT91BootDLL 0xFFFFF240 PDF