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    CEMOS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: cemos Electronic contactors On/off/reverse switching functions for loads and motors Zero-sequence voltage switch Short closing/opening times High switching frequency 400 V AC / 2A Electronic three phase contactor 400 V AC / 2,5A Electronic reversing contactor


    overload protection of induction motor

    Abstract: function of overload relay three-phase control signal application of thermistor relay electronic relays Thermistor monitoring relay
    Text: cemos cemos Function module General information General information cemos Thermistor overload relay TMS 101 Monitoring modules General General General As opposed to mechanical contactors, electronic load relays offer the benefit of a practically unlimited service life and a high



    Abstract: Z80A CPU z80a-cpu sense amplifier bitline memory device Application Note 02 datasheet and application 7217 idt7134 MICROPROCESSOR 68000 2kx8 interfacing IDT7050
    Text: INTRODUCTION TO IDT's FourPort RAM APPLICATION NOTE AN-45 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. By John R. Mick INTRODUCTION Integrated Device Technology is continuing to pioneer higher speed and higher density static RAMs. As IDT has improved its CEMOS™ technology, new RAM architectures and additional features have become feasible. The end result is that

    AN-45 IDT7052 12-transistor IDT7050 Z80A Z80A CPU z80a-cpu sense amplifier bitline memory device Application Note 02 datasheet and application 7217 idt7134 MICROPROCESSOR 68000 2kx8 interfacing PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CM O S O CTAL D FLIP-FLOP WITH CLEAR IDT54/74FCT273 IDT54/74FCT273A FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • IDT54/74FCT273 equivalent to FAST speed; The IDT54/74FCT273 and IDT54/74FCT273A are octal D flipflops built using advanced CEMOS™, a dual metal CMOS tech­

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    IDT54/74FCT273 IDT54/74FCT273A IDT54/74FCT273 IDT54/74FCT273A MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CM OS NON-INVERTING BUFFER TRANSCEIVER IDT54/74FCT245 IDT54/74FCT245A FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • T h e ID T54/74FC T245 and ID T54/74FC T245A are 8-bit non­ inverting, b id ire c tio n a l buffers b u ilt u sing a dva n ce d CEMOS , a dual m etal C M O S te c h n o lo g y . These b id ire c tio n a l buffers have

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT245 IDT54/74FCT245A T54/74FC T245A MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT54/74FCT139T IDT54/74FCT139AT IDT54/74FCT139CT FAST CMOS DUAL 1-OF-4 DECODER WITH ENABLE Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • • • The IDT54/74FCT139T/AT/CT are dual 1-of-4 decoders built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal CMOS technol­

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT139T IDT54/74FCT139AT IDT54/74FCT139CT IDT54/74FCT139T/AT/CT IDT54/74FCT139T IDT54/74FCT139AT IDT54/74FCT139CT HJT54/74FCT139AT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CMOS OCTAL LATCHED TRANSCEIVER Integrated Device Technology« Inc. IDT54/74FCT543 IDT54/74FCT543A IDT54/74FCT543C FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • • • The IDT54/74FCT543/A/C is a non-inverting octal trans­ ceiver built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal CMOS

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT543 IDT54/74FCT543A IDT54/74FCT543C IDT54/74FCT543/A/C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT54/74FCT540/A IDT54/74FCT541/A FAST CM OS O CTAL BUFFER/ LINE DRIVER FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • The IDT54/74FCT540/A and IDT54/74FCT541/A are octal buffer/line drivers built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal CMOS technology. These devices are similar in function to the IDT54/74FCT240

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT540/A IDT54/74FCT541/A IDT54/74FCT540/A IDT54/74FCT541/A IDT54/74FCT240 IDT54/74FCT241, IDT54/74FCT540/41 1DT54/74FCT540A/41A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT7216L IDT7217L 1 6 x 1 6 PARALLEL CMOS MULTIPLIERS Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • 1 6 x 1 6 parallel multiplier with double precision product • 20ns clocked multiply time • Low power consumption: 120mA • Produced with advanced submicron CEMOS high

    OCR Scan
    IDT7216L IDT7217L 120mA T7216L T7217L 25e0lbl08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3.3V CMOS OCTAL BUFFER/LINE DRIVER PRELIMINARY IDT54/74FCT3244/A Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • 0.5 MICRON CEMOS Technology The IDT54/74FCT3244/A octal buffer/Jine drivers are built using advanced CEMOS, dual metal CMOS technology. These

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT3244/A IDT54/74FCT3244/A FCT3244 FCT3244A PDF


    Abstract: lifo stack IDT39C10
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE T7 D e | MÖE5771 0005001 7 9 4825771 INTEGRATED DEVICE MICROSLICE PRODUCT FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Low-power CEMOS ” The IDT39C10 microprogram sequencers are designed for use In high-performance microprogram state machines. These micro­

    OCR Scan
    E5771 IDT39C10B Z910A IDT39C1QC 33-Deep 12-blt 40-pin 44-pln IDT39C10 39C10 lifo stack PDF


    Abstract: 7M206 7027-A
    Text: Integrated Device Technology* Inc. 8K X 9 & 16K X 9 CEMOS PARALLEL IN-OUT FIFO MODULE FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • First-In/First-Out memory module 8K x 9 organization IDT7M205S 16K x 9 organization (1DT7M206S) High speed: 20ns (max.) access time

    OCR Scan
    IDT7M205S IDT7M206S IDT7M205S) 1DT7M206S) 205S/206Sare IDT7203 IDT7204 1DT7M205S/206S 8K/16K MIL-STD-883, 7027a 7M206 7027-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRA TED DEVICE T 7 4825771 INTEGRATED Î>Ë 4fiE5771 OOOSSia 2 97D DEVICE 02598 D DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: The IDT78C64A Is a 5 volt only 8K x 8 Electrically Erasable Pro­ grammable Read-Only Memory EEPROM). Fabricated using IDT’s CEMOS process, this EEPROM provides 64Kblts of non­

    OCR Scan
    4fiE5771 64-byte 100mA PDF


    Abstract: IDT7203 IDT7204 7M205S120 7M206S120
    Text: 8K X 9 & 16K X 9 CEMOS PARALLEL IN-OUT FIFO MODULE In te g ra te d D evice T echnology, In c. FEATURES: • • • • First-In/First-Out memory module 8K x 9 organization 1DT7M205S 16K x 9 organization (1DT7M206S) High speed: 20ns (max.) access time

    OCR Scan
    IDT7M205S IDT7M206S 1DT7M205S) 1DT7M206S) 205S/206S IDT7203 IDT7204 IDT7M205S/206S 8K/16K 7M205 1DT7M206S IDT7203 IDT7204 7M205S120 7M206S120 PDF


    Abstract: IDT49FCT805A idt49fct8058 T49FC
    Text: I D T 4 9 F C T 8 G 5 80 6 A Dat a B o o k A, S e c t i o n 6. 30, Pag e 1 FAST CMOS BUFFER/CLOCK DRIVER IDT49FCT805/A IDT49FCT806/A Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • The IDT49FC T805/A and ID T49FC T806/A are clock drivers built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal CMOS

    OCR Scan
    IDT49FCT805/A IDT49FCT806/A IDT49FCT MIL-STD-883, 1117z IDT49FCT805A idt49fct8058 T49FC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CMOS 8-INPUT MULTIPLEXER IDT54/74FCT151T/AT/CT IDT54/74FCT251T/AT/CT Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • The IDT54/74FCT151T/AT/CTand IDT54/74FCT251T/AT/ CT are high-speed 8-input multiplexers built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal CMOS technology. They select one

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT151T/AT/CT IDT54/74FCT251T/AT/CT IDT54/74FCT151T/251T IDT54/74FCT151T/AT/CTand IDT54/74FCT251T/AT/ IDJ54/74FCT151T/AT/CT 500fi 74FCT251T PDF


    Abstract: IDT39C01 DSC 9000 G1990
    Text: IDT39C01C IDT39C01D IDT39C01E 4-BIT CMOS MICROPROCESSOR SLICE Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Low-power CEMOS - Icc max. Military: 35mA Commercial: 30mA Fast - IDT39C01C — meets 2901C speeds - IDT39C01D — 20% speed upgrade

    OCR Scan
    IDT39C01C IDT39C01D IDT39C01E IDT39C01C 2901C IDT39C01D IDT39C01E IDT39C01S 40-pin 44-pin 39C01 IDT39C01 DSC 9000 G1990 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS BUFFERS ¡n í^ r r í^ o IDT54/74FCT828A/B FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Faster than AMD’s Am29827-28 series The IDT54/74FCT800 Series is built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal CMOS technology. The IDT54/74FCT827A/B and IDT54/74FCT828A/B 10-bit bus

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT828A/B Am29827-28 IDT54/74FCT800 IDT54/74FCT827A/B IDT54/74FCT828A/B 10-bit 200mV IDT54/74FCT827A/B-IDT54/74FCT828A/B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12-BIT CM O S MICROPROGRAM SEQ UENCER IDT39C10B id t 39C10C Inreg^red D evice Technology Jnc MICROSLICE PRODUCT FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Low-power CEMOS ™ The IDT39C10 microprogram sequencers are designed for use in high-performance microprogram state machines. These micro­

    OCR Scan
    12-BIT IDT39C10B 39C10C IDT39C10 IDT39C10s 33-deep 39C10 MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CMOS 1-OF-8 DECODER WITH ENABLE Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT54/74FCT138T IDT54/74FCT138AT IDT54/74FCT138CT FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • • • The IDT54/74FCT138T/AT/CT are 1-of-8 decoders built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal CMOS technology.

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT138T IDT54/74FCT138AT IDT54/74FCT138CT IDT54/74FCT138T/AT/CT IDT54/74FCT138T/ 1-of-32 HJT54/74FCT138CT 74FCT138AT PDF

    Z27 TRW

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 6 x 1 6 PARALLEL CMOS MULTIPLIER-ACCUMULATOR IDT7210L In teg rated Device T echnology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • The IDT7210 is a high-speed, low-power 1 6 x 1 6-bit parallel multiplier-accumulator that is ideally suited for real-time digital signal processing applications. Fabricated using CEMOS

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    IDT7210L IDT7210 TDC1010J IDT7210 Z27 TRW PDF

    equivalent diode for R2C

    Abstract: IZH12
    Text: H IG H - P E R F O R M A N C E ID T54/74FCT861-64B C M O S BUS TR AN S CEIV E RS FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • 35% faster th a n A M D ’s A m 2 9 8 6 1 -6 4 series The ID T54/74FC T800 Series is built using advanced CEMOS , a dual metal C M O S technology.

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT861-64B Am29861-64 200mV MIL-STD-883 CT64S-007 SSDAHCT645-005 SSOAHCT645-006 SSDAHCT645-008 equivalent diode for R2C IZH12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CMOS 16-BIT REGISTERED TRANSCEIVER FEATURES: • Common features: - 0.5 MICRON CEMOS Technology - High-speed, low-power CEMOS replacement for ABT functions - Typical tSK o (Output Skew) < 250ps - ESD > 2000V per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015; > 200V using machine model (C = 200pF, R = 0)

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT 250ps MIL-STD-883, 200pF, FCT16952AT/BT/CT/DT: -32mA FCT162952AT/BT/CT/DT: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE 3ÔE D • 4A2S771 0007174 Ô ■ IDT _ "T- Hfc-2.2-11 2 X 4K x 60 DATA/INSTRUCTION CACHE MODULE FOR IDT79R3000 MULTIPROCESSOR _ PRELIM INARY IDT7MB6064 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High-speed CEMOS static RAM module constructed

    OCR Scan
    4A2S771 IDT7MB6064 IDT79R3000 IDT79R3000 12MHz, 20MHz, 25MHz 33MHz IDT7MB6064 p1aa PDF