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    CHN 625 DIODE Search Results

    CHN 625 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    CHN 625 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    mdd 2605

    Abstract: HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943
    Text: 755 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Optoelectronics, Solid State Illumination & Displays Page Alphanumeric LCD Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 Alphanumeric LED Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900

    element-14 element14 mdd 2605 HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943 PDF

    chn 627

    Abstract: chn 810 CHN 725 diode chn 610 chn 630 b244a k 3511 CHN 420 CHN 727
    Text: 16-BIT SYNCHRONOUS 2:1 MUX/DEMUX SWITCH IDT74FST163232 ADVANCE INFORMATION In te g ra te d D evice T echnology, Inc. driver. These devices connect input and output ports through an n-channel FET. When the gate-to-source junction of this FET is adequately forward-biased the device conducts and

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    16-BIT IDT74FST163232 FST163xxx MIL-STD-883, 200pF, FST163232 48-Pin 56-Pin chn 627 chn 810 CHN 725 diode chn 610 chn 630 b244a k 3511 CHN 420 CHN 727 PDF


    Abstract: bat59 Pin connection of bk 1085 BAT39 BAT52 BAV72 BAT10 BAW96 BAV71 BAT50R
    Text: Microwave solid state mixer diodes M axim um Operating Frequency GHz Type No. book 1 part 8 Typical Noise Figure (dB) Typical Impedance 8.5 750 O perating Temperature Z if Drawing i'e fe re n c e O u tlin e <oc> (Í2) GERMANIUM POINT CONTACT 40 AAY34 - 5 5 t o +100

    OCR Scan
    AAY34 S0D-42 BAT10 SAT11 BAT39 CV7762) BAT39A OD-42 BAT50R SO-26 BAV46 bat59 Pin connection of bk 1085 BAT39 BAT52 BAV72 BAW96 BAV71 PDF

    DIODO LN4148

    Abstract: A2 diodo zener diodo zener 5.1 B2 diodo 1n4148 diodo s4 diodo s4 81 6.8 B2 diodo a52 zener diode diodo 72 DIODO LED
    Text: Microminiature devices diodes book 1 part 3 Outline SO T-23 Type No. | | » Q £ BAV70 X4 BAW66 X5 BAV99 X6 Description Common cathode double diodo Common anode double diodo Two diodes i n series intended for high speed switching. Vrrm Ifrm Max. Reverse Recovery Time, t rr

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    OT-23 BAV70 BAV99 1N4148 200mW OT-23 BZX84 h--22-> crt6-25 DIODO LN4148 A2 diodo zener diodo zener 5.1 B2 diodo 1n4148 diodo s4 diodo s4 81 6.8 B2 diodo a52 zener diode diodo 72 DIODO LED PDF

    OA90 diode

    Abstract: OA90 germanium diode oa47 diode OA95 diode diode aa119 Germanium Diode OA91 DIODE OA95 AA119 DIODE OA90 OA91
    Text: Diodes Milliard diodes are supplied bandoliered. Exceptions are noted below. Bandolier packing DO-7 D O -35 SOD-17 7000 9000 9000 F o r fu rth e r details conta ct M illia rd House. germanium point contact diodes book 1 part 3 Outline DO-7 Drawing reference D1

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 OD-17 AA119 h--22-> crt6-25 OA90 diode OA90 germanium diode oa47 diode OA95 diode diode aa119 Germanium Diode OA91 DIODE OA95 DIODE OA90 OA91 PDF


    Abstract: zener bzx87 c5v8 zener
    Text: Silicon voltage regulator diodes low power cont. book 1 part 3 Outline SOD—51 Drawing reference V 1 ,5 W (Tamt)*= 25°C) Ì 5% voltage toi «rance Type No. BZX87 Nom. Zerter Voltage (V) Min. Vottage (V) —C5V1 -CSV6 5.1 5.6 4.8 5.2 5.8 6.4 Typ. Temp.

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    BZX87 h--22-> crt6-25 BZX87 zener bzx87 c5v8 zener PDF

    bf4 0c

    Abstract: bridge RECTIFIER GI OSB9210 OSM9410 OSM9510 OSS9210 08M9110 SO-26 BB5 SOT23
    Text: Silicon rectifier diodes and bridge m odules high voltage devices Type No. •f AV O SS9110- 3 t o -30 3,5 A (6 A in oil) OSS9210 - 3 t o <30 5A (20 A in oil) O SS9410- 3 t o -30 1 0A (30 A. in oil) O S B 9H O - 4 t o -30 7A (12 A in oil) OSB9210 - 4 t o -30

    OCR Scan
    OSS9110- to-30 OSS9210 OSS9410- OSB9210 OSB9410- bf4 0c bridge RECTIFIER GI OSM9410 OSM9510 08M9110 SO-26 BB5 SOT23 PDF


    Abstract: BY277 BYX50-200R BYX50-200 bridge RECTIFIER GI by277 750r diode BY223 600R 800R BYW19
    Text: Silicon rectifier diodes and bridge m odules fast recovery rectifier diodes Type No. O utline Drawing reference A (V) (V) (A ) SOD-38 5* 1500 1500 10 20 SOD-38 7 800 1000 800 800 20 7 50 100 150 50 100 150 DO-4 B1 7 200 300 350 600 SOD-38 7 600R 750R SOD-38

    OCR Scan
    BY223 OD-38 BYW19 BYW29 tBYX71 S0D38 BY277 t1N3889 BY223 BYX50-200R BYX50-200 bridge RECTIFIER GI by277 750r diode BY223 600R 800R PDF


    Abstract: BZX90 BY409 BYX35 BY209 BZX91 BY209 A high voltage rectifier diode 1N82S BZX90 3.3
    Text: Diodes low power high voltage diodes I fiav max. Tamb = 3 5°C T oh= 50 C <mA) m A) V rwm max. <kV> Type No. Description 2.5 - B Y182 12 E.H .T. rectifiers in plastic envelopes. 2.5 - B Y 209 11.5 E .H .T. soft-recovery re ctifie r diode. 2,5 - B Y 409

    OCR Scan
    BY209 BY409 BYX35 BYX90 BYX91-90K -120K -150K h--22-> crt6-25 BZX93 BZX90 BZX91 BY209 A high voltage rectifier diode 1N82S BZX90 3.3 PDF


    Abstract: BY206 diode CV8308 SOD-18 BYX94 BY227 diode BY207 Diode 1N4007 DO-7 Rectifier Diode BYX10 diode BY227
    Text: Diodes silicon picoampere diode book 1 part 3 and 4 BAV45 Description I frm m A < i Type No. E xtrem ely lo w leakage and lo w capacitance diode. O utline T O —18. Dwg. ref. A T 5 35 I r at V r 5 (pA ) 100 I r at V r 20 (pA ) max. lF (m A) (V ) Vf at I f

    OCR Scan
    BAV45 BY206 DO-14 BY207 h--22-> crt6-25 CV8805 BY206 diode CV8308 SOD-18 BYX94 BY227 diode Diode 1N4007 DO-7 Rectifier Diode BYX10 diode BY227 PDF


    Abstract: byx22 1200 76F7 BYX42-600R bridge RECTIFIER GI 600R BYX42
    Text: Silicon rectifier diodes and bridge modules book 1 part 4 general purpose rectifiers RA TING S O utline Type No. § B Y X 22 - Drawing reference 200 400 600 800 DO-1 A3 I r a V V rrm V rwm I frm Ifs m 1) A ) 1.4 (V) (V) (A) (A ) 200 200 400 600 800 15 200

    OCR Scan
    BYX22 tBYX49 SOO-38 tBYX38 tBYX98 tBYX72 OD-38 tBYX42 h--22-> crt6-25 byx22 1200 76F7 BYX42-600R bridge RECTIFIER GI 600R BYX42 PDF


    Abstract: BZX81 zener diode bzy88 BZY88 bs9305n041 diode zener BZX61 C 10 1N748A 1N759A
    Text: Silicon voltage regulator diodes low power corIt. 400mW Type Nom. Zener No. Voltage ¡BZY88 (cont) (V) 10 book 1 iDart Min. Voltage (VI Measured at Test lz Max. Voltage (V) 10.6 25 +7.0 5 2.5 7 11.6 25 +8.7 5 2.5 7 Max. Slope Resistance (ft) Typ. Temp. Coefficient

    OCR Scan
    400mW BZY88 h--22-> crt6-25 BZX61 BZX81 zener diode bzy88 BZY88 bs9305n041 diode zener BZX61 C 10 1N748A 1N759A PDF


    Abstract: BZY91R BZX70 c27 BZY93 series BZW86 BS3934
    Text: Silicon voltage regulator diodes medium to high power book 1 part 4 Voltage toterance % 5 5 5 IZRM PZSM A W •C 3-5 20 175 DO-1 5 100 175 DO-1 5 100 150 SOD u p l° T amb Operating voltage A2 A2 B2Y95- 6.8 20 22 24 27 30 5C> mA C7V5 C8V2 C9V1 _C 10 5 400

    OCR Scan
    OD-18 OD-38 h--22-> crt6-25 BZY93 BZY91R BZX70 c27 BZY93 series BZW86 BS3934 PDF

    C5VI ezx79

    Abstract: C9VI C7V6 bs9305n041 zener c7v6 C5VI BS9305 BZX79 BZY88 0B8 diode zener
    Text: Silicon voltage regulator diodes low pow er book 1 part 3 400mW Tamb= so°c ± 5%voltage tolerance. Outline DO-35 Drawing reference H Measured at Test I Max. Voltage <V> Typ. Temp. Coefficient (mV/°C) Test lz (m A) Max I r at V r (V» Type No. B2X79 Nom. Zener

    OCR Scan
    400mW DO-35 BZX79 h--22-> crt6-25 C5VI ezx79 C9VI C7V6 bs9305n041 zener c7v6 C5VI BS9305 BZY88 0B8 diode zener PDF


    Abstract: SOD-18 bzw70 BZW91 BZW70 33 BZW86 SOD-51 BZW70/24
    Text: Silicon surge suppressor diodes selection guide book 1 part 4 S ta n d -o ff v o lta g e V sq pulse 6.2 7.5 8.2 - P o la rity 40QW BZW70 SO D -18 Norm. 5kW BZW91 DO-5 Both D O -30 Both 13kW BZW86 N orm al p o la rity = ca th o de to stu d ; reverse p o la rity (R ) = a no de to stud.

    OCR Scan
    BZW70 OD-18 BZW91 BZW86 DO-30 h--22-> crt6-25 DIODE BZW70 SOD-18 BZW70 33 BZW86 SOD-51 BZW70/24 PDF

    CHN 725 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 20-BIT BUS SWITCH IDT7 4 FST32X L384 In te g r a te d D e v i z e T e c h n o lo g y , î i c . isolating two ports without providing any inherent current sink or source capability. Thus they generate little or no noise of their own while providing a low resistance path for an external

    OCR Scan
    20-BIT FST32X FST32XL384 MIL-STD-883, 200pF, 48-Pin 56-Pin CHN 725 diode PDF

    chn 810

    Abstract: chn 825
    Text: 20-BIT BUS SWITCH IDT74 FST32X L2384 In te g r a te d D e v i z e T e c h n o lo g y , î i c . isolating two ports without providing any inherent current sink or source capability. Thus they generate little or no noise of their own while providing a low resistance path for an external

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    20-BIT IDT74 FST32X L2384 FST32XL2384 MIL-STD-883, 200pF, 48-Pin 56-Pin chn 810 chn 825 PDF


    Abstract: BA280 BB205B BB205 diode ba280 BB205G BA102 sod-23 SOD-52 DIODE BA243
    Text: Diodes book 1 part 3 silicon whiskerless diodes Type No. £ Description 3 O Max. Reverse Recovery Tim e a c f a V rrm I frm Ir avi V (m A ) (m A | Cdmax V f (pF) (V ) m ax a t Ip trr If <mAl (ns) (m A ) Vr IV ) Hl ( f i) fa {m A) BA314 Low voltage stabiliser

    OCR Scan
    BA314 DO-35 BA316 BA317 BA318 BAV10 BAV18 BAV19 BB106 BA280 BB205B BB205 diode ba280 BB205G BA102 sod-23 SOD-52 DIODE BA243 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 24-BIT BUS EXCHANGE SWITCH IDT74FST163213 PRODUCT PREVIEW In te g ra te d D evice T echnology, Inc. or source capability. Thus they generate little or no noise of their own while providing a low resistance path for an external driver. These devices connect input and output ports through

    OCR Scan
    24-BIT IDT74FST163213 FST163xxx MIL-STD-883, 200pF, FST163213 TM-20T0 46B5771 00E111S AZ2A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAST CMOS 1 8 -BIT RE GI S T E R E D TR A N S C E I V E R IDT54/74FCT1 6500AT/CT/ET IDT54/74FCT162500AT/CT/ET bit registered transceivers are built using advanced dual metal CM O S technology. These high-speed, low-pow er 18-bit reg­ • C o m m o n features:

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    IDT54/74FCT1 6500AT/CT/ET IDT54/74FCT162500AT/CT/ET 18-bit 16500AT 1650OCT 16500ET 162500AT 162500C PDF

    amcc q1300t

    Abstract: Q3500T Q1300T Q5000T schematic of TTL XOR Gates ebe switches q5000 ECL100K ECL10K K 4080
    Text: Single Cop; PRELIMINARY DEVICE SPECIFICATION W it h '- e a J9 Q M C R O C IR C U I T S C O R P O R A T I O N Q5000 SERIES ECL/TTL LOGIC ARRAYS O DESCRIPTION The A M C C Q 5000 Series of log ic arrays is co m p rise d of five p ro d u cts ranging in density from 1300 to 5000

    OCR Scan
    Q5000 800MHz. /D1003-0587 amcc q1300t Q3500T Q1300T Q5000T schematic of TTL XOR Gates ebe switches ECL100K ECL10K K 4080 PDF

    CHN 623 Diodes

    Abstract: AD623
    Text: ANALO G DEVICES Single Supply, Rail-to-Rail, Low Cost Instrumentation Anpl if ier AD623 FEATURES Easy to Use H ig h e r P erform ance th a n D iscrete Design S in g le and Dual S u p p ly O p e ra tio n R ail-to-R ail O u tp u t S w in g In p u t V o lta g e Range E xtends 150 m V B elow G round

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    AD623A) AD623B) CHN 623 Diodes AD623 PDF

    LM 7432

    Abstract: or ic 7432 CHN 625 diode
    Text: uTECHNOLOGY u m _LTC1066-1 14-Bit DC A ccurate ^Clock-Tunable, 8th Order Elliptic . / or Linear Phase Lowpass Filter F tn T U IK S D € S C R IP T IO n • DC Gain Linearity: 14 Bits ■ Maximum DC Offset: ±1.5mV ■ DC Offset TempCo: 7|oV/°C

    OCR Scan
    80kHz 120kHz 500MQ 14-Bit LTC1066-1 18-Lead LM 7432 or ic 7432 CHN 625 diode PDF


    Abstract: TAA 981 E25C5 TC8066PB sn 8400 sn 8408 selen-gleichrichter Halbleiterbauelemente DDR A109D SY 170
    Text: [ n r D D lk D ^ i^ B lB k f a n a n ilK Halbleiter-Bauelemente Kurzinformation D ie M ik ro e le k tro n ik e rw e is t sich in te rn a tio n a l m e h r u n d m eh r a ls e in e n ts c h e id e n d e r F a k to r be i d e r D u rc h s e tz u n g d e s w isse n s c h a ftlic h -te c h n is c h e n F o rts c h ritte s a lle r B ere ich e d e r W irts c h a ft un d

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