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    Abstract: CISPR22 GPBW52V04R
    Text: BOLERO HV Series 48V Input, 52VDC, 4A Output The Bolero HV half brick is a High Power CoolConverter in the Galaxy family of high-efficiency DC/DC converters. Low profile single board layout provides high reliability and metal baseplate improves thermal performance by >10°C

    52VDC, 330kHz bolero CISPR22 GPBW52V04R PDF


    Abstract: Si8420B Si8421B Si8410B Si8410 Si8420 Si8421 VDE0884 SI8420-B-IS Si8420-B
    Text: Si8410/20/21 S INGLE A N D D UAL -C HANNEL D IGITAL I SOLATORS Features High-speed operation Pin Assignments 2500 VRMS isolation DC – 150 Mbps Narrow Body SOIC Transient Immunity Low propagation delay >25 kV/µs <10 ns DC correct No start-up initialization required

    Si8410/20/21 Si841x Si842x Si8421A Si8420B Si8421B Si8410B Si8410 Si8420 Si8421 VDE0884 SI8420-B-IS Si8420-B PDF


    Abstract: Si8410 Si8421 VDE0884 SI8410-C-IS
    Text: Si8410/20/21 S INGLE & D UAL - C HANNEL D IGITAL I SOLATORS Features High-speed operation Pin Assignments 2500 VRMS isolation DC – 150 Mbps Narrow Body SOIC Transient Immunity Low propagation delay >25 kV/µs <10 ns DC correct No start-up initialization required

    Si8410/20/21 Si841x Si842x Si8420 Si8410 Si8421 VDE0884 SI8410-C-IS PDF

    schematic diagram 48V solar charge controller

    Abstract: schematic diagram 48V solar controller CP2725 CC109145331 J2007001 CP2000 GR-63-CORE Zone 4 test CC848781534 CP2725AC54TEZ CC109140027
    Text: PRODUCT OVERVIEW Compact Power Line 48V DC Critical Power Solution Benefits Reliability • Compact 48V DC distributed power system • Efficiency approaching 97% • Maximum power in minimal space – Proven field performance – Advanced alarming – N+1 modularity

    877-LINEAGE schematic diagram 48V solar charge controller schematic diagram 48V solar controller CP2725 CC109145331 J2007001 CP2000 GR-63-CORE Zone 4 test CC848781534 CP2725AC54TEZ CC109140027 PDF


    Abstract: RF transmitter and receiver Si8440 Si8442 SOIC-16 VDE0805 VDE0884 SI8440-C-IS Si8441C Si8440C
    Text: Si8440/1/2 Q U A D -C H A N N E L D I G I TA L I S O L A T O R Features Pin Assignments High-speed operation: DC – 150 Mbps Low propagation delay: <10 ns Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.375–5.5 V Low power: I1 + I2 < 12 mA/channel at 100 Mbps Precise timing:

    Si8440/1/2 SOIC-16 Si8441 RF transmitter and receiver Si8440 Si8442 VDE0805 VDE0884 SI8440-C-IS Si8441C Si8440C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAURUS Series Industry’s Highest Efficiency DC/DC Converter 48V Input, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.0V, 2.5V, 3.3VDC, 40A Output or 5.0VDC, 30A Output The Taurus half brick is the first CoolConverter in the Galaxy family of high-efficiency DC/DC converters. The open frame Taurus



    Abstract: 48V to 300V dc dc converter taurus GHTW3V340 planar transformer 24V CISPR22 GHTW5V040 HC Logic Family Galaxy Power, Inc GHTW2V060
    Text: TAURUS HC Series Industry’s Highest Efficiency DC/DC Converter 48V or 24V Input, 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.0V, 2.5V, 3.3VDC, 60A Output or 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.0V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5.0VDC, 40A Output or 5.0VDC, 30A Output The High Current Taurus half brick is another CoolConverter in the Galaxy


    asda data sheet

    Abstract: asda digital galvanic isolator digital galvanic isolator mbps digital Isolator interface AN375 Si8400 VDE0884 SI8400AB Si8405AB-B-IS
    Text: Si840x B IDIRECTIONAL I 2 C I SOLA TORS WITH U NIDIRECTIONAL D IGITA L C HANNELS Features Pin Assignments  Independent, bidirectional SDA and SCL isolation channels  Open  drain outputs with 35 mA sink current Supports  2 I C clocks up to 1.7 MHz

    Si840x Si8405) SO-16 asda data sheet asda digital galvanic isolator digital galvanic isolator mbps digital Isolator interface AN375 Si8400 VDE0884 SI8400AB Si8405AB-B-IS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si8430/31/35 T R I P L E - C H A N N E L D I G I TA L I S O L A T O R Features Pin Assignments High-speed operation: DC – 150 Mbps Low propagation delay: <10 ns Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.375-5.5V Low power: I1 + I2 < 12 mA/channel at 100 Mbps Precise timing:

    Si8430/31/35 SOIC-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si8440/41/42/45 Q U A D -C H A N N E L D I G I TA L I S O L A T O R Features Pin Assignments High-speed operation: DC – 150 Mbps Low propagation delay: <10 ns Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.375–5.5 V Low power: I1 + I2 < 12 mA/channel at 100 Mbps Precise timing:

    Si8440/41/42/45 SOIC-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si8460/61/62/63 U L T R A L O W P O W E R S I X -C H A N N E L D I G I TA L I S O L A T O R Features Pin Assignments High-speed operation: DC – 150 Mbps  Low propagation delay: <10 ns typical  Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.75–5.5 V  Ultra low power

    Si8460/61/62/63 PDF

    alps touchpad

    Abstract: 2200BG MAINBOARD 855GME ergo ALPS Bluetooth 2200bg Wireless bluetooth Keyboard Mouse pentium m 735 H210 alps lcd 14 pin
    Text: CELSIUS H210 Workstation power in notebook format Issue Pages September 2004 2 CELSIUS workstations are equipped with the very latest technology and system components to deliver high-end performance. They are the ideal hardware choice for business segments like computer aided design and engineering,

    24/10/24-speed 24/10/24/8-speed alps touchpad 2200BG MAINBOARD 855GME ergo ALPS Bluetooth 2200bg Wireless bluetooth Keyboard Mouse pentium m 735 H210 alps lcd 14 pin PDF


    Abstract: SI8431-B-IS Si84xx SI8430-A-IS Si8431 SOIC-16 VDE0884 SI8430-B-IS E257455 RF transmitter and receiver
    Text: Si8430/31/35 T R I P L E - C H A N N E L D I G I TA L I S O L A T O R Features Pin Assignments High-speed operation: DC – 150 Mbps Low propagation delay: <10 ns Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.375-5.5V Low power: I1 + I2 < 12 mA/channel at 100 Mbps Precise timing:

    Si8430/31/35 SOIC-16 Si844x SI8431-B-IS Si84xx SI8430-A-IS Si8431 VDE0884 SI8430-B-IS E257455 RF transmitter and receiver PDF


    Abstract: schematic diagram 48V solar charge controller CP2000AC54 AMP 1450572-1 J2007001 CP2000AC54TEZ SPS841A general electric rectifier manual 1450572-1 J85480S1
    Text: PRODUCT OVERVIEW Compact Power Line 48V DC Critical Power Solution Benefits • Compact 48V DC distributed power system Reliability – Proven field performance – Advanced alarming • Efficiency approaching 97% – N+1 modularity • Maximum power in minimal space



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product data sheet Industrial SlimSSD -297A X-200s Series SATA II - 3.0Gb/s up to UDMA6 / MDMA2 / PIO4 Standard and industrial temperature grade B U: Sw i ss b it Gr ou p Date : 31 Oct o be r 2 0 1 1 Re vi si o n: 1 .1 0 Fi le : X - 2 00 s_ da ta_ s he e t _S A - V x BR_Re v 1 1 0 .d oc

    -297A X-200s CH-9552 Rev110 32GByte -297A) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product data sheet Industrial CFastTM Card F-100 Series SATA II - 3.0Gb/s up to UDMA6 / MDMA2 / PIO4 Standard and industrial temperature grade B U: Sw i ss b it Gr ou p Date : 31 Oct or be r 2 0 1 1 Re vi si o n: 1 .4 1 F - 10 0_ dat a_ sh e e t_ CA - H x BR_Re v 1 4 1. do c

    F-100 CH-9552 Rev141 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product data sheet Industrial SATA SSD 2.5” X-200 Series SATA II - 3.0Gb/s up to UDMA6 / MDMA2 / PIO4 Standard and industrial temperature grade B U: Sw i ss b it Gr ou p Date : Janu ar y 2 , 2 0 1 2 Re vi si o n: 1 . 2 Fi le : X - 2 00_ da ta_ s he e t_ SA - Q x BR _Re v 1 1 2

    X-200 CH-9552 Rev12 64GByte PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product data sheet Industrial mSATA SSD MO-300B X-200m Series SATA II - 3.0Gb/s up to UDMA6 / MDMA2 / PIO4 1GByte density type B U: Sw i ss b it Gr ou p Date : Ju l y 1 9 , 2 0 1 2 Re vi si o n: 1 .0 0 Fi le : X - 2 00 m_d at a_ she e t_ S A - U x BR_ 1 GB . doc

    MO-300B) X-200m CH-9552 MO-300B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product data sheet Industrial SATA SSD 2.5” X-200 Series SATA II - 3.0Gb/s up to UDMA6 / MDMA2 / PIO4 Standard and industrial temperature grade B U: Sw i ss b it Gr ou p Date : De ce m be r 14 , 2 0 1 2 Re vi si o n: 1 .4 0 Fi le : X - 2 00_ da ta_ s he e t_ SA - Q x BR_Re v 1 4 0. doc

    X-200 CH-9552 Rev140 128GByte PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product data sheet Industrial SlimSATA SSD MO-297 X-200s Series UDMA6, low power, 5 V or 3.3 V B U: Sw i ss b it Gr ou p Date : Fe b ru ar y 0 7, 20 1 3 Re vi si o n: 1 .4 0 Fi le : X - 2 00 s_ da ta_ s he e t _S A - V x BR_Re v 1 4 0. do c X-200s Series – Industrial Slim-SATA Solid State Drive

    MO-297 X-200s 64GByte MO-297) MO-297 CH-9552 Rev140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si8430/31/35 T RIPLE - C HANNEL D IGITAL I SOLATOR Features Pin Assignments High-speed operation: DC – 150 Mbps Low propagation delay: <10 ns Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.375-5.5V Low power: I1 + I2 < 12 mA/channel at 100 Mbps Precise timing: 2 ns pulse width distortion

    Si8430/31/35 SOIC-16 PDF


    Abstract: SI8441AB-C-IS si8440 si8441 SI8441BB-C-IS Silicon Lab narrow body SOIC 8 pcb pattern Si84xx SI8441-B-IS
    Text: Si8440/41/42/45 U L T R A L O W P O W E R Q U A D -C H A N N E L D I G I TA L I S O L A T O R Features Pin Assignments High-speed operation:  DC – 150 Mbps  Low propagation delay: <10 ns typical   Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.75–5.5 V 

    Si8440/41/42/45 SI8441AA-C-IS1 SI8441AB-C-IS si8440 si8441 SI8441BB-C-IS Silicon Lab narrow body SOIC 8 pcb pattern Si84xx SI8441-B-IS PDF


    Abstract: 100BASE IEC61000-6-2 x5200 8-Port Fast Ethernet Switch
    Text: XPress-Pro SW Series Hardened Ethernet Switches Enabling Communication for the Demanding Industrial Environment Part of the DeviceLinx family of network- Combined with our industrial device servers, enablement products, XPress-Pro™ SW series this complete line of rugged, dependable and

    100BA 94012F; 10/100TX, 100BaseFX 24VDC X9294DRKT-01 X9294PMKT-01 100BA 100BASE IEC61000-6-2 x5200 8-Port Fast Ethernet Switch PDF


    Abstract: Si8451 SI8440 Si8450 B23A3 anritsu PATTERN GENERATOR Digital Isolators 4 channel SOIC16 VDE0884
    Text: Si8450/51/52/55 I S O P R O L O W P O W E R F I V E - C H A N N E L D I G I TA L I S O L A T O R Features  High-speed operation: DC to 150 Mbps  Low propagation delay: <10 ns worst case  Wide Operating Supply Voltage: 2.70–5.5 V  Ultra low power typical

    Si8450/51/52/55 SI8451BB Si8451 SI8440 Si8450 B23A3 anritsu PATTERN GENERATOR Digital Isolators 4 channel SOIC16 VDE0884 PDF