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    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM-KIT-OVER100-DE-D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805-1210 over100uF Cap Kit Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
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    Wiremold RFB4CI-TOP

    Wire Ducting & Raceways WIREMOLD
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    Mouser Electronics RFB4CI-TOP
    • 1 $101.59
    • 10 $93.24
    • 100 $86.65
    • 1000 $86.65
    • 10000 $86.65
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation CX0805MRX7R0BB103

    Feed Through Capacitors 100V 0.01uF X7R 0805 20% Thickness=0.85mm
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    TTI CX0805MRX7R0BB103 Reel 8,000 4,000
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation CX1210MKX7R7BB105

    Feed Through Capacitors 16V 1uF X7R 1210 20% Thickness=1.6mm
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    TTI CX1210MKX7R7BB105 Reel 6,000 2,000
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    • 10000 $0.33
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation CX0603MRX7R6BB104

    Feed Through Capacitors 10VDC 0.1uF X7R 0603 20% Thickness=0.65mm
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    TTI CX0603MRX7R6BB104 Reel 4,000
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    • 10000 $0.088
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation CX0603MRX7R9BB103

    Feed Through Capacitors 50V 0.01uF X7R 0603 20% Thickness=0.65mm
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    TTI CX0603MRX7R9BB103 Reel 20,000
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    smt 35rv

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOLID TA N TA LU M CAPACITORS SOLID TANTALUM CAPACITORS 1. HISTORY Today, as m a n y as 6 b illio n s o lid t a n t a lu m ca ­ p a cito rs are p ro d u c e d w o r l d w i d e each year, and it C a p a cito rs th a t use a metal o x id e film h a vin g a

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    Nichicon electrolytic cap ce

    Abstract: Nichicon LQ nichicon lq k nichicon fg Nichicon CE Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors nichicon CE04
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS A nicliicon APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 1. Circuit Design c (1) Please make sure the environm ental and m ounting conditions to which the ca p a cito r will be exposed to are within the conditions

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    PDF CE621 Nichicon electrolytic cap ce Nichicon LQ nichicon lq k nichicon fg Nichicon CE Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors nichicon CE04

    Tekelec TA

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOS CAPACITORS Single - p a d MOS c a p a c ito rs . 44 Multi - p a d MOS c a p a c ito rs . 46 TEKELEC MICROWAVE offers MOS ca p a cito rs in single-pad series OS a n d m ultipad (series CJ)

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P anasonic J57.?y'J74 lUyTyVlECQUT 8»BstmeBS)EiiBitffl Inte rfe re n ce S uppression C a p a cito r M e ta lliz e d P olyester ^ 5 -rx K * u i^ T ji/a > T > it Type ECQUT [Class X2] * X K ^ >; i x f ^ 7 Plastic Film Capacitors 4 X jl- g , 7 :x T iH ) — K

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    103M capacitor

    Abstract: 4539 RS377 itw capacitor itw paktron
    Text: C a p a cito r Type Efficient size Rugged construction Does not fail short - Self healing Low ESR/ESL No entrapped moisture or air in self-encased design No dissimilar metals to chemically degrade or attract moisture High dv/dt Wave solderable Operating temperature range: -55°C to +125°C

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    PDF VDC/250 F100VDCRA4 103M capacitor 4539 RS377 itw capacitor itw paktron


    Abstract: MAX208EAG MAX206 MAX213 MAX200 MAX205 MAX209 MAX211 MAX204-MAX208 RS232 MAX202
    Text: 19-0065; Rev 5; 12/96 +5V R S-232 T ra n sce iv ers with 0.1 [iF E x tern a l C a p a cito rs _ Features Superior to Bipolar: ♦ 0.1 \iF to 10|iF External Capacitors ♦ 120kbits/sec Data Rate ♦ 2 Receivers Active in Shutdown Mode MAX213

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    PDF RS-232 MAX200-MAX211/MAX213 MAX201 MAX209 EIA/TIA-232E 20kbits/sec. MAX208EAG MAX206 MAX213 MAX200 MAX205 MAX211 MAX204-MAX208 RS232 MAX202


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NTE1649 Telephone Ringer, V qc = 29V max 8-Lead DIP, See Diag. 246 NTE1650 28-Lead DIP, See Diag, 251 Video Signal Processor w/Auto Flesh Control, VCC = 15V Peaking C a pa cito r A C C D etector C o lo r C ontrol K ille r D etector

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    PDF NTE1649 NTE1650 28-Lead NTE1655 NTE1662 16-Lead


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *95' XM'JX7>T b74lbh3yTyy M ETA LLIZE D PO LYESTER FILM C A PA CITO R S MALA M A L A Y S ' M FEATURES • S BiltSttcO $ >3 if *1140)15t,' =i > 9> D -7t a •77^^?taU • This capacitors provide self-healing. • For motor starting and phase compensation. • Wax impregnated with aluminum case.

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    PDF b74lbh3yTyy AC220, 50/60HZ 1000QF


    Text: r & r r o K O Ceramic Oadttators CRHT 223 TYPE CRHT MHz band with built in capacitors Available on tape and reel Description • Built-in ca p a cito r M H z band cera m ic oscillators for m icro proce ssors and infra-red rem o te controls, telephone D.T.M .F., reference signal oscillators, etc

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    FTU 2120

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM E L E C T R O L Y T IC CA PA CITO R CD 11B WB • WB # 1 4 FEATURE * S ^ : 85°C 2000'J'Bi Life time:85°C 2000 hours Low profile case size Suited for automotive and portable devices ■ ^'-^SPECIFICATIONS 1$ H I tem iS # t t P e r f o r m a n c e

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    PDF 10X12 10X16 10X20 16X25 16X30 18X35 FTU 2120


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T in JOHANSON High-Q NPO “Porcelain Replacement” Chip Capacitors TE © LC M 1Y DESCRIPTION J o ha nso n T echnology o ffe rs th e se H igh-Q NPO c a p a cito rs as a low co st a lte rn a tive to p orcela in capacitors w hile m aintaining the high quality factor

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    PDF 50kHz,


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: No, 0 3 9 1 SP E C IFIC A TIO N S U R F A C E M O U N T TY PE A L U M IN U M ELEC TR O LYTIC CA PA CITO R S 16CAE10SL Approved by JUNICHI YAMASHITA Date Feb. Checked by TAKARA OKADA Prepared 7, 2003 by HIDESHI FUJIMURA Please return 1 copies after your receipt

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    PDF 16CAE10SL 120Hz)


    Abstract: ltg 551 IEC-1000-4-2 LT1130A LT1131A LT1132A LT1133A LT1134A LT1137A LT1141A
    Text: r r u Æ Lm m J n m LT1130A/LT1140A Series i TECHNOLO GY A d v a n c e d Low Power 5V RS232 Drivers/Receivers w ith Small C ap a cito rs F€AT JR€S D €SCRIf>TIOn • ESD Protection over±10kV (±15kV I EC-1000-4-2 for LT1133A, LT1137A and LT1141A ■ Uses Small Capacitors: 0.1 pF, 0.2joF

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    PDF IEC-1000-4-2 LT1133A, LT1137A LT1141A) 120kbaud 2500pF 250kbaud 1000pF RS232 LT113QA/LT1140A 59ti ltg 551 LT1130A LT1131A LT1132A LT1133A LT1134A LT1141A


    Abstract: rf6609 Reticon RL 512 S
    Text: n EGzO RETICON RF6609A CMOS Low-pass Filter Description N/C; J _ T h e R eticon R F 6 60 9 A is a C M O S , seven -p o le , six-zero, e llip tic lo w -p ass sw itch e d -ca p a cito r filter. It h as e xce lle n t outo f-b a nd rejection, low passb a n d ripple, a nd is latchu p -fre e . It

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    PDF RF6609A RETICON rf6609 Reticon RL 512 S


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SUPERSEDED - SEE SL6670-1, PAGE 279 A w Y PRELIMINAR S em iconductors SL6670 0.95V DC/DC VOLTAGE CONVERTER The SL6670 is a novel B ipo la r m o n o lith ic voltage m u ltip lie r designed to o perate tro m supp ly voltages as low as 0.95V Voltage trip lin g uses a ca pa cito r p um p te ch n iq u e and no

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    PDF SL6670-1, SL6670 SL6670


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Tantalum Capacitors_/k TAS Series — F useG uard — Fused Tantalum Chip The TAS fused tantalum ca p a c ito r is a d e riva tive of th e TAJ ca pa citor. It has the sam e physical size and fo o tp rin t of the TAJ range of ca p a cito rs w hich a llo w s it to be used as a

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI-7151 HI-7151 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R 10-Bit High Speed A/D Converter with Track & Hold GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Harris HI-7151 is a high speed 10-bit A /D converter w hich uses a Tw o Step Flash algorithm to a chieve th ro u g h ­ put rates o f 100 kHz. A unique sw itched ca pa cito r technique

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    PDF HI-7151 10-Bit HI-7151


    Abstract: C1648
    Text: O rder this docum ent by M C12148/D M O TO R O LA M C 12148 Low Power V oltage Controlled O scillator T he M C 1 21 48 requires an external pa rallel ta n k circu it con sistin g o f the in du cto r L and ca p a cito r (C). A v a ra cto r diod e m ay be incorp orated into the

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    PDF C12148/D MC12148/D C12148 C1648


    Abstract: s1h2 Panasonic PPS film HS1104 HS1332
    Text: Panasonic P la stic Film C a p a cito rs PPS Film C a pacitor Type: ECHS N on-inductive construction using PPS film as designed f o r h ig h h e a t r e s is ta n c e a n d h ig h f r e q u e n c y app licatio n s Pi • Features •W id e operating tem perature range -4 0 to + 125°C

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    PDF -100PPM HS1683 s1h2 Panasonic PPS film HS1104 HS1332


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: YIYI # • • Mini-Switchmode Surface Mount Ceramic Capacitors JOHANSON _ _ J o h a n s o n ’s new M ini-S w itchm ode ce ra m ic c a p a c ito r se ries c o m b in e s the a d v a n ta g e s of high c a p a c ita n c e found in tantalum c a p a cito rs

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    PDF EIA-481

    SMD CAPACITORS color code

    Abstract: SMD CAPACITORS color code table smd code capacitor color AT9402 AT9410-0 SMD CAPACITORS color code ceramic Trimmer Capacitors capacitors smd ghz AT9410 AT9402-6
    Text: EMI SURFACE M O U N T T R IM M E R CAPACITORS SMD thin trimmers S M D THIN CERAM IC TRIM M ER CAPACITORS AT9401, A T 9402 & A T 9410 SERIES Description ' SM D th in tr im m e r c a p a c ito rs are an advanced d e v e lo p m e n t in m in ia tu riz e d trim m e r ca p a cito rs

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    PDF AT9401, AT9402 AT9410 ATM02 AT9401 AT9402 AT9402-2 AT9402-2 AT4192: SMD CAPACITORS color code SMD CAPACITORS color code table smd code capacitor color AT9410-0 SMD CAPACITORS color code ceramic Trimmer Capacitors capacitors smd ghz AT9402-6


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A L U M IN U M E L E C T R O L Y T IC C A P A C IT O R S LX LXT [ For 85°C or 105°C 1000 Hours General ] F or P rin te d C irc u it Board H ig h -P e rfo rm a n ce A lu m in u m E le ctro lyic P ow er Supply In p u t and O u tp u t F ilte r C a p a cito rs

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    PDF 2200pF 120Hz,


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic P la stic Film C a p a cito rs Film C a p a citor fo r su rfa ce M ount use Type ECWU C S ta c k e d m e ta lliz e d PEN film a s d ie le c tr ic w ith s im p le m o ld -le s s c o n s tru c tio n IK • Features • S m a ll in size • A p p lic a b le fo r re flo w s o ld e rin g

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    PDF 1105KC 2C474KCV 824KC 105KC


    Abstract: 2A183D 2A123d gpf mkt ecq-uv .1 uF K/2A153d 2A223 2A103D 2A105D 2a152D gpf 0.1
    Text: Panasonic P la stic Film C a p a cito rs Interference S u ppression C a p a citor M etallized P olyester Type ECQUV [Class X2] In a c c o r d a n c e w ith U L /C S A and E u ro p e a n s a fe ty regulations class X2 • Features •C o m p a c t •O v e rv o lta g e stress w ithstanding

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    PDF 00DDDD0 CSAC22 2A153d 2A183D 2A123d gpf mkt ecq-uv .1 uF K/2A153d 2A223 2A103D 2A105D 2a152D gpf 0.1