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    CLAROSTAT 50 K OHM POTENTIOMETER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    X9317WS8IZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9116WM8IZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9317UV8ZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9317TM8ZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    X9317TV8ZT1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    CLAROSTAT 50 K OHM POTENTIOMETER Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Model 585 & 586 Consumer 585 DUAL Series 585 Series 586 500 ohm to 2.0 meg ohm 1.0K-ohm to 1.0meg-ohm 500 ohm to 2.0 meg ohm 1.0K-ohm to 1.0meg-ohm RESISTANCE TOLERANCE: +/-20% standard +/-20% standard LINEARITY: through 100K-ohm +/- 5% Independent +/- 5% Independent

    100K-ohm) CLAROSTAT 485 PDF

    clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer

    Abstract: S-180-a55 clarostat POTENTIOMETER S-180-B55 578 potentiometer clarostat Carbon Rotary Potentiometers - 16 mm size 6 pin S-180-C55 S-180-A55W clarostat POTENTIOMETER 380 Clarostat Sensors and Controls
    Text: LINEAR AND ROTARY POSITION Clarostat Rotary Position Transducers TH100 Series HRS100 Series, Hall-effect The TH-100 Series puts Honeywell’s proven variable-resistor technology to work in angle-management applications such as control-lever sensing and equipment position feedback. High performance and low cost make it

    TH100 HRS100 TH-100 S-180-A55 S-180-B55 S-180-C55 S-180-A55W S-180-B55W S-180-C55W clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer S-180-a55 clarostat POTENTIOMETER S-180-B55 578 potentiometer clarostat Carbon Rotary Potentiometers - 16 mm size 6 pin S-180-C55 S-180-A55W clarostat POTENTIOMETER 380 Clarostat Sensors and Controls PDF


    Abstract: clarostat mod pot clarostat POTENTIOMETER Clarostat type J clarostat ej mod pot 70 series clarostat potentiometer type j Clarostat U80 Clarostat rv6 military resistors catalog
    Text: . the hottest resistive control products and solutions from . . . . . . . . theNEW Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: 800 670-4183 ●


    Potentiometers 10K LOG

    Abstract: 753-5308 476 10k 615 431 hall effect clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer clarostat potentiometers 20 dual Potentiometers 10K clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k 574SX1M48S103SD
    Text: Clarostat Commercial Potentiometers Visit ClarostatÕs Website at Series HRS100 Ñ Hall Effect Rotary Position Sensor Ñ NEW Ñ Model 574 Commercial Potentiometers This low mount commercial potentiometer features conductive plastic elements, quiet electrical output, smooth feel,

    HRS100 590SX1N56S102SP 590SX1N56S502SP 590SX1N56S103SP Potentiometers 10K LOG 753-5308 476 10k 615 431 hall effect clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer clarostat potentiometers 20 dual Potentiometers 10K clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k 574SX1M48S103SD PDF

    new england rotary potentiometer

    Abstract: DR12N05KB7G RV4NAYSD502A HRS100 clarostat RV4 potentiometers RV6LAYSA103A New England Instruments MLT 22 609 RV6NAYSD103A clarostat POTENTIOMETER
    Text: LINEAR AND ROTARY POSITION Linear and Rotary Position Position sensors respond to the movement or location of a target, such as a molding press slide or a pulley shaft, by producing either a digital or an analogue output correlated to its location. Honeywell position sensors include

    53C1100 53C1250 53C1500 53C11K 53C12500 53C15K 53C110K 53C125K 53C150K 53C1100K new england rotary potentiometer DR12N05KB7G RV4NAYSD502A HRS100 clarostat RV4 potentiometers RV6LAYSA103A New England Instruments MLT 22 609 RV6NAYSD103A clarostat POTENTIOMETER PDF

    clarostat POTENTIOMETER dual 500k

    Abstract: mil-r-22 clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k 380-C1-500-S clarostat POTENTIOMETER 380-C3-100-S 381NS clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer 380C3-10K-S 380-C3-500K-S
    Text: Clarostat Potentiometers and Rheostats Visit ClarostatÕs Website at Series 381 1-Watt 5/8" Diameter Thick Film Conductive Plastic 2-Watt Series 380 Thick Film Conductive Plastic Called the ÒQuiet OnesÓ These quiet, precision-made potentiometers are made by a controlled process that virtually insures a reliable, homogeneous and strain-free resistance

    32NEF-2A Resista3-0600 CR-12 CR-25 clarostat POTENTIOMETER dual 500k mil-r-22 clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k 380-C1-500-S clarostat POTENTIOMETER 380-C3-100-S 381NS clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer 380C3-10K-S 380-C3-500K-S PDF

    rx1 1240

    Abstract: clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k clarostat POTENTIOMETER 73JA Potentiometer 25K clarostat potentiometer model 43 4957 GM clarostat A43-500 clarostat POTENTIOMETER 1k clarostat 44 clarostat Potentiometers
    Text: Clarostat Potentiometers, Decade Box, Knobs and Dials Digital Readout Dials Visit ClarostatÕs Website at 10-Turn 1" Diameter Concentric Scale Dials Calibrated dials designed for multi-turn potentiometers up to ten turns. Requires only one inch of

    10-Turn 32-NEF-2A A43-50K 753-01XX rx1 1240 clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k clarostat POTENTIOMETER 73JA Potentiometer 25K clarostat potentiometer model 43 4957 GM clarostat A43-500 clarostat POTENTIOMETER 1k clarostat 44 clarostat Potentiometers PDF


    Abstract: fr102u clarostat 200 ohm MIL-R-94 B 503 10 pin Potentiometers variable resistive clarostat Potentiometers B 504 Potentiometers 013T4 clarostat potentiometers 20
    Text: CLAROSTAT MANUFACTURING bSE D • 215flb75 Q 0 0 1 Q 2 7 QOS Type F Hot-Molded Trimming Potentiometers Features_ Benefits- ■ 5000 Mechanical Cycles . ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers .

    OCR Scan
    0GD1027 clarostat fr102u clarostat 200 ohm MIL-R-94 B 503 10 pin Potentiometers variable resistive clarostat Potentiometers B 504 Potentiometers 013T4 clarostat potentiometers 20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLAROSIAT Consumer Potentiometers Series 585 Series 586 500 ohm to 2.0 meg ohm 500 ohm to 2.0 meg ohm 1.OK-ohm to 1.Omeg-ohm 1.0K-ohm to 1.Omeg-ohm RESISTANCE TOLERANCE: +/-20% standard +/-20% standard LINEARITY: through 100K-ohm +/- 5% Independent +/- 5% Independent

    OCR Scan
    100K-ohm) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series 43 and 45 Features 1 1/8 in. Diameter. 2 and 4 Watt W i re wo li nd Potentiometers • Economical • Versatile - various mounts, terminal & shaft configurations • High torque available • Shaft & mounting seals available • Multiple gangs available

    OCR Scan
    43M/RA20 MIL-R-19 PDF


    Abstract: WA2G056S clarostat POTENTIOMETER RV12Y WA2G056S501UA clarostat 44 Tokyo Cosmos 50K M-4721 clarostat POTENTIOMETER type g Clarostat 382
    Text: Type W Hot-Molded Panel Potentiometers «y#-# * , , Features_ Benefits_ • Immersion Sealed . ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers . ■ Style RV6 .

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-94 M-4721 M-4761 M-4748 B-26S66 M-4766 M4761 F-19942 wa2g WA2G056S clarostat POTENTIOMETER RV12Y WA2G056S501UA clarostat 44 Tokyo Cosmos 50K M-4721 clarostat POTENTIOMETER type g Clarostat 382 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type SP Cermet Panel Potentiometers Features Benefits • 0.375 Inch 9,25m m Diameter ■ 1 Watt @ 7 0 ° C . ■ TCR ± 1 0 0 PPM/C . ■ Immersion Sealed . ■ Sm all Size ■ High Power Capabilities

    OCR Scan
    B-39339 B-39340 B-39341 B-39342 PDF

    B 504 Potentiometers

    Abstract: B 503 10 pin Potentiometers
    Text: Type F H o t-M o ld e d Trim ming Potentiom eters Features_ •5000 Mechanical Cycles ■Linear and Non-Linear Tapers ■Immersion Sealed . Benefits- ■Very Long Rotational Life ■Versatility ■Washable AVAILABILITY

    OCR Scan

    clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type W Hot-Molded Panel Potentiometers Features- Benefits_ • Immersion Sealed . ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers . ■ Style RV6 .

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-94 M4748 M4761 M-4768 M-4761 F-19942 clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER PDF

    clarostat POTENTIOMETER

    Abstract: A43S-300 A43S-10K RA20LASB A43-5000 A43S-1000 clarostat A43-500 AE-20A clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k A43S-4000
    Text: Series 43 and Features 1 1/8 in. Diameter, 2 and 4 Watt Wirewound Potentiometers • E conom ical Versatile - various m ounts, term inal & shaft configurations • • H igh torque available • Sh aft & m ounting seals available • M ultiple gangs available

    OCR Scan
    43M/RA20 MIL-R-19 50Kii A43/A43S A43-100 clarostat POTENTIOMETER A43S-300 A43S-10K RA20LASB A43-5000 A43S-1000 clarostat A43-500 AE-20A clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50k A43S-4000 PDF

    YH 504

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type Y H o t-M o ld e d Trimming Potentiometers C ; i Features- Benefits_ • Thumbwheel/Screwdriver Adjustment ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers . ■ 5000 Mechanical Cycles . ■ Snap-In Panel Mount .

    OCR Scan

    clarostat 500 ohm type j

    Abstract: clarostat dual potentiometer clarostat 625 type j potentiometer Clarostat type J clarostat eja clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer resistor T120 clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50 ohm
    Text: Type E J Hot-Molded Panel Potentiometers Features_ Benefits_ • 1,000,000 M echanical Cycles . ■ Slip Clutch . ■ 2.25 W atts <§ 70° C .

    OCR Scan
    M-2786 clarostat 500 ohm type j clarostat dual potentiometer clarostat 625 type j potentiometer Clarostat type J clarostat eja clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER clarostat 50 k ohm potentiometer resistor T120 clarostat POTENTIOMETER 50 ohm PDF

    clarostat POTENTIOMETER

    Abstract: J-D1N JD1N200P ja1n056s501ua clarostat 10k center tap type J clarostat RV4 potentiometers B 504 Potentiometers Clarostat potentiometers 408 JA1G Clarostat Switch sw 20
    Text: Type J Hot-Molded Panel Potentiometers Features_ Benefits- • 2.25 Watts @ 70°C . ■ 50 Ohm s to 5 Megohms . ■ Multiple Sections/Concentric Shafts

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-94 M-3462 M-3461 B-13750 M-3318 M-2898 M-3252 M-3638 M-3236 M-2786 clarostat POTENTIOMETER J-D1N JD1N200P ja1n056s501ua clarostat 10k center tap type J clarostat RV4 potentiometers B 504 Potentiometers Clarostat potentiometers 408 JA1G Clarostat Switch sw 20 PDF


    Abstract: clarostat type ej Clarostat type J clarostat ej type ej Potentiometers WL rheostat type s 100k variable resistor round body clarostat POTENTIOMETER M2898 clarostat eja
    Text: Type EJ Hot-Molded Panel Potentiometers Features_ Benefits_ •1,000,000 Mechanical Cycles . ■Slip Clutch . ■2.25 Watts @ 70° C . ■50 Ohms to 5 Megohms .

    OCR Scan
    M-2898 M-2786 clarostat POTENTIOMETER TYPE EJ clarostat type ej Clarostat type J clarostat ej type ej Potentiometers WL rheostat type s 100k variable resistor round body clarostat POTENTIOMETER M2898 clarostat eja PDF

    clarostat cm

    Abstract: clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER clarostat dual potentiometer D381N clarostat POTENTIOMETER dual 500k clarostat 381 marking 9tnm clarostat POTENTIOMETER clarostat POTENTIOMETER 381n clarostat cm series
    Text: Series 381 Electrical Specifications Series 381 1 Watt, 5/8 in. Diameter Resistance Range Linear 100ft to 5 Megohms. Tapered 500ft to 2.0 Megohms. See Chart B and C on pages 54 and 55 for explanation of tapers. Special tapers available. Conductive Plasitc Potentiometer

    OCR Scan
    100ft 500ft 500KQ 250Kft. 381NS 381N-Z D381N 381N-I0K-Z. 381N-1QQ-S clarostat cm clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER clarostat dual potentiometer D381N clarostat POTENTIOMETER dual 500k clarostat 381 marking 9tnm clarostat POTENTIOMETER clarostat POTENTIOMETER 381n clarostat cm series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features_ Benefits_ • Thumbwheel/Screwdriver Adjustment ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers . ■ 5000 M echanical Cycles . ■ Snap-In Panel Mount .

    OCR Scan
    comb005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features_ Benefits_ • Thumbwheel/Screwdriver Adjustment ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers . ■ 5000 M echanical Cycles . ■ Snap-In Panel Mount . ■ Versatility ■ Versatility

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features _ B enefits_ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2.25 Watts @ 70°C . 50 Ohms to 5 Megohms . Multiple Sections/Concentric Shafts UL Approved Switches .

    OCR Scan
    M1L-R-94 M3462 PDF


    Abstract: DM4748 19m2 clarostat 44 Clarostat type J Clarostat 382 RV12Y clarostat POTENTIOMETER rv6
    Text: Type W Hot-M olded Panel Potentiom eters V Features- Benefits_ • Immersion Sealed . ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers . ■ Style RV6 .

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-94 B-28868 AM746 F-19M2 M4761 M-4766 M-4761 WA2G056S DM4748 19m2 clarostat 44 Clarostat type J Clarostat 382 RV12Y clarostat POTENTIOMETER rv6 PDF