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    aircraft logic gates

    Abstract: HS 3282 arinc 429 serial transmitter HS-3282 HELICOPTER bell 8086 microprocessor helicopter design AN400 boeing logic gates HS3282
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN400.1 Harris Digital March 1997 Using the HS-3282 ARINC Bus Interface Circuit Author: Daniel B. Clifton Introduction The Harris HS-3282 is a high performance CMOS programmable bus interface circuit that was designed to meet the requirements of ARlNC Specification 429, and similarly

    AN400 HS-3282 aircraft logic gates HS 3282 arinc 429 serial transmitter HELICOPTER bell 8086 microprocessor helicopter design boeing logic gates HS3282 PDF


    Abstract: XC8103
    Text: CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORY 30-Day Design Cycle With XC8100 FPGA Family Design engineers at SIXNET Clifton Park, NY , a manufacturer of industrial control equipment, faced a daunting challenge: to build a new I/O module (from concept to installation at a customer’s site) within eight weeks.

    30-Day XC8100 XC8103 PDF


    Abstract: HS3282 aircraft logic gates boeing 727 AN400 HS 3282
    Text: Using the HS-3282 ARINC Bus Interface Circuit Application Note March 1997 AN400.1 Author: Daniel B. Clifton Introduction Receiver Operation The Intersil HS-3282 is a high performance CMOS programmable bus interface circuit that was designed to meet the requirements of ARlNC Specification 429, and similarly

    HS-3282 AN400 HS3282 aircraft logic gates boeing 727 HS 3282 PDF

    HS 3282

    Abstract: HS-3282 aircraft logic gates arinc 429 serial transmitter AN400 HS3282
    Text: Using the HS-3282 ARINC Bus Interface Circuit TM Application Note March 1997 AN400.1 Author: Daniel B. Clifton Introduction Receiver Operation The Intersil HS-3282 is a high performance CMOS programmable bus interface circuit that was designed to meet the

    HS-3282 AN400 HS 3282 aircraft logic gates arinc 429 serial transmitter HS3282 PDF

    compliance matrix

    Abstract: datadelay
    Text: Data Delay Devices, Inc 3 Mount Prospect Ave Clifton, NJ 07013 Tel: 973-773-2299 Fax: 973-773-9672 Monolithic RoHS-Compliance Matrix as of 3/7/2013 SMD Package ID Series Z D R S SOIC8 SOIC14 SOIC16 SOL16 3D3215 0901 Y 3D3220 Y Y 3D3225

    SOIC14 SOIC16 SOL16 3D3215 3D3220 3D3225 3D3314 3D3323 3D3324 3D3418 compliance matrix datadelay PDF

    gunther 3570.1301

    Abstract: gunther reed relay 3570 Gunther - 3570 MSS4 relay 3570 gunther gunther relay. 3700 gunther reed relay 35631231 3565.1231
    Text: REED RELAY DIMENSIONS PACKAGE STYLE 7 PACKAGE STYLE 8 Comus International 454 Allwood Road Clifton New Jersey 07012 U.S.A Tel: 1 973 - 777 - 6900 Fax:(1)973 - 777 - 8405 email: [email protected] internet: PACKAGE STYLE 9 Assemtech Europe Limited

    B-3700 gunther 3570.1301 gunther reed relay 3570 Gunther - 3570 MSS4 relay 3570 gunther gunther relay. 3700 gunther reed relay 35631231 3565.1231 PDF

    encoder litton

    Abstract: LITTON Shaft encoder LITTON encoder Litton encoders
    Text: OPTICAL ENCODERS All Litton Poly-Scientific, Clifton Precision motors can be fitted with an encoder. Litton Poly-Scientific uses the Hewlett-Packard HEDS and HEDM series of optical encoders as their standard offering. Other encoders are available; if you have a

    HEDS-5500-I HEDL-5500-I encoder litton LITTON Shaft encoder LITTON encoder Litton encoders PDF

    tag 8713

    Abstract: fi1236 ADB 444 Philips Analog TV tuner FI1236 3139 147 tuner 3139 147 tuner 3139 147 13251 FI1236MK2 4020 divider datasheet philips tv tuner 3139 147
    Text: BU TUNERS DATA SHEET FI1236MK2 Desktop video tuner system RTMA M/N Preliminary specification File under BU Tuners, DC03 1996 Mar 19 Philips Components Preliminary specification Desktop video tuner system RTMA M/N FI1236MK2 FEATURES • System RTMA M and N

    FI1236MK2 FI1236MK2/HM/PH FI1236MK2/HM/F COD04 tag 8713 fi1236 ADB 444 Philips Analog TV tuner FI1236 3139 147 tuner 3139 147 tuner 3139 147 13251 FI1236MK2 4020 divider datasheet philips tv tuner 3139 147 PDF


    Abstract: DDU4F-5004 DDU4F-5006 DDU4F-5008 DDU4F-5010 DDU4F-5012 DDU4F-5016 DDU4F-5020 DDU4F-5025 DDU4F-5030
    Text: DDU4F data 3  delay devices, inc. 5-TAP, TTL-INTERFACED FIXED DELAY LINE SERIES DDU4F FEATURES PACKAGES • • • • • Five equally spaced outputs Fits standard 14-pin DIP socket Low profile Auto-insertable Input & outputs fully TTL interfaced & buffered

    14-pin DDU4F DDU4F-5004 DDU4F-5006 DDU4F-5008 DDU4F-5010 DDU4F-5012 DDU4F-5016 DDU4F-5020 DDU4F-5025 DDU4F-5030 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PACKAGES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS C1 A1 H KWO -|.100h .020 H C2 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 • 201 773-2299 ■ FAX (201) 773-9672 ■ TWX 710-989-7008 98 PACKAGES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 ■ (201) 773-2299 ■ FAX (201) 773-9672 ■ TWX 710-989-7008

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OUTLINE DRAWINGS Outline 101 Outline 102 Outline 105 Outline 107 Outlines/ General Info c Outline 108 X PULSAR MICROWAVE CORPORATION 3 OUTLINE DRAWINGS 3 Outlines/ General Info c 48 Industrial West • Clifton, NJ 07012 • Tel: (973) 779-6262 • Fax: (973) 779-2727

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OUTLINE DRAWINGS ORIENTATION IND CATOR \~ - .800 - H Outline 101 Outline 102 Outline 103 Outline 104 Miscellaneous V - ORIENTATION INDICATOR Outline 105 P u l s a r M i c r o w a v e C o r p o r a t i o n OUTLINE DRAWINGS 48 Industrial West ♦ Clifton, N J 07012

    OCR Scan
    500f- PDF


    Abstract: clifton
    Text: PACKAGES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 • 973 773-2299 ■ Fax (973) 773-9672 PACKAGES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS - 350 MAX 040 H K 020-^| [•*- J i , Ü_L k J_L JJj LLX E7 .820 MAX t or case stand-offs 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 ■ (973) 773-2299 ■ Fax (973) 773-9672

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Test Set-Up And Wave Forms Passive Delay Line TEST SET-UP Active Delay Line H -CMOS O SCILLO SCO PE o _ CH •O A TRIG O— IN a ch 0 B TEST SET-UP INPUT OUTPUT (c o n tin u e d n e x t page) 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton. New Jersey 07013 ■ (201) 773-2299 ■ FAX (201) 773-9672 ■ TW X 710-989-7008

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PACKAGES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS i; .090 — 1.100 1.290 MAX •I 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 ■ 201 773-2299 ■ FAX (201) 773-9672 103 PACKAGES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS - 350 MAX H K )?0-H h - H inn r T no _i fl, X LHJl-Jl-JJ 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 ■ (201) 773-2299 ■ FAX (201) 773-9672

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PACKAGES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS C1 - 4 io o | - .882 ± .005 - 8 O \S-b-n A3 -I .020 r , A >r , A '' i - .040 * .300 MAX.’ « - 010 ’ l l - 1 Y ¥ V Y i 7 —1 J r l 050 • 1*.010 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 • 201) 773-2299 ■ FAX (201) 773-9672

    OCR Scan

    passive delay line

    Abstract: pulse
    Text: Test Set-Up And Wave Forms Passive Delay Line INPUT OUTPUT Active Delay Une H - CMOS (continued next page) 3 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 • (201) 773-2299 ■ FAX (201) 773-9672 4 Active Delay Line (TTL) Active Delay Line (ECL) Ei Eo

    OCR Scan

    LM 344 H

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Type5MP Switch-Mode Power SupplyCapacitors Metallized Polypropylene and Military Styles CFR13 and CFR14. Type 5MP capacitors have been developed by Electronic Concepts for use in switching power supplies. These metallized polypropylene capa­ citors are manufactured by using special techniques in order to achieve

    OCR Scan
    CFR13 CFR14. 5MP12 PDF


    Abstract: tic 2250 5MP22K684K 5MP22K225K
    Text: FOR SNUBBER AND HIGH CURRENT DC APPLICATIONS IN THREE STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS FOR GREATER DESIGN FLEXIBILITY 5MP22: axial leads 5MP26: radial tabs/low profile 5MP27: radial tabs/high profile VOLTAGE RATINGS: 400 VDC and 600 VDC / CAPACITANCE: .47 mfd to 6.8 mfd

    OCR Scan
    5MP22: 5MP26: 5MP27: 5MP22 tic 2250 5MP22K684K 5MP22K225K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary WB1333X ill# ICW 0RKS Dual Serial Input PLL with 510MHz Prescalers Features Figure 1 IC W O R KS BiCMOS process Pin Diagram Operating voltage 2.7V to 5.5V v cc2 Operating frequency to 510MHz with inputs of -1 5 d B m and V cc of 3.0V Lock detect feature

    OCR Scan
    WB1333X 510MHz 25MHz 20-pin B1333 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i i l ì ic WORKS Preliminary ,BiJF W40S01 -04 100 MHz SDRAM Buffer Features Key Specifications • Eighteen skew controlled CMOS clock outputs SDRAM0:17 Supply Voltages: VDD = 3.3V±5% Operating Temperature: • Supports four SDRAM DIMMs 0°C to +70°C

    OCR Scan
    W40S01 lntefe440BXchip 133MHz 133MHz PDF


    Abstract: "RF Power Amplifier"
    Text: 8462 Beam Power Tube LESS THAN I-SECOND WARM-UP FOR USE IN L0W-V0LTA6E MOBILE EQUIPMENT UP TO 500 Me COAX IAL-ELECTRODE STRUCTURE CERAMIC-METAL SEALS CONDUCTION COOLED For Use as an RF Power A m p l i f i e r , O s c i l l a t o r , Reg­ u l a t o r , D i s t r i b u t e d A m p l i f i e r , o r L i n e a r RF Power

    OCR Scan
    92CM-12240 T2233 "RF Power Amplifier" PDF


    Abstract: MICA WAFER 11-PIN relay tube socket e f johnson
    Text: RCA-8462 BEAM POWER TUBE Coaxial-Electrode Structure Cera mie-Meta I Seals Mesh Filament R C A - 8 4 6 2 is a very small, low-cost, conduction- c o o l ed b e a m po w e r tube d e s i g n e d for use as an r f p o w e r amplifier, oscillator, regulator, d i s ­

    OCR Scan
    RCA-8462 RCA-8462 105PIN 11-PIN EII-81 92CS-II320 GE11-1 MICA WAFER 11-PIN relay tube socket e f johnson PDF