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    Allied Components International HFCLR03-22NJ-RC

    22nH +/-5% 0402 Hi-Freq Lo-Res
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey HFCLR03-22NJ-RC Reel 1
    • 1 $0.98
    • 10 $0.98
    • 100 $0.85
    • 1000 $0.85
    • 10000 $0.85
    Buy Now

    Allied Components International HFCLR03-27NJ-RC

    27nH +/-5% 0402 Hi-Freq Lo-Res
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey HFCLR03-27NJ-RC Reel 1
    • 1 $0.98
    • 10 $0.98
    • 100 $0.85
    • 1000 $0.85
    • 10000 $0.85
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    CLR032 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2817A 2048 x 8-Bit Electrically Erasable PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • 5-Volt-only operation Wrlte-protect circuitry to preserve data on power up and power down Ready/Busy pin for end-of-write indication • • Self-timed write cycle with on-chip latches

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    Am2817A 10-year Am9864 6891A) 384-bit MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am27S35/Am27S37 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input Versatile programmable asynchronous or synchronous enable for simplified word expansion Buffered common INITIALIZE input either asynchronous (Am27S35) or synchronous (Am27S37)

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    Am27S35/Am27S37 192-Bit 1024x8) 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S35 Am27S37 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices A m 2 8 F 0 1 0 131,072 x 8-Bit CMOS Flash Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS I High perform ance - 90 ns m aximum access tim e Latch-up protected to 100 mA from -1 V to Vcc +1 V • CM OS Low pow er consum ption - 30 m A m aximum active current

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    32-Pin 28F010 PDF

    PLL IC 566

    Abstract: application of IC 566 function generator ne 565 pll Resistor Fuse 4.91 pll 565 application PLL 567 am2971
    Text: Am2971 Programmable Event Generator PEG Am2971 PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • Twelve programmable, registered output waveforms Programmable event intervals down to 10 ns Multiplying phase-locked-loop (PLL) oscillator for im­ proved timing accuracy

    OCR Scan
    Am2971 Am2971 KS000010 WF022521 WF022530 PF001081 PLL IC 566 application of IC 566 function generator ne 565 pll Resistor Fuse 4.91 pll 565 application PLL 567 PDF

    dk qs

    Abstract: CLTO20
    Text: Am27S31 512 X 8 Bipolar PROM High Low High Fast • • • • programming yield current PNP inputs current and three-state outputs chip select GENERAL DESCRIPTION of satisfying the requirements of a variety of microprogrammable controls, mapping functions, code conversion,

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    Am27S31 512-words MIL-STD-883, dk qs CLTO20 PDF


    Abstract: Am27S181/27S181
    Text: A m a 2 7 S 1 8 1 /2 7 S 1 8 1 A A m 2 7 S 2 8 1 Advanced Micro Devices /2 7 S 2 8 1 A 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Fast access time allows high system speed 50% power savings on deselected parts — enhances reliability through total system heat reduction

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    192-Bit 1024x8) Am27S101 Am27S181/27S181 27S281/27S281A TC003452 Am27S181 /27S181A Am27S281/27S281 27S181 PDF


    Abstract: 28F020T
    Text: FIN A L a Am28F020A Advanced Micro Devices 262,144 x 8-Bit CMOS Flash Memory with Embedded Algorithms DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High perform ance - 90 ns m aximum access time, I CMOS low power consum ption - 30 m A m aximum active current - 100 nA m aximum standby current

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    Am28F020A 32-Pin 28F020A 28F020A 28F020T PDF

    AMD 28F512

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a F IN A L Advanced Micro Devices Am28F512 65,536 X 8-Bit CMOS Flash Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High perform ance - 70 ns m aximum access time ■ Latch-up protected to 100 mA from -1 V to Vcc +1 V ■ Low power consum ption - 30 m A m aximum active current

    OCR Scan
    Am28F512 32-pin 28F512 AMD 28F512 PDF


    Abstract: am2971
    Text: Am 2971 Programmable Event Generator PEG PRELIM INARY Distinctive Characteristics • • • • Twelve programmable, registered output waveforms Programmable event Intervals down to 10 ns Multiplying phase-locked-loop (PLL) oscillator for im­ proved timing accuracy

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    Am2971 WF022530 PF001081 IC000881 TS21C PDF


    Abstract: rvb ah
    Text: Am2864BE Advanced Micro Devices 8192 x 8-Bit Electrically Erasable PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • 5-V only operation Military temperature range available Self-timed Write Cycle with on-chip latches R eady/Busy pin and Data Polling for end-of-write

    OCR Scan
    Am2864BE 32-byte 10-year Am2664BE 536-bit WF025172 rvb ah PDF

    Amd 5000 pin diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am99C88/Am99CL88 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • High speed - a c c e s s tim es 7 0/1 0 0 /1 2 0 /1 5 0 ns Low-power requirements: - A m 99C88 Operating: 330 mW M ax. Standy: 16.5 mW Max. - Am 99C L88 Operating: 220 mW Max. Standby: 550 /j W Max. Battery backed-up operation 2 V data retention

    OCR Scan
    Am99C88/Am99CL88 Am99C88 Am99CL88 28-pin MIL-STD-883, Amd 5000 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: AM7204A PDW028
    Text: a Am7204A Advanced Micro Devices High Density First-In First-Out FIFO 4096 x 9-Bit CMOS Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ RAM based FIFO 4096 x 9 organization Cycle times of 25/35/45/65 ns for standard products Cycle times of 40/65 ns for APL products

    OCR Scan
    Am7204A 14430C-20 VM7204 PDW028 PDF


    Abstract: AM27S35A CD3024 PD3024 1024x8 PROM
    Text: Am27S35/S35A/Am27S37/S37A _ „ Advanced Micro Devices 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Slim, 24-pin, 300-mil lateral center package occupies approximately 1/3 the board space required by standard

    OCR Scan
    Am27S35/S35A/Am27S37/S37A 192-Bit 1024x8) 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S35 Am27S37 WF021580 AM27S35A CD3024 PD3024 1024x8 PROM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Am28F020 262,144 x 8-Bit CMOS Flash Memory Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ ■ ■ High performance - 90 ns maximum access time CMOS Low power consumption - 30 mA maximum active current -1 0 0 iA maximum standby current - No data retention power

    OCR Scan
    Am28F020 32-Pin -32-pin PDF


    Abstract: MIL-STD-663
    Text: Am2817 A 2048 x 8-B it E lectrically Erasable PROM • • 5-Volt-only operation Write-protect circuitry to preserve data on power up and power down Ready/Busy pin for end-of-write indication Self-timed write cycle with on-chip latches Minimum endurance of 10,000 write cycles per byte with

    OCR Scan
    Am2817A 10-year Am9864 384-bit MIL-STD-883, 2817a MIL-STD-663 PDF


    Abstract: 27S47A AM27S45A AM27S45 27S45A AM27S47A am27s47 27S45SA 27s47 AM27S45SA
    Text: Am27S45/27S45A/27S45SA Am27S47/27S47A/27S47SA AdJfed 16,384-Bit 2048x8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input Micro vices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • "S A " version offers superior performance with 25 ns setup time and 10 ns clock-to-output delay

    OCR Scan
    27S45/27S45 /27S45S Am27S47/27S47A/27S47SA 384-Bit 2048x8) 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S45 Am27S47 Am27S45/27S45A/27S45SA 27S45 27S47A AM27S45A 27S45A AM27S47A 27S45SA 27s47 AM27S45SA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Am27S31 /27S31A Advanced Micro Devices 512x8 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • High Low High Fast High speed — 35 ns max commercial range access time Excellent performance over full military and commercial ranges Highly reliable, ultra-fast programming Platinum-Silicide

    OCR Scan
    Am27S31 /27S31A 512x8) Am27S31/27S31 Am27S31/27S31A 27s31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am99C88/Am99CL88 8 Kx 8 CMOS Static Random-Access Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • High speed - access times 70/100/120/150 ns Low-power requirements: - Am99C88 Operating: 330 mW Max. Standy: 16.5 mW Max. - Am99CL88 Operating: 220 mW Max. Standby: 550 /jW Max.

    OCR Scan
    Am99C88/Am99CL88 Am99C88 Am99CL88 28-pin MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: AM27S45s
    Text: Am27S45/Am27S47 Am27S45/Am27S47 16,384-Bit 2 0 4 8 x 8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS "S A " version offers superior performance with 25 ns setup time and 1 0 ns clock-to-output delay* Slim, 24-pin, 300-mil lateral center package occupies

    OCR Scan
    Am27S45/Am27S47 384-Bit 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S45 Am27S47 MIL-STD-883, AM27S45A AM27S45s PDF


    Abstract: CD 024 27S43 KS000010
    Text: Am27S43/27S43A Advanced Micro Devices 32,768-Bit 4096x8 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Ultra-fast access time Voltage and temperature compensated providing ex­ tremely flat AC performance over military range Platinum-Silicide fuses guarantee high reliability, fast

    OCR Scan
    Am27S43/27S43A 768-Bit 4096x8) Am27S43 BD006310 KS000010 27S43A CD 024 27S43 KS000010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADV M I C R O { M E M O R Y } fiA 0257528 ADV M IC R O ]>Ë 0 2 5 7 5 2 0 0 D 2 M 7 7 b G iM EM O RY Am99C328 88D r 24776 T -4 6 - 2 3 - 1 4 32,768 x 8 Static R /W Random-Access Memory PRELIMINARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Fast access time — 3 5 /4 5 /5 5 /7 0 ns Maximum

    OCR Scan
    Am99C328 28-pin, 32-pin ---------------------------------WF021812 07430B CLR032 AM99C328-70 PDF


    Abstract: 27s47 am27s47 AM27S45A am27s47a 27S45 27S47A 27S45A AM27S45s Am27S47/27S47A
    Text: Am27S45/27S45A/27S45SA Am27S47/27S47A/27S47SA 7J Advanced 16,384-Bit 2048x8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input D Micro evices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • "S A " version offers superior performance with 25 ns setup time and 1 0 ns clock-to-output delay

    OCR Scan
    Am27S45/27S45A/27S45SA Am27S47/27S47A/27S47SA 384-Bit 2048x8) 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S45 Am27S47 27s47 AM27S45A am27s47a 27S45 27S47A 27S45A AM27S45s Am27S47/27S47A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: -» A /* i. « Advanced Micro High Density First-In First-Out FIFO 4096x9-Bit CMOS Memory Devices a Am7204A DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ RAM based FIFO 4096x9 organization Low power consumption Status flags - full, half-full, empty ■ Cycle times of 25/35/45/65 nanoseconds for

    OCR Scan
    4096x9-Bit Am7204A 4096x9 4430-016A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am7203A High Density First-in First-Out FIFO 2048x9-Bit CMOS Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • RAM based FIFO ■ Low power consumption ■ 2048x9 organization ■ Status flags - full, half-full, empty ■ Cycle times of 25/35/45/65 nanoseconds for

    OCR Scan
    Am7203A 2048x9-Bit 2048x9 4430-016A PDF