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    CODED MARK INVERSION 1994 Search Results

    CODED MARK INVERSION 1994 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LVCH16501APF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APV Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    CODED MARK INVERSION 1994 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: C1995 TP3401 TP3404 V28A TP340X
    Text: July 1994 TP3404 Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops QDASL General Description Features The TP3404 is a combination 4-line transceiver for voice and data transmission on twisted pair subscriber loops typically in PBX line card applications It is a companion device

    TP3404 TP3404 TP3401 TP3404V C1995 V28A TP340X PDF

    coded mark inversion 1994

    Abstract: MC100SX1230 MC100SX1230-D
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information MC100SX1230 CMI Coder/Decoder The MC100SX1230 device consists of a Binary to CMI Coder and CMI to Binary Decoder with integrated loop back capability. The device is

    MC100SX1230 MC100SX1230 28-Pi MC100SX1230/D* MC100SX1230/D BR1334 coded mark inversion 1994 MC100SX1230-D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information MC100SX1230 CMI Coder/Decoder The MC100SX1230 device consists of a Binary to CMI Coder and CMI to Binary Decoder with integrated loop back capability. The device is

    MC100SX1230 MC100SX1230 28-Pi MC100SX1230/D* MC100SX1230/D BR1334 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NRND TP3404 SNOS703 – DECEMBER 2004 TP3404 Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops QDASL Check for Samples: TP3404 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • The TP3404 is a combination 4-line transceiver for voice and data transmission on twisted pair subscriber loops, typically in PBX line card

    TP3404 SNOS703 TP3404 24AWG) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NRND TP3404 SNOS703 – DECEMBER 2004 TP3404 Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops QDASL Check for Samples: TP3404 FEATURES • 1 4 COMPLETE ISDN PBX TRANSCEIVERS INCLUDING: 23 • • • • • 2-WIRE DATA Quad 2 B plus D channel interface for PBX “U”

    TP3404 SNOS703 TP3404 24AWG) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NRND TP3404 SNOS703 – DECEMBER 2004 TP3404 Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops QDASL Check for Samples: TP3404 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • The TP3404 is a combination 4-line transceiver for voice and data transmission on twisted pair subscriber loops, typically in PBX line card

    TP3404 SNOS703 TP3404 TP3401/2/3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NRND TP3404 SNOS703 – DECEMBER 2004 TP3404 Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops QDASL Check for Samples: TP3404 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • The TP3404 is a combination 4-line transceiver for voice and data transmission on twisted pair subscriber loops, typically in PBX line card

    TP3404 SNOS703 TP3404 TP3401/2/3 PDF


    Abstract: DP8492 rll encoder C1995 DP84902 DP84902M DP84902MS DP84910 MSA20 "complementary code"
    Text: DP84902 1 7 Encoder Decoder Circuit General Description The DP84902 is designed to perform the encoding and decoding for disk memory systems It is designed to interface directly with Integrated Read Channel Products such as National Semiconductor’s DP84910 and with Disk Data

    DP84902 DP84902 DP84910) nrzi DP8492 rll encoder C1995 DP84902M DP84902MS DP84910 MSA20 "complementary code" PDF

    "complementary code"

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DP84902 1 7 Encoder Decoder Circuit General Description The DP84902 is available in 20-pin SO and 20-pin SSO packages Features Y Y Y Y Y Y Operates at 2-bit Non-Return to Zero NRZ Data Rates up to 50 Mbits second Single a 5V Power Supply Operation Low Power Dissipation when TTL compatible code output is selected 150 mW at 50 Mbits second NRZ Rate

    DP84902 DP84910) "complementary code" PDF

    "complementary code"

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DP84902 DP84902 1,7 Encoder/Decoder Circuit Literature Number: SNOS712A DP84902 1 7 Encoder Decoder Circuit General Description The DP84902 is available in 20-pin SO and 20-pin SSO packages Features Y Y Y Y Y Y Operates at 2-bit Non-Return to Zero NRZ Data Rates

    DP84902 DP84902 SNOS712A DP84910) "complementary code" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS3112 TEMPE T3 E3 Multiplexer 3.3V T3/E3 Framer and M13/E13/G.747 MUX FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Operates as M13 or E13 multiplexer or as standalone T3 or E3 framer Flexible multiplexer can be programmed for

    DS3112 M13/E13/G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS3112 TEMPE T3 E3 Multiplexer 3.3V T3/E3 Framer and M13/E13/G.747 MUX FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Operates as M13 or E13 multiplexer or as standalone T3 or E3 framer Flexible multiplexer can be programmed for

    DS3112 M13/E13/G PDF


    Abstract: G747 GR-499-CORE LTCLK10 143b
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS3112 TEMPE Preliminary Data Sheet V3 September 1, 1999 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS3112 TEMPE T3 E3 MultiPlexEr 3.3V T3 / E3 Framer & T1 to T3 (M13) / E1 to E3 (E13) / E1 to T3 (G.747) Multiplexer Preliminary Data Sheet Version 3 September 1, 1999

    DS3112 DS3112 G747 GR-499-CORE LTCLK10 143b PDF


    Abstract: t2/e2 DS3112 DS3112N G747 GR-499-CORE GR-820-CORE e2 framer E19 LB2
    Text: PRELIMINARY DS3112 TEMPE T3 E3 Multiplexer 3.3V T3 / E3 Framer and M13/E13/G.747 MUX FEATURES FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Operates as M13 or E13 multiplexer or as stand alone T3 or E3 framer Flexible multiplexer can be programmed for multiple configurations including:

    DS3112 M13/E13/G HT 12E APPLICATION t2/e2 DS3112 DS3112N G747 GR-499-CORE GR-820-CORE e2 framer E19 LB2 PDF


    Abstract: MC68302 TP3076 TP3410 TP3420 TP3420A NSC TP3054 Q1/TP3054
    Text: July 1994 TP3420A ISDN S/T Interface Device General Description Features The TP3420A is an enhanced version of the TP3420, with a number of upgraded features for compliance with the new release of ANSI T1.605-1991 and CCITT I-430. At initial power-up the device is fully backwards compatible with the

    TP3420A TP3420A TP3420, I-430. TP3420 SC1H MC68302 TP3076 TP3410 NSC TP3054 Q1/TP3054 PDF


    Abstract: ANSI T1.102 1987 TDK 78P7200 78P2361 78P2362 78P7200 PE-65969 TDK 78P7200-IH mini equalizer
    Text: SSI 78P7200 ¿ é c o n s u s fe m E3/DS-3 Line Interface with Receive Equalizer s 'Company A TDK Group IC Preliminary Data December 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES Single chip transmit and receive interface for E3 34.368 Mblt/S or DS-3 (44.736 Mbit/S) applications

    OCR Scan
    78P7200 78P7200 0013ES7 TR-TSY-000499 ANSI T1.102 1987 TDK 78P7200 78P2361 78P2362 PE-65969 TDK 78P7200-IH mini equalizer PDF

    CPD 513

    Abstract: 6 pin pulse transformer 111 78P7200-IH KSS Crystals 78P2361 78P2362 78P7200 D012 TDK 78P7200-IH mini equalizer
    Text: SSI 78P7200 cw m s v s k m E3/DS-3 Line Interface with Receive Equalizer s ’ A TDK Group/Company Preliminary Data November 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 78P7200 is a line interface transceiver 1C intended lo r DS-3 44.736 Mbit/s and E3 (34.368 Mbit/s) applications. The receiver has a very wide

    OCR Scan
    78P7200 78P7200 CPD 513 6 pin pulse transformer 111 78P7200-IH KSS Crystals 78P2361 78P2362 D012 TDK 78P7200-IH mini equalizer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 78P7200 M m M t a n s E3/DS-3 Line Interface with Receive Equalizer ' A TDK Group/Company Preliminary Data December 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 78P7200 is a line interface transceiver 1C intended for DS-3 44.736 Mbit/s and E3 (34.368 Mbit/s) applications. The receiver has a very wide

    OCR Scan
    78P7200 78P7200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 78P7200 mmMbns' E3/DS-3 Line Interface with Receive Equalizer A TDK Group/Company Preliminary Data November 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 78P7200 is a line interface transceiver 1C intended for DS-3 44.736 Mbit/s and E3 (34.368 Mbit/s) applications. The receiver has a very wide

    OCR Scan
    78P7200 78P7200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRIORITY S e m i c o n d u c t o r Juty 1994 TP3404 Quad Digital Adapter for Subscriber Loops QDASL General Description Features The TP3404 is a combination 4-line transceiver for voice and data transmission on twisted pair subscriber loops, typtcaiy in PBX tine card app#cations. It is a companion device

    OCR Scan
    TP3404 TP3401/2/3 -24Q6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA O rde r th is d o c u m e n t from L o g ic M arke tin g S E M I C O N D U C T O R T E C H N IC A L DATA Advance Information M C1O O SX1230 C M I Coder/Decoder The MC100SX1230 device consists of a Binary to CMI Coder and CMI to Binary Decoder with integrated loop back capability. The device is

    OCR Scan
    MC100SX1230 00SX1 230/D MC100SX1230/D PDF

    TMs 1122 NL

    Abstract: GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR ed 7ca spectrum node receiver sn 8602 CMIP Common Management Information Protocol MS NAS DC standards parts cross reference satellite beacon receiver DDS 4 wire e&m on DS1 hybrid "User Datagram Protocol" ami 8025
    Text: P h ilip s S em iconductors Data Com m unications Products A cronym s Networking acronyms A AAL B ATM Adaptation Layer, two sublayers concerned with segmenting large PDUs into ATM cells; type 1 = CBR, 2 = VBR . See also SAR. B Bearer channel, a D S -0 for user trafrlc.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor Corporation T I Line Interface Features General Description • Provides Analog T1 Line Interface • Fully C om patible with C B 119, Publication 4 3 8 0 2 , & T R -T S Y -0 0 0 0 0 9 • Program m able Pulse-Shaping Line Driver • Performs D ata and Timing Recovery

    OCR Scan
    CS61544 CS61544 CS61544. S16544, CS2180A S61544 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¿Tsmæs&P ss M12 Device DS2/DS1 Mux/Demux TXC-03375 DATA SHEET Preliminary DESCRIPTION • Multiplexes fo u fD S l signals into one DS2 signal • Demultiplexes one DS2 signal into its four constituent DS1 signals • Fault tolerant: bridges two M12s - one main and

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03375 0001QA7 TXC-03375-MB M12-100 PDF