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    CP CLARE LCA110 Search Results

    CP CLARE LCA110 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: lca110 LCA110L LCA110 modem OptoMOS LCA100 LCA120 LCA125 LCA126 LCA710
    Text: CIRCUIT PRODUCTS Single Pole OptoMOS Relays CP Clare’s Single Pole OptoMOS® Relays devices are an integral part of Clare’s growing family of optical solid state switching devices. These single output devices offer a variety of solutions within the telecommunication,



    Abstract: LCA111E xca111l LCA111 PFA113A XCA110 PFA122A okita Aromat relays PFA141A
    Text: High-Voltage Solid State Relays Cross Reference† Aromat Matsushita Infineon Aromat (Matsushita) Infineon CP Clare Infineon AQV101 LH1517AT AQV414A LH1501AAB LCA142/E LH1510AT AQV101A LH1517AAB AQW214 LH1550AT1 LH1517AT LH1520AB LH1526AB LCA143 AQV102 LCA143E

    AQV101 LH1517AT AQV414A LH1501AAB LCA142/E LH1510AT AQV101A LH1517AAB AQW214 LH1550AT1 XCA111 LCA111E xca111l LCA111 PFA113A XCA110 PFA122A okita Aromat relays PFA141A PDF

    cp clare reed relay

    Abstract: ECG transistor replacement guide book free sip 1A05 12V 40W Fluorescent Lamp Driver circuit Diagram CP Clare Prme 15002 cp clare u prma 2a05 REED RELAY 15005 LSR2C05 CLARE REED RELAY PRMA 1a24 clare prme 15005
    Text: SECTIONS CP Clare Company Overview 1 Product Selection Guide 2 Advanced Magnetic Products 3 Circuit Products 4 Reed Relay Products 5 Switch and Sensor Products 6 Surge Protection Products 7 Glossary 8 Index by Part Number 9 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS


    relay cross reference

    Abstract: omron optocoupler Aromat relay 5 pin relay NO NC led cross reference OMRON RELAY Cross Reference OMRON 250v relay ac 11 pin CP Clare RELAY AQW216S omron optocoupler relay
    Text: January 1, 2000 Table of Contents Competitor Name Page Number Aromat CP Clare Infineon Siemens, AT&T NEC (CEL) 1 7 11 17 Cross Reference Guide Key E= Equivalent: No major differences exist between the competitor part number and the Omron equivalent. However, Omron recommends

    1/00/1M relay cross reference omron optocoupler Aromat relay 5 pin relay NO NC led cross reference OMRON RELAY Cross Reference OMRON 250v relay ac 11 pin CP Clare RELAY AQW216S omron optocoupler relay PDF


    Abstract: LCA110 CLARE
    Text: LCA110 Single Pole OptoMOS Relay Load Voltage Load Current Max RON LCA110 350 120 35 Description LCA110 is a 350V, 120mA, 35Ω 1-Form-A relay. It provides a perfect solution where high sensitivity is required. Units V mA Ω Features • Small 6 Pin DIP Package

    LCA110 LCA110 120mA, 3750VRMS E76270 BS7002 DS-LCA110-R7 LCA110 CLARE PDF

    LCA110 modem

    Abstract: LCA110 CP Clare lca110 BS7002 LCA110S LCA110STR
    Text: LCA110 Single Pole OptoMOS Relay Load Voltage Load Current Max RON LCA110 350 120 35 Description LCA110 is a 350V, 120mA, 35Ω 1-Form-A relay. It provides a perfect solution where high sensitivity is required. Units V mA Ω Features • Small 6 Pin DIP Package

    LCA110 LCA110 120mA, 3750VRMS E76270 BS7002 DS-LCA110-R7 LCA110 modem CP Clare lca110 LCA110S LCA110STR PDF

    CP CLARE relay

    Abstract: VIA VT 2021 gyrator impedance modem CP Clare lca110 circuits using CYG2020 RING DETECTOR power gyrator CYG2001 CYG2010 CYG2020
    Text: CYG20XX CybergateTM Description The CYG2000/2001/2010/2011/2020/2021/2030/2031 are Data Access Arrangement DAA modules featuring a 350V, 120mA, 15Ω relay used for hookswitch, optocoupler with minimum CTR of 33% for ring detection, and a low distortion transformer with 28.8kbps capabilities.

    CYG20XX YG2000/2001/2010/2011/2020/2021/2030/2031 120mA, DS-CYG20XX-R1 CP CLARE relay VIA VT 2021 gyrator impedance modem CP Clare lca110 circuits using CYG2020 RING DETECTOR power gyrator CYG2001 CYG2010 CYG2020 PDF

    LH1540 siemens

    Abstract: siemens relays siemens relay LH1540 equivalent LH1540 CLARE opto Relay LCA110 LCA110 CLARE LCA110 equivalent LH1546
    Text: Siemens Microelectronics, Inc. • Optoelectronics Division 19000 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014 www. Solid State Relays New Product Introduction LH1546 Now Available! Siemens announces a new Solid State Relay product– LH1546AT. It is now in production as a low-cost

    LH1546 LH1546AT. LH1540AT LCA110 LCA110L LH1540AT LH1546AT for110. LH1540 LH1540 siemens siemens relays siemens relay LH1540 equivalent CLARE opto Relay LCA110 CLARE LCA110 equivalent PDF

    gyrator impedance modem

    Abstract: CP Clare RELAY CYG2911 LCA110 LCA110 modem caller id
    Text: CYG2911 Cybergate Description The CYG2911 is a Data Access Arrangement DAA module providing a complete telephone line interface circuit in a small 1.07" x 1.07" x 0.4" plastic package. This module incorporates a circuit which signals HIGH when another

    CYG2911 CYG2911 DS-CYG2911-R1 gyrator impedance modem CP Clare RELAY LCA110 LCA110 modem caller id PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CYG20XX Cybergate TM Description The CYG2000/2001/2010/2011/2020/2021/2030/2031 are Data Access Arrangement DAA modules featuring a 350V, 120mA, 15Ω relay used for hookswitch, optocoupler with minimum CTR of 33% for ring detection, and a low distortion transformer with 28.8kbps capabilities.

    CYG20XX YG2000/2001/2010/2011/2020/2021/2030/2031 120mA, DS-CYG20XX-R1 PDF


    Abstract: ring detector CYG2000 CYG2011 CYG2001 CYG2010 CYG2021 CYG2030 CYG20XX 470 resistor
    Text: CYG20XX CybergateTM Description The CYG2000/2001/2010/2011/2020/2021/2030/2031 are Data Access Arrangement DAA modules featuring a 350V, 120mA, 15Ω relay used for hookswitch, optocoupler with minimum CTR of 33% for ring detection, and a low distortion transformer with 28.8kbps capabilities.

    CYG20XX YG2000/2001/2010/2011/2020/2021/2030/2031 120mA, DS-CYG20XX-R1 CYG2020 ring detector CYG2000 CYG2011 CYG2001 CYG2010 CYG2021 CYG2030 CYG20XX 470 resistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CIRCUIT PRODUCTS Single Pole OptoMOS Relays CP Clare’s Single Pole OptoMOS® Relays devices are an integral part of Clare’s growing family of optical solid state switching devices. These single output devices offer a variety of solutions within the telecommunication,

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    LCB120 LC8126 LCB127 PLA110 PLA140 PLA160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CIRCUIT PRODUCTS Single Pole OptoMOS Relays CP Clare’s Single Pole OptoMOS® Relays devices are an integral part of Clare’s growing family of optical solid state switching devices. These single output devices offer a variety of solutions within the telecommunication,

    OCR Scan
    QMA16Q PUW18 PLA140 PLA160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLARE CP Clare C P / SOLID CORPORATION STATE LbE T> m 2144^4 OOODnb 4 =^ • C PC L OptoMOS Solid State Products D ivision OptoMOS Solid State Switches 1 Form A Relays Specifications Output Characteristics @ 25 C Part Number PLA110 Contact Form 1 Form A 1 Form A 1 Form A 1 Form A 1 Form A 1 Form A

    OCR Scan
    PLA110 PLA140 PLA150 LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 LCA127 LCA710 OMA160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLARE CP Clare C P / SO L I D ST AT E CORPORATION bbE D • 2m4TGM GGOOnt, 4=^ « C P C L OptoMOS3 Solid State Products Division OptoMOS Solid State Switches 1 Form A Relays S p e c ific a tio n s O u tp u t C h a ra c te ris tic s @ 25 C Part Number PLA110

    OCR Scan
    10mSec PLA110 PLA140 PLA150 LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 LCA127 LCA710 OMA160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTES Reliability Electrostatic Discharge ESD CP Clare devices are electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive and it is necessary to take specific precautions in order to ensure protection from damage that may be induced by ESD. We follow all precautions identified in

    OCR Scan
    at125 1255C 1-800-CPCLARE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTES Reliability Electrostatic Discharge ESD CP Clare devices are electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive and it is necessary to take specific precautions in order to ensure protection from damage that may be induced by ESD. We follow all precautions identified in

    OCR Scan
    1-800-CPCLARE PPM5 PDF


    Abstract: 60N60 7726I PAA110 paa140 clare LCC110
    Text: CPClane OptoMOS C O R P O R A T I O N OptoMOS Solid State Switches DESCRIPTION Single or dual output OptoMOS solid state switches are part of CP Clare’s growing family of solid state switching devices Loads up to 400 volts AC or DC and currents up to 1 Amp . As replacements for form “A”/“B”/“C” or dual form

    OCR Scan
    170mA 2144T04 LBA110 60N60 7726I PAA110 paa140 clare LCC110 PDF


    Abstract: LCA110 modem 60N60 mosfet n60 OptoMOS PAA140 PAA150 BS415 BS7002 LCA120
    Text: CPClane OptoMOS C O R P O R A T I O N OptoMOS Solid State Switches DESCRIPTION Single or dual output OptoMOS solid state switches are part of CP Clare’s growing family of solid state switching devices Loads up to 400 volts AC or DC and currents up to 1 Amp . As replacements for form “A”/“B”/“C” or dual form

    OCR Scan
    2144T04 LCC110 LCA110 modem 60N60 mosfet n60 OptoMOS PAA140 PAA150 BS415 BS7002 LCA120 PDF


    Abstract: 1981-R 476 16q LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 LCB110 LCB120 OMA160 PLA110
    Text: OptoMOS Solid State Switches Engineering S pecifications LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 PLA110 LCB110 LCB120 XCA110 XCA120 OMA13Q O M A 160 O utput C haracteristics Contact Form A A A A B B A A A A Peak Blocking V 350 250 300 400 350 250 300 200 60 250 Continuous Rated Load (mA)

    OCR Scan
    LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 PLA110 LCB110 LCB120 XCA110 XCA120 OMA13Q OMA160 XCA110 1981-R 476 16q OMA160 PDF


    Abstract: 1981-R 476 16q CP QUICK CONNECT LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 LCB110 LCB120 OMA160
    Text: OptoMOS Solid State Switches Engineering S pecifications LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 PLA110 LCB110 LCB120 XCA110 XCA120 OMA13Q O M A 160 O utput C haracteristics Contact Form A A A A B B A A A A Peak Blocking V 350 250 300 400 350 250 300 200 60 250 Continuous Rated Load (mA)

    OCR Scan
    LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 PLA110 LCB110 LCB120 XCA110 XCA120 OMA13Q OMA160 xca110 1981-R 476 16q CP QUICK CONNECT OMA160 PDF

    cp clare reed relay

    Abstract: REED RELAY clare clare spark gap ring detector reed HG CP Clare RELAY
    Text: P R O D U C T IN F O R M A T IO N CYG20XX Series CPCIare C O R P O R A T I O N :t o ffe r in g A dvanced M agnetic Products C ircuits Products Modem Isolation Transformers Encapsulated Modem Isolation Transformers Surface Mount Modem Isolation Transformers

    OCR Scan
    CYG20XX ST-6/97 cp clare reed relay REED RELAY clare clare spark gap ring detector reed HG CP Clare RELAY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *r~ *• •- j* F, - ; OptoMOS Solid State Switches E ngineering Specifications LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 PLA110 C ontact Form A A A A B B LCB110 LCB120 X C A110 XCA120 OMA13Q O M A 160 A A A A O utput C haracteristics P eak Blocking V 350 250 300 400 350 250

    OCR Scan
    LCA110 LCA120 LCA125 PLA110 LCB110 LCB120 XCA120 OMA13Q XCA110 PDF

    CP Clare lca110

    Abstract: 4701 RESISTOR YG2021 1540Hz
    Text: CYBERGATE" CY G2000/C YG2001/CYG2010/CYG2011/C Y G2020/C YG2021/CYG2030/C Y G2031 DESCRIPTION The CYG2000/2001/2010/2011 /2020/2021/2030/2031 are Data Access Arrangemen t DAA modules featuring a 350V, 120mA, 15i2 relay used for hookswitch, optocoupler with minimum CTR of 33% fo r ring

    OCR Scan
    G2000/C YG2001/CYG2010/CYG2011/C G2020/C YG2021/CYG2030/C G2031 CYG2000/2001/2010/2011 120mA, 1-800-CPCLARE 0/CYG2011/CYG2020/CYG2021/CYG2030/CYG2031 CYG2000/CYG2001 CP Clare lca110 4701 RESISTOR YG2021 1540Hz PDF